Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Saiyan X ❯ Zarick's Blessing ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Saiyan X

Chapter 6: Zarick's Blessing

For the past few months we have been training, Rouge and I. It has been hard but she is improving remarkably well for a half-breed, she has mastered her super saiyan form and SSJ2 we are working on SSJ3. Just before we started to train I asked Dendaye to call up Porunga for us and I used two of the wishes to give Rouge a base power level of about 25 million which was a far shot from my 35 million but what are you going to do, I also asked Porunga to give her some martial arts training knowledge as well. The third wish was for the Nameks in thanks for letting me use the Dragon Balls I wished for them to have an exceptional harvest over the year. After that we spent a day training in the hyperbolic time chamber, using a year's time to sharpen her skills. I think a big part to her quick training was the fact that she gained such a substantial power boost form the Namekian dragon. Over this time I told my father that all I was doing was aiding the X-men and advancing their training I hadn't told him about Rouge yet. Of course it seems like I don't think that Rouge is fine the way she is but I really wanted him to be happy that I found her and for her to have the added power and training on top of that is great as well. We were out in the Rockies training as usual, Rouge was in her SSJ2 and I was in my SSJ3. She charged me head on I dodged, her leg swung right around at my head, I blocked and grabbed the leg swinging her into the rock face below.

Getting up slowly she called out to me "How can you be that fast?"

"It takes time Rouge you'll get the hang of it soon enough, remember this is only training, learn from it" I called back landing on the ground below.

"I'll show you if its training or not!" she yelled taking another charge at me.

I knew something was coming she was really starting to become agitated by my actions. She swung at my face then for my gut, both I blocked. Then a kick for the abdomen and a chop to the jaw again both I blocked. She jumped back sending an energy ball back at me which I deflected at that point she was steaming mad.

"Oh Jared you have pissed me off for the last time you little son of a bitch, hhhhhhhhrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!" she screamed starting her transformation.

I couldn't believe it she was doing it, and so soon. I stepped back and watched her change, and I realized this is how I must have looked those many years ago when I changed trying to fight that Namek just after he attacked and murdered my mother. Her change was beautiful, I watched as her hair grew out to the base of her spine and as her eyes took on the more distinct green this time leaving the pupil to be black. Her energy arcs intensified as her flame dissipated to become a golden aura that surrounded her. I could swear the entire planet shook as her power erupted forth; she left quite the massive crater as she finished. Finally she had calmed down enough to talk to, approaching her she seemed amazed at her new look like it was something completely different.

"I finally did it!!" she screamed jumping into my arms and now she had a real tight grip, my air supply could have really been cut off.

"Oh Rouge I'm so proud of you, thank you for putting up with me and not storming off," I said giving her I quick kiss. "Well I think it is about time you meet someone very close to me."

"Who's that, there is actually quite a few friends of yours I haven't met yet," she said looking up at me.

"No I'm thinking someone closer, like my father"

"Oh REALLY!! That would so nice it's about time he found out about us you little shit." She said slyly giving me a kiss on the cheek.

From there is where we left heading back to the mansion to change and eat then we headed for the Lesser Slave Lake area in central Alberta, Canada. On the way we stopped in at my house and quickly made sure everything was in order yet, then we headed north toward his house. Upon arrival we found him tending to his cattle fully unaware that we were coming, or he knew he just didn't care.

"Hi dad, long time no see,"

"Same to you Jared, and who is the lovely young woman with you?" he asked still tending to his cows.

"Her name is Rouge, she's from New York area,"

"Oh really and why are you blocking me from reading her power level, are you afraid at how low I will rate it?" he asked putting the pail down and walking toward us. "You know you are betrothed to another and that means you can't be settling down with another woman"

"I know but she is different, she is like no one I've ever met in my entire life"

"Oh is that so and how is that my son?" just as he finished that line I gave Rouge a sign and she went straight to her SSJ3 form. "Holy shit!! It was you I felt earlier down by the mountains, wait a damn minuet here. If she is a saiyan that must mean."

"Yeah I found her dad, I found my betrothed," I said showing a huge smile on my face.

"Oh I'm so happy for you son, I thought you'd never find her. And I must say she is as gorgeous as your mother, I just really wish she was here to see this,"

"Me too dad me too," I said calmly putting my arm around him.
"So my son when is the wedding set for?" my father asked.

"Not for a while yet"

"Oh and why is that?"

"Well, I want to build up her abilities first so she will be incredibly powerful for the wedding,"

"Oh you silly shit and why is that, she's not beautiful as she is right now?"

"No, it's not that. I really want her to be a super saiyan four for the wedding so we can get married as true saiyans, not just human hybrids," I said turning to my father.

"Now I see it. Nice plan. To tell you the truth, if I could have, I would have done the same.

"Thanks for understanding dad,"

"Now come here my darling let me have a look at you," he said calling Rouge over and taking her to the house.

Those two headed into the house and I decided that I was going to walk around a bit more just to see what had changed in the years that I was away. Now that I thought about it nothing much changed since my days growing up here, sure we seeded more acres and had more cattle but our equipment never changed much. If you take into fact that the more acres we farmed the stronger we got, us alone could pull that equipment all that more faster to get the field done quicker. All that we had was a small tractor that we used to run the PTO and some of the hydraulics and that was it. I decided to head inside and sit down with my father and discuss how Rouge and I met. I entered the door to find Rouge at the table with a coffee in hand and my father at the counter preparing two more.

"Hi honey, what took you so long? You seemed a little surprised to be here," Rouge said taking a sip from her cup.

"Well I haven't, it's actually been a few years since I've been on the yard. The only time when I would see my father is when he would come to my place" I said grabbing the closest chair.

"Yeah you lazy bastard, you kept having me drag my sorry ass over there because you were always too busy to come out of that damn capsule of yours. Half the times I got there and you were on the verge of death. There have been many a time when I've shown up the hospital to give you a senzu bean just so you wouldn't have to pay those damn doctors!"

"Hey all that frustration paid off, look at what I've done; I'm the strongest in the universe."

"That we know of son, in the universe that we know of," my father said setting down the two cups of coffee for him and I.

"Why did you train in a capsule, it would have been easier out in the open where you could get out," Rouge said.

"Well in the capsule I can change the gravity levels inside allowing me to double my work load and build up energy that much faster, in fact Vegeta and Goku used those same methods to train. Goku on his way to Namek trained at 100 times Earth's gravity, and Vegeta when he trained the three years before the androids came; trained at 400 times Earth's gravity" I noted kicking back in the chair.

"Well Jared what did you train at?"



"Well this dumb ass pushed his body to utmost limits and decided to train at about 700X Earth's gravity"

"What are you insane!!!! "? Rouge screamed at me nearly spilling her coffee all over the table.

"It wasn't that bad, really. In fact I cheated a little bit because I used my SSJ forms a bit more than I should have."

"But still that doesn't matter it's the fact that you could have been killed that's what bothers me!" Rouge said beginning to tense up.

"What are you so worried about, I did the same thing my first visit to the mansion, remember. I was in the danger room with the portable gravity generator then I dropped the steel pole into the floor," I said moving up beside her.

"But that was SSJ 10, what about your other forms?"

"Then it just gets moderately more difficult," I told her putting my arm around her hoping to reassure her. "Dad, you saw me in there I was perfectly in control."

"Yeah I know you were in control but it was the time factor which bothered me. You could be in there days or even weeks at a time. I think the longest run you went for was a month and that meant that you had to pack food in there with you and live in those conditions," he explained to Rouge, who was starting to loosen up a bit.

"Here if you really want to know what it's like we'll go in together for lets say about a week or so then we'll go from there, ok,"

"Ok, I'll do it just to see if it is as safe as you say it is. Nothing over 500X though," she said standing up from the table, I was soon to follow.

We said goodbye to my dad and headed off for my farm just south of my father's, from there we opened up my capsule and stored up some food for the tough week ahead. We were still along ways away from her SSJ4 level and I needed to prep her body for it, not only that but I needed her to get her tail back. That was the hard part of it all, where could I get her tail back. Right then and there it hit me. Could the answer be any more obvious? We needed to make a stop in other world.