Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Drabbles - Gohan/Videl ❯ Panic ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Terrib le scenarios raced through his mind as Gohan flew in the house and up the steps toward the bedroom.  Had a wild animal somehow gotten inside the house?  There were more about than he remembered on the mountain.  Did Videl fall, unable to reach the phone?  She’s been weaker since the delivery.  Did something happen to Pan?  He’d read SIDS could strike a child at any time.

“Videl!” he called, slamming the bedroom door open.  The room was a disaster area.  Bedsheets and clothes were strewn across the floor, furniture was upended and there were burn marks everywhere.

“Finally!” Videl said with relief, blowing her disheveled hair from her eyes.

“What happened?  Are you all right?”

Videl pointed to the top of a large bureau where he spotted a lump of pink blanket and a shock of black hair.  “I thought Pan felt a little warm, but when I tried to take her temperature she started crying and shooting energy blasts all over the place.  Hold her still so I can see if she’s running a fever.”

Gohan looked at the thermometer in his wife’s hand and sighed.  “I’ll be glad when she’s old enough for an oral one.”