Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Facing it Together ❯ Oops! Part II ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Nope. Still haven't been able to cross off "owning DBZ" on my daily agenda. *rolls her eyes and sighs* Man, what a lame disclaimer. . .

Quick Note: Hey everybody! Sorry I didn't post this chapter as soon as I usually do with the other ones. I've been really busy trying lately with a whole slew of things. Assignments, applying to colleges, standardized tests-*winces*-all of which took valuable time away from my PC. So I apologize for making y'all wait so long, but now things have settled down, and now I'm free to write.

Oh, and happy birthday to one of my best friends, Saiyan Elite!

Facing it Together

Chapter Sixteen: Oops, Part II

"Settle down, Saiyans. You're becoming too impatient."

"What do you expect, Turles?" Nappa asked him. "You keep pushing us, telling us to wait. King Vegeta needs to be removed from the throne now!"

"How right you are, my friend. I don't have any intention of delaying Vegeta-ou's death any longer. We will strike in a matter of days." He listened to all of the surprised gasps come from everyone's mouths-well, everyone except Limato, who folded his arms. "What is so surprising about my statement?"

"It's just that you've been constantly putting back the date, we were expecting another excuse," Taya answered.

"What happened to your other plan of gaining the radar?" Radditz asked.

Turles sighed. "Unfortunately, my friendship with Bulma has been overshadowed by another."

"Really? Who?"

"None other than the king himself."

The set of gasps filled the room once again. Limato just rose an eyebrow. "So, it seems that I was right. The king has taken a liking to her. Can't say I'm surprised. Just what he needs-another flaw to add to his list."

"I can't believe that Vegeta-ou would even consider becoming involved with a creature outside of the Saiyan race," Radditz voiced.

There was a pause. "So, what happens now?" Taya tucked a long lock of her hair behind her ear.

"We come up with a plan to ambush," Turles said. "We have to make sure that Vegeta-ou is alone and that no other interferes with our plan. The most vulnerable time is at night, when all of his guards and councilmen are away from him."

"And that's when we hit." Nappa rose from his seat. "Prepare yourselves, Saiyans. History's about to be made."


The first rays of the sun shone through the window as her eyes fluttered open. It wasn't any sort of surprise when she realized that she was in bed alone. Bulma knew that Vegeta rose early and trained. She did not, however think that he would give her the courtesy to enjoy the rest of her sleep.

Bulma stretched and sighed as she felt herself becoming more aware and awake. Her bare feet touched the soft carpet as she got up and started to head to the shower. She wasn't really much of a morning person, but she knew that she had to get up sometime.

As she felt the beam of water hit her body, she thought of the night that she and Vegeta shared. She would never have guessed that he would tell her as much as he did last night. He lived a sad past, discovering that he came from a broken home when he was only a little boy. She wished that she had more expierence with the situation so she could offer more of her sympathy and compassion. She leaned against the light blue tile and chuckled. `Yeah right. Vegeta would see it as pity,' Bulma mused.

Her head smacked the wall as she closed her eyes. Since when did she know so much about this man? It was as if she was falling in. . .

Bulma's hand punched the faucet dial. Right, now her mind was playing tricks on her and it was the last thing that she needed. In order for her to complete her plan, she needed every ounce of her sanity, but now her thoughts were a mess and entirely unorganized, thanks to the peculiar king of Vegeta-sei. She stepped out of the stall. If Vegeta was affecting her this much, then how much was she affecting him?

A smile formed on her lips while she dressed as she asked herself that question. Even if his mind was going insane with thoughts of her, he would never show it, due to his massive amount of control. She wished that she had enough to pretend that nothing ever happened, because she had a feeling that Vegeta would do just that.

"I don't think that this was a mistake. Not when I have been constantly thinking of this in the past couple of days. I want you, Bulma…and not just here in my bed. I want everything-all of you."

Her smile widened even more when she recalled those words. If he tried to deny it later, then she would just have to refresh his memory.

Pushing all of her disturbing thoughts from her mind, she found her dragonball radar in her small bag. `Might as well go over the final details of the plan.' Bulma pressed the button on the top of the radar, and tracked the dragonballs with the zoom-out feature on the closest planet, which was Namek. Her brow creased in confusion when she saw only six of the flashing yellow dots. "Why are only six-"

She dropped the radar in shock. "Oh no. . .tell me that I didn't-" Both of the radars were in the bag when she gave it to Vegeta; it would have been easy to make a mistake, which this situation proved. She rested her head in her hands as she let out every curse that was in her vocabulary-both Japanese and Saiyago. "How could I have done something so stupid?"

Well, she could scratch that plan off of her list. Now the only one that was necessary was to retreive the correct radar back. She prayed that Vegeta hadn't figured out how to use it yet.


"Do you really think he'll like me?"

Kakarrot frowned at her. "Chi Chi, of course he'll like you," he told her. "He doesn't have a choice."

Chi Chi gave him a nervous smile. She was going to meet Kakarrot's big brother today. She supposed that Kakarrot wanted her to meet Radditz because he assumed that they would become what he called `mates'. She only agreed because she wanted to appease her curiosity of the man who Kakarrot always seemed to send to the infirmary every day in their training sessions. Kakarrot had said that Radditz was a great man, however mean at times, but overall good. Chi Chi remembered how Bulma always told her that she became too riled up and would begin to frighten those around her with her sudden outbursts. She just hoped that she chose her words carefully and kept her mouth under control.

They found Radditz in the training room, no doubt waiting for his brother in their daily matches. His black brow rose when he spotted Chi Chi.

"Radditz, I would like you to meet someone," Kakarrot said, pushing her forward. "This is Chi Chi."

The older man cast her a look that was more like a scan. He stared at her for several moments before voicing his opinion. "Well brother, you were right. She looks Saiyan, exception of a tail and a lack of a high power level."

"See? I told you."

"I still think-"

"Um. . .it's nice to meet you, Radditz," Chi Chi spoke up, interrupting their conversation about her as if she wasn't there. Kakarrot's brother gave her a nod.

"Likewise. I'm glad to finally talk to the female that has my brother completely ensnared. Has he clai-" Radditz stopped when he saw Kakkarot's visual disapproval and watched his frantic shaking of his head.

" `Has he' what?" Chi Chi asked, her brows drawn together in confusion.

"Never mind. Anyway, Kakarrot, I believe that our training session is due."

"Sure, Radditz. Let me just take Chi Chi back to her room," he offered.

"That's okay. You two have fun. Oh, and Kakarrot, you'd better not come back with open wounds!" she yelled at him before leaving the room.

Kakarrot flinched at her outburst then turned to his brother, who had his head thrown back, in the middle of a fit of laughter. "What's so funny?"

"The fact that you're taking orders from a woman who's weaker than you."

"Oh really? As I recall, you're weaker than me too."

At that, Radditz sobered up. "Is that so? Prove it, little brother."


Vegeta took one step into the chamber and looked around. It wasn't too impressive from the inside; the walls were covered in metal and the windows were tinted a deep shade of red. How could this room possibly help his chances in becoming stronger?

Then he remembered the control panel in the center of the room. Moving towards it, he pressed the yellow button, just as the idiot Yamcha told him, and imputted the amount of gravity that he wanted, just to test it.

"500 times Vegeta-sei's normal gravity," the robotic voice chimed through the system.

The king grunted in pain. Any doubt about the power of the room flew out of his head as he fell to his knees. One gloved hand gradually creeped up to adjust the level back to zero. Vegeta smirked. So the gravity room had passed his trial run, now all he needed was a sparring partner, and he knew just the Saiyan. He walked out of the chamber.

"Turles! Get me Kakarrot. Now!"

Turles stepped forward. "Kakarrot's in training right now, sire." A dark look formed on his face. "But if it's a sparring partner that you want, I'll be more than happy to stand in for him."

Author's Note: Wha-oh. That can't be good!

I have a question for you. Who should win in their sparring match: Vegeta or Turles? I have ideas for both ways and I was wondering which one you all would rather see. It's up to you, guys! Hope you liked the chapter. And as always, I hope you review!