Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Always Remember Me ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Always Remember Me
Chapter 2
By Joy Overton
created about August 2002 last up dated June 2003

based on Dragonball Z.... Vitaila is my original charter... ask for any back ground info... Socks (Sukkusu) is also my original charter... Bura, Trunks, Bulma and Sukkusu are all Japanese names... there all under where puns... I only made sukkusu the others are copyrighted... sad... Vegeta means vegetable n he’s a prince of Plant Vegeta which translates to Prince of the Vegetable planet haha lol..... Goku aka Kakarrot well goku means monkey... and Kakarrot means Carrot and that’s his Saiyan name... wow hopefully you know some Dragonball Z other wise I’ll write u a summary or print you out one form a sight about it...

Vegeta laid on a folding chair witch happed to be next to the edge of the pool. With his sunglasses on watching his Three Children and Wife Swim in happily in the pool." Hey Vegeta," Bulma said from the edge of the pool near Vegeta." What do you want woman can't you see I'm trying to rest here, " Vegeta Said Gruffly." What are you Trying to get a tan or something? " Bulma said Sarcastically " Believe me you relay don't need it why don't you come in the pool With us Veggie Chan " she said with a smile and leaned up so he could See her cleavage." No Woman " Vegeta said as he looked her way with a smirk " Why don't you come and join me over here " he said as he patted the chair lightly, as a gesture for her to sit down with him." Please papa, come swim with us you promised you would" Socks said with a frown.Vegeta looked at his Daughter, Who happed to look exactly like him only a girl and the hair. You would never have guessed her and Bura were Twins. Bura happed to be identical to their mother while Socks was identical to him. Vegeta sighed to him self he finally had his family, the one he was promised all those years ago." Not Now Sukkusu " Vegeta said as he used Socks real name, Bulma Had let him name her so of course he gave he a Saiyan name, Only to have Bulma give it a ridiculous nickname, as she call's them." But Daddy you promised " Bura said as she gave him the same look Socks was giving him." Later " Vegeta replied, he had to look away before he actually caved into the girls. ' I'm getting too soft, dame plant.'" But Dad " Trunks Wined." Later " He said as he laid back down and closed his eyes, what a big mistake that was.Bulma, Trunks, Socks and Bura got out of the pool quietly pushed Vegeta chair and all into the pool. It was easy because his chair was on the edge of the deep end of the pool.Vegeta thrashed widely in the water because he didn't know what was going on. When the light went off in his head. He popped out glaring at them and he got even angrier that they were all laughing hysterically on the floor." Woman! " Vegeta Yelled angrily." Sorry Geta I couldn't resist, let me help you " Bulma said as she Stuck out her hands for him. Though she did realizing the mistake she was making.Vegeta smirked evilly as he gabbed Bulma's hand and yanked her into the pool. As soon as he had her in he pushed her under and held her there. Till their three children jump to help their mother. They all jumped on Vegeta's back trying to make him fall backwards. They all were having a nice pool war till Bulma yelled Truce and Vegeta let her go." Kids why don't you go to the shallow end and play " Bulma said to the three of them.Vegeta smirked ' It's like she was reading my mind, Wait she probably was '" Kay mom " Trunks said as he took his little sisters to the shallow end of the pool." So, it seams we finally got the prince of Saiyans in the pool, huh? " Bulma said with a sly smile." Looks that way " Vegeta said as he lowered his Lips centimeters from Bulma's.Their preface moment was ruined, by a strong Ki entering the earth's atmosphere. He pulled away from Bulma with a serous look on his face." What's amateur Vegeta " Bulma asked as she noticed the serous look on Vegeta's face.Before he could give her a answer, Goku I.T there with his two sons." Vegeta did you feel that " Goku asked as soon as he appeared." No, I didn't Kakarrot " Vegeta said sarcastically and he let out a annoyed growl." Ok ok, easy there Vegeta" Goku said and put his hand behind his head." We better go over there and check it out," Gohan said." Hey Vegeta, you might want to get dressed, " Goku said wit a grin" Shut up you Giant Idiot " Vegeta yelled as he levitated out of the pool taking Bulma with him." Hey now calm down Vegeta wouldn't want you to have a heart attack or something, " Goku said." Yea Vegeta you need to calm down " Gohan added with a laugh." Shut up I say " Vegeta Roared with annoyance." Would you all shut up, " Bulma yelled as the three Saiyans shut up emidaly " now what's going on, " she asked as she eyed the lot of them" We all felt a big Ki headed towards earth so we came to get Vegeta and go check it out " Gohan said fast." Ok then go get dressed Vegeta " Bulma said as Vegeta went into there room to get dressed. " Kids out of the pool and go get changed " Bulma said to her children and turned to Goku and Gohan. " You three can wait in the living room " she said as she went to her room to get changed.A couple of minuets later Bulma and Vegeta came down stairs." Come on let's go all ready, " Goku said excited." Yea we'll be back in a few " Vegeta said to Bulma as Goku put his hand on Vegeta's back." Oh Bulma can you watch Goten for me, Thanks " Goku said a second before the disappeared." Men " Bulma mutter under her breath. " Better yet Saiyan men " She corrected her self as she plopped on the couch.' Why does that ki fell so familiar, Who could it be. ' Vegeta Though to him self." Look it's a Saiyan pod, " Gohan yelled as he pointed to the oversized Saiyan Pod." But why is it so big look like it has room for a couple of people " Goku said as he and Gohan turned to Vegeta waiting for answers." Only the royalty got the larger Pods " Vegeta said in a whisper." But aren't they all dead, well except you " Goku Asked But received no answer from Vegeta.' It can't be she has to be dead, Frieza probably found her and had her killed there is no way she is still alive ' Vegeta thought to him self" Vegeta hello anyone home " Goku said as he waved his hand in front of Vegeta's face" Kakarrot Would you stop this nonsense " Vegeta said with a growl" Well sorry you just went in to La La land so I wanted to make sure you were all right, " Goku said as he and Vegeta Augured and neither of them noticed the pod door was opening." Dad, Vegeta Would the two of you Shut up " Gohan yelled at the two as they both stopped and looked at Gohan " the pod door is opening " he said as he got there action and pointed to the open door." Show your self " Vegeta Said Angrily But no one came out. " I said show your self now we don't have all day " he said again." Vegeta Shut up I think your scaring them, Please come out we wont hurt you " Gohan said in a soft Voice as a young woman steeped out of the pod." Hello " She said timidly." Hi I'm Goku What's your name " Goku said happily." I'm Sak . " But the girl was cut off by an older woman." How many times do I have to tell you, Never tell anyone your name you don't know who they are and who there working for " the woman said as she Glared down at her daughter." Sorry Mother " the girl said quietly." I'm not mad I just think you would have learned all ready you 35 years old. How many more times do I have to tell you before, you listen your always looking for trouble and Fights I just don't know what to do with you " the woman said in a gentler tone.Vegeta froze that voice sounded so familiar to him." My names Goku Son are you a Saiyan to " Goku said to the woman." What do you know about Saiyans " the woman questioned as she looked at Goku." Well I'm a full blooded Saiyan, this is my son he is half Saiyan and half Human " Goku said as he pointed to Gohan." A half-breed " The Woman Shrieked " I never thought I'd see one in my life, " The woman said with a smile as she scanned the small crowd as he eyes landed on Vegeta she almost fainted." Vegeta is that you, " the woman Said with happiness." Huh How do you know Vegeta " Goku asked." Kakarrot Shut up " Vegeta Growled and Raised his hand making a gesture that he was going to Smack Goku." Kakarrot that's a Saiyan Name " The Woman Said" Yea my Saiyan name is Kakarrot but my earth name is Goku see I was Born on Plant Vegeta and sent here when I was a baby." Goku said." Well Nice to meet you My name is Vitaila and this is my daughter Sakana " Vitaila Said and pointed to her daughter who stood next to her.Vegeta's eyes widen as he got Confirmation that she was his mother." How did you get such a big pod Vegeta said that only royalty got the larger pods " Goku said as he pointed to the oversized Saiyan pod." Correct only Royalty get them especially the Queen " Vitaila said with a smirk." Your the Queen " Goku yelled." Your Vegeta's mother " Gohan Yelled." VEGETA'S MOTHER " Goku Screamed." Kakarrot Shut up " Vegeta Growled." But, but, but, she's your mother " Goku said as he pointed to Vitaila." I can see that " Vegeta said." How come you never told us you had a mother, " Goku asked." Because I thought she was dead the last time I saw her was a couple of hours before Frieza took me, when I was 5 " Vegeta said to them." Hey lets go back to Capsule Corp so we can talk and get something to eat " Goku said as he started to drool thing about food." Fine But we'll spare when we get there you owe me one " Vegeta said as he took off into the air and was fooled By Goku, Gohan, Vitaila and Sakana.Vegeta, Goku, Gohan, Vitaila and Sakana all walked into Capsule Corp's front door. As soon as they got into Bulma ran in there to see what had happed." Vegeta Who are they " Bulma questioned as she glanced over, the un expected quest her husband brought home.Vegeta grunted"Vegeta don't pull your macho act with me who are they"" Oh only my Mother and sister " Vegeta said with a smirk." Papa " Socks yelled as she came from the kitchen and ran over to Vegeta and hugged his legs tightly.Vegeta looked down at her and couldn't help but smile." Papa, Where did you go " Socks asked as she looked up at him still hugging his legs.Vegeta picked up Socks and placed her on his hip and looked over at his socked wife." Cat got your tong, Woman " Vegeta said with a smirk." Shut up, you arrogant jerk " Bulma yelled at him with a slight blush on her face " And what have I told you about calling me woman Vegeta, would you like a week on that couch your so found of " Bulma said with a smirk knowing she had won the argument." Woman " Vegeta froze and looked at her like don't you even think about that." My name is Bulma, B-U-L-M-A, Not Woman do you got that Buddy "Vegeta Turned on his heals and went into the kitchen with Socks." Hi Daddy " Bura said from her seat at the kitchen table." Hi Princess " Vegeta said as he got a bottle of water out of the refrigerator." Daddy, Do you want the rest " Bura asked as she held up a 1/2 eaten grilled cheese sandwich.Vegeta looked from Bura to the sandwich then back to Bura." No thanks, princess " Vegeta said as he put Socks down and took a sip of his water.Bulma lead Vitaila and Sakana into the kitchen. As Trunks and Goten walked down the back staircase into the kitchen." Hey Dad, your back "" So do we have a new monster to fight " Goten asked an excited.Vegeta shook his head at the two boys and finishes the bottle of water in one gulp, and threw it out." No "" That sucks " Trunks groaned." Yea I wanted to fight another monster, " Goten said in the same tone of voice as Trunks." Trunks, Goten, Can you take the girls up stairs for a little while " Bulma asked well it was more of a demand." But mom, " Trunks started to say, But when he saw the look his mother gave him he decided to bring them up stairs. It wasn't that he didn't like his little sister, it was quite the opposite. It was a know fact that him and Socks were the troublemaker's of the house. Taking after their father of course, But if you stuck him, Socks, Goten and Pan in a room together your just asking for trouble. Bura had her days; she would join in the fun every once in a while." Come on we can play video games, " Trunks said as he helped Bura out of her chair "Socks Come on "Socks was still standing By Vegeta and really had no attentions of moving at the moment." Come on Socks, I'll give you a piggy back ride " Goten said with a smile.Socks made a face and walked over to Goten who had all ready leaned over for her to clime on his back.Vitaila smiled at her granddaughter, then she smiled a little more when she realized she had grandchildren and three of them.Goten Pushed Socks up on his back and ran up the stairs with Trunks and Bura." Well were going to go see you tomorrow Vegeta " Goku said as he put a hand on Gohan's shoulder and I.T back home." Lucky bastard " Vegeta muttered under his breath.Bulma who happened to be standing next to Vegeta had herd him of course and slapped him lightly on his arm." Behave would you, " She said as she gave him a serous look.Vegeta didn't answer her." Well I have work to do in the lab and I know the three of you have a lot of catching up to do so I'll be going " Bulma said with a smile.Vegeta froze when she said that and garbed her arm before she could go anywhere." Vegeta let go I have work to do, and you need to talk to your mother " Bulma whispered the last part.Vegeta gave her a desperate look but let go." Don't worry Geta I'll be back in a little while "Bulma lend up n gave him a fast kiss on the lips and walked out of the room." Vegeta " said Vitaila Softly when Bulma left the room.Vegeta turned to her with a scowl on his face and crossed his arms over his chest." Vegeta I'm " Vitaila began to say when her oldest child cut her off." Your sorry, your sorry for leaving me with . with that beast " raises his voice a bit. "Your sorry for all the pain you've caused me by leaving me with him do even realize what you put me throw for 25 years of my life. Your sorry I was forced to kill and destroy planets for his own amusement. I've been throw to much for you to come back and tell me your sorry. "Vegeta has so many emotions going throw him by they time he had finish talking he had to turn around and hold back the tears that threatened to fall.Vitaila was speechless by her son's words." Papa " said a little voice from the bottom of the stairs.Vegeta glanced over to his daughter at the bottom of the stairs and quietly when and picked her him holding her close." Papa what's wrong " Socks said as she looked up at Vegeta.Vegeta didn't say anything he just pulled her closer to him." Vegeta I'm sorry you had to do all of that I really am" Vitaila said softly trying to think of what to say to her son.Vegeta took a deep breath. "It's not your fault, you didn't want to give me to him in the first place"All she could do was nod, she realized she had a lot of catching up to do with her son. She couldn't believe he was standing in front of her all grown up with a family of his own. It was what she had always wanted for him and she was glad he finally fond his happiness.