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[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Yugi:Horray Beer!

Deedee:What is he talking about?

Yugi:Hooray Beer!

Koos:Hey Dee Dee!!!

Jill:Get away from her GHOST!!!

Koos:Can't hurt me!


Koos:Cuz,you will get shot back.

Ed:Why can't I get in my pants?


Eddy:I could get millions if i find Joey,where is Joey?

Ed:He is sawin logs,little dicken.



Joey:I beat Kaiba.

Kaiba:What is the monkey talking about?

Joey:I am no MONKEY hear!!

4:01 PM 09/09/2002

Kaiba:Hey,it is time to duel!

Donald Duck:Hee,time to GET CRAP E.

Goofy:Ha ha ha.He said Crap E.

Yugi:Lets duel Kaiba!

Yugi:Dark Magician,Summoned Skull,Gaia the Feirce Knight,and Curse of Dragon,what should
I use?

Yugi:Curse of Dragon!In Atack mode.

Kaiba:Cursive Dragon,he will die for my Judge Man!!!

Yugi:You forgot,wind creatures are immune to Warriors who atack ground.

Yugi:For that,the Dark Magician will take care of this mess.

Yugi:Dark Magician!Atack Judge Man!!!

Kaiba LP:1700

Kaiba:Now!Smearsh.The Curse of Dragon with My Rude Kaiser with Invigoration!

Yugi:Did you forget!!!

Kaiba:That Dark Magician.


Kaiba discards his hand,and draws a new one.

Kaiba:Whew!I will kill you with the Saint Dragon!!!I have four cards in my hand so 4000,and i will
use nothing else.


Ed:I have the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

Kaiba:I will atack your Dark Magician!

Yugi:500 Life points!

Yugi:I have Rageki,it will kill your monsters on the feild!

Edd:Alright Yugi!!!

Yugi:I will put the Curse of Dragon and Mystical Elf in defense mode.

Yugi:I recover my life points by 500.

Kaiba:That elf,I will use my god card on her to burn her face.

Kaiba:I have 3 cards in my hand.

Kaiba:Saint Dragon,Megatron Thunder Atack!!!

Yugi:My Cursive Dragon!!!

Yugi:Big Sheild Gardna,a card 2500 or under atacking will lose life points.

Yugi:So drakes energy powers him up by 1000 defense points and 1200 atack points.
A 1500

Yugi:And now,Sword and Sheild.powering him up 3600 atack points
and defense points power down.



Kaiba :No!!!Where did he get Sheild and sword,!!!I have 2 cards in my hand.

Saint Dragon is 2000

Yugi:Time to Terminnate with Mini Sword!!!

Contructed 5:08 PM 09/09/2002