Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A Saiyan's Anger ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

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Chapter One

Trunks sat outside, staring at the sky for nearly over an hour. He couldn't quite get over the thought that his mother made him president of Capsule Corp. He sighed alittle trying to forget about the thought of him wearing an ugly suit. He looked up at the sky once again and knew it was his only solitude, it was like his paradise. But that didn't last long, as he saw his mother walk out to him. With a big smile on her face Bulma looked at Trunks.

"Hey Trunks, i've decided not to make you president of Capsule Corp, instead i told Bra that she can take the job, and when your ready, you'll claim it later on." Trunks nodded his head and smirked. "Mother i was wondering, is father inside." He asked getting his hopes up.

"No, he left this morning to train with Goku, why." Bulma asked quizzically. "No matter." He said quickly shrugging his shoulders, trying to ignore her eyes that burned into him. "Well." Bulma said sighing. "If you get hungry, you can come inside and have something to eat, ok." She said before walking away and entering the house. Trunks thought for alittle while, happy that he didn't have to be president, and have to work with all the annoying little humans that flooded all of Capsule Corp. Seconds later he stood from the grass and looked back, his mother was happily talking on the phone, so he jumped off the ground and flew off into the air towards his father's ki.

(I could do with a good spar myself). He thought flying faster each second. As he neared Capsule Corp he could sense his father and Goku, but there was another ki he wasn't familiar with. (Who could this person be, the power is tremendously equal to mine). He thought alittle stunned.

He landed in front of the two who had just finished there sparring session, and walked up to them. He smiled alittle towards Goku, then scowled when he looked at his father. "Hey Trunks, what's up." Goku asked smiling in his goofy way. "I wanted to spar with my father, but i guess he's too occupied." Trunks said crossing his arms over his chest angrilly.

"No worries Trunks, i know who you could spar with." Trunks raised an eye-brow and watched as Goku took a deep breathe. "PAN." He screamed turning alittle purple.

Trunks looked in the sky and peered closer as he saw a black cloud with a girl standing on it, flying into his direction. He continued to watch until she jumped off the cloud and flipped onto the ground. "What is it now gramps." She snapped standing straight and glaring at Goku. Trunks was amused at Goku's hesitation, he was sweating and was out of words.

"Umm......Pan....do you want to spar with Trunks...." He said innocently. When Pan turned her eyes to Trunks, Goku heaved a big sigh and watched the two stare at eachother. "Do i know you." Pan asked eyeing down Trunks. Trunks only growled and continued to glare at her. Two minutes later Goku had to stand in front of the two to get there attention.

"Hey you guys, you wanna spar, or kill eachother." Goku asked in a joke sort of way. "I'll take the second option." Pan hissed standing in a fighting stance. "I'm in." Trunks replied also standing in his famous Vegeta fighting stance. "Let's see how you fight girl." Trunks said before launching himself at Pan. Pan saw this coming and jumped off from the ground, which caught Trunks alittle off guard.

As he went to look up she was gone. Suddenly Trunks fell to the ground on one knee, holding his stomach. Looking up slowly he saw her, arms crossed, legs barely apart, and with a very proud smirk, that he was going to wipe off shortly. Wanting to beat the crap out of her he was put to a dead stop. Growling loudly he turned around to confront his father.

"BOY, save it, you will spar with Kakkarot, until i'm finished with the girl." He simply said challenging the girl who was ready for anything. Trunks snorted and walked away from the embarassing scene that just happened to him. (I'll beat you down like a fly, you worthless thing of a Saiyan). He thought.