Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Protect her ❯ The return of Pan. ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I haven't owned Dragon Ball Z/GT as of yet, and I will probably never own it, Oh and I don't own the Guiding light.

Pan's returns after 4 years in college, Trunks is madly in love with her,but she had gotten Married to another man, while in the United states, now Trunks has to become cold and ruthless to win his girl back, and Just where does the cast of the Guiding light fit in. NOTE: Robert is my own Character, he is not a character from GL.

PAN 22



BRA 21


After four long years Pan Son had finally returned home from college. Trunks Briefs the President of Capsule Corp was the most excited not only because Pan was his best friend, but because he was in love with her and always was, He told her he didn't love her four years ago, so she could have a proper education, He didn't want her to be tied to him and distracted. The only thing he had lost her to another, for Pan had returned married..

Trunks walked out of his room, happy to see his Panny Chan again, he knew she hated to be called that, but he loved to tease her. He got to the top of the stairs and looked down. He smiled. There she was his raven haired beauty. To him she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

Trunks being the President of the most wealthiest and Powerful companies, he was prepared for anything, he wasn't although prepared for what happened next Pan spoke up and said "Everyone I would like you to meet my husband Robert" She smiled kissing her husband on the cheek.

"Hello everyone" Robert said.

"Pan where did you meet him?" Her bestfriend and Trunks' sister asked.

The look on Trunks' face was devastating, before anyone saw him he quicky made a beeline back to his room. He closed the door, tears were flowing from his eyes. He picked up a picture frame of her and him from the hunt for the blackstar Dragon Balls and threw it against the door "WHY?" He screamed. He tightly closed his eyes and collasped to the floor. "Why Dende? You knew how much I loved her" He said chokingly. He picked himself up and went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, ~~How Pathetic a 36 year old man, crying over a girl who's young enough for you to have fathered~~~ He continued to stare at his reflection, ~~Come on Briefs, you are the President of the most wealthiest, not to mention the most powerful company in the world, you can have any woman you want Pan Son isn't the only woman out there, there are millions of girls who would love to be your wife~~ He thought as he smirked, ~~Yeah that is true, but Pan is the only one I want to be my wife, I guess I'll just die an old miser~~ He tried to laugh but the pain in his heart was so over powering Tears started flowing again. ~~~Pan is gonna wonder where I am, I better put on my famous faux smile and walk down there. Trunks Plastered the faux smile on his face, a smile he used during boring company parties, meetings and Outings, He used it quite often.

Trunks walked down there, the faux smile on his face "Pan" He called. Trying to keep his composure.

Pan turned around "Trunks" She threw herself into his arms, at first he didn't know what to do, but reluctantly closed his arms around her bringing her into a hug. He didn't want to let go, for he was in true bliss, but Pan pulled away and grabbed his hand "Come I want you to meet Robert, my husband"

Trunks took a deep breath. It was only matter of time before he and Robert met, he figured now was good time as any.

"Robert?" Pan said to her husband.

Robert turned to Pan "Yes Panny Chan"

"This is my bestfriend Trunks" She said

That fumed Trunks, He knew he hated Pan's husband, but him calling her that made him simply loathe him. No one called her Panny Chan but him, he actually reserved the right as the only one to call her by the nickname she so hated, but being the gentlemen. Trunks Forced his smile and greeted the man "It's nice to meet you"

"Yes, It is an honor meeting the President of Capsule Corp" Robert took Trunks hand to shake it, their eyes met, and right away you could feel the tension between the two, anyone with two eyes could see the two didn't like eachother.

"Okay now that all the introductions are made, lets say we eat" Bulma Chimed in hoping it would yield the tension, ~~~Sheesh, The Tension is so sharp you can cut through steel~~ She thought as she led everyone to the kitchen. Everyone sat down. Vegeta took his place at the end of the table, to his left was Bulma, across from her was Trunks seated to the right of Vegeta next to him was Chi Chi, Goku was across from Chi Chi, with Bulma to his right and Videl to his left across from videl was Gohan, sitting to his left was his mother and to his right was Bra, who was across from Goten, Who was in between Pan and Videl, across from Pan was Robert.

Bulma told everyone to dig in, but to her amazement none of them jumped to the food, "Oh sheesh, I didn't cook any of it, It's safe to eat, after hearing that everyone started to dig in. Robert was amazed to see how much Pan's family and the briefs could eat. "Wow Pan, the males in your family sure know how to pack it away"

Pan laughed "Uh yeah well it's our genes"

"Some Genes you have, I don't know anyone who could eat that much and stay completely fit"

"hehe" She smiled "Well as I said the males in my family and the briefs family are Martial Arts Masters and train constantly"

Robert did remember Pan telling him that her Grandfather Goku and father were some of the strongest and best fighters in the world.

"So Robert tell me what do you do?" Gohan asked his new son in law.

"Uh well I was head, of Capsules branches in New York" He said

Pan chimed in "Yes he was, and I was wondering if Trunks would be so kind to give him a job at Capsule, considering he worked for them in the states. "Maybe make him Vice President or something.

"I don't know Pan, I have to look at all his credentials, and his work experience to see if he's qualified, there are many other men and women in the company who been with me since the beginning of my Presidency who would who've been fighting tooth and nail to get the job of V.P. To just give it to a complete stranger wouldn't be fair to the my other employees, I'm terribly sorry"

Pan was now mad, "How dare you Trunks, Just because you don't like Robert, you automatically deny him job" She stood up. "Why Trunks?"

Trunks stood, and shouted "Look Pan, It's true I don't like him, but I'm not denying him employment, I am running a company and for me to just hire anyone without looking at his credentials wouldn't make Capsule not to mention my reputation look good, as President of of the company I have to look over everyones credentials and see who's right for the job, I don't make it a habit picking people off the street to work for me"

Pan huffed "What about, Tony or what ever his name was, you picke him off the street"

"That's because he was looking for work and I just happened to have a spot opened in Maintence and Custodial department" He explained. "Look If it makes you feel anybetter I will Look over his credentials.

Pan crossed her arms and huffed "Fine" She said as she sat back down. This was one of the things Trunks loved about Pan. She was completely stubborn and independent, she said what was on her mind and didn't take flack from no one.

"Robert if you would like, I would be glad to look over your resume and credentials"

"That's very kind of you Mr. Briefs, I'll be greatful to you if you do"

Just as Trunks was about to say something his Cell Phone rang, He got a look from his mother Trunks I thought I told you to turn that thing off during dinner.

Gomen Kaassan, I've been expecting a very important call" He said as he checked the caller ID and saw the name Daniel Santos on it. (Danny Santos is from the Guiding Light, no not Juunagou4ever's fic, The American Soap Opera) "Excuse me everyone I must take this" He said excusing him self from the table.

"Trunks Briefs speaking"

"Trunks, It's Danny Santos hows it going"

"Not much, hows things going for you"

"Out of the La Familia (The Santos family was a Mob family) and Married with a Son"

"Wow, congrats Danny, the reason why, I called you was because I here you're revamping the Fifth Street Area in your town"

"Yeah, why?" Danny said.

"Well I was hoping to move Capsule to the mid US, It would put a lot of much needed Jobs for that part of the community, and it would build up not only Capsules Rep, but yours as well"

"Sounds interesting, I would need to see some the numbers and project plans before I make a definite decision, What say you meet me"

Trunks smiled "Great, I'll come to the states, just give me your address"

Danny gives Trunks his home address "Great got it Thanks" Trunks said good bye and hung up the phone.

Trunks reentered the dining room "Trunks who was on the phone"

"Danny Santos, I'm thinking of moving Capsule to an area in Springfield that Danny is Revamping"

"You think it's a good Idea?"

"Mom, this neighborhood is to be desired"

"Then why move it there"

"Because this is just what fifth Street needs some secure jobs for the residents that live there"

"But don't they have a sound company moving in there"

"Yes but Mother any CEO of any profitable company knows you need some healthy Competion, Now Spaulding Enterprises, have monopolized the Springfield area for years now, It's bout time, some one came in and pushed them off their high horse" Trunks Explained to his mother.

"Well I think it's a great Idea, Trunks" Pan jumped in "Robert can head it"

"Pan, I know how much you want to get Robert a job, but I already have some one lined up to run it"

Pan lowered her head "Oh Sorry"

Trunks laughed, Yep that was his Pan, a strong independent, doesn't take shit from anyone Pan. ~~Oh god How I love her~~

"Look Pan, I will look over his resume, and Credentials but I'm not promising anything"

"Alright" She smiled. Trunks Blushed.]

After everyone ate Pan stood up "It was nice and all but me and Robert should get going"

Hearing this made Trunks sad, he didn't want Pan to leave.

Everyone said how much they enjoyed meeting Robert. Pan and Robert left.

The room was silent for a moment, until Videl Chimed in "I like him, he's good for Pan"

"Yeah, it looks like she's finaly over you Trunks"

Trunks eyes went Wide, "Yeah, I guess" He was hoping she would come through capsule doors and tell him, she made a horrific mistake and would love him and only him. Trunks could fill Tears filling his eyes again and excused himself from the table.

He made his way back up to his bedroom. ~~Oh Pan, why do you plague my every Thoughts and Dreams, you're like a sickness that I can't Cure, I need you so Much~~ As he was in thought he heard a knock on the door. "Yeah come in" He turned around to see his Best friend Goten Son "Hey Goten What's up?"

"Hey Trunks, how you handling it?" He asked

"Handling What?" Trunks said confused ~~He Couldn't know about my feelings towards Pan , Could he?

"Pan, being Married, Look I know you love her"

"What are you talking about I don't love her?" He lied.

"Yeah, well this says differently" Goten said holding up a journal.

"That's private, give it back"

Goten scanned through the pages, "Lets see Entry number 332 August 4th 2003 (I'm using the the regular timeline), Journal, I had another dream of My Raven Haired Goddess, I was stupid to have just let her go. I love her so much Journal. I plan on telling her when she returns, I would so very much like to Marry her. I just hope she feels the same way" Goten read.

"Don't deny it Trunks"

"Fine I love her, you happy now, but its to late she's already married"

"I've never knew you to back down from a challenge, Pan is your girl, you need to let Robert know this"

Trunks smiled "You're right, Pan is mine she always was, Its time to become cold and ruthless"

Goten Smiled "There's the Trunks I know"

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How will Trunks go about, getting his "Girl" back? Just who is Robert and Where exactly did Pan meet him? the questions will be answered in the next chapter of Protect Her.