Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Perfect Timing ❯ On a Rainy Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Dragonball Z, Akira Toriyama dies. I bow to his genius.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Okay, I know I am a moron for starting yet another fic without finishing all my others, but this one had been running around my head for a LONG time, ever since I started thinking of Yamcha and Mai as a couple. If you're confused right now, you'll soon understand what I'm talking about when you start reading the story. Anyway, and is more or less canon, perhaps only slightly an AU. Nothing major, just what happens to Yamcha before and after the Cell Games and the Buu Saga. Other humans will show up in here as well, but don't expect too much Saiyajins. This one is dedicated solely to Yamcha and no one else (oh yeah, maybe Mai)! ^_^ If you read Strange Alliances and Stranger Friendships and you just may understand what's going on better (like why was 18 living with Yamcha and everything), but it isn't necessary.

Perfect Timing


Kalamity Kat

It was a cold, rainy day. Hell, it was literally pouring. Most of the people already retreated to the cosy and dry surroundings of their homes, and others who didn't have the luck to make it to safety in time were running around like headless chicken, searching for the nearest shelter they could find, trying to protect themselves from the onslaught of the rain with newspapers and umbrellas, but not being very successful at it. Even with an umbrella you got soaked in just a matter of moments.

There must have been only one person in whole Western Capitol that didn't seem to give a damn about the rain. And in fact he didn't, for he was used to far worse predicaments than a little rain from above.

Soaked and chilled to the bones by now, he wandered aimlessly through the streets of Western Capitol. Dressed in dark blue jeans and a black leather jacket, both of which were now ruined by the rain, the young man's black eyes bore the same mood the weather dictated.

Incredibly handsome, fawned over by thousands (if not millions) girls, the man was thinking of one girl in particular - the one that really mattered.

It was more than obvious that he was completely useless.

He must have been because there was no other reason why the hell Bulma would leave him. For Vegeta of all the damned people, too. Or of all the damned aliens, to be exact. 'I should just get it over with and blow my own head off.' he thought bitterly, not for the first time seriously considering that option. He stopped suddenly, his dark eyes fixed on the giant Capsule Corp logo on the nearby building. He was so absorbed in his musings he didn't even notice the woman stop next to him and hold her umbrella over his head.

"Are you okay?" she asked softly, her blue eyes scanning him.

That voice! It was too familiar. Yamcha glanced at her, his eyes widening. It was her! And she hasn't changed at all, except for the length of her hair. They were down to her waist now.

"Mai?" he asked in surprise.

The black-haired woman glanced at him with a smile: "Yeah, it's me. How are you doing, Yamcha?"

Yamcha grinned at the thought that years ago he'd be scared out of his mind of her. Plus, it was really eerie that after they've been enemies so long ago they are talking like old friends right now. "How does it look like I'm doing?" he asked, his voice devoid of the pain he was feeling just moments ago. But at this precise moment, he wasn't thinking of it.

She raised an eyebrow at him and smiled. "You look good, despite the scars. You're the star of the Taitans, the best baseball team around. You are dating Bulma Briefs, the richest woman on the planet. I'd say you're doing pretty good."

"I used to date Bulma Briefs." He corrected her, his face darkening as he remembered just why he was roaming the streets in the first place.

"Oh." Mai didn't really look sympathetic. "You weren't meant to be anyway." She said curtly, shocking him.

"Thanks." He said bitterly, but she just smiled: "I didn't mean it the way it sounded. I just wanted to say you deserve someone better."

Yamcha didn't seem to share that opinion, but he didn't want to argue. Besides, this idea somewhat appealed to him. That for a change Bulma wasn't good enough for him, not vice versa like she always made it appear. He quickly decided to change the topic. "Now that we've discussed my miserable love life, can we move on to you? How are you doing?"

"Pretty well." She smiled, and he only then noticed her professional looking attire.

"Still working for Pilaf?" he asked, a note of teasing in his voice. "Should I be worried that you were sent to kill me or something?"

Mai smiled genuinely, which was definitely a pleasant change. Yamcha suddenly realised he never noticed just how beautiful she was.

"No need to worry." She shook her head, smiling. "I left him years ago, right after our last encounter with Goku. Pilaf didn't give a damn about me anyway, so I decided to find someone who will."

"Good." Yamcha genuinely felt happy for her. "So, what are you doing now?"

She pointed to the huge sign above the hall in front of which they were standing.

"Mr Satan against Kamikaze?" Yamcha read, looking at her questioningly. "You're a wrestler now?"

Mai started laughing. "You haven't changed, you're still as goofy as always." She teased good-naturedly and explained. "No, I'm working for Mr Satan now. I'm his manager."

"Oh." Yamcha suddenly felt very stupid and he blushed. "So, are you two a couple?" he asked teasingly, trying to say something smart for a change.

Mai started laughing even more. "No way. He's my older brother." She explained, and Yamcha felt even more stupid now.

"Sorry." He said sheepishly.

"Hey, you couldn't have known." She shrugged with a small smile.

"Mai, where the heck are you?" suddenly yelled Hercule Satan, coming out of the hall, bristling as he noticed her talking to a guy.

"Coming." She yelled back, then turned to Yamcha again: "Sorry, but I gotta go now. Maybe we'll run into each other some other time. We can go for a drink or something and do some catching up." She handed him her umbrella. "Here. Don't want you to catch a cold or something."

"But what about you?" he protested.

"I have another one in the hall," she grinned and ran towards the wall, holding a folder over her head as a shelter from the rain. "Bye!" She waved to him before reaching the hall and disappearing in it with her bother. Hercule was yelling at her for talking to some strangers on the street and was acting every bit like the overprotective older brother.

Yamcha watched her go, and suddenly, he felt quite a lot better. At least some people still give a damn about him if Bulma didn't anymore. With a small smile, he decided to head back home. Puar was probably already worried sick about him.

And he was right.

When he pushed the door to his penthouse apartment open, he was greeted by a worried Puar. "Yamcha, finally, I was worried sick!" squeaked the floating cat. "Sweet Dende, what happened to you?" Without waiting for an answer, the cat quickly added. "Wait, let me get you a towel."

True to her word, the small cat quickly returned with a towel and started towelling his hair when he changed into a set of dry clothes.

"Thanks Puar." Yamcha said softly.

"I heard what happened from Bulma. She just called over to talk to you and try to explain." The small cat said sadly.

"It's all right," said Yamcha quietly. "We weren't meant to be anyway."

Puar stopped immediately, her mouth hanging open in shock. "Yamcha?" she asked worriedly. Had what she hoped for so long finally come true? Had Yamcha finally realised that he and Bulma just didn't belong together? She hoped to Dende that that was the case.

Yamcha stood up and smiled, taking the towel from his friend's paws. "But I still have you, right Puar?"

The faithful cat was so shocked she couldn't even answer properly - she just nodded.

"Thanks pal." He smiled and patted her head, then left for the bathroom.

Puar watched him go with mixed feelings. "Whatever happened to make him realise this… Well, I just hope it happens more often." She said happily.