Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Prey of darkness ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Prey of darkness

Cell looked at his soul mate and showed an evil grin. * That pitiful android. *, he thought. *He really seems to think he can beat me. Such noble creatures. Just look at him, being so protective. It really is pitiful.*

He watched the pretty blonde, who'd make an excellent prey. It would be fun chasing her. He could almost imagine how it would be to hear her scream when he would tear her apart and add her conscience to his own. Cell set the girl of his mind and concentrated on his opponent, who looked pretty confident.

"It's no use. You are destined to make me complete. I could make it less painful for you; that is, if you won't resist.", Cell said, trying hard to look bored.

"I can at least try. My fate lies in my own hands.", the dark-haired android stated.

"Believe what you want, android."

"Don't be careless, Juunana-Gou. Watch your back.", Juuhachi-Gou warned him as her eyes gave an unnatural flash.

Juunana waved his hand. "Don't worry, Sis. I'll be fine. Let me take care of this."

Cell burst out in laughter. He really was enjoying himself. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain running through his body and he looked down in disgust. His disgust made place for amusement, when he touched his lips, which had started to bleed.
"Excellent. Dr. Gero has made you perfect. I'm glad the old man allowed me to warm up before destroying Goku."

Juunana shook his head in disbelief. "Your arrogance will be your downfall, Cell. Your social skills aren't perfect, you know?"

The tense situation was loosened up a bit by laughter and Cell growled.
"Enough playing. I will be your downfall, android. Don't you underestimate me."

Juunana quickly flew towards his foe with abnormal speed and tried to punch him, but Cell dodged it and replied with a kiblast.

"Watch his tail!", Piccolo yelled and Juunana smiled.

"I'll just have to remove it then, won't I?", Juunana said. He held Cell for a short time and blasted of his tail. Cell cried out in pain and fury. Juunana turned around for a second and was defenceless when he felt Cell's claws surrounding him.

Cell brought him towards his new grown tail and the android gasped in surprise.
"You forgot I have Piccolo's DNA."

"NO!!!", Juuhachi flew towards Cell, but 16 grabbed her arm and dragged her back. He held her to his chest and heard her sob, as he escaped to safety. Juuhachi looked over his shoulder down at her brother and smiled. She'd never see him again; she knew it.
Juunana saw his sister's eyes one more time before his body was surrounded by the eternal darkness. Only this time, his Sis' eyes had shown the warmth of love, like in the old days. He knew she would know sorrow as regrets, because she wasn't able to save him.

He was surprised when he noticed he still had his own thoughts. He always thought that when he would die, he wouldn't be able to think anymore. * Was this the afterlife? *, he thought curiously, letting his eyes glide over the new environment. He started to walk towards a big light and reached out for it. A smile filled his artificial face as he felt the warmth on his fingertips. His smile faded when he saw the light wasn't getting any closer. And... his legs felt frozen... He looked down and gasped as he saw black creatures lying at his feet, with red eyes. They watched his feet with greedy eyes and grabbed a hold of it. They pulled his legs as he began to sink slowly into a puddle of black venom. He tried to stay up, but he already felt the cold mass surrounding his neck. He screamed, yelled and cried, but he would always remain silent after the mass slid through his mouth. They tore his soul apart and he screamed.