Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Saiyan X ❯ Amazing the Crowd ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2: Amazing the crowd

I was telling them all about me and my race, and what I can do with my training.

"Jared how strong are you?" professor X asked.

"Well if you account for my form changes I can raise my power level to about 333 million"

"What do you mean by "power level"?"

"Well, how am I going to explain this, it's like this every living thing has energy, the average human has an energy level of about 500 to 1000, there are some that have much more than that, because of how they are born or that they have worked on raising their power level by making themselves stronger and faster. I am one if those people even though I am not human, I have trained my entire life to become this strong. I have the genetics and the time to train and raise my power level." I explained to the group.

" Well I have two questions what do you mean by "genetics" and how to you train your energy levels?" professor X asked.

" What I mean by genetics is I have a distinct sayain trait, that is the ability to dramatically increase my power by simply damaging my body almost to the point of death then heal, and once I am healed then I will be stronger than I was before. To train my energy is to expel it and recover, I use meditation and a daily training schedule to expel as much energy possible then use the rest of the day to rest up and gain a larger amount back, it is almost like lifting weights you work a muscle and it becomes stronger" I explained to the professor who was nodding his reluctantly.

"Could we get a demonstration of your strength, Jared?"

"Sure why not, I'll have to do it in the front yard here so I don't destroy anything valuable"

I proceeded to walk outside into the courtyard and watched for anybody who got too close, thankfully they all stayed at the front door. I took my position and went immediately to SS3, I soon noted that to every one as I continued to SS7 where my gold flame and energy arcs remained and my hair stayed long but had turned black instead of the gold of SS3.

"Finally my super sayain 10 form" I started changing again "Haaarrrrrrrrhhhhhaa" I screamed as a huge wave of light and energy burst away from my body as I finished my transformation.

They stared onward as I walked toward them my feet leaving six inch deep impressions every place that I stepped, my white hair swaying around my knee caps, the energy arcs danced around me as my white flame engulfed my body soon dissipating into nothing as it rose above my head and into the atmosphere. The energy arcs I emitted were soon discharged in to the ground. I noticed the damage my feet were doing so I floated just above the grass just so I wouldn't destroy anything more.

"Incredible Jared, not only does it change your strength it also changes your look as well" professor X said as he turned to wheel himself back into the mansion "Jared if you would accompany me I would like to show you something".

I followed them in to the mansion making sure I didn't wreck their floors by suppressing my power level to allow me to walk throughout the mansion, I was still in SS10 but I just put a cap on "some" (by that I mean a lot) of my power. Professor X led me to a large hall inside the lower levels of his mansion.

"This is the danger room, it is a training device used by the x-men to hone their skills to that they can learn to manage them outside the room and on their own."

I looked around this vast hall of steel and saw the control station above the area itself in the back corner out of the way simple yet effective.

"Professor X do you mind if I try it try it out?"

"Well sure why not, I'm sure you could handle what we through at you"

I got positioned in the danger room finally able to release my energy cap and allow my energy arcs to show again.

"What is you highest setting?"

"Well it's mass chaos to put it lightly"

"I think we will go with that one then, if its ok with you professor X?"

"We can try but if anything starts to get out of hand I'm shutting the whole thing down, got that?"

"Sure lets start" I said taking my fighting stance and closing my eyes to get a better feel for the sounds the room will make when it attacks.

It had begun, a giant mechanical arm shot out to grab me but I quickly dodged it only to avoid another with a buzz saw and with the greatest of ease, a third caught me off guard and grabbed my leg swinging me into a domino style set up of six inch thick steel slabs I think there was five of them I don't know how many I ended having my head and shoulders drove through but I can tell you it didn't feel all that great. I quickly got up to find that there were two buzz saw arms heading my way I dodged them to find laser guns mounted on the walls taking aim at my upper shoulders and legs. That was it I had, had enough no more fooling around, I charged up an blast in all directions just as I felt all of the seven mechanical arms for my impending form, I let the blast go sending every moving thing in that room to mechanical heaven. Once the flash from the blast subsided I looked to see the damage I had left behind all the arms and the guns were fried the six-inch steel slabs were folded like tin foil.

"Ok that battle was just a little easy, but frustrating none the less. The damage is done, well a little overdone but done" I thought to myself as I flew back to the main exit were a few more students were there to greet me and my victory against the danger room.

I stepped out of the room to be confronted by a young woman about age of 18 to 20.

"How did you do that? That is the hardest setting in the danger room, you could have easily been killed in there," she told me as I took a drink from a nearby fountain.

"Well that is one of the abilities I have, I can manipulate my bodies energy into forceful attacks which can devastate my opponent and unfortunately the landscape around it in the process. Oh and by the way I knew that was the highest setting and I was the one who asked for it," I explained to her noticing the other X-men coming up behind me.

"It's a miracle you came out as you did, by the way my name is Rouge and yours is?"

"Oh mine? My name is Jared nice to meet you, and for your information it wasn't a miracle it was my skill and experience, that in there was child's play"

"Are you a mutant? What am I saying you have to be no normal person can do stuff like that"

"No, I'm not a mutant now that I think about it not really all that human either, I am a sayain and my people are a race from above, I'm not a full blood sayain though, my mother was half sayain half human, and my father he is a full blood, so I guess I do have a bit of human in me"

"Cool, I've never met an alien before, so what is your home world like?" she asked handing me a towel so I could clean up.

"I guess it would have been pretty beautiful," I said "but I have no home world, it was destroyed many years ago by a warlord bent on controlling the universe, the planet and the people with it. The only way that our race had survived was by running to distant planets and seeking unknown refuge amongst people of same appearance, that's why my parents fled to Earth"

"Oh well, what ever happened to the warlord, is he still alive?"

"No, friends of mine flew off to a distant planet and did battle with him, in the end the planet was destroyed and so was the warlord, I guess it was for the sake of the universe so one lost planet is really nothing"

"Wow that is incredible you must be proud, it's really hard to believe that two armies could destroy and entire planet?"

"Yeah I am proud, but there weren't two opposing armies. In the end there were just two people on that planet, Frieza and Goku, Frieza had killed Krillin one of Goku's close friends then something clicked in Goku's head causing him to go to the next level. When his anger erupted the entire planet shook as his power flowed throughout it. Frieza was furious, his entire life had been spent trying to wipe out the sayain race, and here was one standing before him wielding more power than he could imagine, beating him into the ground and dodging all his attacks. That's when Frieza got desperate, he knew Goku couldn't survive in the vastness of space, but he could so he decided to blow up the planet hoping the super sayain couldn't whether the explosion. He started the chain reaction by creating a huge hole throughout the planet with a single attack. Goku wanted to savor the moment by his time was cut short by Frieza's feeble attempt at reclaiming victory from an obvious loss, he used his time wisely and beat Frieza and made it off the planet just in time before the planet blew. Unfortunately Frieza survived the blast and was found by his father, he was repaired and in the end became more of a cyborg than an actual living being, every body felt Frieza's presence on the Earth but Goku still hadn't come back from space yet so what were they going to do? Out of nowhere a man showed up wielding the power of a super sayain, and he soon made due of Frieza and his father King Kold but that is another story. Well enough about me what is your story?"

"As I said my name is Rouge and I am a mutant, my ability is pretty much a curse instead of a gift, because if any part of my skin touches another person's exposed skin I will unwillingly absorb their bodily energy and start to take their mind as well, it has happened so many times now that the other minds are starting take up too much space and it is really starting bug me" she exclaimed rubbing her temple with her index finger.

"What happens when you touch mutants?"

"Well I get their abilities for a short while and the rest of the usual stuff happens as well"


Rouge and I talked for a short time after and then she had to attend class that's when professor X had come up behind me and we had started a discussion about training.

"So Jared were you impressed with our training facilities?"

"Yeah actually I was, but I know what will give a real nice twist"

I used Goku's instant teleportation to go home and grab my portable gravity simulator, which consists of a backpack that can be used to change the gravity of any confined space. I soon arrived back holding the device.

"Now Jared what is that thing your holding?" professor X asked

"Oh this, this is a portable gravity simulator. When used it can alter the gravity levels of any confined space like your danger room for example"

"I see and why did you bring it here?"

"I brought it here because like I said your training could use a little twist"

Xavier and I headed up to the control room of the danger room where I set up the gravity simulator and had two students stand in the center of the room, they were going to be my test dummies for the time being.

"Ok you two I'm going to set the level at twice Earth's gravity so you will be twice as heavy, got that?" I said as I looked down to see the two students nodding their heads for me to start the simulation.

As I started the simulator both of them took a knee but slowly got up. You would think with all the training they have gone through they would be a bit stronger by now but they are only human. I turned the simulator off and took a headset radio with me down to the danger room just so I could tell them what level I wanted it at. I met the two students on the way down as they were heading up to the control room themselves. Soon enough I was down there and I had taken my position at the center of the room.

"Ok you guys, don't question me on this I want the setting at 710X Earth's gravity you got that. Now turn on the simulator".

I could feel the settings take effect and I just stood there they were shaking there heads thinking that nothing had happened and I was just standing there all myself waiting, I decided to give them a demonstration of how heavy I actually was in there. I walked over to the far wall and there on the floor there was a steel rod about three feet long, I picked it up and proceeded back into the center of the room.

"If you guys think that the simulator is not working let me give you a demonstration," I said holding the steel bar out in front of my body.

I flew up about seven to ten feet or so then proceeded to drop the bar pointing down so it would act like a spear, it plunged toward the floor at a blinding speed, when it struck the steel floor it pierced right through becoming stuck. The people in the control room looked at the bar then at me then at the bar again, they turned off the settings and I met them at the door to hear what they had to say.

"How far did that bar go in to the steel?" a student asked.

"About four or five inches" I replied looking back to the center of the danger room.

Just then Rouge and a few others came back to see what I was up to, obviously they were done their classes.

"So what have you been doing now?" Rouge asked as she curiously poked her head around me to peer into the danger room.

"Oh nothing much just being a classic male, showing off what I can do, the normal stuff" I replied trying to block her view with my body.

She knew I was playing with her and I think she liked it because she was playing right back.

"You hiding something in there Jared, because I will find out sooner or later I would hate to have to go through you just to figure out what it is" she said to me slowly taking off her glove on her right hand.

" Oh really you think you can get past me I'm the strongest being in the universe" I said smugly rolling up my sleeve and flexing my bicep.

"I could drop you like a sack of bricks, let me give you a demonstration" she said as she touched my arm with her finger.

I could immediately feel the pull on my energy supply and man was it a huge draw, I was just about to black out when she pulled her finger off my bicep.

"See I told you I could drop you like a sack of bricks"

"I'm not down and out yet, if I'm correct you not only got my energy you got my strength, speed, and abilities as well." I said pointing down to my hand. "Rouge I'm a little curious, concentrate and create a scenario in which you would be the at most angry, like watching one of your closest friends die at the hands of another mutant"

"Ok, but why?" she asked clenching her fist and closing her eyes.

"Just trust me ok, I have a small feeling something neat will happen but don't hold your breath? I said sensing her growing energy level, but some thing felt different.

I could see her struggle with the scenario in her mind, then a small tear rolled down her cheek, it was slowly happening I could feel her power level rising as she brought her other hand up to make a tight fist. It all happened in a single moment as her anger rose up. She yelled as her change to a super sayain began, her hair changed to a brilliant gold standing up a little bit yet keeping the distinct white strands she had before. Her eyes changed from blue to emerald green as her build had distinctly changed. The golden flame that danced around her was beautiful but something truly felt different. The energy she emitted, it didn't feel like mine at all it felt like hers with the small remnants of mine within it, I simply thought nothing of it and decided to congradulate her on a job well done.

"I can't believe you did it you're a super sayain, but something still bothers me. How can you turn super sayain if you are human?" I said putting my hand on her shoulder.

"I don't know it's probably my mutation. I can tell you one thing this is so cool. But since I did this, that means I'm as strong as you right?"

"I'm afraid not Rouge my base power level is still quite higher than yours, but I bet you can still hit pretty hard, go ahead give me a shot in the chops" I said pointing to my jawbone.

"Are you sure, I mean I might hurt you" she replied.

"No go ahead, try it".

"Ok" she swung and swung hard; I moved out of the way to trip her up. As she missed her fist connected with the wall behind me. "Owwwww, hey that wasn't fair you moved you little shit," she complained rubbing her hand with her fist.

" I intentionally moved, but look what you did to the wall" I motioned their gaze over to the small dent left in the steel by her hand.

As Rouge turned around admiring her new look she got several compliments from her friends and colleagues. "Some thing is different," she said looking at her hands.

"Well what is it?" I asked.

"This new form it just doesn't feel like it is stolen, it feels too natural like it is my own."

"Maybe it is just part of your mutation" I said trying not to worry her.

"How long will this form last?" Rouge asked.

"Well it really depends on the person, if you relax and clam yourself you will go back to normal, but if you keep yourself in this heightened state your energy will have to drain out to a certain point before your body will naturally turn back to your original form" I explained to her.

"Well I want to stay like this for a while longer so I guess I can stay riled up for now, but when I want to change back I will, thanks Jared"

"Your welcome Rouge, well I really should be on my way home but I promise you I will be back tomorrow and I will spend a full day here. I think I'll bring a friend as well", I said turning back towards the door.

I left the institute with smiles and waves from the X-men and the other students as I flew upwards towards the clouds, I decided to make a small detour over towards Japan, I wanted to talk to Gohan and see if he felt like joining me for the day, I really hope he will.