Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Cravings Of A Saiyan ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter One



"Gohan i'll be back in another week ok, so be a good boy for me." Videl said kissing him on the lips and leave in a cab. Gohan slowly watched as the car faded between the trees, and slowly made his way into the house. On the table he noticed Pan sitting there, strumming her hands and growling to herself.


(This is the fifth time this week). He thought. As he walked passed her a strong scent filled his nose, a scent that only a female Saiyan can get. He stood right in front of her chair, and pulled it out with a very confused Pan still sitting in it. "Pan, are you feeling ok." He asked looking his daughter up and down without knowing and staring at her with extreme intensity. "Nothings wrong ok, i just want to leave." She snapped.


Gohan was alittle angry at her tone, but kept his cool and calmed himself down. "Look Pan, i want you to go up-stairs and..............." "NO, I SAID I WANT TO GO OUT." She screamed. Suddenly Gohan snapped and grabbed Pan with quick speed and pinned her against the kitchen door. "Aweee.....dad your hurting me." She said trying to free herself, when Gohan saw the pleading look in his daughter's eyes he released her.


(What's happening to me, why did i do that). Gohan thought confused. Then it hit him, tonight was the night of the moon, which mean't he needed someone to mate with. Now he knew why Videl left on the trip, it made sense now. She was trying to get away, so he wouldn't hurt her like last time. Dwelling in his thoughts he didn't realise that Pan was crying, and was shaking uncontrollably, until she spoke.


"I'm sorry dad, i didn't mean to yell at you, i promise it won't happen again." Gohan looked at Pan once again, and realised that she was suffering from the affects of the season. If he had known that, he wouldn't have bossed her around. But he knew all week, that the two were always glimpsing at eachother seductively, and trying to show as much body portion to eachother.


Pan sat there, unaware that he father was staring at her in a beastly way now. She suffered all week trying to avoid him, but every where she went she always stumbled into him. From where she was, she could smell her father's musky scent, and it was driving her mad. Slowly she watched as he walked up to her, and picked her fragile body up into his arms.


She quivered beneath the touch of his muscular frame, and groaned lightly just a tad bit louder for Gohan to hear. This obviously turned him on, but he had to hold his control. Holding her just tight enough, he teleported the both of them in her room. There he placed her on her bed and walked out, but inside his head he didn't want to leave her.


Shutting the door tight he retired into his own room, and locked his door. It was sundown and the affects of the moons up-coming presence made him growl, instinctively he concentrated on trying not to walk into his daughter's room, and seducing her into something she wouldn't want to do.


In Pan's Room



"I have to get out of here." She whispered to herself. Quietly she snuck over to her window, and sped out at a slow pace, making sure her father didn't feel her ki leaving the premicise. Eagerly she sped up and landed in a nearby city, which was loaded with alot of guys. She scanned through the crowd and found a good match for her, and before anyone knew it she moved the crowds out of her way and grabbed the blonde haired boy from a group of girls.


"Hey babe, what's up." He asked looking Pan up and down. Pan growled in response which made the boy shake alittle in fear. When Pan made sure they were out of sight, she attacked him with so much desire he didn't have time to react. Pan quickly went for his lips, and at the same time she could feel his hands moving up and down her thighs roughly.


But she didn't care, it was the way she wanted it. In her mind the human side was screaming out to her, telling her to control herself. While her Saiyan told her to go home, and find her father. But her thoughts were cut short as she felt her chosen mate grab her violently, squeezing everything in his sight.


Pan only moaned and continued to let him assault her, until she thought playtime was over. With a fast speed she ripped his shirt off and began licking his little chest figure. (How pathetic, he doesn't even have muscles). She thought mentally growling to herself.