Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A Girl Called Lime ❯ After School Reunion ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN: This is the second part, sorry for the wait. I had this all written out at the beginning of the week, but had no internet connection, so I was unable to post it. Thank you to all those who reviewed. Believe it or not reviews really help me to write. I hope to have the next part down by the end of the week, though no guarantees. Of course Reviews will certainly speed up the process.

Disclaimer: Again? Uh, alright, ummm..."booga booga" said the bad men.

A Girl Called Lime

Part 2: After school reunion

By Frostbite

"So, what are we doing today?"

Two heads turned towards the source of the questions, one not as pleased as the other.

"Same as usual, we go home! " responded Videl as she slammed shut the door of her locker, seemingly annoyed with the question, and its originator. The three were standing at her locker, and school had just ended.

"Aww, but that's so boring, I don't wanna go home, lets do something" whined Sharpener, not sure as to why Videl was annoyed with him.

"Oh dear, I can't, I've got to go home" Exclaimed Erasa in a distressed manner.

"No problem, I guess it'll be just me and Videl." Sharpener grinned, putting him arm around Videl's shoulder.

"Umm, No, " responded Videl, gently removing his arm, "I already have plans"

"Really, what are they?"

"I don't really think that's any of your business!"

"Oooo, she must have a date!!"

"I do not!"

"Who is he?"

"There is no he"

"But Videl what about us?"

"There is no us Sharpener, there never was!"

"Is he cute? Do we know him?"

"There is no he!!!" Videl was feeling somewhat stressed. She was being questioned by two people at the same time! So when she saw Gohan walking by, she took the opportunity to escape.

"Oh Gohan, wait up, sorry guys, as I said, I have plans"

"Ooo, Videl is-

"No Erasa it isn't a date!" Videl interrupted before the question could be asked, as she turned to chase after Gohan.

"Gohan," she breathed as she caught up to him " you're my hero" she laughed and smiled at him gratefully.

Gohan blushed slightly, he'd heard it many times before as Saiyaman, but it seemed different coming from Videl. "Uhh, no problem, I'll remind you of that next time I do something wrong."

"So heading for the tree?"

"Uhh, yeah, that's the thing Videl, see I don't think you should-

"Don't try to talk me out of coming Gohan!! I thought you'd be above all that male pride thing. What's wrong with having friends who can fight?"

Gohan smiled weakly, thinking of the many things that were wrong with having friends that could fight. It meant that you always ended up having to save the world, that trouble followed you every where, and that one of you always ended up dead. Lots of things were wrong with it, if only Videl knew.

"Now let's get this over with"

He wasn't quite sure what was Videl eager to get over with, but had accepted the fact that he would not be able to talk her out of it.

"Sure" he responded in a downtrodden manner.

They arrived outside to find - much to Videl's confusion - a girl sitting under the tree. She sat up at their approach, obviously puzzled too.

"Hi" She greeted them looking from Gohan to Videl in confusion.

"Oh, are you…the one who wrote…" Videl suddenly realized what Gohan had been trying to tell her, and blushed profusely. "I'm sorry, this was a misunderstanding, I'll leave you two alone" She began to walk away quickly.

"No wait, Videl come back" Gohan surprised even himself, by calling her back. "You can stay, we don't mind, right?" he said turning to the other girl.

Lime had really been hoping to talk to Gohan on her own. But he obviously wanted this girl to stay, and she couldn't be rude, so she replied "Sure" trying to keep the disappointment out of her voice.

There was a pause in the conversation, which left all of them feeling uncomfortable.

"Uhh, so what had you wanted to talk about?"

"Oh yeah, sorry I almost forgot. Well Gohan, would it surprise you to know that I've met you before?"

"You have?" Gohan asked, sounding panicked. He should have paid more attention this morning when the teacher said her name. What if she knew him from childhood, or knew something about how different he was. He suddenly wished he hadn't called Videl back.

"Yup, don't you recognize me?" Lime had expected this; after all she had changed a lot.

"Uhh well….

She smirked, and then said, " Well I met you about seven years ago"

Now if Gohan had been thinking straight he would have realized it was Lime. But he was currently busy panicking, because this girl knew him from the Cell era.

"Well then here's a clue." she said inhaling suddenly as if preparing to scream.

Gohan's eyes widened in shock at the familiar gesture.

"CEE-" Her yell was cut off abruptly when, suddenly Gohan was behind her, his hand clamped over her mouth. He had moved so quickly that it had almost seemed as if he had disappeared and then reappeared right behind her.

"Don't do THAT!" he exclaimed, slightly panicky, his mouth right at her ear, still holding her tight.

She grunted at him trying to convey that she wished to be released. He did so reluctantly, and slowly. She giggled as soon as she was free.

"So recognize me now?"

He grinned despite himself. "Who else would go around scarring people like that?"

"Hhmmph," she said pretending to pout, "I only used it for good."

"Is that so? You must have a really loose definition of 'good' then"

They grinned at each other momentarily, until Videl, who didn't enjoy being out of the loop, intruded.

"Hey, what's going on here?"

"Oh, sorry, that was rude of us" exclaimed Lime apologetically, "Gohan and I met when we were young. He saved me from drowning."

"And then she called me a pervert!"

"Yeah well, I was young and stupid, and you have to admit, that wasn't the best way to pick me up."

"You didn't drown, isn't that all that matters? Talk about picky!"

They laughed again, seemingly at an inside joke. Lime sat down and Gohan copied the motion, leaving Videl standing. She almost protested and then followed suit, feeling like the proverbial third wheel.

"Things sure have changed, haven't they?"

"Yeah, you looked different, older."

"Well I should hope so, I'm not immune to the affects of time you know!"

He grinned, happy to see her, but not sure why.

"You look older yourself"

"Yeah" he laughed sheepishly, slightly embarrassed at the attention.

"Wow, things change so much, so quickly it seems, like for instances, now I could actually call you a pervert and be justified."

Gohan blushed at her statement, wanting to say something like, "I hadn't noticed". But the truth was he had. Now he had difficulty meeting her eyes.

Videl looked at the two suspiciously, not quite sure what lime had implied to make Gohan blush. It almost seemed as if Lime was flirting with him. As their conversation progressed, it became almost painful for her to watch; though she had no idea why.

"Uhh, I've got to go," she said, standing up shakily.

"Oh," Gohan began to get up with her when Lime held him back.

"We can keep talking can't we?"

He looked up at Videl, silently asking. She looked down at him and saw that he was willing to get up if she wanted him too. That would have cheered her up, if it weren't for the fact that she could also see that he was hoping she wouldn't want him too.

"Oh don't mind me, I'll see you two tomorrow."

"Alright then, see ya Videl"

"Yes, see you tomorrow Videl"


As she walked away it began to rain, encompassing her mood perfectly.

Strangely enough, Erasa had been right. Stranger still, she actually cared.


Last part was referring to something Erasa said in the first Chapter.

In this I made quite a few references to the actual Lime episode. If you haven't seen it, then you may not get some of it. If this is the case, then just review and say so. That way in the next part I'll be sure to explain it.

Now, review!