Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ DBZ Surveys ❯ The Revengeful Finale! ( Chapter 9 )

[ A - All Readers ]
DBZ Survey's--Finale

Written by: Jesscheaux

Disclaimer: I did not invent, nor do I own, DB/Z/GT or any of the characters. Nor did I make up any of the survey questions.

Author's notes: All the surveys have been sent and returned (Sorry if I didn't do your favorite character or one you requested, I couldn't do them all! Plus I already had this planned out months ahead) Thanks for sticking with me! Vegeta receives Goku's e-mail back and finds out...WHO TP'ed CAPSULE CORP! This could spell trouble...
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Another rigorous day of training had gone by for our Saiyan hero, and I'm not talking about Goku.

That's right! I'm talking about Vegeta!

He wiped the sweat from his brow as he departed from the gravity machine. He'd been in there for about 12 hours. Vegeta never gave up on his training! He HAD to be better than Kakarott you know!

He smirked as he put a towel around his neck and entered Capsule Corp. It was about that time again when he would check his e -mail.

"Ah, that baka Kakarott has undoubtedly replied to my survey by now." he thought, "And I'll bet it annoyed him and even scared him! HA HA HA!"

His fingers glided over the keyboard as he logged in, (Prince_of_all_Saiyans@Vegetarulz.com) His eyes scanned down the long page of stupid junk mail until they landed upon a subject simply titled 'Survey'.

"Aha! Here it is! I can't wait to read it." he clicked on the title and surfed through the fool's answers.

His expression changed several times from amusment, to anger, to more anger...TO RAGE!!!!! The large vein on his forehead began popping out and throbbing as he clutched the computer monitor and smashed his head against it, causing it to explode.


"HE...DID..IT??!!!!! THAT MORON TP'ed CAPSULE CORP!!!!!!!!!!" Vegeta clenched his fists at his side then raised his right hand and blasted a Final Flash at the wall.

"FINAL FLASH!!!" he yelled lividly and destroyed the wall, and a few more to boot.

"VEGETA!" was heard coming from across the room.

But the Saiyan Prince didn't care. He had a fiendishly evil idea and began storming outside, grabbing a few capsules along the way.

Vegeta flew into town and to the local supermarket where he bought, using Bulma's credit card, every freaking roll of toilet paper in the store and put it in the first capsule.

He cleaned out five more stores before he was satisfied and began cackling evilly while holding the capsules in his right palm.

"BWA HA HA HA HA! REVENGE!" he cackled and headed straight for Goku's house.

He flew over the mountainous region and stopped when he was directly above Goku's house. "BOMBS AWAY!" he yelled and threw a capsule down.

POING!!!! The capsule exploded sending rolls and rolls of toilet paper cascading down onto the Son home. They completely covered the dome-type house so that you couldn't see anything but white.

"HMM?" Goku looked up from slurping ramen inside the house and went to peer out the window, "What's going on out here?" But nothing but white could be seen, "Hey Chi-chi! I think it's snowing!"

"WHAAAAAT?! IN THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER?!" Chi-chi cried incredulously and ran towards her husband, "Oh my!" she said and kept staring outside, she wasn't sure what that was.

Gohan entered the room next, hearing all the commotion and came up behind his parents, "Mom? Dad? What are you..looking...at...."

"HA HA HA HA HA TAKE THAT YOU FOOLS! SWEET REVENGE! BWA HA HA HA HA!" Vegeta's voice was clearly heard outside and he cackled for several more minutes before taking off.

"I think....we were just TP'ed..." Gohan announced and they all fell over anime style.

Next stop, Kame house!

FWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!! The pink house and all the sand and water surrounding it were now a mess of fluffy cotton paper.

"FEEL THE WRATH OF VEGETA PRINCE OF SAIYANS!" came the familiar voice and Krillin screamed as he saw it fall.

"MY HOUSE!!!!!!" the perverted turtle hermit, aka Master Roshi yelled as he opened the door and it started coming inside. He grabbed a bunch of it in his hand and then snickered, "I'll never run out again! Ehehehehehe!" he said as he ran to the bathroom, trailing rolls of it behind him.

Vegeta then attacked the forest where he knew Tien and Chaotzu resided. All the trees were completely covered, as were Tien and Chaotzu, having not been inside their log-cabin when it happened.

"YOU DESERVED IT ALL FOOLISH BAKA THREE EYES AND MIME-FREAK!" Vegeta said as he flew on to his next destination.

"Mmm! Mmm!" Chaoutzu tried to speak but he was wrapped too tightly in toilet paper.

Tien slapped his hand to his forehead. Oops..really bad idea! His eyes went wide and he fell over.



Dende's eyes went wide and he clutched his cane for dear life. Mr. Popo looked up from tending his flower gardens and held a hand out, "Oh my! It's raining toilet paper..."

"Hallelujah." Piccolo said sarcastically as he looked up from his meditation, extremely disturbed and angry.

(A/N: that was a reference to the 70s song, 'It's Raining Men', BTW. I just thought it would be funny. ^_^)

"This is going to take days to clean, maybe even weeks!" Dende wailed.

Piccolo snorted with digust and wiped the white cloth off of him. Then, he and Dende started staring at Mr. Popo.

"Huh?" the genie said as his eyes widened and the two nameks advanced on him, backing him into a corner. With their material creating powers, Piccolo shoved a broom at him and Dende a bucket and mop.

"Oh Dear..." Mr. Popo whined as he got to work cleaning the place.

"HA HA HA!" the others had a laugh at his expense. (A/N: TAKE THAT MR. POPO! He's my most hated DBZ character :P)

Vegeta sped away into the sky, extremely pleased with his work. He then TP'ed Hercule's mansion because he was spiteful of the fool for taking the credit for beating Cell, then he headed back towards Capsule Corp where he TP'ed Yamcha's house that was next door.

"PATHETIC MORON!" he yelled from above, "SUFFER! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

Vegeta then touched down outside the main building and strode in as if nothing was wrong.

"Vegeta! There you are!" Bulma stormed up to him and poked him in the chest, "And just WHERE have you been all this time, hmm?!"

"Oh, just out flying." he said nonchalantly, and VERY un-Vegeta-like.

Bulma went wide-eyed and Vegeta snickered behind his hand which exploded into full blown laughter, "HA HA HA HA HA!" Bulma and Trunks soon joined in as the whole Briefs family laughed evil.


* * *

It took the Son family days to weed their way out of their toilet paper rolled house, and Goku practically starved to death as he had eaten everything in the house that same day and Chi-chi couldn't make it to the grocery.

After his stomach was nice and full he just laughed off the incident calling Vegeta a big joker.

Kame House continues to be rolled as Master Roshi wouldn't allow them to clean it up. What could be better than a free life-time supply of toilet paper, was his reasoning.

Tien and Chaotzu walked around like mummies for a few days, scaring everyone they met. Wait! They do that anyway!

Mr. Popo cleaned the Lookout from top to bottom of all the paper. It took him two whole weeks. When he wasn't cleaning, he was serving Piccolo and Dende designer water while they sunbathed and meditated. HA HA HA! People living below the lookout complained about falling paper for months afterwards.

Hercule never did find out how his house became such a mess. All he could do was stand outside dumbly staring at the whiteness of it all. Majin Buu came outside and decided that maybe eating toilet paper wasn't so sick and wrong afterall. He turned it all into candy and had a big feast.

Yamcha cried like a baby at the incident and put up a new webpage at IhateVegeta.com. It was doctored pictures of Vegeta and Goku making them look gay. Some of them even had him cross-dressing. He called the page, 'The Real Vegeta'. Let's just hope Vegeta never sees that page, or God only knows what'll happen!

At last the Saiyan Prince was happy that he got Revenge! AH SWEET REVENGE!

And let that be a lesson to you all.

Never TP Capsule Corp. (Or any place for that matter) This message brought to you by the Anti-Toileting Papering Society of Morality and Cleanliness (The ATPSMC)

All's well that ends well!
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Kuwabara: Congratulations! *throws confetti*


Kuwabara: You're not a guy, Jessi!

Jess: I'm imitating Strong Bad! HEY EVERYBODY GO HERE: http://www.homestarrunner.com IT'S THE FUNNIEST SITE EVER!

Kuwabara: better do what she says.

Jess: *pulls out purple bazooka* That's right...mwa ha ha ha ha!

Kuwabara: *sweatdrops*

Jess: Thanks for reading everyone, you've been a great audience! Much LOVE AND PEACE!

Jess and Kuwabara: Ja matte ne, minna-san!

*Fireworks go off and spray out into words that read 'THE END'*