Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Seven Minutes in Otherworld ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters! As if you would think I did! XD
Warning:..um...lame comedy...mild shounen ai...boys kissing girls...boys kissing boys...you know... : )

Thank you to Pixelgoddess for beta reading!

Seven Minutes in Otherworld

"Let's play a game!"

Bulma stood a little too quickly from her seat and swayed uneasily, trying not to spill her drink. The alcohol had helped soothe the sting of another famous (and quickly becoming infamous) get-together at her home in an attempt to foster a strong relationship between all of her warrior friends. Once again, the highlight of the evening was seeing who could eat more (Goku or Vegeta) and timing the lulls in the conversation.

"What kind of game?" Yamucha asked, pouring himself another beer. "I doubt there's anything that we'd all be interested in playing..."

Bulma grimaced, looking around the room at her guests. It was becoming apparent with each party that the only thing anyone had in common was a desire to escape the festivities in the beverage of their choice. She leered at the group.

"Seven minutes in Otherworld!"

There was a moment of stunned silence.

"What's that?" Goku asked, shaking the ice from the bottom of his glass before swallowing it. Bulma whirled to face him.

"It's fun! You'll see!" It was also the perfect opportunity for her to get some action from the seemingly frigid Prince of Saiyans. She turned to Vegeta as she finished. "If you are brave enough to play."

Vegeta scowled at her from over his half empty Corona bottle. Bulma crossed her arms, triumphantly. She knew everyone in the room had to be contemplating the 'opportunity of a lifetime' with their current crush: Hers for Vegeta. Yamucha's for her. Hers for Vegeta...

And they were all just drunk enough to take it!

"You mean," Yamucha began, hesitantly. "the kissing game? I haven't played that since junior high." he frowned then. "I think that's what started my problem with women..."

"This is irresponsible!" ChiChi hiccuped, her brows drawing together.

"Please!" Bulma snapped, approaching the younger woman. "We're adults! With a right to do adult things!" she held her arms out to the assembly. "Who here would like the chance to get some action this year? Who wants to play?"

The room was silent.

No one refused.

Bulma smiled broadly.

"Good. Here are the rules," she crossed the room to a door on the far wall. "Since I am the hostess, I will go first. I'll turn out the lights and blindly pick a partner." she tried to keep her eyes from roaming toward the Prince as she made a dramatic gesture of setting her watch. "You will have seven minutes to impress me. After that, it's your turn to pick and spend your seven minutes-" she slapped her palm against the door, “in Otherworld."

"That's not Otherworld." Goku pointed out, leaning onto the coffee table. "That's a storage cupboard."

Bulma's flushed face seemed to darken.

"Deal with it!" she snapped. "Now, if everyone is ready..."

The lights went out.

Bulma grinned happily, zeroing in on where she recalled Vegeta to be sitting. She reached out her hand in the darkness until her fingers came into contact with soft fabric over hard muscle. Instantly, her heart began to race as she turned and preceded her partner into the small closet.

Inside the cramped space, she couldn't tell her companion’s height, but the muscular physique and thick mane of hair made her feel certain it was Vegeta. Willingly, she submitted to being pulled into the strong embrace and onslaught of kisses that followed.


Yamucha felt his muscles tense when the hand touched his shoulder. He couldn't tell whom Bulma had picked to accompany her into the closet, but by the size of the person's hands it obviously wasn't ChiChi. So his chances of being paired with a woman were now zero.

As he scrambled unsteadily to his feet, he drained his cup of beer before traversing the pitch black room and shutting the closet behind him.


Piccolo tried to concentrate on the individual ki signatures in the room around him. It was impossible to determine where each person was in the close proximity of the room coupled with the strange effect of the odd flavored water he had eleven or so glasses of.

He has just tipped his glass back when her felt a hand reach tentatively out and brush his arm. He supposed that was his cue to get in the closet and do...well...he wasn't quite sure...

The Namekian stumbled through the darkness before being pulled into the tight confines of the storage space.


ChiChi lay snoring quietly on the sofa, her empty margarita glass having long since slipped from her fingers. She twitched slightly as a hand gently brushed the hair from her forehead and moved down to caress her cheek. The young woman gave a grunt of irritation, slapping the hand away and rolling over to face the back of the couch.

Her would-be partner accepted the dismissal without complaint, moving away, as if having been accustomed to such happenings...


Krillin staggered out of the closet when the loud beeping of Bulma's watch indicated his time was up. He was certain, or as certain as he could be under the influence of so many alcoholic beverages that he lost count of, that he had spent both of his seven minute turns with the same person. And judging from the muffled sound of Bulma's watch on the opposite side of the door and the rather obvious lack of breasts (and rather obvious ownership of other things), it was certainly not Bulma or ChiChi.

Under different, and more sober, circumstances, he might have complained or even been ill; but his partner was enthusiastic, not to mention one HFIL of a kisser.


Vegeta let the last few ounces of warm beer glide down his throat before letting the bottle roll quietly onto the carpeted floor. He was considering having another when he felt a close presence and fingertips brush across his cheek as a hand sought out another being in the darkness.

Vegeta felt his breathing halt.

He knew who this was.

The chance he had been waiting for!

He nudged the hand with his own in an indication of acknowledgement before rising from his perch on the arm of the sofa and he followed the other into the constricted space of the closet.

The two settled awkwardly onto the floor before hands lifted to the Prince's face and fingertips lightly traced the contours of Vegeta's noble features. Vegeta closed his eyes and leaned into the touch, reveling in the contact. The two leaned toward each other, their lips meeting in a feather soft touch. Even though the small space was as dark as midnight, Vegeta closed his eyes to let the moment seep into his mind and burn its brand into his memory.

Their first kiss...

Time seemed to stand still. All Vegeta could think about was warm hands on his face and the soft lips pressed to his. His mind warred between chaos and calm as those lips began to coax him into action, nibbling across his jaw line. A smirk spread slowly across the prince’s face as he took a moment to enjoy the attention, tilting his head to the side to allow greater access to the curve of his throat.

The stand-offish Saiyan had just begun to warm up to his pleasantly skilled partner when the digital alarm of a watch brought their closet fantasy to a close. With reluctance they pulled away from each other. Vegeta sat quietly on the floor as he felt his partner move past him, signaling the end of their seven-minute meeting and the beginning of the next with one of his choosing.

As the tall warrior made to move back near the group, the door into ‘otherworld’ swung open, a hand closed onto his gi and he was pulled back inside.


Vegeta gripped the front of Goku’s shirt and pulled, deepening their kiss, impatience spurring him in their limited time together. Goku was startled by the urgency at first, but gladly accepted the gesture, tightly embracing the compact, muscular frame of the Saiyan prince.

Vegeta wrapped his arms around Goku’s neck, pulling his leg up so he could settle on the younger Saiyan’s lap. Goku made a small grunt from the shock of the action, but it quickly faded into a moan when Vegeta’s tongue demanded entrance to his mouth and slid decadently against his own.

Goku had never felt such power in a kiss. He had almost forgotten to breathe before he began kissing back, pulling the prince even closer and smoothing his large hands over the sleek muscle of Vegeta’s back. Vegeta made a noise somewhere between a purr and a growl, thrusting his hands into Goku’s hair and dragging his nails down the other Saiyan’s scalp. Goku could feel the hair on his neck stand on end as a shiver of nervous, yet alarmingly sexual, energy ran up his spine. His heart beat wildly in his chest as he continued to kiss the prince, both beginning to breathe heavily in the frantic pace of their activity.


The sound was forced from Goku’s throat when Vegeta shifted his weight, grinding his perfectly shaped rear into the younger Saiyan’s growing erection. Goku’s mouth went slack and his mind went blank for any thought other than the radiating pulse of pleasure between his thighs, his hands traveling down the prince’s sides and coming to rest on his hips. Vegeta moved his mouth from Goku’s, licking a hot trail down the taut muscles of his companion’s neck, scraping his teeth across the trembling flesh.

Vegeta began to rock his hips, wrenching a moan of satisfaction from the Saiyan beneath him. A self-satisfied smile spread across the elite’s face as he continued to nip and suck on the taller warrior’s throat. This may not be battle, but he would accept the victory just the same.

The two Saiyans paused as a muted beeping broke through the sound of deep kisses and heavy breathing. Goku sighed, lowering his head to rub his cheek affectionately against Vegeta’s, taking one last moment to take in the clean, warm scent of the prince. A small, shy smile crossed his features as he pulled away, stealing a final kiss as the two disentangled themselves.

Goku opened the closet door and stepped back into the den, shutting the door behind himself. It was only a game, but he felt oddly satisfied at being able to have this experience. He couldn’t say when another opportunity such as this one would present itself again.


After eighty-four minutes and not getting her opportunity to make-out further with the object of her lusting affection, Bulma declared the game 'dumb' and the party 'so over'.

The group exchanged embarrassed farewells, looking each other over with suspicious eyes and inquiring minds. There was really only two amongst them who was certain with whom they had spent their seven minutes in 'otherworld'.

Goku flew leisurely back to his home with his wife slung over his shoulder. With great care (lest she become ill from the motion) he stripped her of her clothing and laid her tenderly in their bed. He had begun to remove his own clothes when the sensation of a rapidly approaching ki halted him.

It was Vegeta and the prince was very close to Goku's home.

Intrigued, the happy-go-lucky Saiyan tossed his shirt to the floor, crossed to the window and leapt out into the cool summer night. He sauntered casually a few yards into the surrounding forest before Vegeta stepped into his path.

"Hello again, Vegeta," Goku said, grinning at the glowering elite.

"You and I need to have a little chat, Kakkarot," the prince spoke in a harsh manner that intensified the rasp in his voice.

Goku's eyebrows raised in interest, "Really?" he asked, innocently. "About what?"

Vegeta sneered at the taller Saiyan, folding his arms across his chest.

"About your little secret. The secret I discovered during the bossy woman's game."

Goku chuckled good-naturedly, placing his hands on his hips.

"Oh?" He took a deep breath and let out a sigh, noticing the way Vegeta's eyes watched the rise and fall of his bare, muscular chest. "And what would that be?"

"For one!" Vegeta snapped, "You didn't drink this evening!"

The taller man shrugged.

"True," he freely admitted, "I don't drink."

Vegeta pointed an accusing finger at him.

"Your so-called 'friends' were all intoxicated!" he exclaimed. "You took advantage of their inebriated, and even more imbecilic, state!"

Goku shook his head, replying in a firm tone, "No, No one refused the offer. We would have all agreed to play even if I had been drunk." He smiled then, "But let's talk about your secret, your highness!" He grinned broader at the dark blush that rose to color Vegeta's cheeks.

"I'm not finished!" the prince shouted.

Goku continued, unfazed, "You were not drunk either."

Vegeta stared defiantly in the face of the accusation, but did not deny it.

Goku laughed lightly. "I see we are both equally guilty," he observed.

"Hardly!" Vegeta shot back. "How can you compare my impropriety to your own in this matter? Your offense was clearly more heinous of the two!"

Goku frowned, thoughtfully. "How so?" he asked.

Vegeta gave an exasperated grunt before exclaiming, "They are your friends, damn near family! And you were in that blasted closet with every single one of them!" He paused a minute, shaking in his fury before adding, “TWICE! No one was kissing anyone but you!!”

Goku was quiet as he stared at the furious elite, "Oh...that..."

Vegeta's eyes rolled skyward at the third class' ambivalence. Goku grinned, sheepishly.

"You can't expect me to learn a cool new technique like 'Instant Transmission' and not take the opportunity to practice it!" he spoke earnestly. "Besides, I've been married since I was eighteen. You also can't expect me to pass up an opportunity to experiment in a way that can't be classified as infidelity..."

"You cheated, Kakkarot!!!" the shorter Saiyan roared.

Goku blinked a few times as he looked down at his oft time nemesis.

"I didn't technically cheat..." he explained, "No one said we couldn't move around the room..." he rubbed the back of his head as he contemplated the issue, "...or instantly transmit in other people's way...” The younger man began to feel the telltale sign of guilt as he spoke, “Gosh, Vegeta...I'm sorry..."

Vegeta didn't look appeased by the apology. Goku continued, "Was there someone you wanted to try kissing...?" he asked, quietly, "...maybe, Bulma?"

The blush that had colored the Prince's face only seemed to intensify before he let out a huff of aggravation and took off into the sky.

"What a dolt!" Vegeta fumed inwardly as he sped toward Capsule Corp. "Why would I want to kiss that loud mouthed, puny human woman! How could that idiot...UGH!!" he shook his head in frustration, increasing his speed. "Maybe I should have drank more..."

Goku stared up at the sky and the bright streak of ki trailing Vegeta's retreating form. Slowly, he brought a hand to the back of his head as he reflected on the evening.

He had chosen Vegeta, but in turn Vegeta had chosen him before he was two steps out of the closet.

Maybe it wasn't that Vegeta had wanted to kiss someone else...

As he watched the ki trail fade into the starlit, azure sky, Goku's voice was a soft whisper in the night:

"Maybe he didn't want me to..."