Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dancing on the razors edge.... ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own DBZ so please don't sue…thanks!

Dancing on the razor's edge…

Bulma left the house on time with her friends once again. She was pretty shocked when I told her I knew what she was doing, even though I really don't have a clue to exactly what it is she's doing. Just by her reaction, I think I'm going to follow her once again and watch.

It was at the far end of town, the building that Bulma was at. It looked like an old storage facility of some sort with a ton of people and very loud music. I entered the maze to seek her out and do my surveillance on her. There were so many people crammed into this place it was hard to pin point exactly where she was, but I knew she was there. After managing to maneuver around and being pinched several times on my ass by many females, and well some I'm not real sure of, on the way, I found the bar area of the place. The bartenders were busy mixing and showing off some tricks with bottles to the females that lined the bar.

"Hurry up Max, I'd like my drink before Christmas!" A petite onna to the right of me shouts over the bar. I watch her throw some money on the bar at him and snatch two drinks away from the guy. She made eye contact with me for a split second before proceeding to talk to another onna beside her.
"This place is a madhouse. What I can't understand is why everyone can't have a good time with out all this drug shit."
"Tell me about it. That group of girls over there was getting pretty rowdy, especially the blue hair one." The mention of blue hair grabs my attention immediately.

"Where is she onnas?" Both of them look over to me, looking me up and down before one of them answered.
"We are not onnas, we are the ones and only Mistresses. That's Alexa and I'm Blaze." Blaze? What kind of name is that? She walks over towards me, her black spike heeled boots clicking on the floor. Her friend smiles and follows standing right beside her gazing at me like I'm on the menu.

"So who exactly are you? Never seen you around here before." The other, Alexa asked me. She straightened her black leather skirt slightly, still glaring at me while her friend dug her hands into her back pockets on her leather pants, tugging the waist down to reveal a very skimpy American flag thong.

"I'm looking for my housemate." I growled out at them, before Alexa slipped away from my sight.
"So the blue haired one is your house mate huh? Well I tell you what, you tell us your name and we'll supply you with all the information you need." Blaze says, her chocolate brown eyes piercing me. I ground my teeth, I could find Bulma if I wanted to, but getting some information from these two would be helpful in a way.

"Vegeta." I say just loud enough for Blaze to hear me before I feel a set of hands sliding up my rear to my shoulders. I tensed up before I hear a giggle and feel the hot breath on the nap of my neck.
"All day I dream about sex, all day I dream about fucking…" Alexa is singing to the music playing in the background in my ear. I watch her out of the corner of my eye as she makes her way around to my side.
"Down Alexa, not now." Blaze scolded her before smiling back to me. Alexa on the other hand gave her a warning glare before she spoke and pouted away from me.
"You always kill my fun Blaze."
"Sorry, I'll let you have fun next time. So Vegeta, what is it you'd like to know?"

"What the hell are all…" I was stopped in mid sentence by a finger trailing down my bicep. I look down to see that Alexa has continued her groping of me. Blaze smacked her hand away and gave her 'I told you to behave' look before nodding her head for me to continue. I look over to make sure I wasn't going to be interrupted again. She gives me the innocent look I see Bulma get every once in awhile. Hmmpft! I know better.
"People call this fun?"
"Well, it depends I guess. Alexa and I are here to have a few drinks, scout out the men and dance. The majority of the people here are meeting up with others, doing drugs, and what ever else suits their fancy for the evening."

"Don't look now Blaze, but here comes those assholes again." Both the onnas turn and I follow their line of sight to two men walking in our direction. I stand back and watch as both of them turn and looked at them, the guys smiling at them and the onnas are growling.
"I told you once I'm not interested." Blaze spat out, taking a step backwards to stand beside her friend.
"Oh come on girls, wouldn't it be fun to go back to our place for some extra curricular activities?" The men are disgusting at best; I was about to walk up when both of the onnas unleashed hells fury on them, dropping them to their knees.
"I have standards you know, and you're defiantly not it!" Alexa shouted out above the music before giving another kick to one of them. I grinned, I kind of like their attitude.

"Sorry about that Vegeta, so where were we?" Blaze asked dusting off her hands. I have to chuckle to myself, they are pretty amusing.
"The blue hair onna, where is she?" Blaze stands on her tiptoes looking over the crowd of people before she turns back to me.
"She's over there with a huge group of people. I tell you what though, I think personally that one in that group isn't going to see Christmas." I gave her a questioning look before she continued.
"The group she's with is very well known for their reckless behavior, and their love for the good stuff."
"Good stuff?"
"Drugs, booze, anything that will give them a thrill really. I wouldn't be surprised that they're doing something right now."
"Yeah, I know one of them just brought in some X and some mary jane. Who knows what else." I made a mental note to find out exactly what these two are talking about when I get back to the house.
"Well, it was nice meeting you Vegeta, keep an eye on your friend. I just hope she doesn't turn out like the rest of them." Blaze says before grabbing Alexa by the arm and dragging her away through the crowd of people.

After the departure of the onnas, I followed where they pointed, finding Bulma with the group of friends. She swayed with the music, laughing at who knows what as a few guys hung all over her. If only her weakling mate could see her now. I sat down out of their sight, trying to hear what they were saying over the obnoxious music that played deafeningly in the background.

"Bulma you have got to try some of this." Ashleigh, my friend said as she thrusted a pill into my hand. I looked at it for a moment, studying the outside of it before looking back over to her with an inquisitive look.
"Just take it. I promise you'll love it." She shouted over the music. Before I knew it, I had the pill to my lips and followed it with a vodka chaser. I don't know if it was a wise thing to do at the moment, but I didn't want to disappoint my friends. I was already feeling pretty tinglely after all the drinks and half a joint I shared with Sassy.

The night seemed to slip by pretty quickly tonight for some reason. I don't remember how I got home, but I'm here. As soon as I came in the door I went straight to the kitchen, raiding the fridge with out turning on the light. I had a serious case of the munchies, and I had to take care of it before it drove me insane. I gathered up some stuff I guess was from dinner tonight and piled it onto the counter before invading the cupboards for some junk food. As soon as I sat the rest of the stuff on the counter the lights snapped on, temporarily blinding me.

"God, turn those lights off! I had them off for a reason."
"What are you doing Bulma." His voice startling me. I spun around to greet my visitor.
"Hey Yamcha, I was just catching a midnight snack."
"Right, at quarter to three in the morning? Where were you tonight? I thought we had a dinner date tonight." He sounded pretty disappointed in me. I put on a weak smile before facing him again from my mountain of food I had laid out.
"I'm sorry, I thought that was tomorrow night. I'll make it up to you."
"Bulma, you never, ever forgot a date before."
"Hey, I said I was sorry already, what else do you want from me?" I snapped back at him. I don't think I meant to do that; it just came out that way.
"I just want to know where you were, I worry about you." Now he's laying the guilt trip on me. I know that he worries, but I'm a big girl and can take care of myself.
"I was out with the girls. We had a few drinks and danced the rest of the night away. I just lose track of time when I'm out."
"You reek of marijuana Bulma. You haven't been smoking it have you?" He's questioning me. I know he can smell it all over me.
"Me? Are you kidding? I would never touch the stuff." I lied straight to his face. He glared at me, seeing right through the lie that spilt from my lips. I was never a very good liar.
"Ok, I just don't want you mixed up in that kind of stuff."
"I won't honey, I promise." I planted a soft kiss to his cheek before returning my attention to all the food in front of me.

Yamcha took a seat at the table watching me as I devoured my sandwich in no time along with half a bag of cookies. I could see him raise an eyebrow out of the corner of my eye at me as I finished up my glass of milk.
"I'm going to head home, reschedule our date for tomorrow night?" He asks as he grabbed his jacket from the back of the chair and slinging it over his shoulder.
"Yeah, sure. I promise I won't miss it this time."

I watched him leave through the front door before I return back to the matters at hand. I can't believe I ate all that trash; it's starting to make me feel sick now. Still feeling kind of woozy, I climbed the stairs and crept past my parents and Vegeta's bedrooms before getting to mine clear down at the end of the hall. I stripped out of my clubbing clothes as soon as I entered, searching for my favorite pair of sweat pants and tee shirt before I get rid of the contents of my stomach. Just the thoughts of doing it make me start sweating. I wiped my sweaty palms on my pants before taking the trip to the bathroom.

I waited up for the onna to get home. I left the place a few hours before she came in to do some research of sorts. After spending most of the time trying to figure out how to find what I needed off the Internet in the onna's lab office, I read through everything I could find. I remember shaking my head at some of this stuff. Are drugs that great? I don't want to try to find out. I have better things to do then put foreign stuff in my body.

I was in the middle of reading when I heard the weakling warrior come in to the house. He went to search her out, but ended up waiting in the dark at the kitchen table when he came up empty handed looking for the onna. He must have been there for a good hour or so before I heard the all to familiar music coming from down the street. I turned off the computer and locked the lab back up before Bulma got out of the car, waving her goodbyes and carefully walking to the front door to let herself in.

I was pretty amused at the weakling warrior's attempt in cornering her about what she's been up to, but also frowned at her lies she was tossing back into his face. He must be playing it off or is pretty stupid not seeing through those lies. She bid him a farewell, taking my cue to exit towards my room when she walked him towards the door and came up the stairs, missing a few stairs on the way up. I waited against my door, listening to her come down the hall and past my room to hers, only to come back out a few minutes later. I know I had a huge grin plastered to my face as I started my count down.
"5, 4, 3, 2, 1" Just as I finished I heard her stamp her feet and then kick the bathroom door. I opened my door and leaned against the frame watching her as she yanked on the doorknob and whined about wanting to get into the bathroom so bad.

"Want to make yourself sick again onna?" She whips around to glare at me; I know I started something with her now.
"Did you lock this door?"
"So what if I did? What are you going to do about it?"
"Damn it Vegeta, why are you such an asshole? I need to get in there." She starting to raise her voice, I'm now debating if I should let this go any further then it has. I rather not have the onna's mother out here right now.
"Not if you're going in there to throw up your 'midnight snack' I'm not going to open it."
"It's none of your business what the hell I do in my own home and especially in my own bathroom."
"Fine, don't come crawling to me when your body starts to shut down and your throwing up blood because I'll just laugh in your pathetic face."
"It will never come to that. Now open this door now!" She demanded. I rolled my eyes once again and made my way down the hall and kicked the door open, breaking the lock. She grows at me before escaping into the room and slamming the door closed. Before I could make it back to my room, my ears were accosted with the sounds of her retching everything up again.

She's going to kill herself. I guess the Mistresses were right. Someone isn't going to make it to see Christmas.