Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Passion Unrestrained ❯ Date ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 7 Date

Bulma smiled maliciously as she watched Vegeta stalk over to the front door he was fuming with incoherent rage, and she knew that he wouldn't know what to say when he opened the door. She decided to follow him and see what his reaction would be to her little surprise.

As Vegeta opened the door his mouth dropped open, as he saw a huge stretch limo in the driveway, and a small stubby driver at the door. “Good Evening sir. Is Madam Briefs in?” the driver asked politely. Stunned Vegeta just stared coldly at the driver, making him shake, like an animal being hunted.

Close behind him Bulma was having trouble suppressing her giggles. She watched as he turned around to glare at her with hurt and fury in his eyes, and then she just couldn't hold it in anymore. As he opened his mouth to say something she fell over on the floor laughing.

As he looked at her on the floor, he got even angrier, demanding to know what she was laughing about. Bulma pulled herself up off the floor, and asked the poor terrified driver to wait while she got ready to leave, then closed the door. She looked over at Vegeta, who was giving her a death glare that only she could ignore.

“Okay Vegeta, you have two choices.” she said cunningly, “You can stay here in the house sulking and training, or you can go out on a date with me.” With a mischievous glint in her eyes she continued by saying, “It is, after all, Valentine's day.” She watched as the look of anger left his face, replaced with a grimace. He had managed to watch a few shows on TV, that had been capitalizing on Valentine's day, these last few week.

“What is this Valentine's Day?” he spat, not remembering all of the commercials he had seen.

“Well silly, it's the day when all lovers spend the entire day together doing whatever they want”, she whispered seductively into his ear, lightly nipping the bottom of it.

Instantly turned on Vegeta couldn't hide the smirk on his face at what the wench was suggesting.
“Fine, I'll go with you” he spat out.

“Not so fast MR! You need to get ready to go.” she said evilly, as she thought about the other bit of shopping she had done while she was out. “Go upstairs to my room and get ready. There is something on the bed there for you to wear. I refuse to be seen out with you in those ridiculous training clothes” she said smiling at the look of horror on his face.

The look of horror was because he finally remembered the commercials he had been seeing. He couldn't believe this woman expected him to lower himself to do some kind of human bonding, ritual day. Shuddering he walked up the stairs, realizing he had already said yes to this stupid venture. ::How could I have been so stupid as to let her trap me into this. I am a strong Saiyan Warrior, not some love sick pup, or trophy boy that she can drag around whenever she pleases. I will get her back for this, just wait and see.:: He thought as he glared at the bottom of the stairs. As he started to walk up the stairs, he stopped in horror one more time thinking ::It better not be another pink shirt, or I will kill her.::

Finally reaching the wenches doorway, he saw a big box on the bed, wrapped in bright red and royal blue wrapping paper. The wrapping paper seemed to have a smattering of delicate hearts all over it too. He had never seen anything like it in his entire life. As a Price he expected tribute, but no one had ever actually gotten him a gift. Stunned he looked over the box once more, and noticed that there was a card on top of it addressed to him. As he opened the card and began to read it, he couldn't believe what it said.


I'm so happy you decided to come out with me tonight. I realize, this is probably the last thing you ever thought you would be doing... especially with a “Disgusting Human”, I believe you put it one time. Don't think I don't know how you feel about me buddy. I know you will never tell me, but I want to let you know that I LOVE YOU. I always will, and when I think about it, I realize I always have, from the first time I saw you come out of the shower with that ridiculous pink “Bad Man” shirt that I picked out for you. You have completed me in ways that I never thought possible, so I want you to let me treat you like the Prince you are tonight. Please get dressed and meet me downstairs in 15 minutes, to have the night of your life.


PS: Put on the clothes that are in the box and get your ass downstairs!!

Grinning like an idiot, and disgusted with himself for doing it, Vegeta ripped the paper off of the box and opened it. Inside was a very sexy black suit, tailored to fit him perfectly. It was as if she had taken his measurements and had had the garment hand made he thought in amazement. Then when he thought about it, she probably had. It would not be like her to expect a prince to wear some inferior peasants garment, bought from a disgusting department store.

As he put the suit on, he realized that the buttons on his suit cuffs were designed to look exactly like his royal crest, as well as the buttons on the front of his jacket. His undershirt was a deep royal blue, that reminded him of the smoldering light in Bulma's eyes when she got excited. Looking over the rest of the suit, he realized that everything else was black, just the way he liked it. As he looked back at the box, he realized there were also some shiny black dress shoes, that had also been made to fit him perfectly. He slipped them on and looked in the mirror, his image surprising him more than it should have. :: I look hot::: he thought to himself smirking, :: This game is about to get fun. I'll show her what it means to try and trick the Prince of all Saiyans.:: In fact, he had already come up with several ideas to torture her with over the course of the evening.

Still smirking from what he had seen of himself in the mirror, he walked down the stairs. He could hear her appreciative intake of breath as she saw him emerge from the top of the stairs. She met him at the bottom, and gave him a gentle, teasing kiss on the lips, and a slight caress on the hand. He smirked at her, ready to play this game of cat and mouse that she had begun.

He gave her a smoldering look, and ran the tip of his warm finger down the slit in the front of her dress. Grabbing her hand he then lead her out the door, and into the leather seats of the stretch limo. “We're riding in style tonight Vegeta. I'm going to show you how Princes are treated on this planted.” Bulma said smiling radiantly, taking him aback. He looked at the inside of the limo, and decided he was satisfied with the accommodations that she had provided for transportation.

“Fine then woman.” Lets get this started he growled. He would have been enjoying himself more, if he had just pinned her against those stairs and kept her there, but he had been too curious about what she had planned. He looked arrogantly down at her, showing his contempt for this whole affair. ::I guess I should have gotten her something, but what on earth would she have wanted:: he thought to himself disgruntled to have thought it in the first place. This woman had to much sway over his emotions, and if he wasn't careful he would lose it.

Bulma smiled secretly to herself as she looked out of the window. She knew there would have been no other way to convince him to take her out on a date, so she had gotten him to come with her the only way she could think of. She had a wonderful night planned, and hoped it would end up with his skin against hers, one last time.

She had heard him talking to himself about leaving the other day, and even though it broke her heart she knew he would be leaving soon. In a week and a half he would be gone, not even realizing how much he had touched her life. Turning her thoughts outward to the beautiful night she had planned, she looked over at him slyly. She noticed the content smirk on his face, that meant he was pleased. She knew this is how it would always be, but being with him was worth it. She would treasure every single moment she had with him, no matter how painful. Moving closer to him, she put her hand in his, grinning when he didn't pull away.

“So where are we going first woman?” he asked.

“Well I thought you would like to see a little bit more of the town, so I am taking you to Kurom Tower to eat.” she answered him, moving slightly closer to him as she spoke. Never knowing that he was inhaling the delicious scent of her, while she explained where they were going. Kurom Tower was the tallest restaurant in the city. It had a spectacular view of the city at night, and she couldn't wait for him to see it. She had booked the entire upper level for their enjoyment. The upper level was for people with VIP status only. It was part of the restaurant, but also had it's own romantic suite nestled in the back. The suite had an amazing two person shower and jacuzzi, along with tons of amenities that she couldn't even begin to count.

She could feel the tension build up between them, as they arrived at the tower. They were lead into a special secret entrance, reserved for those of only the highest stature. She had specifically said that she did not want any paparazzi. She could feel him tense up unexpectedly as they walked up the stairs.

“Woman,” he ground out, “ No one will SEE us will they?” As he stood in the elevator with her he though hard to himself ::If we are seen it could be dangerous for her. I would not want anyone to get footage of this and use it to get to her, while I am in battle. He had no doubt in his mind that his enemies would do anything to try to hurt him. She was his one weakness, but he would soon be getting rid of her when he went off into space.::

“No.” she answered simply, as the exited the elevator. No one would ever see them together, because she knew that he wouldn't like it. Sighing to herself she decided that it was time for this night to begin, and she hoped he was ready for the best time he would ever have on Earth.

As they were seated at their table, the waiter hurried off to get their drink order, while they picked out what they wanted to eat. He could consume more food than anyone she had ever met... well other than Goku that is. She knew that the waiter wouldn't be back for at least 15 minutes, and she had a few tricks up her sleeve on what she was about to do to him. She sat close to him, where he had a delicious view of her neck. She gently leaned over, showing her vast amount of cleavage to him, and moved her hand under the table, and slowly up and down his leg, making her way closer to his hardening manhood. She could hear him breathing heavily, as he tried not to react to what she was doing.

She continued to rub him delicately as the waiter came back with their drinks, forcing him to order their food in a tight breathless voice. As the waiter left with the food orders, she saw Vegeta smirking, and wondered what he could possibly have planned, and started to feel a little panic rise in her stomach, as he turned to look at her with burning passion in his eyes. He dared her to take her little game further, and she was going to take him up on the challenge.