Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Second Chances ❯ Revenge never tasted so sweet ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The music flowed smoothly out of the expensive stereo system in the candle lit lounge of the expensive penthouse apartment of the professional baseball star. He hummed quietly to himself as he flowed around the room putting the final touches to the romantic candle lit diner he had planned down to the last detail.
His heart skipped a beat when the doorbell rang, he sprang across the room and opened the door with a flourish. The slim young lady grinned at him from behind her thin framed glasses which made her look exactly like the aspiring young medical student she was.
“Wow!” he said with appreciation as he looked her up and down, “you look even more beautiful with each passing moment!”
“Thank you” she giggled as she took his hand. He pulled her gently into the room and shut the door behind her.
“Your table awaits my lady.” He said as he bowed and lead her to the table, pulling out her chair for her.
“Why thank you.” She said sweetly as she sat down and grinned up at him as she brushed a strand of her auburn hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. He hurried out of the room and then returned soon after with the starters of their meal and a bottle of white wine.
“wine for the lovely lady?” he said as he placed the plate in front of her and poured them both a glass of wine. He sat down opposite her and grinned at her as they rose their glasses and clinked them together before taking a sip.
An energy level that wasn't there a moment ago burst into his senses and made his blood run cold. That was one energy signature he had hoped never to feel again, and it was heading strait towards his apartment.
“Is something wrong Yamcha?” the young woman asked with a slight frown as she slowly lowered her wine glass from her lips.
Her heart rate suddenly jumped up and she knew she was about to start panicking. She was the envy of all the other girls in her class for going out with the charming and drop-dead-gorgeous baseball star and she had no intentions of letting him slip away. She desperately wanted this to work between them and even tho he was a few years older than her and she was going to do everything within her power to make it work. The thought that he might already be bored with her puzzled her to no end, she simply couldn't comprehend the possibility that any man could refuse her. After all her auburn hair was tinted to perfection, her face was the image of beauty itself and her voice was sweet and lilting. She was slim with curves in all the right places and if the looks she got from any passing man when she was wearing her student nurse's uniform were anything to go by she was simply irresistible. Ok so her intelligence sometimes scared men away but this time she had developed a fool proof plan to snare this man in her affections for as long as she wanted him.
“I don't know, its probably nothing.” he said absently as he slowly rose from his chair. The energy signature had suddenly dropped so low he could barely read it and the fact that he could still sense it at such a level meant only one thing. It was close. Very close.
A window in the kitchen which was connected to the dining room suddenly burst open in a shower of broken glass causing both to flinch away. The young lady covered her head with her arms and squeaked a small scream as glass rained over them both.
Yamcha paled even more as he stood rooted to the spot and watched the shadowy figure float thru the window to land with a soft crunch on the broken glass on the kitchen floor, feet apart, arms folded across his chest.
“Well, well. What have we here.” The all too familiar voice hissed as the intruder took a few steps towards the pale warrior, “how very romantic. She is your latest conquest then? tut tut tut.”
“What are you doing here Vegeta?” Yamcha said, trying to keep his voice steady and calm down. There was no way Vegeta would come all this way out of hiding just to kill him. Goku may no longer be around to stop the insane little jerk from going on a killing spree but the other z fighters were and Gohan would definatly give the veggie-head a run for his money. “In case no one already told you, you aren't wanted here anymore. So you may as well pack up and leave. Permanently.”
“Such brave words from the weakling”
“You don't have the right to mock me anymore Vegeta! You lost any respect your power earned you long ago when you let Bulma and baby trunks fall!” as Yamcha said the words Vegeta's face shifted from that ever confident smirk to a look of pure and barely restrained rage, “Trunks should have been my kid I would make a better father to him that you ever would!”
“Oh really?” Vegeta hissed with such venom that Yamcha was surprised the words alone didn't kill him, “well I suppose you almost had your wish then didn't you! You stupid bastard! Did you not think I would find out about this!” he bellowed as he flew at the taller warrior, forcing him back and pinning him against a wall. The woman's scream of surprise seemed to bring Yamcha out of some of the shock at seeing the long absent warrior enter through his window.
“What the hell are you talking about Vegeta?” he yelled in the other mans face.
“Oh, I'm sure you know! Don't you remember the night that you took what so clearly is too good to belong to you!?” Vegeta practically spat the words into Yamcha's face.
The taller man gulped at the lump that had formed in his throat and tried to remember even the smallest detail of that party which had all turned into a blur of drunkenness.
“ShitshitshitshitSHIT!” Bulma cursed as she sped thru the traffic on the busy road in her little sporty capsule car, “please, don't kill him Vegeta!”
She finally reached her destination as she pulled her car to a screeching halt outside the posh apartment block. She ran into the foyer and charged past the security guard to the lifts. After manhandling a small skinny man out of the way she launched herself into the lift and pushed the button for Yamcha's floor. She jumped up and down in frustration as the lift took what seemed like an eternity to climb up to the 53rd floor but eventually it arrived. Forcing herself out of the lift a split second after the doors opened the tiniest crack she ran a fast as her legs could carry her down the narrow corridors towards the door of her ex boyfriends apartment.