Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Rumors ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

YES! Chapter 4 is online! ^_^ *bounces happily* I wanna thank all the people who R&R my fic! Specially Johnny who's always helpin me out. Thanks to every one else and I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Trunks lay unconscious on a medical bed in Capsule Corp, Dende having said for him to be scanned for foreign growths in his head. Goku and Vegeta had glanced over at Goten to see him rocking and holding Trunks in his arms. It hadn't taken Goku long to transport them back to CC and watch Goten start running scans on Trunks. A small beeping sound was heard every time it passed over bumps on Trunks head but nothing more. The entire med lab was silent except from Goten's worried breathing, which almost drove Vegeta insane.


The sound startled the three and Goten hurriedly checked to see what was going on, and what he saw made him gasp. A tumor of some kind was growing on Trunks' brain and was a dark black color. The sight of this made Goten turn slightly green and he fell backwards, Goku barely managing to catch his son before he hit the floor. Both he and Vegeta already knew what was growing in side of Trunks and exchanged glances.

"What should we do Vegeta?" Goku asked quietly as he set his son on a medical bed beside Trunks. Vegeta just growled and stroked Trunks' head gently.

"He should remove it from Trunks...That's what I'm going to tell him," he stated. "I'll tell him to run scans on other Saiyan's to see if the growth is indeed in the Saiyan bloodline." Goku looked at Vegeta and nodded, neither of them knowing that what was in Trunks' head was also growing inside of their bodies.

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FLASH- A Saiyan seems to have a growth in side of his body making him un able to control his actions. Pure black eyes, black tails and random acts of violence are often signs of this growth taking over. Saiyan male has been destroyed.

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After Goten had woken up and Vegeta had told him what to do about the growth Goten set to work scanning himself for the same growth. Indeed it was also inside of him but his was growing on his brain stem, but it was not fully taking over. This explained Goten's sudden aggression at times and why his tail had often changed color. Scans of Vegeta and Goku also showed that there were black growths (AN: Now called spores by the medical team's in my lab) in their bodies, Goku's in his leg, Vegeta's in his shoulder.

"So I'll have to remove them from you two also then, right?" Goten asked as he prepped a needle to knock the two full bloods out. At the sight of a needle Goku screamed and hid behind Vegeta, eyes wide open in fear. When Goten looked at Vegeta his eyes widened. The Saiyan Prince's eyes were pure black, as was his tail but there were no signs of aggression as Vegeta had said there would be.

"Kakarott and I will not have the spores removed," Vegeta said, loud enough to wake Trunks and make the half blood whimper. "Do what you wish with my son but if you dare come near Kakarott I will not be responsible for my actions." With that Vegeta spun, grabbed Goku by the hair and dragged him towards the door. Goku got one last look at Goten explaining to Trunks what was happening before he was drug out of Capsule Corp.

"So that's what I'm planning to do," Goten explained to his friend as he set up a medical bed for the upcoming surgery. Trunks just stared at Goten in sheer amazement.
"You're trusting me to cut you open and cut that spore out of a place no one should go anyways!?" he cried. Goten merely nodded and wheeled the operating tools beside the bed. Then he pulled his shirt off and laid face down.

"Alright Trunks, ready when you are," he said but his voice strained to keep the fear away. Slowly and gently Trunks put his brave best friend to sleep before getting to work.

At the end of the day Goten's spore had been removed and frozen in nitrogen, where as Trunks' had been left in to see if any further studies could be done. Also to see if there was a way to control the darkness of the spore.

"Good luck Truchan," Goten whispered to his friend, who had fallen asleep minutes before. He planted a soft kiss on Trunks' temple then crawled into bed beside him, arms wrapped around Trunks' waist.