Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Akki no Onna ❯ OI! More random Scariness.... Vegeta's gone insane; ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Please bear with me for this chapter. I don't know how I could explain this in the actual chapter so this is what's going on with the time chamber:


Sorry it's so confusing;

And thank Shanchan for this chapter- she's the one whom gave me the V/P idea. I didn't do it exactly as she planned…. So I think I might do a one-shot for her or something as she wanted it ^^ But it's her idea. Sorta.


"I'll tell you one more time Gokou and that's it- don't act like you know everything or say things just to piss me off when they're not even true!" Akki glared at the older man. "There's no way you could know if something like that happened or even would happen."

"Of course there's a way," Gokou rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't expect you to know it, but there's a way. And you can ask them- Gotenks, isn't it true that Goten and Trunks are lovers?"


"Gotenks," Akki turned now to the figure, staring at him imploringly. "Prove the bastard wrong- of course Goten wouldn't cheat on me."


"Tell her the truth brother," Bura smirked evilly. "Tell her everything!"

Gotenks opened his mouth to say something, but astounded by Bura's tone and harsh words closed it abruptly. How could he say anything in this situation? If he told the truth then Akki would be not only heartbroken but completely defenseless, but if he called the duo liars then she would find out eventually and hate him even more. But it would be better for him to lie to her now even if she would never speak to him again then if she were to die here today because of his mistakes…

"Gotenks?" Akki asked, suddenly a bit unsure of what was going on, and then there was a flash of understanding. For a moment all was silent on the battlefield and she stared at the ground, her expression hidden, and then she looked up and smiled.


"Brat….Pan. Come here," Vegeta said, smirking at the six year old. They had been in the time chamber for a few months now, and he had debated his situation thoroughly, deciding on exactly the best plan for revenge. It started with Pan and ended with Pan.

All of Kakkarrot's actions will be atoned for. Vegeta, Prince of the Saiyans, would see to that. Personally.

"Yes Vegeta-Sensei?" She asked innocently. As innocent as Bura was….as pure.


"It's okay," Akki said cheerfully. "Goten….if you can hear me- I got my memories back. I am Pan….So what you did was fine. It's impossible for an Uncle to love his niece like that….so. It's fine. I understand completely."

"It's fine?" Bura asked, surprised. "But you love him. How is that `fine?'"

"Please don't pry into my mind," Akki said softly. Threateningly. "Even though you're my sister, it's unacceptable. I don't read your mind, do I?"

"You wouldn't be able to," Bura smirked. "Kakkarrot and I are on a different mind length entirely- alls you would hear is what I'd want you to hear."


"What do you want me to do sensei?" Pan asked again. This wasn't like Vegeta. At least it wasn't like the Vegeta he had allowed her to know. He never needed anything to be repeated- his own words or otherwise. He heard everything, knew everything, saw everything. What was wrong?

"Undress." His face was emotionless- a blank mask.

"NANI?!" She shouted, more surprised then appalled. She searched his dark eyes- the one point she always found that held emotions in him in which she could read somehow so easily- the one thing that she could count on to always be open for her disposal. They were blank. Lifeless. It was as if this wasn't Vegeta- that somehow someone had created a perfect replica and planted him there to spout this one word order that could not possibly make sense no matter what he was thinking. Undress? For what end?


"I thought that you would be a bit more upset about your brother and boyfriend cheating on you," Gokou said, raising an eyebrow. "Since you're trying to hide your real feelings and delay rather then entertain me, I'm afraid it's time to finish you off."

"After all we don't want to have to fight you, the purple haired freak, Vegeta, AND Pan all at the same time," Bura laughed and flipped her hair. "It's much more fun when we have only two opponents- there's more time to torture you."

"As if little Bura-Chan could finish us off," Gotenks laughed. "She's never lifted even a finger to fight before."

"That's not true- I've trained her a few times," Akki shook her head at her cocky partner. She had met with Gotenks before. When she had first appeared in this time in fact. Buu was on the rampage and Piccolo forced them to learn the technique. When she had returned to Earth with Gohan, the two of them had a long talk evolving her fist in his gut. To say the least she had never really cared for this arrogant male, and he seemed to return her affections. She continued dryly, "Besides haven't you heard? When you bond with a Saiyan, both power levels are combined and shared. I mean achieving Level 4 can't just be an empty title, can it?"

"I'm beginning to see why I've always disliked you," Gotenks gritted his teeth. "You're so…."

"So what?" Bura giggled, clapping her hands gleefully. "Oh, do tell!"

"I don't think there's a word in the dictionary that can describe….her," Gotenks frowned at the little girl.

"Then perhaps you should actually attempt to look at one for once in your life. You may be surprised," Akki said and smacked him on the back of his head. He growled at her, but gave her his full attention. "Stop being an idiot and either actually work with me to defeat these two atrocities or leave."

"That's my little sister that you just insulted," Gotenks frowned over Bura's indignant snorts of laughter.


"You heard me- take them all off."


"She couldn't actually beat us anyway," Gotenks smiled at this seemingly ludicrous idea.

"I don't think it's going to be just her whom beats us," Akki said, nodding towards Gokou, who had crouched down into his fighting position unceremoniously.


"But…why?" Pan asked, trying to delay what she knew she was helpless to stop. She was completely at his mercy.

"Kakkarrot bonded with my brat- I'm returning the favor," Vegeta said calmly- as if this didn't mean anything. But the girl in front of him understood and cringed, clutching her clothes to her without thought.


"You mean they'll both be Super Saiyan 4?" Gotenks asked, seriously shocked. Akki felt like banging her head on the ground. Had he thought that it was just some trick- did he not even bother to read the two others' power levels to realize that they were going to have serious problems in delaying the duo for two days longer?

"Yes," She gritted her teeth.

"We're going to die," he moaned. Akki felt like slapping him. She would sacrifice herself for this planet if it would buy any time but it wouldn't- what annoyed her was the fact that she knew that Gotenks wasn't willing to.


"But I haven't done anything to you!" Pan shouted, tears filling her eyes. "I haven't done anything!"

"And you think Bura did anything to Kakkarrot?" Vegeta drawled calmly advancing towards the frightened girl. This must have been how Bura felt….how she acted. And he was like Kakkarott- advancing on the innocent girl calmly- probably smirking. He probably had a good time doing this to his poor defenseless princess.

"No. But two wrongs don't make a right!" Pan cried, suddenly realizing that she was caught. There was no where she could go or hide- they were in the middle of the vast emptiness. So far out that they couldn't even see the entrance to the chamber. Couldn't see the massive building. She wouldn't make it back. She couldn't go any further forward. She was so exhausted from her training that she didn't think she could even fight back- though she knew that it didn't matter since she wasn't strong enough to hurt him anyway.

"Don't quote to me foolish Earthling doctrine!" Vegeta snarled. "I'm bonding with you and it'll only hurt more if you struggle so take your clothes off and sit down on the ground! Aren't you happy to bond with me? You're lucky brat- you'll be a princess of a proud race."


"No," Akki shook her head. They wouldn't die anyway. At least not right away. By the end of the two days they might feel like dying, but that was a different point entirely. There was still something they could do if they were in any real trouble, though it would leave them all exhausted. And there were a few others she could think of that would slow the duo down considerably. "I see a way out of this, but I don't like it. We need to focus on buying time and-."

"Just tell me the idea!" Gotenks said, panicking.

"We fuse."

"What?" Gotenks shouted in surprise. "Is that even possible?"

"Yes, but there's a problem with that," Akki sighed, annoyed that both males had paid more attention to females after puberty then Piccolo's lectures on strategies.

"What?" Gotenks asked, after surveying the two fighters in front of him he suddenly realized that he was willing to do almost anything Akki suggested. She saw this and wasn't amused.

"We're supposed to be buying two days worth of time. You should unfuse and we have to try to hold out without fusing for as long as possible. We'll be totally defenseless after that half an hour."


Pan knew better then to protest further. This was Vegeta. The man whom everyone had feared more then anything the first time his name was even mentioned. The man whom her grandfather had to struggle for hours on end just to stay alive and fight on. The man who had become her sensei. And she couldn't fight him. He was too strong.


About the fusion with Gotenks and Akki- I'm not sure if I thought of it first or somebody else did (don't remember sorries -.-;). But….I suppose I'll just assume that someone else did think of it first- so thanks whoever (pluralize?) you (people) are.;;;;;


