Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Cell's Breakout ❯ Training Days, Breakfast Bitters, and Fly-away Jocks ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Note: Na-HA! Chapter Five! Hope I didn't leave you guys in suspense with that last chapter (*sweatdrops* Yeah right-if that's what you want to call it...). I know I said it in the "Preview", but there're no cat fights in this. Sorry! Anyway, I don't own any of the regular characters you'd find in the show or manga Dragon Ball Z. They are copyright of Akira Toriyama. Cyris, Laura, Sita, Nyome, Dora, Meah, and Valerie are KASH Copyright. Remember that there's a lot more to come! Oh! And if ANY of you have any ideas, Puh-LEEZE leave them in your reviews or e-mail me! I check daily!


"Well, I see I have a little eavesdropper, do I?"

Goten didn't even have a fraction of a second to turn before he felt a strong tug at the back of his shirt and was lifted into the air.

He squirmed and kicked wildly, trying to free himself from his stronghold. "I-I don't know what e-eefs are-but I haven't been droppin' any so let me go!" he yelled, still struggling, waving his arms in circles.

"Whoa! Take it easy!" the girl exclaimed, grabbing him under the arms and turning him quickly around to face her. "I'm not tryin' to kill ya!"

Goten opened his eyes, raising up his head, and gazed at the girl curiously.

Her messy green and black hair dangled over her hot magenta eyes, which almost seemed to smile just as widely as the grin upon her cheeks.

Then, the girl's smile disappeared, replaced with a crossed expression of shock, disbelief, and question, her eyes widening.

"But...No way...You can't be..." she trailed off. "Who...Who are you?"

A boyish smile lit up Goten's face. "I'm Goten!" he chirped, cocking his head to one side.

The girl's expression quickly changed back to her smiling again. "Oh! Sorry, I thought...you were somebody else. You look so much like him, though," she said, setting him down on the ground.

Goten cocked his eyebrow. "Who?"

"Doesn't matter," she said quickly, running her fingers through her mangled hair. "By the way-I'm Cyris, since we're in the topic of formal introduction."


Cyris forked her eyebrow slightly. "Nothing."

A moment of awkward silence followed as Cyris gazed into the horizon, curling back her striped hair.

Goten kept his eyes on her with somewhat of a mesmerized stare, his mouth slightly agape.

Wow...She's pretty...

Cyris turned back to him, smirking. "So Goten, do ya know how to fight?" she questioned, raising her eyebrows.

Goten nodded slowly, his eyes still glued onto her.

"OK. What about using ki energy?"

Goten curled his lip in thought, staring down at his shoes. "Ki? Umn...what's that again?"

Cyris fired a small energy blast into a boulder to her left, shattering the giant rock into smithereens.

"Oh! That? Yeah-a little," Goten said, getting to his feet.

"Ah-HA! Just as I thought!" Cyris laughed triumphantly, pointing at the small boy. "You see, there's no way anyone could track my movements as well as you did if they didn't have a ki level above twenty-five."


Cyris's smirk broadened; she stood in somewhat of an attack pose, her eyes fixed on Goten. "Well, c'mon, let's see whatcha got," she said, crouching closer to the ground.

"Uh...You want me...to fight you?" he questioned, pointing at himself.

Cyris gave a quick nod.

"Umn...OK," Goten shrugged, and with that, he lunged at Cyris.

He balled up his hand into a fist and went to punch her in the chest, but Cyris caught his hand with ease and flipped him over her head.

"Step one-never let yourself be caught open like that, and don't let your opponent know what's coming until the absolute last second!"

Goten landed with a light thump and charged again, but this time he stopped short and swung his leg along the ground, catching Cyris's feet.

"Good! That's the way!" Cyris persuaded as she back-flipped and landed a couple feet away, just as Goten was about to punch her. "Now come and get me!"

Goten jumped into the air and flung himself at Cyris, forming a small energy blast in his hand. Only inches away, he fired at her, and as Cyris blocked the ki attack, he swerved himself forward at kicked her in the face, catching her just as she was turning back around to face him.

She crashed to the ground, lying motionless for a second.

Goten landed back onto the ground and charged again. He punched just as Cyris flipped out of the way and he made contact with the rocky terrain, sending up tiny rocks and debris into his face.

He rubbed his eyes and coughed, trying to rid himself of all the dust.

Cyris grabbed him under the arms, hoisting him into the air.

"Never let yourself be so open!" she barked. "You're giving your opponent a perfect chance to attack!"

Goten flipped up his leg and attempted to kick Cyris in the face, but she teleported a couple feet away from him, sending him spinning down to the ground.

He hit the ground on his rear, his feet slipping out from underneath him when he tried to land properly, and scraped one of his hands on a sharp rock poking out from the dusty earth.

Cyris waited patiently, awaiting his next move.

Goten grabbed his bleeding hand, an expression of pain on his childish face. Tears began to cloud his eyes and he started whimpering, biting him bottom lip.

Cyris stood from her attack pose and stared at him curiously. Then, when she noticed the blood gushing from a deep cut in his palm, she immediately went over to his side.

"Ouch, that looks pretty bad," she said, reaching for his hand.

Goten quickly pulled it away, hugging it close to his chest.

Cyris glared at him. "Look, if you want it to stop hurting you'll let me help! Unless you want it to get infected and cause you even more pain!"

Goten stifled a sob, looking up at her with watery eyes, and put his injured hand back out for her to inspect.

She took it gently, bringing it up close to her eyes. She then let it go and sat down on the ground, proceeding to rip off the brim of her tattered jeans.

Goten watched curiously, blinking away his tears.

"Gimme your hand," Cyris ordered, yanking off the last seams from the strip.

Goten put out his hand again, and Cyris took it. She then wrapped the strip of cloth tightly around the boy's wound and tied its ends together.

"It'll stop the bleeding," she told him. "But as soon as you get home you need your mom to look at that."

Goten nodded, standing.

"Look at you-you're a mess!" Cyris sighed, fluffing up Goten's dirt filled hair. "Best tell your mom to give you a bath too!"

Goten wrinkled his nose with displeasure as he shook his head.

Cyris laughed, getting to her feet as well. "Look, I better be going. Can I count on you being here tomorrow around six o'clock?"

Goten's face quickly lit up. "Yeah! I'll be there!" he chirped.

"But you have to promise me," Cyris added, looking at him seriously, "that you won't tell anyone about me or meeting me, got it?"


"It'll be our little secret."


Cyris smiled, curling back her hair. "Well, I best be off," she said, patting Goten on the head. "See ya tomorrow. And you might want to consider wearing some training clothes. Those fancy duds won't work."

Goten giggled.

Cyris nodded, turned, and leapt into the air, flying high into the clouds, where Goten lost sight of her.

He quickly bounded off toward his home, already anxious about the next day of training.

______________________________________________________________ ___________________

Cyris flopped down into her usual chair at the kitchen table, yawned, and set her chin down on the table's surface.

It had been yet another restless night of nightmares. The valiant Super Saiyan, Gohan, fighting a brutal battle against the maniacal Cell.

After revealing that he held an enormous hidden power inside of him, Gohan pleaded that Cell release his grip of terror on the planet or suffer his blind furry. But Cell simple laughed, saying that this "hidden power" was most intriguing, and he was determined to see it for himself.

And the gage began, Cell trying every tactic in his data banks to pry the power out of the boy. Gohan, however, resisted every blow, until Cell finally caught him in a deadly hold and began squeezing the life out of the young half saiyan.

Through Gohan's cries of agony, Piccolo revealed to Goku that his son was not a fighter and never wished to be. If he let his bout with Cell continue any further, Gohan would die.

And just as Goku was about to take action, #16 grabbed Cell from behind, holding him in a similar bondage as Cell had Gohan. He told his fellow android that imbedded deep within his being was a deadly bomb, which he would detonate to rid the Earth of the vile Cell.

But when nothing happened, Krillin jumped forth and cried, "You can't detonate because your bomb...was removed!"

An evil smirk spread across Cell's face. "Sorry 16, but I'm staying," he cackled, broke free from #16's stronghold, and blasted him into pieces.

Gohan was horrified; his face was contorted with expressions of shock, anger, and disbelief.

Seeing the young Super Saiyan's reaction, Cell then created seven miniature copies of himself, and ordered them to attack the Z-Warriors.

And just as the first punch was to be thrown, Cyris awoke.

"Here," said Laura, pushing a plate of French toast and bacon underneath her niece's nose.

Cyris stared down her nose at the plate, pushed it away, and laid her head down on the table.

"Oh come on! You need to eat something," her aunt barked, giving her somewhat of a glare.

"I'm not hungry," Cyris mumbled.

Laura stared at her niece, looking horror struck. "'Not hungry'?!" She reached across the table and put her hand on Cyris's forehead. "You don't have a fever," she concluded, forcing her niece's head up straight. "Now stick out your tongue."

"Aunt Laura! I'm FINE!" Cyris yelled, jerking away from her aunt's grip.

Stupid human females-always so nosy. I wish I'd destroyed them all when I had th-

Cyris sat up in her chair, blinking.

Wha...What the heck am I SAYING?! Rather, what the heck am I THINKING?!

Just as her gaze fell onto the front door, a tall, yellow bus zoomed by and down the street.

"AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! THE BUS!!!" Cyris screamed. She bolted from her chair, and, literally, flew up the stairs to get her things.

When she returned, she raced past the kitchen, yelling, "I'm gonna be a little late today! I'm meeting somebody!" and out the front door.

__________________________________________________________________ _______________

"Why won't it OPEN?!"

Gohan stopped abruptly, about to enter his classroom, and turned toward the direction of the frustrated outburst.

Cyris stood a couple inches away from, what he presumed to be, her locker. She had an expression of absolute furry about her, glaring daggers into it.

"Stupid, fecal, human minded device!" she growled, clenching her hands into fists.

Gohan stared oddly for a moment, then shook his head and attempted to enter his class, but suddenly he felt a ki explosion ring through his thoughts, and he stopped dead.

He jerked his head around just in time to see Cyris charge at the locker and forcefully elbow it, causing it to spring open, sending a loud SPEROING to echo through the halls.

Cyris stepped back, still glaring hatefully at it.

Gohan stood there, wondering, half watching her pick through the contents of her locker.

Nah...No way... he concluded, turning yet again and finally entering the classroom.

He strolled to the back of the room to his usual seat next to Eresa and sat down, putting on one of his "Hiya!" smiles.

"Hi!" Eresa chirped, smiling her girlie, blonde smile.

Cyris flopped down in her seat behind him, looking somewhat blank.

And then, a huge CRASH was heard from outside in the halls, causing Gohan, and everyone else, to jump about two feet into the air.

Gohan quickly bounded to the hallway, along with half the arrived class, and stopped in the doorway, his mouth agape.

"Good GOD!"

"What's going on-HOLLY CRAP!!"

"Whoa! What could've caused THAT?!"


Lockers upon lockers upon lockers were tousled about all over the hallway floor; a good portion of the wall had crumbled out, as well, because the tiled floor was littered with tiny white pebbles and plaster.


Gohan quickly spun on his heel, and came face-to-face with Cyris.

Her complexion seemed slightly pail, and her eyes were wide.

Then her eyes narrowed at him, her lip curling with a gesture of dislike.

"Do-you-mind?" she snapped, spun around, and stomped back to her seat.

Gohan followed his gaze after her, his expression somewhat blank, then sighed, raising his eyebrows.

______________________________________________________________ ___________________

Cyris cautiously stepped over the disarrayed lockers all along the floor, headed to her next class-P.E.

Man! Why'd I have to go and smash up all those lockers for anyway? Look what I've done! For crying out loud! she cursed at herself.

Apparently, she was in very deep thought, because the next thing she knew she felt herself bounce backward, her books and papers scattering everywhere.

"Oh man!" she groaned, getting to her knees and starting to pick up her scattered possessions.

"Gosh! I'm really sorry!"

Cyris looked up, into a pair of large black eyes.

She fell backward in surprise, and for some strange reason, she threw her hands over her cheeks, which had grown quite warm.

Gohan fumbled around to pick up his and Cyris's belongings, muttering in a nervous tone.

Cyris quickly regained her bearings and started to collect her things as well, desperately trying to avoid Gohan's eye contact.

"Geeze! I-I-I'm SO sorry," he said again.

"I-It's OK. Just...stop apologizing!" Cyris groaned.

God, why am I acting so WEIRD?!

She shoved the last papers into her binder and stood, just at the same time as Gohan.

He smiled weakly, scratching the back of his head.

"Well...erm, uh...s-sorry again!" he laughed.

Cyris smiled. "It's OK. Hey, sorry 'bout the other day."

Gohan's eyes flew open and her stared at her, thunderstruck.

"Yeah. I was...in kind of a bad mood...nothing personal, I mean."


"Oh crap I'm gonna be late!" Cyris suddenly hollered, and raced past Gohan and down the hall as fast she could.

_________________________________________________________________ ________________

"Hey! Cyris!"

Cyris turned, just in time to see a tall boy with long blonde hair stretching down between his shoulder blades, dark brown eyes, and a "Million Dollar Smile" walk across the huge gymnasium to stand in front of her.

She crossed her arms, forking her brow. "And...you are...?"

His wide smirk broadened, and he stepping up closer to her. "Me? I'm Sharpener," he said, "but of course you've probably already heard about me-seeing as how I'm so pop-ular and all-"

"Look," Cyris interrupted, "if this is some stupid attempt to 'hit' on me, you're doing a pretty bad job. Now, get out of my face or I'll make you."

Sharpener put his hands on his hips, his smirk broadening even more. "Ha! Yeah right! I bet you couldn't even punch the broad side of a barn if you tried!"

A couple of the students nearby chuckled.

Cyris's eyes narrowed. "Oh? I betcha I could take you out any day of the week, blondie."

"Is that so?" Sharpener smirked. "How 'bout I give ya a free shot at me? C'mon, I dare you."

I better not punch him. I might end up knocking him well into the next county...Or worse... Cyris thought. Better just send out some energy and knock 'em over, just to make it look real.

Cyris brought up her fists, facing Sharpener with a serious expression. "All right. Just remember-you asked for it."

Sharpener stepped up to her, smirking ear-to-ear.

The small crowd around them hushed; time almost seemed to stand still.

Ha! I bet she chickens out. She doesn't have the guts! Sharpener snickered to himself.

Cyris reared back her right hand far past her head, and paused.

Yeah, there she goes. She's just gonna say, "Oh Sharpener! I just can't bring myself to hit a face as cute as yours!" Oh, I'm such a-

Cyris thrust her fist forward, right toward Sharpener's face. But at the last possible instant, too fast for the naked eye to tell, she stopped and pushed out her ki, sending the jock flying across the gym and into the back wall, face first.

Everyone's jaws dropped to the floor, eyes bulging out of their sockets.

Cyris rested her hands on her hips, a ghost of a smirk written on her lips. "Oops. Guess I shouldn't've 'punched' him so hard," she said, raising an eyebrow. "Oh well."

And with that, she turned and walked nonchalantly out of the gym.

___________________________________________________________________ ______________

The tip of Gohan's pencil snapped as head suddenly jerked up, making a huge black line across his algebra homework.

Whoa! What was that?! Gohan thought, his mind buzzing.

"Gohan? What's up?" Eresa questioned, cocking her eyebrow, staring nervously at her friend.

I could've sworn I just felt someone's ki flare up if I didn't know better. Somewhere close. But how? It...It doesn't make any sense! Who else on earth...knows how to use ki?

____________________________________________________________________ _____________

Well, there you have it-the end of Chapter Five! Interesting? Dumb? Let me know! Oh, and if you get ANY ideas, leave them in your reviews or e-mail 'em to me! PLEASE!! Stay tuned, for there will be plenty more! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *cough*…Ahaha…haha…ha…