Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Gangstas' Eyes ❯ Fight Night I ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

…A/N `Ello readers I'm so very sorry that this took as long as it did. This chapter is very long, only four to six months to write this. I think that you all will hate me after ya'll read it. So sit back, relax, and get your fingers ready to flame me. ¿Y tu que miras?
Disclaimer: Need I say more?
Chapter Twenty: Fight Night I
“Woman you can dress in rags for all I care. Just hurry up.” Vegeta said whose voice roared throughout Capsule Corp. complex. Vegeta wore a silverish t-shirts and black jeans. Vegeta sprawled out on the maroon sofa turning though the latest issue of the science magazine and then threw it in the air. It twirled in the air and landed on the side of the couch.
“Vegeta this is the first battle I've ever been to, and I'll have you know the battles don't start until I step into the UnderGround.” Bulma yelled down the stairs. Vegeta huffed, picked up the magazine again and laid it on his face. “My parents aren't home, are they?”
“Well could you write them…?” She flung back and forth through her closet.
“No.” He yelled with the magazine still planted on his face.
“Vegeta.” She whined dragging the last syllable out as far as she could.
“Bulma.” He copied her whine. “No…fine but remember whatever I write is what they'll read.” Vegeta dropped the magazine on the freshly vacuumed carpet.
“Never mind I'll do it myself.” Vegeta gave a little smirk knowing she'd change her mind. “Shesh, you'd think I'd catch a break.” She said to herself. She couldn't even catch a break with what to wear. “Come on now it's a fight. I should be able to be dressed in anything.” She wanted her options to be a black leather suit biker like, Poncho pants, dark jeans, and a skirt, with a reddish purple shirt that sleeves fall off the shoulders. “My Dad will ask me why I need to wear this to a movie slash dinner.” She said as she eyed down the leather outfit on her bed with the other choices, she's been dying to wear the piece rawhide since last winter. She threw it the on the ground in regret.
“Hey; no dresses, or short shirts, or anything that'll show your boobs.” Vegeta told Bulma.
“Thanks Dad and I'll be sure to be home before 10:00.” Said Bulma in a sarcastic nature. Vegeta rose up his eyebrow and found a comeback.
“Good you know who your daddy is. What a smart little girl I have.” Vegeta's laugh rang through the complex.
“Shut up.” She whispered to herself.
“And no heels.”
“I'll wear what I want.” She screamed annoyed at Vegeta. She snatched the black flowy pants and wrestled inside her closet and won a grayish white blouse with a black rose on the sides in one hand, and two tight white shirts and light blue jeans in the other. She stuffed the shirts and jean combo into a capsule. Bulma walked down the stairs and peeked into the living room to spot an annoyed Vegeta laid on the couch and a science magazine underside of him. The front door groaned open with Bulma's mother and father laughing and carry on. “I guess there's no reason for me to write a note then.” The couple looked at Vegeta who was picking up their magazine.
“You kids be good tonight.” Her mother wore a smile larger than the world, creasing from ear to ear.
“Yes mom.” Bulma answered simply. Vegeta already rushed outside.
Bulma took herself out the door and started Vegeta's Capsule 8 outside. Capsule 8 was an aircraft in a class by itself. It was a new model and no one had it.
“Bye Mom bye Dad.” Vegeta yelled copying the way Bulma says it. Bulma waved to her parents and Vegeta playfully shoved Bulma inside Model 8.
“Honey they looked cute today all dressy and stuff.” The couple chuckled as their daughter blasted away.
“Vegeta slow down.” Bulma was flopped over the seat; she hadn't put her seatbelt on
“Just do it my goodness, do you have to be an egotistical idiot over everything.” He slowed up and she jumped in the trunk of the aircraft and started to undress. Vegeta positioned one of Bulma's mirrors she had lying around to the back. Detecting that this was happening Bulma kicked a yellow button to the right of her.
“How'd that get there?” Vegeta yelled.
Bulma raised her eyebrow mocking Vegeta. “You did not just ask me that?” She slipped on the form fitting short-sleeved shirt and her looser light blue jeans. She threw her pervious outfit in a storage cabinet. She hopped back into the passenger seat.
“What was that for?” Bulma steered her eyes to the left as if he spoke a foreign language. “Why did you change?”
“Time is of the essence.” She clicked her seatbelt on and reached over by Vegeta to snatch her mirror. Then she played with her hair.
“That's it?” Vegeta scrunched up his face waiting for the reason why she had changed.
“Yep, and that's all I'm going to say.”
“Could you hurry up?” Vegeta jumped out the capsule and waited for Bulma in the heat. She didn't respond to his rant. Bulma slid out the capsule waiting for the capsule to shrink. She picked the little pill up and placed it in the pocket of his pants. He looked up at her seductively. “Do you want to fight tonight? We can go.” Bulma playfully shoved him and gave off a light blush.
“Silly, then how could I bring that trophy home?” Bulma snatch his hand that dwelled on his side and intertwined their fingers around each other. For a while he had loathed holding her hand at the UnderGround, but he just got use to her. They trotted down the stairs at the same pace. When they reach ground they had to wait at the end of the line.
In the beginning of the line was a lengthy table; at the table Darrion and Sam sat with two extra chairs. “If you do not have an invitation you will not fight tonight, just sit back and relax.” Sam yelled at the people that could not read the sign above them. The slogan said “no fight if you ain't invited”.
“Yeah because some of their fight weren't even special.” Darrion whispered to his long time friend, Sam agreed. “Does anyone have an invitation?” Sam turned his head and could not forget that he is in charge of this. He unexpectedly stood up and pointed at Bulma.
“UnderGround Queen.” At eyes zipped at the blue haired seraph that put excitement back into illegal fighting. Vegeta loosen his grip her eyes trailed up to Vegeta and gently he pushed her away. Vegeta rolled his eyes at how dramatic she is. Bulma part her way through the crowd as if she were the only one that mattered. “Do you plan one staying the Queen tonight.” Sam asked. Bulma looked over her shoulder watching Vegeta, not paying attention to Sam's inquiry. “UnderGround?”
“Nothing…” He smiled. “…Nothing. You'll be going to your right, if this comes out precisely the way we planned you will not fall.” Sam snickered.
“What do you mean?” Bulma set her head in an inclined. She wondered what did Sam mean. Then she set her eyes on Darrion.
“”You'll see.” Darrion laughed. Bulma walked over to her left to take off into her undisclosed location. “UnderGround!?” Bulma looked like she was a deer in headlights. “Your right, go to your right.” She let out a heavy sigh and had no understanding as to why she had the trembles. Bulma walked to her destination and listened as the newbloods tried to get in with their fake invitations.
Inside the UnderGround remodeled with new upholstery. The seats were black leather with trim, the trim and tables were wooden, and the tile that substituted as a ring was brand spanking new. On the perimeter of the ring were new seats for the fighters it matched the rest of the seats in UnderGround. The bar slash food counter was painted black too with new wall-to-wall hardwood. The UnderGround was unoccupied with the exception of three. They were the Old Man, IZ, and 17, they checked out everything to see if it worked properly
“The lights are go, the water works, and all the seats are organized the way you like it.” IZ smiled.
“Good girl now I think Sam and Darrion might need some assistance, could you possibly help them out.” The Old Man suggested.
“Yeah why not.” She left the UnderGround happily.
The Old Man leaned over his side to 17 who carried this look of unease. “What do you know?” 17 turned to his elder. He sighed and knew this was for the good of the Old Man.
“She's going to kill you.” 17 answered the Old Man.
“Well son I'd rather be killed by a beauty as she then to some ugly broad or a man. Anyways she's a Lime.” The Old Man gave his reason like he'd given a penny to charity.
“A What?” A Lime, 17 never heard the term except as a fruit.
“Exactly a Lime is someone that strayed from West. They formed their own group but then it died off.” The wisdom flowed through every corner. “You wouldn't believe the list of people who are Lime.”
“Can we go to your office and talk, please?”
“You don't like her, then you don't like her. You don't have to hide it from me.” The two walked to the office and 17 closed the door. 17 smirked and took a seat on the carpet next to a sleeping infant. “Tomorrow?”
“Yeah all of the leaders are on the hits. You're not a big name but you are on it and she's placed to kill you.” The Old Man looked up blissfully with his cheeks redder than cherries. The Old Man's heart hammered with anticipation, he always wanted to die by a sultry woman.
“Is your name on the list?” The Old Man asked.
“I don't know and I'd rather not care, Sir. We all want to kill each other. They're a bunch of Bardock followers anyways.”
“Sorry 17 but it had to be done.” 17 gave a slim sigh, he understood, Old Man seemed to always apologize. 17 never knew why. “What I've never told anyone was that I had a brother 30 years ago, well a half brother. Thirty years and people can't forgive. I love families that get through this.” He tapped 17 on the shoulder. “One day I had to make a life or death decision and I didn't make the right choice. My brother was the price for all this. I was young and he's gone forever, my boy. I understand that all siblings should be protected.” 17 got the gist of what he meant.
“To be a child.” 17 looked to Marron playpen, she was drooling on her oversized pink rabbit. Her uncle got for her.
“She looks excessively too much like your sister.” The Old Man smiled at the little infant. “Sixteen more minutes.” The Old Man spotted his watch.
“Sixteen more minutes till this event shakes the city.”
“Our last Battles. If the Empire plays their cards right then they know I'm too weak to fight them off. Everything is in their favor.”
“They're too isolated to get this anywhere near immaculate. They can't pull it off if I'm inside demolishing the new foundation. But if they do I want you out of here do not stay in this place.” Warned 17 with his spotless blue eyes. “Leave tonight.”
“Don't worry boy a dim-wit I'm not.” He assured 17 with his green glazed sunglasses. 17 picked the child up and walked out to the arena, he picked a seat that faced the entrance and sat there. Marron loved sitting with her uncle and bounced on his knee.
“This better work little mama. Mommy said it would but your mom could lie to the devil and he'd believe her.” 17 glanced at his phone. It will be 10 more minutes till this place fills up. “Ain't that right Precious.” Marron wailed her chubby arms in the air as Spike strutted though the entrance.
“Now I wasn't gone for a long time 17. Who'd you screw to get such a beautiful child?” 17 rolled his eyes. He held his niece up for comparison
“She is my niece.”
“No kiddin', so fill me in. I haven't seen or talked to you since December. What's going on?”
“Executions start tomorrow.”
“You do know that I'm going to do what I've planned. I have found my own.”
“You're an idiot.” 17 said sharply. Spike shook his head knowing that 17 would understand later.
“Why are the executions tomorrow and after the battles?”
“We planned it this why. I told the Old Man and he said he wanted a party before his death. Spike keep your eyes on Slayer.”
“Oh I think they'll be watching him with the eyes and the eyes on the back of my head.” Spike couldn't believe that Slayer and his UnderGround are together.
“Krillen will be here, right?” Spike smiled.
“I don't know, but I do know this. 18 told me if he asks about Marron to tell him that the child is mine.”
“WOW!” Spike exaggerated the word. “So are you ready?”
“Ready for what? I'm staying here to hold down the fort. 18 is leaving tomorrow, no tonight. On Tuesday I'll meet her in Ginger town. Then we'll move to Tamalville.”
“Where's that?”
“It's 400 miles from here. In no man's land.” 17 laughed. “We want to try to get away from everything. What about you will you rescue the Queen from Slayer?” 17 eyed Spike for a time as Spike searched for his answer.
“Well I guess that's my plan. 17 I will help myself and I'll be alright.” He guaranteed 17. “I'm going to help myself before I help you.”
“You sound like me.”
“IZ was in the front. Isn't she supposed to watch the Old Man?” 17 gestured for Spike to watch IZ as well. “That serious, ha she is stupid to try anything tonight. If I see anything I'll let you know.” The door suddenly filled in with people and the seats began to decrease in numbers. Spike walked away to join the fighters, leaving 17 and Marron by themselves. The seats on fighter's square seat were widely spaced and an odd space that didn't quite fit in. Security in every corner just in case a fight breaks out over the fights, people bet more than they can chew.
Kayla pranced in with a light blue outfit that screamed exuberance. “Blue is her favor color.” 17 thought out loud.
She wanted to sit one hundred chairs away, but she could only be five. She could feel him starring out the corners of his eyes. With every peek he'd give a heavy smirk. “Hey Marron you better work.” He whispered in her ear, which he knows it gives her these outbursts of laughter when you do. He walked over by Kayla with Marron in his arms. She was trying to look aloof.
“Are you trying to impress me with someone else's child. Juunana that's LOW!”
“It's not what it looks like.” Kayla rolled her eyes and Marron gave her a dirty look that she studied from her mom. “It's not mine and I wasn't trying to impress you. This is my niece she is 18's little angel. I can here to ask…” He cursed 18's grave.
“No.” She would let him ask.
“Sauce let me sit with you.”
“No.” He turned away and stared walking away. 17 smiled because he knew her next move and she would not resist his boyish charm. “Juu I didn't mean it come sit by me.” 17 erased the smile with a stern lip. She patted the seat. “Of course I want you to sit with me.” she lied between her teeth.
“Say thank you Mar.” She took her chubby fingers and strapped them around his index finger. As he tried to get situated she pulled his bloodless finger to her mouth. 17 hurried and pulled his finger out of the toothless cave.
“So who did you put money on?” Kayla asked as the people were still filling in.
“What makes you think I bet?”
“Come on if I put money on somebody then you did too.”
“Spike and 18 but it was only because I was forced to.”
“Oh really, I put my money on Goku and Scrachez. 17 you should leave today.”
“Why should I leave? Let's cut the act Sauce, you know way too much not to live in this city. To be truthful 18 doesn't care for you, but I'm sure you'll do the right thing.” Kayla huffed out a large sigh.
“I put money on Nostalgia too. I'm sorry 17, I'm sorry. You wouldn't understand.” She left it like that.
“Mar I think that it time for you to sleep, you had one nap all day.”
“She'll go to sleep when she wants to. You can't tell her what to do.” 17 paid no heed to Kayla's `can't tell people what-to-do speech' and frowned down to his watch.
“Three minutes.” 17 whispered to his watch. Someone sent a message back to him saying, “cut the lights”. The next second the lights dimmed and everyone gave their oh's and ah's during the effects. Now there were no lights and stillness was the outcome of it, no body said a word.
“UG we are going to need you to sit on this.” Sam tapped Bulma on the shoulder. A Bulma twisted to see what he was referring to.
“For what?” Bulma attracted, this contraption was basically a hammock with bamboo poles on the four corners. “NO!” Bulma dared not to sit, lay, swat, kneel, or anything of that matter on that unreliable thing.
“Well the Old Man really wants to be over the top.” Bulma sighed and took one more look at the mechanism.
Vegeta sat down in the new black seat; he sat there wondering when was the last time he was in this position. Vegeta looked to his left and Nappa sat next to him. Nappa looked to his right and there was Vegeta. Nappa waved to him as if they were best friends. Vegeta scowled at his comrade. Then Goku and Raveness came in holding hands; Raveness beat her eyes into Vegeta as they walked by. He mouth to her I'm alive. She scowled at him. They sat on the left of Nappa. Iszu sat in the empty seat next to Vegeta. Spike sat in the middle of the row away from the drama. A young lady named Rael sat next to Spike and he rolled his eyes.
Rael was a fifteen year old with bone straight violet hair. She is taller than most of the fighters there and here's a fact, Rael hasn't been to the UnderGround since her first win. Buter and Jeice strolled on in and took their seats. Jeice wanted to sit as far from Raveness and Goku as he could.
Dirrt came linked elbows with CapTile; Bulma fought her some time ago, the first shuffle fight Bulma ever attended. A rather large man by the name of Broly entered and sat. He was now considered a Lime, after years of loyalty to Raveness he just kind have drifted away, but do not call him a traitor of any kind. A cold wind shifted steady and it was the air conditioner. It cooled the area and calmed a heat conflict that might be able to happen.
Next was a person who was hooded from head to toes. It looked like a dust bunny magnet, beaded with gray lint. This person only looked down, never wanting to expose what was hiding under the veil. A blonde haired blue eyed was strutting in like she owned the place. They call her Mist? She's a smaller woman with long hair she has striking similarities to 18.
Another girl around sixteen stomped in with this uncertain look about her. Sam, Darrion, and IZ came running after her.
“I want to fight Raveness, right now!” Demanded by this girl with these light brown eyes. This girl had black asymmetrical bond cut. She wore and open back red shirt with black shorts on. Raveness sat up so the she can have a better look at her.
“Excuse me Miss but you do not have an invitation.” The onyx hair girl shot a glare at Darrion. “If you don't have an invitation you ain't fighting.” He announced and the crowd cheered to agree. “So do you have one?”
“I do have an invitation.” The girl yelled.
“Where is it?” IZ hissed, they had just told 23 people the same thing in five minutes.
“It's at home.” She said it like having an invitation didn't matter.
“Well you can't fight. Sit down and watch like everyone else.” Sam yelled. 17 couldn't sit and watch this performance go on any longer. He looked to his watch.
“Code six to the Old Man.” The Old Man suddenly open his office door to see what all the ruckus was all about.
“I want to fight tonight.” Everyone waited in silence for the Old Man's response. The Old Man was willing and ready for any consequence.
“No you can not fight tonight. You can come into my office and we can talk about it.” The girl started to tear up. “Hey maybe you can fight next time but not tonight.”
“You filthy dumb whore that's what you get.” Someone screamed in the crowd.
“Come on let's talk about it.” He grinned. The girl jumped back seeing that this man was nothing but a pervert.
“No it's okay.” She took a seat as Darrion instructed her to.
Krillen walked in with a white suit and light pink tie. He looked around to see the top fighters he's ever seen compete. He was kind of glad he didn't except his invitation. “Look Raveness, Goku, Vegeta and the UnderGround are fighting tonight, forget that.” He took a seat close to the fighters there where also a group of Mid-Cytez parts sat. He looked at the hooded person and had a numb sensation in his fingers. “ And she's here too.” He said to himself.
17 saw Krillen take a seat, so he looked down to Marron. “Hey you want to meet you're daddy?” She threw a dressed doll at his head. “I guess not, stubborn child just like your mom.”
“Wait…” Kayla tried to put two and two together. “Her father is Krillen?” 17 shook his head yes. “The child doesn't have a fighting chance to grow past five foot.” Both laughed and waited for the event of the year.
“Do you want to see some fighting tonight?” The crowd cheered in response of the deep voice of Piccolo. “Well then you all came to the right place. Tonight we are holding the Battles, if you haven't noticed. We have a lot to show you tonight. Many ex-champs trying to beat the crown away from the Queen of all dirty fighting the UnderGround Queen.” The crowd went from silence to exuberating this luscious energy that could not be described by any thing other than anticipation. Then they started to beat on the tables, woot and holler. They realized that she was absent. “As some of you notice the Queen is not present at this moment, but she is in the building.” A sigh was heard through out the UnderGround, and then they started to cheer again. “ So this is how it will start.” Piccolo stood up and walked on the tiles where the fights will be held; a single spot light on him only to give the crowd a reason to be silent. “We separated the Males and Females and picked who they will fight by recollection of old fights or fights we would have liked to see. The winner will then go on to shuffle matches males and females will fight against each other. Then winners of the shuffle match will get to pick who they want to fight. These will lead to one person that will fight the UnderGround Queen. “You want to bring her out?”
The massive amount of people stood to their feet, some on their chairs, and others on the tables the clap crescendo. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and unstructured craziness.
She came out accompanied with four well-built males. UnderGround was on the top with her eccentricity, she looked embarrassed yet stunning. She was so scared of falling off she decided to stay in the middle, hoping no one can see the fear in her.
“Cue the chair.” Said a short bald man, he work under the Old Man so he had a watch identical to 17's. This was a signal for a black throne to come out; the chair matched the furniture around it. These strong men eased Bulma down. Each unlatched their bamboo poles and exit respectively.
“Nice for you to join us.” Bulma nod her head she didn't catch what Piccolo said exactly, her heart was still pounding from that moment of immensity it became to be a bit overwhelming for her. She took it all in stride. “This will be the lovely lady someone here will be going against tonight. Shall we get start, I'm going to need Rael and Raveness.”
“Are you serious?” Raveness sighed.
“Ha the first fight and Rav has to fight a youngin'.” Nappa bolted in laughed. Rael shot an ugly look at him.
“Oh and one more thing this is a closed fight, meaning you will not set foot out of the premise of the ring. If you do you will automatically be disqualified. There's no saves either. Quit or get knocked out.” Raveness stood impassive. “Raveness?”
“Boo.” Scrachez moaned out. “Come on now we know Raveness is afraid of fighting this little girl, she ain't got that spark anymore.” Raveness shot an intense look at the corner of her eyes at Scrachez. She walked to the arena.
“Ya'll ain't newbloods so you know what to do. Go!” Piccolo stepped out the ring as the two ladies starred each other down. The people in the crowds burst of yells decreased to an unruffled shrill of hushes among the crowd.
“Look old woman we don't have all day.” Rael said to the once the Fearsome Beast, Lady black, Child of Death who now rejects anything other than her name, Raveness. Bulma lifted her eyebrow imitating Vegeta and wondered; wow they let kids fight early