Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Akki no Onna ❯ The Ceremony Part 2 ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Gomen minna- I don't know what's wrong with me- I got stuck in this chapter and I think I randomly have writer's block cuz everything I write is ten times worse then usual T.T;;; So… I'm trying;


Pan, translucent ceremonial gowns swishing behind her, sat in the place Piccolo ushered her to, following Dende's example of sitting on his legs, as if he were at a tea ceremony, without thinking. She waited expectantly, knowing that the two Nameks would tell her what to do when they were ready, and they were slightly confused at this unexpected silence. Finally Dende cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry Piccolo-san, but if you would please step out of the room?" After a slight pause Piccolo nodded and left. Dende bowed his head courteously to Pan and then looked up, his normally soft eyes staring fiercely into her own. She didn't move a muscle, simply staring back. He smiled. "There's no reason to initiate you as guardian except when viewing the fact that you've been trained in the gaurdian's art's and your skills are needed. That is the reason why it is extremely important for you to pass this test. I must warn you- if you fail then you will be punished with more then just shame. I hope you did practice with Vegeta."

Now Pan looked away. There wasn't really any way she COULD have practice with Vegeta, considering the bonding. But no one had to know that….not until Vegeta admits to it at least. He's never even talked to her about it. Never explained….

"Are you ready?" Dende asked.

Pan licked her lips and nodded, "For anything."

"Then follow me," Dende bowed his head again, but this time he didn't look up. Pan blinked in surprise. Follow him? But he wasn't even moving! And then she understood- follow him into his mind. How pathetically stupid could she be?

Smirking, she bowed her own head, knowing that whatever "test" this was, it would prove to be an interesting challenge.


"Mr Vegeta sir," Popo reached a tentative arm towards the other man, but stopped midway through the action, remembering actually WHOM he was considering touching. "Where are you going?"

Vegeta snorted, "Where do you think you baka? This is taking too long."

"You're just going to leave like that?" Popo asked. Vegeta stared at him, incredulous. "I….I mean- aren't you going to leave a message for Miss Pan?"

"Why? You're wasting my time!"

"Won't she worry if she comes out and finds that you aren't here?" He tried again.

"No," Vegeta growled dangerously. There was a brief silence and then, "Tell the onna to meet me on the battlefield."

With a snort of a mixture of disdain and amusement, Vegeta turned away from Popo and with a burst of speed was gone- heading towards the scene he had long awaited, anxious to initiate the second phase of his plan.

On the lookout, Popo watched as the impatient Saiyan flew away, studying the amazing speed for a brief moment before smiling to himself, nod, and turn back towards the ceremonial chambers. The long awaited moment was almost upon them.


Gotenki twisted through the air, his long black hair drifting behind him. He laughed as he watched the other man attempt to hit him in vain- he was just that fast. Of course there was still the small fact that if Gokou DID managed to hit him, he would loose this battle completely. Speed was something he had gained during the fusion, but strength he had not. All three fighters that had fused had been too weak….are too weak. He wouldn't be able to keep this up for much longer.

Both fighters understood this, so when Gokou fell back, landing on the ground a few feet away, it was him not Gotenki, that was smirking in victory. Licking his lips, the boy crouched down in ready position and charged, only to faze out a mere inch from contact to behind the other fighter. Gokou had been expecting this move and threw a calculated punch towards the boy, but Gotenki was already gone- flitting sideways to land on the ground, only to propel off of it again and continue his attack.

Gokou frowned and closed his eyes. Surprised, Gotenki hesitated for a second, and Gokou took this momentary lapse to his advantage and fazed out, fazing in behind the boy and knocking him, with all his strength, to the ground.

Gotenki plummeted downwards, darkness tingeing his vision, wondering if after all of his hard work this was the end- that there had really been no point in fusing- they would die anyway and hadn't bought nearly enough time for Pan and Vegeta. He felt himself impact with something hard and then there was darkness.


"Let me explain this test before we begin," Dende said. Pan had found him standing in the middle of a ring that was lifted a few feet in the air. She had jumped onto it and met him in the center, crossing her arms and simply waiting for whatever this was to begin. "You're, as you know, in my mind right now."

She nodded.

"That means that I have complete control over everything here- including you," To demonstrate his point, Dende lifted his arm and to Pan's amazement she felt her own arm make the same motion on seemingly it's own accord. "Everything that I can think of is real here. I know that's basically common sense, but it's really important that you understand all of this."

"So what am I supposed to do in Grandpa's mind?" She asked. "I mean- can't his evil self get in too?"

"Yes- he's already there. He IS part of Gokou," Dende nodded. "But don't worry about understanding that. Concentrate on this for the moment- there is a way to fight a person when you're in his mind."

"Which is?"

"Has anyone every explained to you how genetics works- or fusion for that matter?" Dende asked and Pan shook her head. "It's all about dominant and recessive genes- or traits. When you fuse with someone you become another person entirely, created from all of the dominant traits of both beings."

Pan nodded a bit uncertainly, not understanding his point.

"It's a little like that when you're in someone else's mind," Dende said. "The only difference is that the being whose mind you are in is automatically more dominant then yours unless in special cases."

"Special cases?" Pan repeated.

"We chose you because you are the special case," Dende said slowly. She blinked at him, not understanding. "The Nameks have naturally dominant minds even when they're in someone else's. That's part of the reason why we make the perfect guardians. You, like a Namek, also have this gift."

"How do you know that?" Pan asked suspiciously.

"Because I can't read your mind even when you're in mine," Dende said and Pan blinked. "Any more questions before we begin?"

"Begin?" Pan asked.

"The test," Dende smiled. "You've competed in the tournament before?"

She nodded.

"The rules are precisely alike," Dende smiled.

"But…" Pan stared at him quizzically.

"Normally I would not even be able to begin to measure up to your power," Dende smiled. "But I regret to say that even if you are able to win this match, your real task will be much harder."

For a moment Pan stood there, trying to decipher everything that Dende had just said and then she smiled, "This shouldn't take long."

Dende's smile widened, tempted to laugh at her. "We'll see."

Pan frowned. Did he actually think that he could match her in power? She studied his small lean body which seemingly held no strength at all. His eyes were laughing at her- taunting her. She gritted her teeth, wanting to smash that look out of them.

"We'll begin now," He said. She nodded slowly, still calculating him. Just to be safe she wanted to let him have the first move, but he wasn't moving. This annoyed her to no end because his whole stance and attitude seemed arrogant….no. Not arrogant. Just that he knew that she was at a severe disadvantage. Which was, of course, was even worse….

She frowned, and then impatience got the better of her and she charged, only to find herself being flung backwards towards the edge of the ring. Starting, she automatically felt her mind struggle with the hold that Dende had on her, and was luckily able to break free and flip over, landing a mere centimeter away from the edge. So this was how it was going to be, she frowned at him again and straightened. Well two can play this game.


Vegeta frowned at the fusion he had just caught. So she had tried a triple….interesting- he hadn't even thought it was possible. Had she come up with the idea herself? That would mean that she didn't know what the side effects would be….or how long this fusion would last. Or….anything for that matter. Obviously she had saved it for a last resort- how harsh had the battle gotten for her to do this?

"Vegeta!" He looked up at his rival, recognizing the gleeful voice. He dropped the fusion uncaringly, and floated up to meet the man, who proved time and time again to be his better, eye to eye.

"Kakkarot," He said evenly. His eyes flickered to the blue haired Princess floating next to the other man. So this was the Saiyan Kakkarott would be if he were pure evil….he would do these things without a thought. Of course Vegeta had done far worse in his lifetime, but why was this happening now? Why couldn't he have found this baka like this in the beginning? Things would be so much simpler….he wouldn't owe as much. "It is time to collect your dues."

Vegeta closed his eyes, took in a deep breath, and then abruptly opened them, instantaneously Super Saiyan Level 4. Gokou barely had time to register surprise as Vegeta raced towards him, slamming his fist into the taller man's face and then turning to the blue haired angel, collecting ki at his fingertips and blasting her with all the strength he could muster in such a short period of time.

He trembled as he heard her shriek of rage and pain, watching her body disintegrate before his eyes, before falling to the ground, retuning to his normal state like a wounded animal, though he had been the one who had dealt the last two blows. In the air, Kakkarott howled in the same frenzy that Bura had experienced a split second before, clutching at himself as if this would help any. He fell to the ground, tearing at his muscular arms, trying to claw his way to the wound that seemed to strike him from inside rather then out. For the moment both figures were crouched on all fours experiencing their own worlds of pains. And then Vegeta straightened, flashing Level 4 once again, and walked stoutly over to the younger man.

"What have you done?" Gokou asked, glaring up at his old foe. He began to rock back and forth in silent anguish. "What have you done? You killed her. You killed her you fool! You killed your own daughter! What have you done? Murderer! You killed her!"

On and on his accusations went, until Vegeta's cool laughter erupted through the endless rant, "Of course I killed her- how else could I fix what you've done? A bond is only broken through death- she'll be of you now, but you'll always feel the lose. Nothing will fill that deep empty place that's tearing up your insides right now. Nothing!"

"But she's dead- you killed her!" Gokou said, his voice stricken.

Vegeta snorted, "Look at you- so pathetic without my weakling brat." He kicked the other man, and as if to illustrate his point, Gokou fell over, twitching in pain. "If you're in such a pitiful shape then we might not even need Pan. What a waste."

"Bura! Where's Bura!" Gokou cried, grabbing onto Vegeta's boot. Disgusted, Vegeta kicked him away, and then strangely enough he found himself flying through the air. Landing easily on his feet, he turned slowly, anger stifling him, and stared in surprise at the heavily breathing figure.

"Pan?" He questioned, but no….that couldn't be Pan. Pan was wearing different clothes….wasn't she? Wait….Akki?

"What have you done father?" She asked angrily, jabbing her finger at Gokou. "What have you done to Bura?"

"I killed her," Vegeta stated calmly. Disbelief clouded the girl's face. "I had to- when you wish her back with the Dragon Balls she'll be perfectly fine- and won't be bonded with that baka over there."

"But there are no Dragon Balls!" Akki said, her voice filled with almost the same degree of anguish as the crumpled man beside her. "What have you done?!"

"It's was the only way to nullify a bond," Vegeta frowned. "And there's different Dragon Balls, and other ways to bring a person back to life. It's only immortality that makes those balls of yours an exclusive prize."

Akki seemed a bit calmer after hearing this, "But what about Gokou?"

"What about him?" Vegeta raised an uncaring eyebrow. "He brought it upon himself."

"He has no control over his actions!" Akki said angrily. "What will happen when we get him back to normal?"

"I don't know," He shrugged. "It doesn't matter."


Pan smirked at the Namek, finally getting the hang of this….well whatever this was called. It had taken her a lot longer then she expected, but she was finally able to control Dende's mind and body with ease. She laughed at him, as he charged at her, slamming her body into his along with her mind- he was no match for her and he flew backwards, towards the edge of the ring. Only one more hit….she smirked to herself as she used her will power to bind the small god, and with a powerful kick sent him out of the ring and crashing to the ground. Triumphant at last, she grinned and jumped off of the platform, helping him to his feet.

"You've done better then I had ever hoped to expect," Dende smiled. "You're ready….at least as ready as I can prepare for you to be at the moment."

Pan nodded, suddenly solemn. That's right- she still had a long fight left, and like the Namek she wasn't quite certain whether she could succeed.

"You'll do fine," Dende smiled, clapping her on the shoulder. "Now go….hurry!"

She nodded and then left, returning to her body with a growing dread, and charged out of the ceremonial chambers without hesitation, her eyes searching for Vegeta's familiar figure.

"He says to meet him on the battlefield," A voice spoke up and Pan whirled around to find Mr. Popo. Smiling in thanks, she surged into Super Saiyan Level 3 (she still hadn't quite reached four yet) and flew as fast as she could to the battlefield below.

There she was immediately met with a bewildering sight. Akki was standing over Gokou, making desperate hand motions towards an annoyed Vegeta, while her grandfather was rocking back and forth….in pain? What the hell is going on? She landed in-between Akki and Vegeta, voicing her question out loud, "What's going on?"

"HE just killed Bura!" Akki gritted her teeth. "And he acted like it was nothing!"

"You what?!" Pan turned to Vegeta, flabbergasted.

"Close your mouth girl- as I explained to my brat- it was necessary," Vegeta frowned, his arms crossed. "I will not put up with her being bonded to that baka! I refuse! When she comes back she'll be perfectly fine!"

Pan was silent; Akki was shaking in rage. Two opposite reactions- two different people. Or perhaps it was because Pan was reflecting on the fact that Vegeta didn't seem to care that she was bonded to him while he cared that Bura was bonded to her Grandpa. Would he have killed her if the situation was reversed?

"Sometimes you two are even worse bakas' then he is!" Vegeta said angrily. "Get moving onna!"

Pan frowned at him- why had this man bonded with her? She had thought it was for revenge- or to make it even. It had made sense at the time, after all Grandpa HAD bonded with Bura….but….if he was just going to kill Bura anyway and then everything would be better- then why go to the trouble bonding with HER?

"Holy shit!" Akki started, Pan turned, blushing when she realized that the other girl was now looking her incredulously up and down. "You tested Mom's Time Warper? Have you people gone completely insane?! How many years?"

"Twelve," Vegeta said, shrugging it off.

"Do you know how unstable that thing is?" Akki shook her head at them. "Twelve years. Dende. That would make you older then me Pan- what would it be, 18?"

"Yeah, a year older then you," Pan snorted at the irony.

"One year less and we could've said we were twins," Akki said, more amused by this situation then anything else. Of course it was slightly disturbing to see someone that resembled you perfectly standing right next to you….but that was a different story.

"Yeah," Pan said sourly. It had been so long since she had seen her old source of anguish….so long that she had almost completely forgotten the old pain….hadn't even thought of the fact that she was now older then Akki- the same age as Goten. Her uncle. So much had changed….and her perspective of life was completely different now versus before.

"Pan," Akki nudged her double's shoulder. "Do you have a way to bring Gokou back?"

"Grandpa," Pan corrected her absentmindedly, not even noticing the other girl's shudder, as she walked over to the suffering man. That was right….this task had been given to her by Dende and Piccolo- they trusted her to end this long battle….she couldn't- wouldn't let them down. Bending over the by-far older man, she closed her eyes and let go of her body as she had done up on the lookout. For a second she was floating in the air- free and small, and then she was inside her grandfather's body, shielded from the outside world.

She stood in the middle of blackness, as she had in Dende's mind, but instead of finding the platform, she saw her grandfather's prone body laying a few feet away. She ran towards his familiar sight, excited to see him, but as soon as she touched him she found herself supporting his body under who knows how many feet of heavy water. Surprised to find that she was now breathing in something that was definitely not air, she started helplessly choking. Panicking, she clutched her grandfather's body tighter and kicked upwards- at least she thought it was upwards, but how could she really know?


Akki frowned as Pan's body crumbled, falling lifelessly to the ground. What the hell just happened? She turned questioningly to her father.

"Stupid Onna," He shook his head. "She didn't even sit down first."

"She just….fainted?" Akki asked, completely baffled.

"She went to rescue her grandfather's soul."

"What?" Akki blinked, still not getting it.

"She'll be back soon," Vegeta shrugged, and turned his back to the fallen girl. Akki followed his gaze, surprised to find the two boys struggling to stand up. How could she have forgotten that they were here? "Brats- go tell the onna to go get the galaxy balls."

"What?" Trunks asked groggily.

"Go tell mom to get the Galaxy Balls Trunks," Akki repeated, though she didn't know exactly what Vegeta was talking about, she assumed her mother would. "We need to wish Bura back."

"What?!" Trunks asked in alarm. "Bura's dead?"

"Yeah, daddy killed her."

"He what?!"

"Just go," Akki frowned at him. It was her urging and Vegeta's glare that finally set Trunks into motion. With a trail of blue he was gone, the duo watching him critically, unwilling to turn back and face their own dilemmas. Akki snorted, "I'm just glad this will all be over soon."


"If you had told me before now that all I had to do was kill Bura…." Akki sighed, not believing that those words had just come out of her own mouth.

"Who killed Bura?" Goten asked in groggy alarm. Vegeta grumbled under his breath and Akki sighed. Goten's eyes wandered across the scene in front of him, "Who's that?"

The duo groaned, both sharing the same intense feeling of de ja vu.


One more chappy and then the Epilogue- this time I'm positive ^^;;;; This chappy was kinda long…. and I'm sorry if it's crappily written in some parts…..-.-; Trying my hardest here;;;
