Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow ❯ Those Damned Teenager Hormones or...Goku, wha- AAAH!! ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author: Bunni

Summary: Things have gotten very strange since Bulma and Vegeta became five-year olds...what's this? They changed again? *THUD* V/B romance with a comical twist, new inventions, and a whole lot of eye twitching.

Rating: PG-13 for language and possible rude humor.

Disclaimer:*Bunni comes out dressed in army fatigues and speaks into a walkie-talkie Blue Angel, do you copy, I repeat, Blue Angel do you copy?

Chibi-Bra:*exasperated sigh from on the walkie-talkie* Yes, Bunni.

Bunni:*yells into walkie-talkie* USE CODENAMES, BLUE ANGEL!

Chibi-Bra:*groans then static is heard then she talks again* Fine Rabbit-Ears. Blue Angel, reporting for duty. *dryly says that*

Bunni: Better. Now Blue Angel. Even though we're far apart, I want you to listen closely.

Chibi-Bra:*in reality, only three feet away from Bunni*..uh ok then, Rabbit-Ears.

Bunni: Say the disclaimer, then we sneak into the back of the building and bribe the lawyers. Got it? After that, we torture them until the creator gives us the deeds to Dragonball Z, then I OWN IT! *evil laughter* BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Chibi-Bra:...*thinks, "We're doomed.."*..Ok, Rabbit-Ears. Got it. *turns to readers who are seriously freaked out* Bunni does not own DBZ, but shall own it soon. RUN FOR YOUR DEAR LIVES! *runs off* RUUUUUNNN!!! *is seen going over hills screaming*

Shout out to:

Squirrel: yes.. run away! RUN AWAY! O.O I'm so scared..*sniffles* They're after me, LOL. RUN!

Tanzina: Yes it is tragic about Veggie's voice, *winks* but it's so funny. Bulma doesn't necessarily act like a ditz like teenagers are assumed to be *waves a fist at her parents who think she's delusional and they back away* but she'll act more temperamental like she was in early DB (Dragonball).

veggie-chan: Glad you liked it.

Moonlight152: Um, ok then. I will.

KumikoVegeta: Bwahaha! I have plans for Vegeta's voice..*evil chuckle* Thank you so much for reviewing *tear* You are so faithful for reviewing.*sniffles* it just touches my heart. Thank you!!

Shelley: ^+^ You spoil me too much with your kind comments.

Zuu-chan: *pats her on the back* it's all right. I planned a kiss scene soon. Bwahahaha! Hormones, you've got to love them in a teenager! ^^

Tweetyboo: He is a cute 14-year old, veeery cute one at that, but his voice. -_-;; well it's good to laugh at! ^_^

Rez: Believe it or not, my demons make out in my head! Gross, yes, but it's totally normal in my head. I like the way the people in your mind work! LOL, and yes, Vegeta's voice was another ingenious idea. *giggles* Shows what you can learn from being a teenager! ^^

Bulma: Thanks.

Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow
Chapter Six
Those Damned Teenager Hormones or...Goku, wha- AAAH!!

"Chichi, I am just so freaked out." Bulma confessed as she put on a black fuzzy sweater on with blue slightly baggy jeans.

"Me too, Bulma. Me too. What happened?" Chichi asked as she inspected Bulma. These clothes would do for now, and just in case she shrank or grew, the sweater would accommodate the size either way. ^_^ Just another ingenious work done by clever designers. (You gotta love 'em!)

"Well, we were both hungry."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Everything, actually, Chi. I still had my PB&J sandwich from earlier, and when I was going to eat it, Vegeta seduced me again!"

(AN:O.O how can A five-year old stuck up prince seduce another five-year old? That is beyond me for some reason..)

"He did?!"

"Yeah, well actually not seduced but deceived. He said that he was going to share but then he swallowed it whole, within seconds, before I could grab it back! Talk about jerk off." Bulma huffed as she remembered.

"Yeah, but that still doesn't explain why you're both 14." Chichi said as she brushed Bulma's long hair. (Visual: Bulma's hair is now down to her waist. It got unraveled from her braids during her 'wrestling' with Vegeta in the closet...*everyone arches an eyebrow* Perverts! It was at the time they were five! *blushes* hentais.)

"Hold on, I'm getting there." She continued. "Well, anyway, I got so mad at him, that I jumped on him and started kicking and biting him everywhere. He probably didn't feel it; you know how Saiyajins are. So thick, they can't feel ANYTHING. Anyway, I guess he got bored, and pushed me off, and the A.D.T.-" She was interrupted by Chichi.


"Yeah, short for Alternate Dimension Transporter. Anyway the A.D.T. remote, the one that changed us into five-year olds in the first place, was pressed by Vegeta when he pushed me. There was a bright flash, and before we knew it, we changed." As Bulma explained she picked up the A.D.T. remote and inspected it. More buttons were blue. This made the wheels in her mind turn, as she investigated every possibility.

"Wow. This just gets weirder and weirder by the-"

"Don't say it. We don't want to jinx it anymore than it is." Bulma sternly said. Chichi blinked. Even though the girl before her was a mere fourteen years of age, there was still reminents of the thirty-er..*whacked by Bulma again* ahem, twenty-nine year old self still apparent in her. Bulma looked down at her hand; previously injured.

"You want to know something else?"


"My hand was hurt, but when we changed, my hand was completely healed. It's weird.." Bulma mused as she flexed her hand experimentally. Her hand was no longer sprained, or even sore. She moved it perfectly as if it were never injured before.

"Yeah, it is." Both women looked down at Bulma's hand, stiff in their own thoughts.

"Geez, Vegeta, can you eat anymore?" Krillian said, sounding disgusted. Vegeta stopped to give him a dirty look, then returned to his meal. He had eaten three-fourths of the dinner along with Goku and Gohan.

"Sorry for having manners." Krillian sighed as he rolled his eyes. Even though Vegeta was not as much a pig as Goku and Gohan, i.e., the Demolishers Of Restaurants, he did eat a lot. No wallets, bank accounts, or credit cards were safe from Goku and Gohan's ruthless wrath.

(AN: To give a visual, Kami's sitting on the left of Goku, Piccolo is sitting by Kami, Gohan is sitting on Piccolo's left side, Krillian is in between Vegeta and Gohan, much to the ex-mass murderer's displeasure, LOL.)

Vegeta was lost in his thoughts as he downed another plate of food. Boy, he was hungrier than he originally thought. 'I wonder what the Onna is doing..' His train of thought went from food to Bulma in a matter of seconds. 'Hmm.. I wonder what she's going to come out dressed as.. I wonder.. NO! Damn teenager hormones!"

Goku stopped eating and looked closely at Kami, who in turn didn't notice as he drank more water. Goku leaned in more, scruntizing Kami. This time, the old Namek noticed.

"Goku, wha- AAAH!" Before Kami could finish, Goku got out a fly-swatter the size of Nevada, and swatted it on Kami's forehead.

"Kami!" Piccolo caught his other self. Everyone but Vegeta stopped eating and looked at them. Goku dropped the fly-swatter.

"Ack! Kami are you ok?" He asked.

"WELL, thAT's a STUpiD queSTION, KAKArott." Vegeta said as he munched down the last remaining Egg Fu Yong. Everyone gave him a look, and he rolled his eyes, grabbing Gohan's plate, before the young boy could protest. Vegeta snickered as he saw Gohan's face fall as soon as Vegeta finished the boy's plate off. 'Bwahahahaha! Soon..soon.. Gohan shall pay!!' He laughed silently as he started for Goku's plate, but Goku grabbed it before the Saiyajin Prince could grab it.

Kami didn't answer at all, as swirlies too place of his eyes. Under his breath, he mumbled something like, "Magical fruit loops.." and "..space blasters.."., but other than that there was no reaction. Piccolo glared at Goku, who blinked.

"WHAT? I thought there was a fly on his forehead!"

"You fool. That was his wrinkles bunched up together!" Piccolo yelled as he plopped Kami on the couch.

"Oh..my bad..."

Everyone sweatdropped and some fell anime style.

"What? Anyone could make that mistake!" He yelled as he went back to his seat, gobbling down his meal. Gohan took his place there as well, looking forlornly at the empty spot where his plate used to be. He glared at Vegeta who glared back.

"Hey guys!" A feminine voice cried out as footsteps entered the dining room. Everyone's eyes, excluding Kamis' and Korrins', turned to the owner of the voice.

Vegeta felt a small trickle of blood come down his nose. He grabbed a napkin trying in vain to stop it.

'Those damned teenager hormones! Curse them!..think cold thoughts. Ice-cold shower, the onna's mother in a bikini, EWW! Um, NAPPA in a yellow string bikini!...ah.. much better...' He thought as the nose bleed came to a stop.

"Vegeta, are you all right?" Bulma asked, raising an eyebrow. Everyone was snickering at Vegeta's reaction to Bulma. Gohan raised an eyebrow, like Bulma, confused as to why everyone was laughing. Bulma sat down beside Gohan, taking Krillian's place, who in turn took Kami's space, to keep Piccolo from beating Goku down. Vegeta felt his eye twitch once more. To make matters worse, Gohan started talking to Bulma. 'Oh that boy must have a death wish or something..' Vegeta thought darkly.

"Boy." Vegeta growled, throwing the bloodied napkin aside and interrupting Bulma's and Gohan's active conversation (making his eye twitch more) "SpAR, nOW. DON'T mISS it." Without another oddly sounded word, he got up and walked outside. Gohan gulped, knowing that in the end he was going to be seriously hurt and in desperate need of a senzu bean.

Vegeta, as he walked outside, had a look that said, "I'm going to kill someone and enjoy it!" and Gohan had a look that said, "Prepare either a casket, hospital bed, or a senzu bean for me, because I'm seriously going to be hurting tomorrow..."

Bulma walked behind Gohan, feeling sympathy rise up in her chest for the boy. She kneeled down and gave Gohan a small pep talk, figuring he would need it against Vegeta. Chichi was busy cleaning up the dishes as everyone came out for the fight.

"OK, Gohan. Fight your best. I know this is weird coming from me, but as a five-year old I used to have an appetite for beating up boys." Bulma said as she remembered. Gohan had wide eyes.

"You. Beat up boys? You're kidding."

"Nope! Really, I did. In fact I think I hurt Vegeta in the closet. Anyway, cutie, make your dad and me proud and beat Vegeta's ass! I have a score to settle with him, so do me a favor and rough him up a bit!" She winked at him and gave a him a small peck on the forehead. Gohan's eyes widened even more, as he stared after Bulma's retreating figure. Blushing, he touched his forehead, then a goofy smile appeared on his face, similiar to one of a love-stricken school boy. ^^

"Ok, Bulma.." Gohan said quietly, even though Bulma had already left. He flew up, ready to beat up Vegeta best he could.

All the while, Vegeta heard the conversation, and energy was crackling around him violently. All he thought was.. 'Gohan.. DIE!!!! BWAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!'

(AN: AAAAHH! *hides under desk, occasionally peeking out* Poor, poor Gohan.)


Bulma:*puts pinky finger to lips and starts to laugh diabolically* Come Mini-Me!
Chibi-Bra:*grins and sits in Bulma's lap and they drive away, still laughing diabolically*
Bunni:..ok..that was just..strange..O.O
Android T:*laughing on his butt* I found it funny!
Trunks:*prepares to fly away then flashes a pearly white smile that twinkles just right* *does Austin Powers Impression* Yeah baby!*flies off in the direction of Bulma and Chibi-Bra*
Bunni:O~O..that family watches too much Austin Powers.
Android T:*angry that he didn't even get a chance to kill Trunks*..yeah they do. At least Vegeta's normal.
Vegeta:*comes in wearing a big fat guy costume* I'D LIKE TA SEE THE GUY THAT MADE ME FAT BA$TURD! *stalks off to murder the guy*
Bunni:*falls over anime style* You were saying, T?
Android T:*mumbles* my bad.
Bunni:*pats his back* It's not your fault the Briefs are Austin Power-maniacs. *looks to reviewers* Review and make this family normal.. er or as normal as they'll ever get. *gets on Android T's back* Let's go!
Android T:*grins and flies off after the Briefs family* *Austin Powers Theme Song plays in the background*

Review like the rabbit-eared girl said! Otherwise Bulma Briefs will stay Dr. Evil! AAAAAHH!! ^_^;; But Trunks as Austin Powers I can handle *Trunks gives her a wink* OO! *swoons* *Trunks grins at the reviewers who swoon also*