Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Saiyan Saga: Golen ❯ Golen ( Chapter 1 )

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Saiyan Saga


By Queen Breeza

The Saiyan planet, a rare gem--like the blood ruby, was on the brink of destruction. No one knew this, except Frieza and his henchmen, and perhaps someone of obscurity--a low-level Saiyan, no less.

This Saiyan was to be a Prince of Saiyans until, that is, after he was born with his twin, Vegeta. When Vegeta was born, his power level overruled his 2- second younger brother, Golen. Or did it? In truth, it didn't come close. But the thing is, it just wasn't to be according to Golen. Unlike most children, Golen was born a genius, a child prodigy. He was very aware of his surroundings when he was born, almost like the information was already preprogrammed into his system. He even knew he was born of royalty and had a power level of a Super Saiyan. But he hadn't wanted it. Golen looked over to his older brother Vegeta and smiled. He would let HIM have the place as Prince of all Saiyans. Just before the two infants' power levels were measured, Golen significantly dropped his as low as it could go--he had the ability to control his power level, too. When their power levels were measured, Golen was said to be a great disgrace to the royal family and was to be put in with the other low-levels.

And that's all he could remember.

It didn't bother Golen to be a low-level soldier. HE COULDN'T FIGHT, ANYWAYS! He knew he shouldn't show his true power--not yet anyways--while Frieza was around. Besides, he LIKED being a low-level. It didn't bother him when he was called a coward, he knew it was true. So what? The part about not being able to fight was true. No one had taught him anything since the day he was born. Since so many of his race, even many other low-level soldiers had neglected him, he had learned to depend on himself. Golen was such a genius that he had built his own space pod to travel around the universe. It was different from the others, so he had to hide it where no one would find it. No one knew about Golen's skills, personality, and true power except him...and maybe another boy who only knew about Golen's skills and personality.

Kahlil was Golen's best friend and sort of...a rival. Not a mean rival of course, just someone Golen was always a step ahead of when it came to atomic brain power. Kahlil was a second-class soldier, bold yet sagacious to any move he made to a higher classman. Khalil would only see his friend in their secret place somewhere far away from the other Saiyan hangouts. Kahlil was Golen's official spy for the ranking upper-classes. He informed Golen of wars that might go down, news of conquered planets, and Frieza's demands. It was important and imperative that Kahlil should never get caught.

"Hey, Low-level!" A distant, yet familiar voice from behind Golen called as he walked down an empty street. Empty because everyone was in some type of club getting drunk or training for their next mission.

Golen stopped, turned his head around first then his entire body as he recognized his friendly rival coming closer. "Hey," was all he said.

Kahlil sensed emotions of fear and sadness when his companion talked. "Golen, my man, what's wrong? Someone beat you up again? How come I don't see any scars?"

"No, it's not that, Kahlil," Golen explained. He started walking again, and as he did, Kahlil began to follow behind him eager to hear the rest of Golen's explanation.

"Then what? Talk to me, man," Kahlil urged when Golen didn't begin again.

"It's hard to explain, even for me," said Golen in a more wondering tone of voice. "I know you told me that Frieza was going to destroy our planet, but I feel like I've known this all my life. It's like this horrible, terrible news doesn't even affect me anymore. It's like I'm used to it by now even if all our race is going to be destroyed. Like I don't even care..."

"What are you sayin'?! Dude, I only said there was talk around Frieza's ship that our home would be destroyed--I never said it came straight from the horse's mouth!"

"Heh," Golen laughed. Straight from the horse's mouth. If only that were true. The horse part of course. It would be much more comforting if Frieza were a horse. But then again, it probably wouldn't change the fact that he was the most terrifying being in this part of the universe, which ever part this was.

For a while they walked in silence, oblivious to what the other was thinking. Then, Kahlil said goodbye to his best friend and headed home. Golen began to wonder if he had really told Kahlil what was on his mind or if he had only told him half the truth. He had wanted to say what he felt about the planet's destruction, but there was more to it than that. There was something different about him, REALLY different, but it took him a while to figure out. Did he really have the power of ESP, or was it just in his dreams.

"No, it has to be that," Golen said to himself aloud. "I really do have the power to read minds--that's the only explanation. Thank God I'm not a psychic."