Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Just A Crush.... ❯ Just A Crush... ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Trunks- 27

Pan- 21

Bra- 20


Just a Crush…

Pan was sitting on the hills, strumming a guitar, trying to get it in tune.

`There we go!' she thought. She began to sing, in a beautiful voice…softly.

"When I was fourteen.

I thought you were just a crush.

I could grow out of in no real rush.

I grew up still no rush.

I had the rest of my life to get over you.

We spent more and more time together.

It felt right and I thought it should last forever.

I learned so much about and from you.

Not only were you hot and cute you are smart too.

We argued one night.

Got in to a huge fight.

I thought I was always right.

I woke up the next morning.

And realized I had grew out of my crush.

And as I looked at you lying next to me.

I knew it was love."

Pan felt tears coming to her eyes. Trunks would never be hers, for the taking. What was she thinking about?

She wiped her tears away.

Trunks….if only he knew.



"Pan, don't feel upset, I'm really upset too. Goten…" her best friend sighed.

"I heard your song. It's gorgeous."

"Really? You think so?"



"Yeah." Bra frowned at her. "Of course a band."



"Girl Zone?"

"Whatever, Pan." Pan started strumming the guitar softly again. "That could be one of our lead songs. Just a Crush. We'd show Goten and Trunks!" she said angrily.

"Yeah, I'll go down to the studio tonight, wanna come?"

"I'm yer best friend, course!"

Later that night, Pan and Bra went down to the recording studios and played their song.

"I like it, I like it." The man, smoking a huge black cigar said.

"So?!" they asked hopefully. "You're hired."

"Yeah!" they slapped hi-fives.

Later that week, Pan and Bra were practicing their hit song when Goten and Trunks came in. "What's that?" "Uh…nothing…" Bra stammered.

When, Goten and Trunks went bar hopping and girl seeking on Thursday night, they stopped at a bar, to listen to a song.

"Here's a new band. Two girls."

Some pop music hit.

The curtains opened and Bra and Pan were there, wearing black flared skirts and pink off the shoulder tops.

"This song, is dedicated to my crush." Pan said, with her eyes closed.

"Just A Crush.

When I was fourteen.

I thought you were just a crush.

I could grow out of in no real rush.

I grew up still no rush.

I had the rest of my life to get over you.

We spent more and more time together.

It felt right and I thought it should last forever.

I learned so much about and from you.

Not only were you hot and cute you are smart too.

We argued one night.

Got in to a huge fight.

I thought I was always right.

I woke up the next morning.

And realized I had grew out of my crush.

And as I looked at you lying next to me.

I knew it was love."

Pan and Bra sung beautifully and Goten and Trunks recognized the song as the song they were playing the other night.

After the song, Bra and Pan went backstage, talking excitedly. "Wow!" "Did you s-?" "Trunks and-" "Goten…" "Watching us…" "Play." Pan finished.

They hugged and Trunks and Goten walked behind stage. "Hey girls!" "Trunks? Goten? We couldn't tell you. It's our secret. But…" Pan froze. "What?" "I guess you've figured it out." "Figured what out?" "That," Bra cut her off by kicking her.

They don't know!

"We each have a crush. On someone we've known for ages." Bra went over to Goten and hugged him and Pan did the same to Trunks.

"What? Pan, what's going on?" "I'll tell you…on the hills." "Okay." Pan walked outside and flew into the air. "Come on then." "Okay." She flew back over to the hills to where Bra and Pan had made their group.

Pan played the song again,

"When I was fourteen.

I thought you were just a crush.

I could grow out of in no real rush.

I grew up still no rush.

I had the rest of my life to get over you.

We spent more and more time together.

It felt right and I thought it should last forever.

I learned so much about and from you.

Not only were you hot and cute you are smart too.

We argued one night.

Got in to a huge fight.

I thought I was always right.

I woke up the next morning.

And realized I had grew out of my crush.

And as I looked at you lying next to me.

I knew it was love."

"Trunks!? Don't you get it?!" "What?!" "I love you." Pan covered her mouth.

"You do?" "Yes." She turned the colour of a tomato.


"Mmmm?" "I love you too damnit!" he turned her head towards him and kissed her passionately.

"Hey..I was thinking…bout' your band…PAN?!" Trunks said, angrily. "Are you listening?"

"Yeah…what about our group?"

"Well..if me and,"

"Goten!" she guessed.

"Joined your,"


"It would be all four of us!"

"Yeah…it would. I'd like that." Pan got out her cellphone and called Bra.

"Oi, B-chan!"


"Can..Trunks…and Goten…join our….group?"

"Yeah! We were thinking that too!" Bra shrieked. "Oh sorry." "S' ok, I still have an ear." She giggled.

"Band name?"


"Pa-an! How bout' Guys and Gals?"

"B-ee-chan! What-ever!" Trunks chorused.

"Trunks!" Bra whined.

"Okay. Then it's settled."

Beep Beep! Bra hung up.

"Trunks..let's practice a song."

Rain Whispers

"The rain whispers as she softly touches the trees.
the flowers...
the grass...
the beautiful creatures...

She caresses each one on her way...
to carry a message of beauty...
of love...

After the rain so gentle...
the sun shines...
upon the umber earth...

Who opens up...

Sharing her secrets...

Only for the those who know...
what this beauty is.

We should share every moment...
don't let another day go by...
That we don't walk together...
hand in hand...
you and I.

For if we don't...
a sad song is sung.
A melody of love is lost...
a love so sweet and tender...

That few have known."

Pan sung, beautifully. "Ny-chan! That's great!" He clapped.


"I have another one." She looked innocent.

I See

The soft skin... of a newborn child.

The firm warmth... of the brown earth.

The light of ten... thousand suns.

Precious jewels... glistening on the water.

The feather touch... of the winds fingers.

The fragile flowers... lingering scent.

The hard awesome... mountains.

I see you... I see God... I see me.

"How bout that one?" she stopped singing.

"GREAT!" he hugged her.

"We'll be famous, before anyone knows it!"

Later, Pan and Trunks met up with the other two and told them their songs. "Pan, that is gorgeous." Bra wiped a tear from her eye. "Yup…but…" Goten paused. "Anyone got anything to eat? I'm hungry." He scratched his head, GOKU style.

They all sweat dropped and anime fell to the ground.

When, the met at the bar again, Guys and Gals, sung all of their songs and then Pan stepped up to the microphone.

Guys hooted and cat called, whistled, clapped and threw money.

Trunks glared at everyone who was looking at her when she said sweetly,

"I'd like to dedicate this, to a special someone." She glanced at him.

"If you have a special someone…

You will have someone to have…

And to hold…

Your special someone…

Will always be there for you…

The love of your life…

Will never leave you because-

"Love is the emblem of eternity.
It confounds all notion of time,
erases all memory of a beginning and
all fear of an end..." she finished.

Guys clapped but Trunks. He ran over to her and kissed her passionately.

"Whoooo!" everyone called.

"Ny-chan…will ya marry me?" he asked her.

"Yes!" she threw her arms around him and hugged him. "Of course I will!"

Bra smiled and Goten laughed.

That night they all went home happy, because they each had a special someone…not Just A Crush but a real person for them to love. Pan went home extremely happy, never forgetting that her old crush had been replaced by her… Special Someone

"I love you Tru-kun…now and forever…I'll never leave you…I promise. If you leave me, I'll be waiting for you, I promise." Pan whispered.

"I love you too, Ny-chan. Forever and ever. I'll never leave you…I promise. If you leave me, I'll be waiting for you, I promise." He repeated. He kissed her one last time and they sat on the hill, staring at the stars.