Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Off to a Rough Start ❯ Decisions ( Chapter 2 )

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~ Chapter 2 ~

Kasei lay in bed trying to reach sleep. It was almost 2:00 A.M. and she had been tossing all night. That guy She thought with uncertainty. Who was he? Kasei shuddered and flopped over again in her bed. It's creeping me out so bad Though she had tried, her encounter with the strange man from earlier had played dead weight on her mind and she could not, no matter how hard she tried, be shaken from her thoughts for very long. I need to call someone tomorrow She paused and thought awhile before recalling her thought. Nono, I want to figure this out on my own. She continued tossing fitfully until finally she became so worn out that she simply dropped into light slumber.
The next morning, Kasei was awoken as usual by her mother's call from downstairs for breakfast. Sleepily, Kasei crawled out of bed and plodded down the stairs towards the kitchen.
"Morning mom" she called lazily as she flopped into the chair at the table, rubbing her eyes.
"Morning." Kasei's mother replied without looking up from the oven. "I've got to go in today, so you're on your own." She looked up, "Don't go too far from home, alright?"nodded in reply, reaching for the cheerios, pulling a bowl towards her as well.
"Sure mom, I wont."
"I'll call at about noon, so try to be home by then." Her mother picked up the sizzling pan of eggs, salted them and plopped them into a plate in front of her daughter. Hastily she washed her hands and grabbed her purse off the counter before turning to leave.
"Bye." She called over her shoulder as she opened the door.
"Bye mom. Have a good day." Kasei replied without looking up as she poured some milk into her cereal. Her mother stepped through the door and shut it quickly. She must be running late. Kasei thought. I hope I didn't hold her up. She crunched half-heartedly on her breakfast as she heard her mother's car sputter and then fire up into a lively hum as it shifted gears with a creak and backed out of the driveway with the sound of crunching gravel trailing before it pulled off into and down the road. Kasei sat at the table for a while listening to the sounds of the empty house accompanied by the faint sound of bird songs drifting in through an open window somewhere. She took another spoonful of Cheerios before pushing her chair back to stand, picking up her plate of eggs, and walking to the back door with it. As she opened the door and stepped out side, she heard the rapid clicking of toenails on the cement before she was barreled into by a white blur.
"Corky! Get down, boy! Down!" Kasei exclaimed with a laugh as her two-year old cocker spaniel jumped up and down frantically trying to get at her face and the contents of her plate. Kasei laughed again and poured the still warm, moist eggs into his dog dish. He immediately dove into the meal, shoving his dish back with his nose in his excitement, wagging his stubby little tail so hard as he ate that his entire rear shook. Kasei smiled with humor at her 'little baby' and sat down to pet him as he devoured the food in haste as if it would disappear if he didn't get it all down fast enough. As soon as she sat and began stroking him, her mind began to wander and turned to the events of the previous day-and what she intended to do about them. I want to go back The thought just popped into her mind and caught her off guard. She had previously had no intentions of going near that place again unless she had to. The secluded valley in which her family lived made her feel uneasy having such an apparently dangerous stranger so close. Why would she want to go back? Suddenly she was taken out of her thoughts as her dog launched himself at her and began licking her face in vigor.
"Corky dog!" She laughed, trying half-heartedly to brush him off. "Stop it baby!" She stood up, forcing hi to drop to all fours and he looked around for something that she could throw for him. He spotted his favorite squeaky toy, shaped like a sub sandwich, and pounced on it, and began to chew on it as he waddled back to her in innocent glee, causing the toy to squeak with each gnaw.
"Aw"Kasei crooned kneeling down to pet his head, "I'm sorry puppy. I can't play right now." She stood up much to Corky's dismay and opened the door. His tail drooped as he dropped his head and let his toy fall to the ground with a final squeak as it hit and bounced away. Kasei melted and bent down and kissed him on the top of his head and ruffling his fur a bit before walking back inside, closing the door, and trying not to noticed his hurt look as he pressed his nose up against to glass and fogged it with breath from his nose.
Kasei walked through the house aimlessly and restless, not knowing what she should do. She was really afraid of him, and the thought of approaching this man for no reason didn't exactly appeal to her. After lapping the house ten times over she came to the uneasy conclusion that maybe she should go out for a hike and head in that direction, that way she could relax her mind and watch out for him at the same time. Because despite all her worries, she was dying to know more about this mysterious person. She wanted to know so many things. Who was he? Why was he out there? How could he disappear like that? How long had he lived there? And why the hell was he green?! Knowing she would be badgered by her conscience all day if she didn't investigate, she hurriedly raced up the stairs to gather her gear.