Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Lucky Charms ❯ Tea Party ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 2 - Tea Party

Deep in the pits of HFIL, a dark figure loomed over Cell. "Do you understand why you are being given this opportunity?" the massive figure growled.

"For good behavior, sir!" Cell answered promptly.

"That's right…" the figure hissed. "Now. You must understand the conditions. Since your good behavior here qualifies you, you may return to Earth for 24 hours. However, if you are to…" Whatever it was paused to take a breath. "Kill, injure, torture, maim, or cause destruction of any kind upon your return, you will be immediately sent back here and automatically disqualified from all fighting tournaments held in HFIL. Do I make myself clear?"

Cell scowled. "What do you mean no destruction?! That's no fun! What am I supposed to do up there anyway?! This is so lame!"

The large figure sighed. "Well, if you don't wish to leave, Frieza's the second most qualified…and I'm sure he could cause way more chaos without breaking the rules than you ever could."

Cell looked appalled. "As if Frieza were up to my standards! Ha! Don't make me laugh! If you want chaos, I'll give you chaos!"

The figure looked up. "So you are going? Very well then. You have 24 hours, enjoy them while they last." Having said that, the figure transported Cell back to Earth.


Meanwhile, Vegeta catered to his daughter's every wish. Bra had already forced him to play "house" as she called it, and a board game called "Candyland" which she beat him at three times. Finally, Vegeta was taking a break while Bra napped.

Kami! She's tougher to please than the woman! I don't know how much more of this I can take…

"Paaaaaapaaaa!" Bra called.

That nap didn't even last half an hour! Vegeta thought.

"Coming, princess!" he yelled hastily. He entered Bra's room to find the floor strewn with stuffed animals and dolls. A small table beside her bed was set with pink plastic cups and dishes.

"Hi Daddy! I'm done napping now! Wanna play tea party?" Bra smiled sweetly. Vegeta considered his options carefully. This game sounded more dignified than "house". And if he said no, she would throw a royal fit, quite literally.

"Yes, princess" he grumbled.

"Okay!" Bra chirped. She pulled a small plastic gold crown from her toy box and placed it on her head. "I'll be the princess and you can be the prince, `kay?"

A small smile crossed Vegeta's lips. "Easy enough."

Bra pulled the table to the center of her room and arranged her stuffed animals and Barbies around it. She seated herself, and motioned for Vegeta to sit opposite her. Vegeta was quite impressed by his little girl's regal mannerisms. He sat on the floor, and Bra poured imaginary tea into a teacup and placed it before her father. She proceeded to pour the imaginary tea into the teacups set before her Barbies and stuffed animals.

Vegeta raised his cup to his mouth and pretended to drink to humor Bra. She giggled.

"Lovely day, isn't it? Would you like more tea, prince?" She motioned to pour more pretend tea into his teacup.

"Thank you, sweetheart." Words could not express how much he adored his daughter, even if she was as demanding as her mother. Suddenly, his acute sense of hearing detected laughter right outside of Bra's room. He growled.

Outside of Bra's room, two teenage half-Saiyans tried desperately to stifle their laughter.

"Geez Trunks! That's one thing I never thought I'd see your dad doing!"

Trunks elbowed Goten. "Quiet! Do you want him to hear you?! Listen Goten, we've gotta find a camera…" he was interrupted by a bellow.

"BRATS!" The boys looked at each other and gulped. They stepped out of their hiding place and into Bra's room. Vegeta was giving them his most intimidating death glare.

Bra grinned. "Goten! Trunks! Yay!" She ran up and gave her brother and Goten a hug. She kissed Goten on the cheek, and he blushed.

Trunks grinned at Vegeta. "You sure looked like you were having fun, dad."

Vegeta growled. How dare that insolent brat ridicule him?! Then Vegeta smirked…an evil, fear-inspiring smirk. "Oh, we are. Perhaps you two would like to join us?"

Bra looked ecstatic. "Yeah! Yeah!" She shoved some of her toys out of the way to make room at the miniature table. Bra sat down and motioned next to her. "Here Goten, you can sit next to me!" Goten and Trunks exchanged frightened expressions. This would be a long day.