Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Grandpa's a Ghost ❯ Seeing is Believing ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Okay. To start this chapter off, I would like to thank every single one of the people that have reviewed for this story so far! They are:

Burenda- I can't wait to see his face too! *stops* Actually, I already know what his face is going to look like, 'cause I'm writing this story! Anyway, thanks for reviewing and thanks again for the idea! (By the way....Is it okay if I advertise stories, like you? I'm asking 'cause I don't want it to seem like I'm copying your idea!)

M-Grey- Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOO much for telling me those Japanese names! It will help me out a bit! Actually, more than a bit! A bunch! Thanks for reviewing!

ChichiX- I hope it'll turn out funny too! Thanks for the review!

Frozenflower- I'm glad you enjoy the characterization of Bardock! I enjoyed your review! (I'm glad Burenda looks out after all Bardock writers!)

gerrys giant green grassmonkey- I'm glad you didn't flame and enjoyed the first chapter of 'My Grandpa's a Ghost'! I hope you enjoy this chapter too! Your review was appreciated!

Pooglepoogle- Although this fic isn't gonna be a Torture Gohan fic, I do hope it will be a great Bardock fic! Thanks for reviewing!

Pupetta- I'm happy you think I've done a good job so far and I will update soon! Bunches of thanks for the review!

Kitty-chan- The next part is up! Thankies for the review!

The Crazy Saiyan Stalker- I'm sorry, but I don't have a mailing list. Here's an update though! Lots of thanks!

Katie- Here's the next chapter for ya! Enjoyed your review!

Saiyan Princess- Nice puppy dog eyes! Anyway, I'm adding a new chapter! Here ya go!

sakura117us- I'm glad you liked the first chapter! Review appreciated!

I'm so happy you all reviewed! Thank you so, so, so, so much! You're all the best! I'll always put up the new reviewers for each chapter, unless there gets to be too many!

Anyway, there's not much to say....If there's something wrong with this story, then tell me and I'll try to change it. Flames are welcome. Also, first, I'll be using Japanese names from now on and some Japanese dialogue. And second, I'm making it that Enma-daio gave Bardock the ability to speak the language that Goku, Goten and everyone else can speak (which is either Japanese or English, whichever you want it to be).

Disclaimer: I do not own DragonBall Z! Although I wish I did, but I only own a few things, and I don't think you'd want them, so don't sue me! Also, Burenda gave me the idea for this story, so she should get some credit for it.

My Grandpa's a Ghost

Seeing is believing

Bardock blinked. He looked around. He was on Chikyuu all right, somewhere in the middle of mountains, or a forest, or some where out in the wilderness. Where, he didn't know, but the question was, where was his family?

He heard some laughing coming from behind him and turned to see a man who looked exactly like him, same hair, same muscle structure, wearing a blue and orange gi walk into a small house, followed by a young child, a boy, wearing a copy of the mans gi.

"What'd you think 'Kaasan made for supper, 'Tousan?" The young boy asked.

"Don't know! Maybe it's fish!" The man answered, laughing.

"Yeah!" The boy laughed as they both entered the house.

That's gotta be them. No way in hell that hair is a coincidence! Bardock told himself, taking a few steps toward the house.

Better step quietly. Don't want them to hear- Bardock stopped in the middle of that thought. He slapped his forehead with one hand. "I forgot!" He yelled to himself. "They can't see or hear me! I don't think I'll ever get used to this!"

He ran up to the house looked into the window and saw that they were eating at the table, obviously joined by the rest of their family, a woman and a teenager. They all laughed.

They seem to be doing great. I wonder what Kakarot's sons are called....


Bardock looked around one of the rooms in the house. Not to invade any privacy, he just wanted to look around the house, see what kind of things they were all into.

The room he was in had to be the small boy's room because it was covered in, well, children things. That really was the only way he could describe it.

He heard to the room open and he turned around.

The boy was looking over his shoulder.

"We're training in the morning, right 'Tousan?"

Bardock heard his father answer, 'hai' before the boy closed the door. He hadn't learned his name yet. He was probably the son of Kakarot, seeing as to he looked exactly like him.

The little boy turned his head toward him. He blinked in confusion.

"Who're you? How'd you get in here?" He asked.

It was Bardock's turn to blink in confusion. He...he's not suppose to be able to see me!

The boy looked a little closer at Bardock's face.

"That's weird. You look a lot like me!" He laughed.

He ran in a circle around Bardock looking him up and down, studying him. Bardock's head followed him as he did so.

He stopped in front of him and grinned.

"I'm Son Goten! You know? You look a lot like 'Tousan and me!" Goten told him laughing.

"Um, Goten? I have a question. Is your fathers name Kakarot?" Bardock asked, still not believing that he could see him.

Goten shook his head. "Nu uh! 'Tousan's name is Son Goku!"

Bardock looked down. Maybe this wasn't his family after all. Then Goten said something that erased that thought from his mind.

"Actually, Vegeta-san always calls 'Tousan by his Saiya-jin name, Kakarrot! But," Goten started. "How did you know that? Other than Vegeta-san and our friends, no one else knows that! The only person I can think that would know that would be his Otousan but he...." Then it seemed to hit Goten and he smiled from ear to ear.

"All right!! It worked!!" He laughed to Bardock.

"Nani? What worked?" Bardock asked.

"I didn't think it would, 'cause we only have one dragonball but it did work! You're my Ojisan, aren't you?! You came back with the dragonball! Ah, man! Trunks is gonna freak!"

"Trunks....?" Bardock asked, but Goten didn't seem to hear him.

He stopped in his laughing and pointed to the halo above Bardock's head.

"But if you're back from the dead, then why do you have a halo?" Goten asked.

"Well, Goten, I'm not really back from the dead. I'm just hear because Enma-daio let me come back in ghost form to check on everyone. No one's suppose to be able to see me, but I'm guessing, since you made a wish on this 'dragonball' thing, you can see me."

"O....Kay...." Goten said, seeming to understand.

"Goten, you can't tell anyone about me okay?"


"Because they might not believe you and Enma-daio might make me go back if someone finds out about me, other than you."


A/N: Yeah! Another chapter finished! *Jumps up and down* Anyway, thanks for the reviews and I hope everyone likes this chapter too!

Note to Burenda: I'd like to thank you for advertising my story! It was greatly appreciated!

Also, gomen for getting this story out late! I didn't mean for it to be that late!

Any ?'s ask and I'll try to answer!

That's 'bout it! Ja ne!

~Angel Abi~