Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Game of the gods ❯ Revelations ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Nothing about Dragonball, Dragonball Z or, Dragonball GT has ever been mine. This is just a fanfiction.
Chapter 2: Revelations
From his uncomfortable position, his face pressed on the wet grass, Trunk could only see Pan's face. He hadn't seen her afraid for a long time, but now the fear was written on her face. He could not make an estimate on how powerful this being was, that was keeping them prisoner without even touching them, but he felt he could not just give up.
He closed his eyes and counted … `one… two… three!'
Adrenaline shook his body and he growled, as he tried to power up to SuperSaiyan in a flash, but even a flash was not enough to startle this being into letting him go. Again a powerful force slammed down on him, but more violently, and this time he lost consciousness.
“Trunks!”, Pan managed to squeeze out, and with large eyes she looked at the unconscious Trunks. She tried to reach for him, but she could not move an inch.
“Damnit!”, she hissed, as she struggled against the force, knowing it wouldn't matter.
Exasperated she gave up, waiting for whatever would be coming.
She felt the ground vibrate slightly under her cheek in a certain rhythm, and she realized they where footsteps coming closer. The footsteps halted.
“What do we have here?”, a baritone male voice spoke. “Did you come to greet me after my long journey? How kind of you…”
“Get away from us!”, Pan hissed immediately, ignoring her fear. “What happened to Trunks? What did you do?”
“Look, he tired himself out by trying to fight my power. He's not hurt, just unconscious. Let me assure you, I have no hostile intent of any kind…”
“Neither do we! Just let us go!”, Pan interrupted him, still eager to get to Trunks.
“How do I know you're not going to kill me?”, the creature asked.
“Are you kidding me? Isn't it obvious you're much stronger than us?”, Pan said incredulously.
The creature shifted position, and bent down to face Pan. Startled, Pan tried to move away, but of course she couldn't. She just blinked at him.
His skin was grey and looked soft like a human's. Also, his hair was a pure white, pulled back with a few bangs hanging in front of his face. Two small black horns stuck out of his hair. He had a small goatee, which was also white. His eyes where a striking dark green, and all in all he looked to be around 30 years of age.
“Promise not to try anything funny, then. I'm not terribly fond of pain…”, the man said.
Pan looked at him funny, when she noticed he had small canines.
“Well… fine then! It's not like I could do anything to you.”, she replied.
“Ok!” The alien said happily, and he jumped up. He made a few gestures with his hands, and said: “Ok, you should be able to move!”
Pan felt the weight lifted off of her immediately, and felt light in the head as she tried to get up. The alien walked over to Trunks.
“Hey, don't touch him!”, Pan called out, but she stumbled to the ground feeling disorientated.
“Don't worry, I'll just wake up your friend here…” The alien said, as he carefully lifted Trunks off of the ground and snapped his fingers across his face.
Trunks startled wide awake immediately, and stumbled away from the man, right into a fighting stance.
Trunks looked him over. He reckoned he was definitely not from Earth, because of his strange appearances. He did however have black, gi-like garments on, which allowed free movement. Trunks realised he must be a fighter as well.
The alien smiled at him, flashing his sparkly white canines.
Trunks moved at lightning speeds, landing a fist at the aliens' face as hard as he possibly could, causing a sickening crunch to sound through the empty planes.
Pan flinched at the s
ight and sound.
*Well*, she thought, *He didn't specify Trunks…*
Trunks and the alien just stood there for a while, with Trunks not removing his fist from the alien's face.
Trunks quietly removed his fist from the man's face, looking a bit pale around the nose, leaving the alien standing completely unharmed.
The alien sweat dropped as Trunks held his fist close to his stomach, hunching over it a bit, a wry look on his face.
“Ouch..”, he managed to bring out.
Pan jumped in. “Sorry! Sorry! He didn't know! He was unconscious! “, she said, standing between Trunks and the alien.
“Yeah, should have seen that one coming anyway…”, the alien said, sweat dropping even more.
“Just who are you?”, Pan asked curiously, taking a bit more distance. She figured he wouldn't be hostile after being punched, and not retaliating. Trunks stood upright again, and she noticed his hand was starting to swell up.
“One minute!”, then alien said, as he pointed to the sky. A wave of ki rippled from his body towards where he pointed at
Immediately string of curses was heard, as someone plummeted down from high above, making a neat round crater about 30 meters away from them.
“Was that…?”, Trunks started.
”Yep, that was Vegeta all right.”, Pan said, listening to the man cursing in 3 different languages, at least one of them of alien origin.
“The hostile intent is overwhelming! I have to contain him for a bit. Sorry.”, the alien smiled apologetically.
“Hehe, we understand.”, Pan said, sweat dropping.
Well, then', the alien said, “I'll introduce myself properly. My name is Pandemonia, and I carry an invitation for the game of the gods. My duty is to find a capable Earthling to represent Earth in these marvellous games and festivities!”
“Game of the gods? What's that about? Gods?”, Pan started. Trunks just frowned.
“I will elaborate. The game of the Gods is a sort of tournament, held every 10.000 years throughout the entire Universe. Only 1 habitant of each of the 100 special planets gets an invitation.”
“Really? Is it like a Budokai? I mean, a tournament?”, Pan asked.
“Sounds like it.”, Trunks said, looking at his hand worried.
That's about right, yes. Your planet has never been represented before, in the 487 times these games have been held. In the last 50 Earth years, the eyes of the gods have fallen upon this tiny planet. They heard of great things being accomplished by Earthlings… the destruction of Frieza right here on this planet, for instance. Afterwards even the mighty Buu was destroyed, right here on Earth!”
“That's right! So don't think we can't pound you to Kingdom Come either! Just wait until I get out of this damn hole!”, and angry voice rose from the crater.
“You're not going to get out, Earthling! Your power is admirable, but the power given unto me by the gods is much greater! Now please behave!”, Pandemonia said.
“I'm not an EARTHLING, fool! Don't ever call me that again! I'm a Saiyan! And so are those two!”, Vegeta, snarled angrily.
Pandemonia was confused.
”You're all
Saiyan? What are you doing so far away from home?”
“Bah! Now I see you're just a lying bastard!”, Vegeta said, “If you where really a messenger of some god, you would know my homeplanet was destroyed over 60 years ago!”
Pandemonia had a confused look on his face, as he stared at the crater where Vegeta was. Both Pan and Trunks looked at him suspiciously. Vegeta was partially right… something like that wouldn't be missed by any gods if they where real gods…
“Look, sir, I don't know where you get your information, but your planet is perfectly fine! It is even represented in the Game of the gods!”, Pandemonia said.
“Impossible! Planet Vegeta is GONE! It was destroyed by Frieza! You are a liar!”, Vegeta spat out. “What the hell are you REALLY doing here!?”
Pandemonia looked back at both Trunks and Pan, who had suspicious looks upon their faces.
“Just what are you playing at here?”, Trunks asked.
“I can't believe you do not know!”, Pandemonia said incredulously. “Planet Vegeta used to be planet Plant!”
“I know that, fool! And it was destroyed!”, Vegeta retorted.
“Yes that's true!”, Pandemonia said, “But planet Vegeta was not the home world of the Saiyans! Planet Saiya is!”
Pan and Trunks looked at each other in shock. Planet Saiya? What was going on here?
Vegeta snorted loudly. “Just what kind of fool do you take me for? If you're here to play games, how about you let me the f*ck go you coward, and we'll play a game of `pound the alien to a bloody pulp'!”
“Hey, no need to be abusive here! I'm not lying! Saiyans from Vegeta do not originate from planet Plant! They just took it over after roaming the planet without any technology for a few decades! The Vegeta clan was exhiled from planet Siaya, and put on planet Plant by the Saiyan Empress at that time, as a punishment for treason!”, Pandemonia said, gesturing wildly.
Trunks and Pan where even more shocked. They stared at each other, then at Pandemonia, expecting Vegeta to reply with the truth.
But, he didn't…
“Good, so where was I?”, Pandemonia started again. “Well, since you're all Saiyan, and I was going to invite an actual HUMAN, we seem to have a problem, since the humans seem to be incredibly weak compared to the other participants… They can't be expected to compete…”
“WAIT a minute!”, Trunks said loudly. “You just told us we are not alone in the universe, that there are other Saiyans out there! You expect us to just believe you!? Prove it! I they are there, we deserve to see them with our own eyes!
“Hey now, I didn't come here to do that! And it sounds to me that the Saiyans from Saiya wish never to see the likes of you ever again, or they wouldn't have dumped you on a planet over 6000 light-years away! I'm not getting in the middle of this! It might have been better that you never had known at all!” Pandemonia said, getting annoyed at the whole situation.
“Let me go so I can look you in face. I will not harm you.”, Vegeta said, sounding strangely calm.
“I'm not interested in a game of pounding.”, Pandemonia said.
“I WON'T.”, Vegeta simply said harsly.
He felt all the weight lifted off of him, so he raised from the crater and walked over to the group, facing Pandemonia. He eyed the other alien up and down, and even though he was much stronger, he didn't seem intimidating at all. But, a lot was needed to intimidate someone like Vegeta.
“I understand Saiya is represented in this game?”, Vegeta finally asked.
“You listen up. Even if I have to rip Krillen out of his wheelchair or that fool Yamcha from whatever whorehouse he's at , Earth WILL be represented, and I WILL go to wherever it's held. Period.”
Pandemonia looked Vegeta in the eyes with a blank look for some long seconds.
“Fine. You find a capable human that will not put me to shame, and I will bring 4 others with me to witness the games. But, you will not react violently upon meeting any people from Saiya, or extreme measures will be taken.”
Vegeta crossed his arms over his chest. “Fine. Then it's a deal.”
“Say, Pandemonia, what kind of standards are there at the games? Concerning power levels?”, Trunks asked.
“At least 500 million. The standards rise exponentially every 10.000 years, because everyone's evolving like crazy… what are you face faulting for!?”
“You want as to find a human fighter at 500 million!? That's… not possible! No human can get this strong!”, Pan shouted.
Vegeta carefully pushed Pan forward, saying: ”Here's your human! I'll train her to reach 500 million.”
“What!? Now wait a minute!”, Pan said, startled.
Pandemonia laughed. “Nooo way. You just told me she's Saiyan. Now you take ME for the fool! I'm not going to be able to cheat on the gods! They'll have my hide!”
“She's human. She's mixed down until the third generation. That means she's trice as human as she is Saiyan. I certainly don't call THAT a Saiyan. Especially since she's so weak compared to earlier generations. It's pretty pathetic, really. Look at her chubby arms…” Vegeta went on with a smirk on his face, pricking his finger in her upper arm.
“Allright, I think he GETS IT!”, Pan yelled.
“Hmmm…”, Pandemonia said, as he stroked his goatee, thinking. “I think we can get away with it… just one fourth Saiyan, right? And the rest is human?”
“Quite.”, Pan grumbled, still angry at Vegeta.
“There are only rules up until the second generation. So that means you're in!”
Please review, and I'm still searching for a proof reader! ;)