Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Forgotten History ❯ Forgotten Past ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Yamia-chan:konnchiwa everyone!!!im back with another Dragonball Z story.
i hope you all enjoy this one!!!!and give me some reviews!!!!!

Disclaimer:is Toriyama-san's nickname 'Yamia-chan'!?does he have twin sisters
named Dark and Light Yamia-chan!!!!does he have a older brother named Yami!?
does he have a boyfriend named Marik!!!!i didn't think so...so there's no way
i own DBZ...

Chapter1:Forgotten past

"Hmm,this is the planet,but I can't sense him!!!!darn,Im getting way to soft!!!"

'Me,Serenity,the Princess of all Saiyans,becoming to soft!?Vegeta would laugh at
me for saying that!!!!'Serenity thought to herself.

She paid and tipped the waiter who was waiting(snicker)beside her.The waiter did a
double take as Serenity got up,when he thought he saw a monkey tail around her waist....

'I need to stop drinking so much sake and take a vacation....'the poor waiter thought.

(A/N:as you can all plainly see,Serenity is the Princess of all Saiyans and Veggie-chan's
older sister...i wonder if anybody ever made a fanfic with Vegeta having a older brother
or sister....)

Serenity walked around West City during the wonderful summer day,usually picking up traces of
Vegeta's power and losing it.

'Damn'she cursed inwardly at herself'I can sense his power,but from which direction?'

~~~~~~~~~~~~flashback(i hate flashbacks...)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Vegeta!!!You get back here with my scouter you liitle runt!!!!"

"You gotta catch me first sis!!!"



That was all she heard before becoming lost in the castle's many corridors.Looking for little
brother and getting agravated by each passing minute,she bumped right into someone and got
knocked to the ground accidently.

"Oww,that really hurt!!!"Serenity said in an somewhat annoyed tone.

"You should really watch where you're going Princess..."said a man who helped pick up Serenity.

"Oh,really!?Who are you to tell me....Oh,Radditz-kun!!!!What are you doing here!?"Serenity
exclaimed in a embarrased tone.

"I was on my way to see King Vegeta,Frieza-sama wishes to see him."Radditz explained.

"Oh,the stupid lizard-boy wishes to speak to father?"Serenity said angrily.

"Yes,he does.."Radditz said,laughing at Serenity's comment"By the way Princess what are
you doing around this part of the castle?"

"Oh,I was just searching for my runt of a brother Vegeta.He took my scouter again and now Im
here searching for him...."

"Would you like me help you Princess?"

"You know,you can Serenity,and no,I don't want to distract you from your assignment."

"Thank you Prin....I-I mean Serenity,but,is there some time today I can meet you?"Radditz asked

"Well,Im free today...around seven o'clock....Oh yeah,did you see Vegeta anywhere around here?"

"I saw him near the training chambers..."

"Thanks Radditz!!!!!See you later!!!"with that,Serenity ran off in Vegeta's direction.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

'Hmm,I wish i could found Radditz first before coming here to find Vegeta...'Serenity thought


'Therit is!!!!Vegeta's power signal!!!!He must be training!!!!Its faint,but i can still use it
to find Vegeta if I hurry!!!!'Serenity thought exitedly.

Serenity rushed to where her brother's power signal was coming from.She brushed past the after-
noon rush hour crowd with ease.She was getting closer to signal,she could feel it!!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
'Im here...this is where the power signal is strongest!!At this place,called Capsule Corp.Im
here little bro.,be ready for me...'

Serenity walked up to the front door and pushed waht seemed to be the doorbell.

^^Who is it?^answered a robotic voice.

"My name is Princess Serenity.Im the Princess of all Saiyans...."

^^State your business.^^

'How rude,it doesn't even acknowledge that Im a princess!!!'Serenity thought."Im here to see my
little brother Vegeta.Is he here?"

^^....please come in....^^

Serenitywalked through the sliding doors leading into a waiting room where she saw a cleaning
robot waiting for her.

"Who are you?"Serenity asked the robot.

^^I am the cleaning robot for this house and company.Please take a seat,I will be right back.^^

With that,the cleaning robot left Serenity.

"Wow,nice place,and its so cool in here....oh well just grab a seat and wait...i hate waiting.."

Ten minutes past and Serenity heard footsteps approching.She got up off the couch and overlooked
herself,making sure she looked very much like the roalty she was and not look like some commoner.
She unwound her tail from her waist because it was becoming very annoying around her with a mini-
skirt on.(you hentai's better not be reading this fanfic...)

When the footsteps came closer,Serenity saw the person she needed to see.It was a lady with
stringy blue hair.

"Umm,may I help you miss?"Bulma asked,noticing the girl's wagging tail and spiked hair black
hair flowing down her back.

"Oh,pardon me,"Serenity stated politly."My name is Princess Serenity,the Princess of all Saiyans
and Prince Vegeta's older sister."

"His older sister!!!!!!!"

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Yamia-chan:well folks,i finished my first chapter,hoped you liked it!!!oh and if you're wondering
where Dark and Light Yamia are,they're getting ready for graduation on Tuesday,June 15...Yami
is getting ready for it also....wish us luck!!!we have to speak in front of the student body!!!
don't forget to review also!!!!ja ne!!!!!