Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Early Morning of a Life Together ❯ Woman to Woman ( Chapter 24 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragon Ball Z. Akira Toriyama does, and I make no money writing this fan fiction.
Thanks to my first reviewer on the chapter. I am pulling the update of 2 chapters quickly and half done because you reminded me that I need to take my time. So I'm going to make sure that before I post anymore that it's perfected. Thank you for your advice and patience.
Early Morning
The Fruits of Chichi and Goku's Advice
What Videl next sensed was the sensation of Gohan's strong arms lifting and the motion of her body up an incline. Voices of Chichi and Goku babbled on and on about various things that she had great difficulty focusing on. Under her back, she felt a flat firm surface followed by the retreat of arms sliding out from under her. Then a series of hands, female hands removing items of clothes. Although Videl opened her eyes everything remained blurry, and her limbs heavy and nearly impossible to move.
“Chichi, I sensed Videl's ki increased. She's just tired from overdoing it but her ki seems fine to me,” Goku's voice cheerfully chirped.
“Well the poor dear has been so stressed. Gohan, why don't you take your father and go spar with that … Piccolo friend of yours,” Chichi's tired voice answered.
“What, you mean you want me to train with Piccolo?” came Gohan's astonished voice.
“All right it sounds like a GREAT idea!” Goku laughed. The floor vibrated after a loud heavy object slammed into what sounded like wood.
“Goku, be careful in the house! Those boots of yours are like LEAD! You could put another hole into the floor!” Chichi scolded.
“Aww Chichi I'm sorry!” Goku whined, almost sounding like Goten. Videl found she had the ability to smile a bit. Something about Goku's innocence was infectious and amusing, lifting her troubled spirits.
Slowly she tried moving her hand, and raising it to lift. However, it flopped down and all she could manage was a moan. Immediately a strong arm passed under her neck and she blinked up into multiple pairs of dark concerned eyes. Clustered around her were Goku, Chichi, Gohan, and even the small head and shoulders of Goten bobbing into view. From the sounds of small feat rhythmically hitting floorboard, she guessed he was hopping up and down to see. Then it stopped and she saw him peering with his worried face twisted in a frown.
“Is Sissy gonna be okay?”
“Videl, can you hear me?” Gohan asked.
“G… Gohan… I'm sorry,” she gasped. Around her hand, she felt the squeeze and protective pressure of Gohan's grip, sending waves of what felt like warmth.
“Videl, it's all right. Everything's going to be all right now, I promise,” Gohan said reverently. Goku nodded too, gently reaching down to smooth her brow.
“Get her to drink this Gohan,” Chichi's voice urged. Gohan's other arm lifted her neck gently, his dark eyes filled with that protective urge that she had seen before. Now she recognized it for what it was. Love and the possessiveness of a husband worried for his wife's welfare. It didn't seem bad at all. In fact, it was downright refreshing and comforting.
Videl felt the urging of the cup on her lips. She sipped slowly, wincing at the bitter taste of one of Chichi's concoctions. An aftertaste of peppermint soothed her. Something sticky was plastered on her stomach and she dared to glance down. Covers were drawn up to her waist, while the rest of her was draped in a towel. However, her sleeves were cased in nightgown sleeves that reminded her of one of Chichi's gowns she had helped to hang on the line so often.
"Feeling better now dear?" Chichi asked. Videl blinked up into her concerned face. A cloth dabbed at her throbbing brow and she glanced down. Gone were the clothes, replaced by a simple nightgown. Her body was covered to the stomach with Gohan's comforter and she was tucked into his bed. To her left Chichi's head bobbed and she felt the touch of something on her lips.
“I feel so tired. What… what happened?” she asked.
“You passed out, fainted,” Gohan gently whispered. “We've both been through a lot. I'd be surprised if you didn't react adversely.”
His knuckles smoothed back her short-cropped hair and Chichi shouldered beside her son when Videl gasped, “I don't faint! There is something WRONG! I KNOW IT!”
“Don't worry Videl. Mom's medicines will put you right. You just need rest now, trust me,” Gohan shushed her. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead, causing her to melt inside. She marshaled enough of a burst of strength to reach up, grab the back of his neck, and drag his head down. Gohan trailed kisses down until his reached her lips. For a brief but passionate time his mouth found hers and softly moved over it.
Gohan drew back, blushing when he realized that he had kissed her in full view of his parents. Chichi had a smile on her face while Goku grinned broadly from ear to ear. Then Goten asked, “But what about the…”
Quickly Goku's hands shot out and clapped a hand over his son's mouth. He laughed and said, “Goten, you know what I think would be great? Why don't we call Trunks and have him come over to spar later?”
“Dad?” Gohan blinked at him.
“Gohan, maybe you and I should go sparring while your mom and wife to be have a woman to woman talk?” Goku guessed. Chichi glanced up at him with a nod of relief.
“What's going on?” Videl suspiciously asked, her antenna raised.
“You're not well enough to leave this room right now, young lady,” Chichi rested her hands on her hips with a sigh.
“What… what's wrong with me?” Videl suddenly asked.
“It's not life threatening,” Chichi said. “But you're right Goku. You men folk need to let us girls have a bit of woman to woman time.”
Again, Gohan's hand squeezed Videl's and he whispered, “We'll talk later. I'll be back sweetheart. Right now I've got to spar with Dad.”
“All right,” Videl nodded, trusting that it had to be this way. That note of seriousness was back in his voice and she saw the tension escalating. Chichi's fingers drummed impatiently as if indicating she was inches from yelling but holding back for the sake of Videl before them.
“Thank you,” Chichi said brightly to her husband and sons. Goku gently tugged Goten's hand and aimed in the direction of the door. He waved and smiled winningly at Videl before he opened the door. Goten opened his mouth yet again only to have Goku lean down and whisper something in his ear. Then they exited. Gohan strode away, his eyes never leaving Videl's. Although his eyes were shortly stormy, she knew it had nothing to do with her, but everything to do with his father. A minute later, he exited.
The door slammed behind him and Chichi squeezed the cloth and let it drop to Videl's forehead. She then held up the same cup as Gohan had before, urging her to drink with a tug of her hand on Videl's neck. More of the same tea passed her lips and Videl felt the nausea and headache easing back. Chichi set the cup on the bedside table next to her. Videl felt nervous and shy remembering just what had happened in this very bed where she now lay. An odd sense of symmetry struck her and frightened her.
"I feel better, but what happened?" Videl asked. "I know it wasn't your cooking."
"Even if it was, it's not a big deal darling," Chichi said with worry.
"How long have I been...?”
"An hour or so. Videl, please, be honest with me. I'm going to ask you a question, and I want you to answer as best as you can," Chichi suddenly said, her voice stern.
"Of course, what is it?" Videl wondered, her heart pounding.
"Is this the first time you've felt like this?" Chichi asked.
"Yes," Videl nodded. "I just..."
"And when did Gohan give you this bite, dear?" she asked.
"I... it's not what you think... it was... please..." Videl stammered.
"I'm not going to be angry. You have to be honest with me," Chichi said firmly. "I know what's happening to you."
"What is it?"
"Goku felt it when I was putting you to bed. Gohan wasn't sure, and Goten was insisting he sensed your ki go up. But I didn't think that..." Chichi said. "It's a good thing that you and my son are going to get married. And the sooner the better."
"Wait a minute, what's going on here?" Videl snapped, sitting up straight. Chichi's hand restrained her.
"I'll not have the mother of my grandchild acting foolish! You're in a delicate condition, and you need to rest!" Chichi snapped.
"What? What did you say?" Videl yelped.
"You're pregnant," Chichi answered.
"I can't be!" Videl yelped. "Please don't be mad... we wanted to wait but... oh Kami!"
"Videl," Chichi answered, pinning her gently to the bed. "Look, I could be angry and outraged, but I'm happy that I'm finally going to be a grandmother. That's why you and Gohan have to get married as soon as you can."
"We're not children," Videl protested angrily.
"No, you're not. And that is why you have to start acting like responsible parents and take responsibility," Chichi snapped. "You're going to have a baby Videl. And I don't know whether to be disappointed or proud of you for finally admitting the truth to yourself and Gohan."
"What truth!" Videl shouted, anger surging through her.
"That you love my Gohan," Chichi answered.
"But just because we're pregnant doesn't mean we should be married!" Videl blurted out.
"You already said yes before you knew, so why not sooner than later? Or are you changing your mind again?" Chichi asked, with a warning note in her voice.
"No, I love him, and I'm going to marry him dammit. And what kind of a girl do you think I am that I'd..." Videl spluttered.
"A responsible one," Chichi answered with a firm nod. "Who wants the best for her child, and the man she loves."
"My father's going to kill me!" she murmured. "But this isn't fair!"
"Life isn't fair sweetheart. However, when you make such choices, you must face the consequences. And fortunately you're not the first, nor will you be the last," Chichi said kindly, squeezing her hand.
"I thought you'd kill me if you found out that Gohan and me..."
"This is what I hoped to prevent. But I'm just very happy... at the same time," Chichi wiped her eyes on her apron. "Videl, I won't be a hypocrite. You're not... the only one... and don't you dare tell anyone else this..."
"Chichi, what are you saying?" Videl wondered, seeing the shame in Chichi's face.
"I... Goku and I... well... I suppose it's about the same since I considered us married... but I... well... more happened when he bit me here, dear," said Chichi, reaching for her neck. "I was hoping that it wasn't the same with you, but somehow I knew..."
"You and Goku also were... in bed together before you married. And it was because of that you married him so young?"
"Yes and no. Look Videl, I suppose I'm being selfish and old-fashioned pushing you to marry so soon with a baby on the way, but you did say yes. What I heard you say to Gohan in that kitchen was enough to convince me you're married in all ways but one. You need a wedding ceremony," Chichi nervously chattered.
"Then I know what I have to do," Videl nodded slowly. "Chichi, I'm scared..."
"I know, but you aren't alone, darling," Chichi answered softly. Her arms reached out and Videl hugged her tightly. Together they embraced, rocking against one another. Videl let out tears of sadness and relief at the sudden cascade of changes. Chichi patted her back and soothed her by smoothing her hair.
"It's all right dear, it's all right," Chichi shushed her. "Goku and I will help you through this. You can live here with us after you get married..."
Videl wiped away tears and blinked, lifting her head from Chichi's shoulder. "But there's no room here..."
"Well you don't HAVE to, but I'd love it if you did. You don't know what it's like to have a... child as I did. And if anything was to happen to you or to my grandchild I wouldn't forgive myself," Chichi explained.
"But I don't even have a wedding dress! And we don't even have... I mean my father has money but I can't ask him to... what's he going to say?"
"Sweetheart, you don't have to worry about a wedding dress. In fact, I have the very thing! And don't you worry about a ceremony. I'm sure that I can plan something wonderful..." Chichi answered.
"But I don't want a big fuss," Videl trailed off.
"Gohan's gone and called your father to come over later. And there is so much to do," Chichi clapped her hands together.
"I can't tell him," she groaned.
"You won't have to. Just tell him that you and Gohan want to be married before college," Chichi answered.
"But Chichi, this is my choice. Mine and Gohan's, not yours!" Videl snapped. Chichi sighed deeply and shook her head.
"I know dear, believe me I do. I'm just trying to help," Chichi snapped back, her brown eyes gleaming angrily. "Why won't you let me?"
"BECAUSE I'm not YOU! I'm not anything LIKE you! I'm not a good mother! Not like you! And you can't leave Gohan to live his own life!" Videl cried.
"Nobody should be alone, Videl. Family doesn't stop when a child leaves home. If you and Gohan want to live in your own house I won't stop you," Chichi calmly explained, her face composed and strangely devoid of the anger Videl expected.
Tension melted away and Videl leaned back against the headboard. "Thank you. That was all I needed to hear. It's just that you are always in on Gohan's life and I didn't know if it was his decisions or yours!"
"I do have a way of butting in," Gohan's mother sighed. "But I just want the best for him. And I've always known that YOU are the best for him."
While the two women argued and commiserated inside, the men and boys were not idle. Goten and Trunks sparred miles away from home, while three other Saiyans faced off with a Namekian in their midst. Far from the Son home, they all trained in the wastelands, testing their powers to the ultimate level.
Gohan's fist flashed out and was blocked easily by Piccolo. Appreciatively the Namek grunted and fixed Gohan in a full stare. Beams sizzled from his eyes only to whiz past Gohan's head cocked to the side abruptly. Then Gohan's leg swept out and brushed his former mentor's legs from under him.
“Buster Cannon!” Trunks shouted, both fists by his hips blazing with gold energy.
“Ka… me… ha... me ha!” Goten chanted at the same time, his hands cupped around a flickering blue sphere. Simultaneously the two youths turned their beams on one another. Both streams of energy met with a blinding crash, pushing in a war that would last for a few seconds to a few minutes.
“Nice! You're getting better!” Goku laughed as he glimpsed his son out of the corner of one eye.
“Think fast Kakkarot!” snapped Vegeta, his gloved hand slamming into Goku's face. Goku leaned back, and then brought his knee up into Vegeta's gut. The Saiyan Prince grunted and then snickered as Goku's knee encountered the armored breastplate he sported with pride.
“Ouch! What did Bulma make that out of?” Goku whined.
“You're sloppy third class! Or are you denying me the pleasure that is due me? Fight me seriously you idiot!” Vegeta scolded.
“All right, you asked for it!” Goku laughed, landing a few feet from him. Both hands were positioned in front of him, while Vegeta's were spanned at the level of his hips much as Trunks were.
“Right, HYAAAH!” Vegeta snarled. Gold power burst around him, flaring his black spikes golden. Similarly Goku yelled at a higher pitch, his voice biting and heralding the sharp flare of sudden wind that blasted his own hair upwards to resemble Vegeta's. Both Super Saiyans charged headlong, their toes barely brushing the blades of grass. Power sparkled and Vegeta's hand crashed into Goku's elbow with renewed force.
“This is…all we ever do…” Gohan panted.
“Shut up and pay attention. Or are you just teasing me when you said you wouldn't stop training!” Piccolo snapped. “Fight like you mean it!”
“I'm not going to go easy on you, Piccolo!” Gohan warned. Piccolo's fingertips flickered with purplish energy, standing apart from him.
Gohan's form was wreathed in blue fire, his stature and size increasing. Vegeta and Goku felt the surge in ki, both impressed while they dueled.
“Your boy isn't holding back, Kakkarot. Perhaps he's learned something after all that books can't teach him,” Vegeta taunted, grabbing Goku's elbow as he blocked another punch.
Goku flipped on his side, and twisted, breaking Vegeta's grip. Then he slammed his head against Vegeta's, surprising the prince. A cracking pain shot into Vegeta's head and he knew that he wouldn't bitch about Goku's hard head again. “So?”
“And Bulma isn't the only one expecting a brat is she? I suppose that harpy mate of yours is responsible for pushing them to be joined in ridiculous earth customs?” Vegeta asked.
“Maybe, and maybe not, but it isn't our say,” Goku grunted, punching Vegeta in the jaw. The prince leaned back, and then brought up a ball of energy to explode in his rival's face. Goku's yelp indicated it had some effect for the Saiyan backed away holding his face.
“Did I hurt your feelings, clown?” Vegeta taunted in a mock singsong voice. “Well this will hurt far more! Gallet GUN!”
“Don't start with me, you know that's nothing,” Goku teased, dodging Vegeta's beam.
Suddenly Vegeta felt a blast smashing into his back. He grunted and flipped over, stunned and angry at being caught off guard. Spinning around he raised his hands to block the second. “Who dares…” he snapped.
“Vegeta, shut up!” Gohan snarled, his hand raised. “How DARE you talk about my mother like that!”
“Oh, I didn't think you were so sensitive. I suppose I was wrong about you growing a spine?” Vegeta snickered, not able to resist the chance to prod Gohan a bit. It would be good to push him out of complacency he thought.
“Vegeta, don't do it,” Goku warned.
“Shut up Kakkarot, stay out of this! The boy's bared his fangs at me, and I insist on satisfaction. Go beat on the Namek for a change!” Vegeta spat.
“Say you're sorry, Vegeta! I'm serious!” Gohan bellowed. Crossing his hands before his head he gathered his power.
“Humph, at least you're using your own moves instead of relying on your idiot fathers,” Vegeta snickered wickedly. By now Goten and Trunks had stopped their sparring to watch the fireworks.
“Wow my dad's gonna kick your brother's butt,” Trunks murmured.
“No way! My big brother can take your daddy! He's way more powerful now!” Goten snorted.
“Vegeta, stop it!” Piccolo shouted. “Don't provoke him!”
“Shut up!” Vegeta snorted, levitating up. Twin spheres of power blazed around either gloved fist, and Goku glanced up in worry alongside piccolo.
“He's dead now,” Trunks snorted at Goten.
“C'mon big brother!” Goten whined.
“MA… sen… ko…” Gohan chanted, drawing more of his ki to the focus in the center of his forehead much like Piccolo had done.
“Finalll….” Vegeta intoned, lightening crackling around him and surging in a beam between his outstretched arms. He swung them inwards, pulling his body back.
“HAH!” Gohan roared, sending his beam towards Vegeta.
“FLASH!” Vegeta too shouted, unleashing his own attack. The other four watched and shook their heads at the collision of two beams. A loud clash of ki later and the light wave blinded them all if they hadn't thrown up their hands to block the backlash. Under Vegeta's levitating body a crater puckered out from the invisible wave of his ki aura expansion.
“Dammit,” Piccolo cursed.
“Gohan! Vegeta… don't!” Goku shouted.
Sweat poured down Vegeta's forehead as he increased his beam's intensity. He had to admit he was quite impressed by the level of power that Gohan shoved back with. Perhaps he could actually have a real challenge from Kakkarot's older son. His inner sense told him the level was at least the level of Gohan's when the boy had faced Cell.
“That's it, brat. Show me what you have,” Vegeta shouted.
“I've had ENOUGH!” Gohan yelled over the din of their clashing beams. Snarling he disengaged the beam and then ducked to the side. Vegeta's final flash coursed off towards the nearest hills. Goku touched fingers to his forehead and then appeared just in front of the blast to cross his arms and deflect it upwards. Trunks and Goten watched with wonder as Vegeta's attack sizzled up into space.
“That was too close,” Piccolo grunted.
“Wow that was awesome!” Goten laughed.
“Phew,” Goku wiped away sweat. Gohan stood panting; his hands at his side but his energy seemed much calmer. His head was bowed momentarily while Vegeta touched down and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“Well, I have to admit I am impressed slightly, brat,” Vegeta called.
“Say another word about my mother and I'll have to hurt you!” Gohan called back.
“Are you two finished?” Piccolo shouted. He phased in between them.
“Get out of my way Namek, this is not your concern,” Vegeta snorted.
“Vegeta, stop it now!” Goku shouted. A fist slammed against Vegeta's head, sending him flying. Rolling over on the ground the prince grunted in surprise to feel the splintering pain and force in the blow. As he blinked up and rolled into a defensive crouch he saw Goku standing over him, his face serious and his body crackling with the characteristic blue lightening of his ss2 form.
“Aww did I hurt you boy's feelings?”
“Shut up Vegeta, NOW!” Goku shouted. “I mean it. You don't know what you're doing!”
“Well, what's your point? You finally ready to settle things?” Vegeta asked, blinking up at Goku with a bored look. Yet he felt the spiking of Gohan's energy and marveled.
“Don't you see how dangerous his ki is?” Goku growled, forcing his face within inches of Vegeta's. “If you push him he'll...”
“Do what?” Vegeta snorted. “Kakkarot, you are a complete imbecile. Your son has far better discipline than you can ever hope. And you continue to coddle him with your stupidity, yet wonder why he seems on the edge of blowing it?”
“Dad, that's enough,” Gohan interrupted. Goku turned to see his son Gohan standing there with an intense frown on his face.
“Dad, I can fight my own battles. Vegeta's right. Do you think so little of my ability… that I can't handle my own power?” Gohan demanded.
“What's this all about?” Trunks wondered.
“Don't' you two have something better to do?” Piccolo barked at them. They pulled faces at him but Vegeta's harsh stare held a clear and silent warning.
“Leave us,” Vegeta said. “Now.”
“S… sure dad,” Trunks nodded. “C'mon Goten let's go.”
“Okay!” Goten answered, not wanting to disobey Vegeta. After all he had grown up knowing the Saiyan Prince all his life before Goku returned, and knew better than to question his judgment. Both boys blasted off till they were mere flickers on the horizon. Piccolo leaned against the nearest tree beside Vegeta and watched as Goku and Gohan stood only mere feet from one another. Vegeta grinned eagerly, thoroughly entertained by the spectacle of father and son facing off. It was about time.
Goku blinked in shock, and stepped between the Prince and his son. Waving his hands he protested, “Gohan that's not what I meant!”
“Your son asked you a question clown. I suggest you answer it, if you have any sense in that thick head of yours,” Vegeta said with a slight laugh. He stood up and regarded Gohan with a look of true respect. Gohan caught the smile forming on the Prince's lips and then felt his own anger subside. Goku's look of shock was comical and sad to him at the same time.
Gohan smiled and let his power drop. Goku blinked in surprise, not sure of what to expect. His son's ki was calm and tranquil, free of the dangerous spikes of rage. Even Piccolo was forced to admit there seemed no immediate danger. Just what had happened to make them think he was about to blow? Was it a false alarm, or a mere respite?
“Dad, I can handle my own power. You don't have to baby me, you know,” Gohan said quietly as he shook his head.
“Gohan, I didn't say that…”
“You told Videl that you were worried that I would blow my top if she made me upset enough, didn't you?” Gohan asked. Goku's face crumpled in worry and he opened his mouth, unable to form words.
“Well this is interesting,” Vegeta murmured.
“Don't start,” grumbled Piccolo.
“I've waited for this for a long time, Namekian. Just watch the show,” Vegeta answered.
Rubbing the back of his head Goku hastily babbled, “Gohan, she was worried like we both were! I wasn't trying to say anything that would scare her. It's just that Piccolo and I saw you almost… I mean your ki…”
Gohan squeezed his eyes shut and then shook his head sadly. When he opened them he regarded his father with frustration. Biting his lip he said, “Dad, please. You had no right to put that sort of pressure on her!”
“I never meant to hurt anyone. I was just trying to help,” Goku answered. “I'm sorry Gohan.”
Vegeta blinked in anticipation, feeling the ki crackling once more. Then it dropped and he saw Gohan's energy slam behind a set of fetters. Gohan's hard angry expression softened and the Prince snorted in disgust. Then his next words pricked Vegeta's interest again.
“Father, I expected more from you. You have that low an opinion of my abilities?” Gohan snapped.
“It looks like I was wrong, son,” Goku relented. His power dropped along with the spikes that wilted and darkened to their normal black. Eyes the same shade forlornly regarded his son, filled with sadness.
“About damn time,” Vegeta grunted. “I've been entertained enough. I'm going home.”
Piccolo merely grunted as the Prince lifted off and streaked away in an indigo comet of ki. Then he too summoned his energy and levitated away, leaving Goku and Gohan alone in his wake. All the two could do was watch their fellow Z fighters depart before regarding one another awkwardly.
“Gohan, I am sorry,” Goku repeated, striding to close the distance. His hand extended in the direction of Gohan, waiting to see what his son would do.
Gohan released his tension and exhaled sharply. Powerful steps brought him within two feet of his father, and he reached out to grasp the outstretched hand and shake it. He nodded, “I know Dad. It's just that it hurts me to think that you…”
“Gohan, let's just go home now. I was wrong and I'm sorry. Are you still angry with me?” Goku asked.
“Yes, and no,” Gohan answered. Goku held out his arms and the two embraced tightly. Then they finally departed in the direction of the son home. Another layer of tension had evaporated, and they were one step closer to understanding. Now would come a battle of another sort, and more chances to face old questions.