Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Runaway ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ, nah! nah! : 0 P

Hello people! I'm so sorry this took so long! I had it written ages ago, but I couldn't post it because mm.org was acting all stupid and wouldn't let me login!!!!

Anyway here is the next chapter!


Pocket Mouse

Piccolo had me out doing errands for him again when I found her. Pic and a couple of his mates had started a new "movement", you see, what they'd do is they'd break into empty houses, shops, apartments or whatever and move in for a couple of days. Then they'd tell the police that they were there, so they couldn't get evicted, and viola! Free living space. Its a pretty neat idea, Pic thought it up, he's clever like that. He says every thing is free, you just need to find a way round it.

To me though its seems illogical, its like getting a little note through your door saying:

Your house is going to be robbed on 27th of March.

Don't worry though, the police have already been informed.

Your friends, the local law breaking criminal junkies

Well any way I was just going on my merry way looking for some hopeless cases that we could get to move in, you know teenagers whose lives got so difficult they decided to move to the drug capital and live on the streets, Oh that's soooo much better I'll bet. Well I'm not one to talk...

And there she was all hunched up in a doorway, she already looked terrified so I decided too scare her a little bit more.

"Well what have we got here?" I said and smirked. It damn worked! She looked scared shitless! It was hilarious! She stood up then, she must have been, what? Sixteen? Seventeen?

"Leave me alone!" she said, "I'll scream! I will!" Hey! She was supposed to be a quivering wreck! Not shouting at me!

"Like anyone would care! You do know where you are don't you? This is the kind of place pretty little girls like you come and don't exactly go back."

That did it, she looked worried now. Technically, what I said was pretty true. You do see lots of girls round here standing on street corners at night, trying to pay to feed they're little kids they had when they were fifteen, you throw in an addiction to smack and you know they're not gonna hit twenty five...and its their fault isn't it? No one made them leave home did they?

"What are you going to do to me?" She said, she looked like she as going to cry.

"I'm going to give you a place to stay, if you really want to know." Now she looked confused, so I tried to explain to her about Piccolo and every one, you know what they were doing.

"You're lying!" she shouted at me. Me? Lie? I tried to look innocent, which isn't an easy task.

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are! Your gonna drag me somewhere and rape me! I just know it!" Jesus, this was going to take a while, and besides she was really starting to piss me off, I was going to take her to stay with us even if I had to drag her back by her hair!

"Look," I said trying to not lose my patience, "I'm not going to touch you, but someone else probably will. You'll be better off coming with me."

She was thinking, "Okay, but any funny business and I swear I'll... well I don't know what I'll do but I'll do something!" I couldn't help but laugh; she looked so comical, so she thumped me. Bitch.

I led her round to the residential part of the city; it's not as crappy as the centre but its not exactly lovely. We went up to this little video store place, its been empty for a couple of weeks before we moved in, its still got some of the old stock in it, I told Piccolo that we could get a tidy profit from all of that but he said it was wrong to steal. What kind of crap is that? He was moaning at me over some videos and other junk, while he's stealing a fucking house!

We went in through the front door, and she shivered. I wonder how long she'd been there? I'll have to ask her in the morning.

"This is..."I was going to introduce her when I realised i didn't even know her goddamn name, "Piccolo, Goku, Yamcha and Chichi." I said pointing to them in turn.

"And who are you?" Goku asked her.

"Bulma, Bulma Briefs."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There you go, the next part of the story whhoooo what will happen? I'll have the next part up in a week if it lets me, and remember emails and comments with suggestions and constructive criticism are welcome and wanted!