Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dragon Ball AZ: The Pan and Trunks Saga ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"A visitor came to see me?" Trunks asked his great niece. "Who? Who would want
to come and see an old fart like me."

"Great uncle, would you like to see who it is?"

"Do they know me?"

"Yes Great Uncle, I met her at the tournament, her grandson was participating in
the tournament."

"Her? This Visitor is a woman."

"Yes, I'll bring her in." BJ went out to the hall. "He'll see you."

Pan took a deep breath, finally after all these years she would finally see her
love again. She followed BJ into the room. She stood as she saw a very frail and
old Trunks lying on the bed.

"Great Uncle, here is the woman I said wanted to see you." BJ said as she
pointed to Pan.

Pan stepped forward and smiled. "Hello! Trunks it's been awhile hasn't it?"

Trunks looked at Pan, at first not recognizing her. He looked at his Great niece

"I feel really cheated that you don't remember me Trunks Briefs, or should I say
Boxer boy." Pan laughed.

Trunks blinked his eyes to get a better look at her, he then saw through the
wrinkled exterior of the old woman standing before him, and saw his beautiful
Pan again, or so he hoped was his Pan.

"Panny Chan?" He asked, his voice barely a whisper.

"Yes, Trunks long time huh?"

"What? How? I don't understand."

"Trunks I'm so sorry I didn't return with you, I was so afraid what others would
think of our relationship." Pan threw herself into Trunks arms as he held them
up, gesturing for her to come near him.

"Panny Chan, oh how I missed you."

Pan laughed. "After all of these years, you still calling me Panny Chan, you do
realize I am 114 years old now."

Trunks laughed a bit, "You'll always be my Panny Chan."

Pan cried again into his chest as she stroked the back of her head. "I never
meant to hurt you, I never thought you would have waited for me, I feel so low,
so stupid."

"Pan?" Trunks lifted her head up.

"Yeah?" Pan sniffled back tears.

"I hear you have a grandson, can I meet him." Trunks asked not knowing that the
boy was also his Grandson.

Pan smiled. "Of course you can, hold on, I'll go and get him." Pan left to get
Goku Jr. Trunks smiled.

"In all the years I have known you Uncle I have never seen you smile so big,
save for the pictures from the Grand tour you went on." Trunks smiled at the
memories of him and Pan on the Grand tour along with Goku Sr. Pans grandfather.
As Trunks remember, Pan had returned with Goku Jr.

"Trunks, this is Goku Jr."

"Come here boy, let me get a good look at you." Goku Jr. Turned to his

"Grandma, who is this man?" He asked not knowing who Trunks was.

"Goku, my child this is Trunks Briefs, he is your Grandfather." Goku Jr. Smiled.


"Yes!" She smiled and looked over at Trunks, who had a look of shock in his

"Pan, did you just say that Goku Jr. is my *cough* Grandson?" Trunks asked.

"Yes Trunks, he is our grandson. Yours and mine."

"How?" Trunks couldn't come up with a reason on how Goku Jr. could possibly be
his Grandchild, surely Pan would have told him he had they had a child together,
wouldn't she? It had been eighty-three years since they last saw eachother,
surely she would not keep something like this from him.

"A few months after you returned to Japan from Paris I had discovered I was with
child, I had called Japan and Capsule Corp, however someone told me you had
moved, I kept trying and trying for years I tried to get hold of you to tell you
of our son, however I couldn't find you or had any Idea where to look. When
Gohan was 15 I had given up."

"Gohan?" Trunks questioned the name.

"Gohan Jr., I had named him after my father. " Pan looked up, she noticed Trunks
was crying.

"I should have been there, I shouldn't have had been so into my own emotions, I
just assumed since you didn't come back to Japan, everything was over, however
it was never over for me, I still loved you. I knew you called, I knew every
time, I wanted to make you hurt like I did, but now, Because of my selfishness
and my pride I never got to see my son grow up or even my grandson, I'm so sorry
Pan, forgive me.

"It is I who should be begging for forgiveness Trunks, If it wasn't for my fear
we would have together, raising are son."

"You guys are together now, and that is all that matters." BJ said.

Pan and Trunks smiled at eachother. "For once you're right BJ."

BJ then spoke again, "If it is no trouble at all, can you please tell the story
of how you both met in Paris after all those years.

Pan smiled, "I would love to tell the story on how Trunks and I had our little
tryst. It all started in a bistro in Paris.

/Flashback/ Pan's POV.

I had lived in Paris about three years; I was just finishing up my third year of
art school. I remember I was sitting outside in a cafe, it was springtime. I was
reading some novel or something, and sipping on a latte' I was so into the novel
I did not even see him come up to me.

"What's you reading." The man had snatched the book from my hands.

"What the...?" I said as I looked up to see him, a man I had not seen since I
was fourteen years old. I stared at the man who had blue eyes and Lavender hair.

"Trunks?" I asked.

"Long time hasn't it Pan? So how have you been."

"Trunks?" I asked I was speechless of all people to meet in Paris he was the
last one I ever suspected. When we parted ways fifteen years prior I was he
would have long forgotten about me.

"Pan, is that all you can do is stare at me." Trunks smiled his killer smile,
the one that always made my heart melt, and still does to this day. Anyways, I
looked at him, so handsome and debonair.

"Oh, I'm sorry, " I get up and throw myself into his arms. I held on to him with
all of my strength. He too held on to me, we just stood and held eachother for
the longest time. Finally I pulled away and looked at him. "Why are you here, In
Paris?" I asked.

"I'm taking a break from everyone, I wanted to go to a country where I could be
alone, but I guess, that idea didn't work, because here you are."

"Oh, Kami Trunks."

"What are you doing in Paris."

"I go to school here, and I live here."

"You do?"

"Yes, I have a small apartment not far from here, come I'll show you it." I said
getting up, I grabbed his hand and pulled him the direction of my apartment.

We entered the apartment. "Nice Place you have here." Trunks said as he entered
the living room.

"Sit down." I gesture him to take his seat. Trunks sat down on the loveseat as I
proceeded to ask him if he wanted anything to drink. "Can I get you a cup of
coffee or anything."

"A cup of coffee would be nice Pan, thanks." He smiled his killer smile again; I
could have melted right then and there. I take a deep breath to try to control

"Cream and sugar?" I asked. All the years I knew Trunks, he could never take his
coffee black, it was usually flavored with Vanilla or had tons of Sugar and
Cream in it.

"You know how I like it Pan." I smiled and headed to the kitchen to make his

A few minutes later I return to the living room, and find Trunks looking at some
photos I had hanging on the walls.

"I never knew these even excisted, where'd you get them." Trunks asked, as he
referred to Pictures that were taking during the Grand tour."

"Grandpa had taking them, he took them when we weren't looking." I explained.
"Would you like some copies."

Trunks smiled again. "Yes, that would be great, Thanks Pan."

I handed him his coffee and sat down on the loveseat, he sat next to me. "So
where are you staying?"

Trunks laughed. "To tell you the truth Pan, I have no idea."

"You can stay here if you want." I offered.

"What are you insinuating Pan?" Trunks asked smirking

"I'm not insinuating anything Trunks, my roommate had just moved out and I need
some one to take over her half of the rent."

"Oh, so you want me for my money, and here I thought we had a special
relationship, Jeez Pan." Trunks said sarcastically.

"Trunks." I said a little nerved.

"Sorry, why don't we talk about it over dinner, want to go out?"

I smiled. "I would love to go out to dinner with you."

Trunks smiled "Great."


Now that Trunks and Pan had met, where will their relationship lead them, to
find out read the next chapter.