Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dragonball EXP part 1 ❯ Part one, meet up. ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey I'm Kirikou! Kiri-chan for short. You people probably don't know me yet because I'm kinda new around here. Well anyways I've been stuck with this story for a long time now and it had to come out. If you like this fic, please feel free to review or send some comments to improve my writing! Thank you and I hope you enjoy this little newbie-story!

Anyways: I don't own Dragonball or any of it's characters, just my over-active imagination!

::…:: = thoughts

"…" = speech


Chrislyn looked out her bedroom window, her younger brother Gohan was sleeping soundly on the other side of the room which could be heard by his loud snoring. She could feel a gust of wind blow through her pale blond hair, she was gazing upon the bright stars in the sky as she couldn't help but think. From he day she was born she had felt different in a way she couldn't quite describe, she was born with a tail like her father and brother, but her hair was blond and her eyes a strange shade of blue as if she wasn't the daughter of Goku and Chichi but someone else…( AV: no she's not a super Saiyan…) She let out a loud sigh and climbed out the window, she sneaked away from the house and headed or the forest. After some time she finally came to a halt in front of a huge valley, she looked back to see if she had been followed and then relaxed. As an infant she had shown incredible strength, yet still her father refused to teach her how to fight. He wouldn't want anything bad happen to his little princess…how she hated that nickname, she hated to be patronized like that.. as if she was a weakling not being able to fend for herself. Her mother was the same way as her father, she was actually planning Chrislyn`s entire future.. Her career, what type of guy she was supposed to marry…you name it. Behind her parents backs she had been following martial arts-classes from an old master named Hakido. He had felt sorry for her when she told about her headstrong father and had offered to teach her, she gladly accepted. She had found this valley to train in later on and came her nearly every night. With every day she became stronger and stronger, she finally broke out of her deep thoughts and proceeded with her training.


Shimmering blue eyes seemed to glow from the dark corner in the back of a small alley, a young spiky-haired boy looked at a poster on the wall of the alley; "Wanted: Kakarotto Itchiyu. Son of Bardock and Mazenka. The one who brings this boy to the almighty Frieza will be rewarded 5.000.000 gold coins in return, he is wanted for betrayal and theft." The boy stepped out of the shadows and smirked at the piece of paper. "I guess Frieza raised the price on my head again…he wants me dead so badly? He's such a loser." Kakarotto grabbed the poster and ripped it up, he could hear some of Frieza's guards talking about him. "I seriously don't get it, why would Frieza be afraid of a little brat like that?! He's just a little boy, alone and scared, what could he possibly do to someone like the great Frieza?" Kakarotto couldn't help but smirk at the guards stupidity as he stepped out of the alley. "Why don't I show you

-exactly- what Frieza's afraid of." "It's him! Kakarotto! Get him!" Kakarotto dropped to a fighting stance, the fists started flying but no matter how hard they tried, they simply couldn't land in a single punch. Kakarotto quickly exterminated them with a ki-blast and made his way across the dark city to his space-pod. He looked at his reflection in the glass window of the space-ship, like his mother had said before she passed away, he looked so much like his father. Especially when he wore that red bandana… His blue eyes seemed to show great sadness as he remembered his father's death, his home planet… his family… all gone while that monster Frieza laughed his head of, he would never forget that day…ever. He got in the space pod and was about to take of when Dodoria suddenly appeared, it was too late to get out and Kakarotto could only watch as that disgusting pink blob used an energy wave to blow his space-pod into outer-space where he would surely suffocate. Dodoria smiled at his so called `job well-done' and headed back to report the boys death to Frieza.


Kakarotto woke up and looked around with sleepy eyes. "Still…alive…? But how?" He looked around and noticed that the space-pod hadn't been destroyed at all…just damaged. It apparently was headed straight into a meteor-shower and couldn't be turned around in time… Kakarotto braced himself … The meteors hit the pod hard and Kakarotto could hear the metal crack dangerously around him, the next thing he remembered was crash landing on some planet…Blood poured from open wounds and he felt as if every bone in his body was broken… he just lay there, welcoming death with open arms so that the pain would stop.


Chrislyn nearly had a heart-attack as she could hear a loud crash not to far from her `training area' , she looked in fear as smoke and fire could be seen from a distance. Hesitantly she walked towards the crash-site… when she finally got there she looked around the rubble and noticed an unconscious boy…with a tail.. At first she wanted to get help back home, but realised that her parents would ask where she had been. She decided to help him herself, when carrying him home with her, she opened the door to the little stone house which had belonged to her great-grandfather Gohan. She placed him in bed and quietly went home to look for a first aid-cit, when morning finally came she had taken care of his injuries and had fallen asleep along side of him.


Kakarotto opened his eyes but quickly shut them again as they adjusted to the bright light, he then looked across the room…it seemed so familiar to him. His eyes then fell upon a beautiful young girl, she was asleep right beside him. It then deemed on him she must've helped him after that crash, as hard as he tried he just couldn't get his eyes of off her… He then reached out to touch her face and he wiped some stray locks out of her face…when she woke up. He practically jumped to the ceiling as her eyes suddenly opened and stared right at him….he had never ever felt so embarrassed before in his entire life… She then spoke up "You're awake!"

:: Why must she state the obvious:: "I'm glad you're ok! I wasn't so sure you would make it at first…you kinda lost a lot of blood." He just stared blankly at her as she continued to talk to him about lord knows what for about an hour… :: I think I liked her better when she was asleep:: (sweatdrops) "Oh my, I haven't even introduced myself…I'm Chrislyn, what's your name? " "It's Kakarotto, Kakarotto Itchiyu." She giggled slightly at the mentioning off his name. "Sorry about that, it's just that your name sounds so strange. Anyways I'm 7 years old and you?" "8…" he said with a rather annoyed tone which Chrislyn either didn't hear or just plain ignored… "Where are you from?" he then lost his patience and let his temper flare… " Why?! Am I in a cross-examination or something!" He could see he hurt her feeling with that little outburst as she turned her face away from him. He sighed and decided to apologise to her… "I'm from the plant Vegeta…sorry about that…I have a temper problem…"She stared at him for a while and then nearly fell out of her chair laughing. :: What a…strange girl:: He then noticed she had a tail like him. "You're a Saiyan?!" "I'm a … what?" "A Saiyan, like me. You've never heard about the Saiyan's before?" "Umm no…should I?" "*sigh* You're a Saiyan." "I don't know what you're talking about but I'm an Earthling. What makes you think I'm a Saiya-…something…" "Because of you tail. All Saiyans have tails." She stared at him for a while and then noticed that he -did- look like her father … a lot, except for the blue eyes. She opened her mouth to say something when suddenly she heard her mother calling out for her. "I'm sorry…I've gotta go. That`s my mother calling, just stay right here and don't let them see you ok. I'll be back later with some food." "R-right." He looked at her from the small window above his head as she walked towards what apparently was her mother and he sighed deeply. :: What's this I'm feeling:: He then lay back and fell asleep…


I know, it's a little sappy at first. It'll get better soon! Remember it's my first fic. So I guess it can be a little bad at first…right…people…people? :p. Oh yeah if you have any questions about this story, feel free to ask! Greetz Kirikou!