Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Alone or not? ❯ Chapter 3: Party ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3: The Party

A-N: Before I give you the next chapter I want you to read a Poem I wrote and tell me honestly what you think of it ok here you go. I wrote after I got home from a dance and it is to no one particular. Thanks enjoy! Read+Review!

"Unwanted' By Me

depressions sucks

along with rejection

it hurts a lot and you

feel the pain it swells

inside you until it

is unbearable

then the dam of

sorrow breaks

flowing forward

in quick powerful

waves unstoppable

and amazing

so much pain

caused by one person

who could fix it

all but won't

so much sadness

over a single person

who means the world

to you but

never realizing how

much they mean to

you until you lose them

all you do is love them

and they can't love you back

with every word said

every look into the eyes of

the causer of all the pain

just makes it worse

it just seems like eternity

until you find that person who

can do all the above but doesn't

Well there is my poem....

No one make fun of my lame attempt at poetry... lol...


Me: I own all of Dragonball\Z\GT! Mwha ha ha .h....

Juu: what was that?

Me: I own Vegeta????

Geta: WTF no you don't!

Pan: tell them the truth!

Me: can't make me!

All: wanna bet? *powers up*

Me: eep! Ok I don't own anything except characters I make up...

Last time:

"... Dear dairy I have been having a rough time the last few days. Grandma Chi-Chi passed away the other night. It is sad but at least now she can be with mom and dad if they're there. Now I am living with Juu. One of the androids that my father fought years ago. It just feels so right be this way. I don't know if I was dreaming or not but the other night I could have swore he kissed me on the forehead. I know it's strange well that's all dairy till next time love ya Pan." Pan finished writing, hid her dairy and then went to bed on the comfy couch.

This time:

The early morning animal's chattering throughout the forest was the sound that woke Juu. and Pan. Pan without even thinking walked into the kitchen and started making breakfast. Since Pan wasn't the best morning person, she was making a mess, slopping her new mess everywhere. Juu. quickly grabbed a few paper towels and began to clean up the excess batter on the counters. By now this was the morning routine for the two. They'd been living together for 2½ months now. It was mostly peaceful except for occasional scuffles over the remote or something. Small things basically that the two now friends got over quickly. It was now August, the month of Juu.'s and Pan's birthday. Pan's was August 8th and Juu's was August 21st. They were going to Capsule Corp. this afternoon for a party to celebrate their birthday's and 18's. The whole Z-gang was coming to the party.

As Juu. sat with his plate of pancakes his thought returned to their usual subject of thought, Pan. She had changed slightly over the two months she had been staying here. She now had a room of her own which Juu. had built. He almost laughed at the memory of when he told her that she would no longer be sleeping on the couch. Pan had also cut her hair so now it resembled Videl's when it was short. Pan had found a small wolf cub in the forest and decided to keep it. It's name was Go-chi and he had pure white ears, his face was greyish, all of his little paws were light brown. Lastly Pan had loosened up around Juu., before there were times of awkward silence which was very depressing. But now it was filled with laughter or talk. Juu. was snapped from his thought by dishes clattering together.

Pan and Juu. both finished their food and went separate ways to finish getting ready for the party. Before Juu. reached his room he opened the front door and let Go-chi in. Go-chi barked and yipped excitedly and then took off in pursuit of Pan or his food dish which ever he found first. Then Juu. entered his room and dressed in his new set of clothes. Pan had given him something to wear to the party that wasn't in his usual attire. He had a pair of dark blue baggy jeans and white beater on to cover his chest. Around his neck he put his faithful bandana on and tied it. He looked in his mirror at his reflection.

'This is going to be a long day...' Juu. thought as he left his room to head back out to the kitchen.

Pan was nearly dressed in a gi that was bright green with an orange undershirt and of course her bandana when Go-chi started nipping playfully at her heels. He continued doing this until Pan laid down on her bed and rubbed his stomach.

"It's going to be strange going to Capsule Corp., so much has changed Go-chi." He looked up at his master confusedly. Before Pan could answer the pup Juu. yelled from the kitchen. "Lets go I don't have all day to waste."

"That's a lie Juu. what else would you do today?" Pan yelled back from her bedroom.

"Fine Panny never mind just grab the dog and come on!" Juu yelled as he rolled his eyes at Pan's antics. Pan grabbed Go-chi and raced outside. She breathed in deeply enjoying the pine-y smell tickling her nose. Yes, the forest was her new home for now. Though it wasn't often that they went into the city so she was excited. Pan knew that Juu. despised the city because of all the stares he received. Also there was the fact that he never got a second chance for a better life like his sister did. Though Juu. also knew that Pan loved going out into the city. This party they were going to was like a family reunion so he knew he would going to deal with it. Everyone was coming home, Bra and Goten were coming in from the states and staying awhile. Pan had missed them both a lot and wanted to be there when they arrived. She looked over at Juu and smiled before picking the squirming pup up. Pan and Juu. took off into the air and flew towards Capsule corp.

As they grew closer to Bulma's property Pan's thoughts skyrocketed.

'What if Trunks has one of his stupid blonde girlfriends there?' Her thoughts were changed as Go-chi fidgeted as a big yellow building came into sight. There where multi-colored balloons all over the yard, along with many people who looked like they were enjoying themselves. Pan, Juu. and Go-chi landed beside a tall willow tree. Pan made sure to keep a tight hold on Go-chi's leash so he didn't get lost in his new surroundings as he began to pull.

A moment later Pan was bombarded by hugs from lots of people. The first from her Uncle Goten, then one from each Bra and Bulma, even Krillen came and gave her one. Pan saw that Bra was holding a small baby in her arms. It was a baby girl, whose hair was all blue except for one jet black strip up each side. A light blue tail hung down and was slightly curled. The small child had a very tiny fighting gi, a sign that she would some day be a fighter. Pan spoke in a shaky voice and pointed at the baby.

"Bra is this your daughter?" Bra nodded yes and spoke.

"This is Goten's and my daughter, she is five months old. Her name is Golan." Pan's jaw dropped this was her Uncle's and best friend's child. Her first cousin, she looked so adorable. She cooed and motioned for Bra to let her hold Golan. Bra handed Pan Golan and Pan sweet talked the small baby. She then handed Golan back to Bra and went off to talk to her Uncle. Juu followed along silently a smirk adorned his face.

"Hey Goten how does it feel to be a father?" Pan yelled as he gave him another

"Panny-chan!" He exclaimed as he hugged her back.

"Being a father is great I love Golan and Bra so much." Goten said as he release his niece letting her stand.

"That's great Goten I'm so happy for you, Bra and Golan!" Pan said with a bright smile.

"So Panny-chan why are you here with Juu.?" Goten said raising his eyebrows in a joking manner. Pan's cheeks switched to a pale pink,

"Well I'm living with him since Grandma Chi-Chi died." Goten looked sad for a moment and a tear ran down his face. Though he seemed to feel a bit better a second later.

"How's that working out Panny-chan? Are you two going out?" Pan's cheeks were now very red and she was hiding them in her hands. Juu. answered before Pan could in his usual calm, cool voice. "What does it matter to you?" The android asked as he stepped a bit in front of Pan.

"Yo chill it's just a question, I don't care if two are going out." Pan looked between her uncle and Juu. not knowing what to say. Then another unexpected thing happened, Trunks came over with a girl by his side. The said girl had long white hair that hung near her hips. Her eyes were light green, in basic words she was very pretty. Pan immediately froze and stiffened glaring at the girl. Juu. saw Pan's reaction and wrapped an arm around her shoulder and squeezed reassuringly.

"Hey Goten!" Trunks yelled over to his long time bud as he waved a hand.

"Who's this with

Pan?" Trunks questioned not recognizing Juu. "This is her roommate, Juu. Now who's your friend you brought with ?" Goten replied in a joyful voice.

"This is Lily, my girlfriend for two months. How's my niece doing and my sister?" Trunks answered smugly placing a kiss on Lily's cheek. Then seeming truthful in his wonderment on the baby and it's mother.

"Just fine Trunks, she's getting big. Bra couldn't be happier, she just loves Golan so much." Goten said motion to Pan was still very stiff and was thankful that Juu's arm was still there and keeping her stable.

"Hey Pan how ya doing?" Trunks turned and spoke to Pan as he smiled his flirty smile.

"Fine asswhipe just fine." Pan snarled out not even looking at Trunks.

"Aw come on I thought you weren't still mad about that." Trunks complained in a child like whiny voice.

"She has every right to be mad, besides your loss not hers." Juu said in a firm but calm voice before Trunks could whine anymore. Trunks took the hint and started another subject. "Ready for the torment later Goten?"

"Ready as I'll every be 'cuz I'm going kick your ass like usual!" Goten said loudly.

"Yeah go Uncle 'Ten!" Pan yelled excitedly punching a fist into the air.

"Thanks Panny-chan." Goten said as he left to find his wife and daughter.

"Don't I get any encouragement from my old cheerleader?" Trunks asked while his girlfriend spoke softly in his ear.

"No Trunks you got a girlfriend who can do that." Juu. said Trunks' name as if it was a vile swear word.

"Android your really looking for one swift dismantling aren't you?" Trunks snapped back. "No 'cuz I'm the one going to be the one destroying you." Juu. said calmly

"Come on Juu. lets go get a drink and put are names in for the fight." Pan said before a fight broke out here Juu. and Pan walked off hand in hand to the refreshment stand. Neither realized what they had done nor did it seem as if they cared.

A\N: LoL the first time I wrote this chapter my school was closed for snow and it's kinda creepy but today school was closed cuz of the snow and rain...


Review for me and Bob the rubber ducky!