Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ First Kiss ❯ First Kiss ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

First Kiss

By Shella


Summary: Marron has big news, and it prompts Trunks to inadvertently ask Goten for a favour. (Shounen-ai, first kiss one-shot)

Rating: PG

Genre: Romance Sweetness

Warnings: Boy + boy kiss

Archive: Permission necessary but freely given

Feedback: Preferably more than one-line variations on `awwww kawaii'

Disclaimer: These cuties ain't mine. I'm happy to let Toriyama have them, you don't have to worry about logic and continuity in fanfiction.


An indistinct burst of song preceded a pigtailed twelve-year-old into the room, muffled through the intervening walls. Only when the door burst open did the words become distinguishable.

"I got my first kiss! I got my first kiss! He was cute and I was great and I got my first kiss!"

Goten looked around, and Trunks took the opportunity to move one of his pawns just a few squares to the left. "What are you on about, Marron?" asked the dark-eyed Son.

Still exuberant, the young girl plonked herself on the bed and grinned like a Cheshire cat. "I had my first kiss yesterday!" she announced proudly.

The two teenage boys sitting on the floor, a chessboard on the carpet between them, didn't disappoint with their reactions.

"Way to go, Marron!"

"Yeah, good stuff!"

Then Trunks asked the inevitable: "What was it like?"

Marron paused to consider how to describe the experience. Everyone knew your first kiss was a Big Thing, about the biggest thing that had ever happened to you up to that point in your life.

"It was … full," she said finally.

Trunks smirked. "That's a funny way of putting it," he said, with a lopsided grin.

"Well, it was!" said Marron stubbornly. "It was a bit wetter than I thought it would be, but not in a bad way, and it felt like a big deal. It was full." She nodded firmly. "What was your first kiss like, Trunks?" she asked sweetly.

The young demi-Saiyan looked at his lap and mumbled something inaudible.

"What was that, Trunks?" asked Goten. "I didn't hear you." He noticed that his friend had gone red.

Still looking firmly down, Trunks said, louder and grumpily, "I said I haven't had mine yet."


"Really? No, you're-"


The other two responded in the same breath and manner. Their incredulousness was enough to make Trunks grumble even more, but Goten didn't press him for a translation.

"Trunks? Are you serious?" he grinned.

At the affirmative nod, Marron laughed airily. "Aw, how about that! Sweet sixteen and never been kissed!"

Goten persisted. "But there are stacks of girls at our school who'd kiss you. I bet I could name a dozen of them who'd jump you first chance they got!"

Trunks mumbled a disclaimer, for once making an attempt at modesty.

"Are you too shy?" teased Marron.

"You could say that…" came a low voice.

Marron rejected her theory the moment it was confirmed. "As if! You're just about the least shy person I know!"

Trunks shifted nervously. "Well…" he muttered, "it's just that … it's like this…"

"What? What is it?" The curiosity of a Son was well and truly alive in Goten. He shoved aside the chessboard, sending the pieces sprawling everywhere, and scurried to sit next to the other boy.

A long moment's hesitation ensued, and finally Trunks said, very quickly, "I know who I want my first kiss to be with but I don't know if they'll want to."

"Oh, that's so sweet!" Marron gushed.

Goten grinned. "Yeah, that's pretty cool," he agreed. Then he was plying for information again. "So who is it? Is it someone in your class?"

"Yeah, who is it?" Marron chimed in. "Anyone I know?"

The purple-haired demi said nothing. He'd gone even redder than before and clammed up.

Goten draped an arm around the other boy's shoulders and gave him a little shake. "C'mon Trunks, you can tell me," he said, in his most sincere voice. "I'm your best friend, remember? You can tell me anything."

"…You'll think I'm a freak," said Trunks quietly.

The dark-eyed Saiyan was aghast. "No, I won't!" he almost shouted, shocked at the very suggestion. "Have I ever been mean to you, Trunks?"

"Well, no," he admitted.

"There you go. You're my mate, I'd never think anything horrible about you." Goten gave Trunks a tiny squeeze disguised as a manly shake. "Will you tell me who it is now? It's okay Trunks, I won't tease you or anything."

There was a pause. Then…

"It's you," said Trunks, very very quietly.

Goten blinked. "…Me?" he almost whispered.

"What? What'd he say? I couldn't hear. Trunks, who is it?" pleaded Marron. But at the look on the faces of the two boys, she realised belatedly that this was something private, and hushed up.

"Yeah, you," Trunks confirmed, still looking at the carpet. Goten's arm was still around his shoulders and he felt extremely childish. "You're my best friend, right? I know you won't make fun of me or make me feel like an idiot if I'm really bad at it. And I'd rather you than some girl I don't even know."

"…Oh," said Goten. "…Okay then."

Trunks' gaze snapped up to meet his friend's. "Huh?"

"I said, okay then."

Marron squealed. "Oh, how cute!"

Trunks was staggered. "What? Goten, are you kidding?" he demanded.

"Nope," said the other boy. "You've done favours for me before, well, now I'm doing you one." He smiled charmingly.

When his friend continued to do his best goldfish impersonation, Goten shook his head and shifted a bit closer. "C'mon, how bad can it be?"

"But … you can't … hang on … how … can…" Trunks looked around helplessly, but all he saw was Marron grinning at them. She flashed him a thumbs-up sign. He gave up.

"This is going to be so weird," he muttered.

"I know," Goten agreed. "Kissing a guy … it's a bit strange when you think about it, isn't it?"

"It's strange even when I don't think about it," Trunks admitted.

"Well, at least it's me, right?" said Goten, now beginning to show signs of nervousness. "Better someone you know than a total stranger, right?"

"Yeah … hey that's what I said before!"

"Well, I agree with you."

The two stared at each other for a moment, oblivious to Marron watching them avidly. Finally Goten swallowed. He leaned in and pressed his lips awkwardly to Trunks', shutting his eyes firmly.

The older boy almost panicked, terrified cerulean gaze darting over every detail of the face in front of his own. It was a long moment before he found the courage to screw his eyes shut and open his mouth.

It wasn't the most romantic kiss, nor the most skilled. Neither was it the clumsiest or messiest. It was, however, the most nervous moment Trunks had ever experienced. It took several minutes for them to get the hang of it, to work out when and how to breathe, and when and where to move tongues so neither of them choked or drowned. And by the time they worked it out, several more minutes were needed to fully experience what a kiss felt like.

Consequently, when they broke apart Marron said, in a rather hushed voice, "That was ages longer than when Troy and I did it." She sounded impressed.

The two demi-Saiyans were now sitting side by side. Goten's ankles were crossed, elbows resting on his knees, but Trunks' legs were drawn up in a rather tense posture. Both were staring into space and both looked rather shocked at what they'd just done.

Two bright patches of colour had appeared in Goten's cheeks and his eyes were unnaturally big. "Well," he said, just a tiny bit out of breath, "that wasn't so bad for a first try, was it?"

Trunks shook his head mutely, apparently unable to speak. It took him several deep breaths before he could say, "Thanks, Goten. I owe you one." He even managed a smile.

"Don't mention it," Goten grinned.

A look of dismay and hurt flitted across Trunks' face. "Oh … right … I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to."

"No, no, I didn't mean it like that," said Goten quickly. "I meant, thank you."

"Me? For what?" The blue-eyed demi looked surprised.

Goten smiled at him. "For the best first kiss I'd ever want."

Trunks blushed.
