Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Storytime ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Once upon a time there was a mama bear, a papa bear and a baby bear...what's that? You say you've heard it? Well what about the three little pigs? Heard that too. This is starting to sound like a comedy routine where the comedian says "Stop me if you've heard this one..." But enough silliness. Here is a story that you may not have heard and it is currently being told on a faraway planet called New Namek...

A group of Namekian children sat crowded around an elder Namek who clutched his staff tightly as he leaned forward in his seat. It was a bright afternoon, as afternoons go on New Namek for the world was never completely dark since it revolved underneath three suns.

"So you want to hear a story," the elder said and closed his eyes. "Very well then. I will tell you the story of Frieza and the
Three Saiyens."

"Is it a scary story?" one child asked and the Elder smiled slightly.

"Aye, it's scary," he replied then noticed the worried look on some of the younger Nameks' faces. "but not too scary."

"Does it have a lesson? I don't like stories that tell me to be good and stuff like that," another young Namek said as the Elder leaned back in his chair.

"It has a small lesson, but it also has a lot of action in it. Now are you sure you want to hear it?" the Elder inquired and the
children nodded their heads.

"Very well then. Once long, long ago...."

On a planet with two suns, all was quiet and peaceful. The planet was known as Namek and its inhabitants were therefore known as Nameks. The Nameks were a guardian race, which meant that they were protectors of assigned planets. At least the ones deemed worthy enough were assigned planets to watch over. There were numerous planets in the galaxy to keep track of, but one particular planet had been having its share of problems.

That planet was known as Earth where the guardian Kame was stationed. Some interesting things had been happening to that planet as of late. For example, the arrival of one Saiyen known as Radditz peaked some interest in a couple of men that worked under the most powerful being in the universe. They went to Earth to enlist Radditz in their cause and it was there that they heard about the mystical dragonballs.

"Why were they after the dragonballs anyway?" a small Namek asked and the Elder smiled.

"When all seven are collected, an eternal dragon is called and grants the summoner three wishes and everyone likes wishes," the Elder replied then took a deep breath and continued his story.

Now there are some people in this universe that are evil. Well, there was one person that wanted to use the dragonballs for immortality. Frieza, who was known as the most feared being in the universe had set his sights on Namek where one elder out of seven villages had a dragonball in their possession. But Frieza wasn't the
only one with his eyes on immortality. There was another within his own ranks with his own purpose and reasons to undermine Frieza's authority.

This person was a Saiyen who Frieza had taken in as not a slave, but a soldier. This soldier wanted to destroy Frieza for destroying and humiliating his people and the only way he could defeat Frieza was to become immortal himself. Frieza was determined to get the dragonballs first and he would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.

"That Frieza person doesn't sound very nice," a young Namek said and some of the older ones looked at him sarcastically.

"What did you expect him to do?" an older one asked. "Knock on the door and ask?"

"You're right, small one," the Elder said as he leaned back in his chair. "Frieza only cared about one thing. Frieza. Whatever he wanted, he got and he was determined to get those wishes before the Saiyen did."

"Why?" another Namek asked.

"Well you see, in Saiyen legend it was said that every thousand years, a Super Saiyen was born. What that meant was a person whose strength was greater than a Saiyen and quite possibly, stronger than Frieza."

"So that's why he was scared," an older Namek said and the Elder nodded his head.

"If he knew what the Saiyen was going to do, why didn't he destroy him?" another asked.

"Because he wasn't the only Saiyen Frieza had to worry about. Remember, this is a story about three Saiyens. So far, I've only mentioned one," the Elder replied.

"So where are the other two?" a group of Nameks asked in unison. The Elder smiled as he leaned back and closed his eyes. The young Nameks watched him intently, waiting for him to begin again. A few looked worriedly at the others, sure that the Elder had fallen asleep. Elders had a habit of falling asleep, after all.

"Well let me see, the other two Saiyens lived on Earth," he said and one Namek looked at him.

"But they didn't come from Earth, did they?" he inquired and the Elder shook his head.

"Well one came from Earth but the other didn't. You see, one Saiyen was sent to Earth to destroy its inhabitants."

"Why?" a Namek inquired and the Elder sighed.

"The Saiyens were a conquering race. They took pride in their strength and military," he replied.

"I don't understand. Why couldn't they just live peaceably with the other people?" an older Namek asked as a toddler clutched a small, stuffed toy. He glanced worriedly at the other Nameks as the Elder closed his eyes.

"Not all creatures in this universe are interested in peace," the Elder replied.

"Why?" the older Namek persisted and the Elder sighed once more.

"I don't know why. Now the Saiyen that was sent to Earth had fallen from a great height as a baby so he no longer remembered his mission to destroy the planet."

"They programmed babies to destroy planets? How is that possible?"

"How they did it does not matter to the story. Now I am weary and if you don't want to listen to my tale, that's fine with me. I'm sure there's plenty of training and studying you all can be doing instead."

"We wanna hear it!" a group of Nameks, who could not be any older than five, cried then glared at the older Namek that kept interrupting with questions.

"I would like to hear it as well," the older Namek said as he lowered his head in embarrassment. "I am just trying to understand."

"Perhaps later I can explain to you in detail. But now, the young ones are getting restless and we don't want that. The last thing we need is for all of them to start crying. Now where was I? Oh yes..."

The young Saiyen named Goku grew up and married as creatures do and eventually he had a son. That son was named Gohan and right from the start, one could tell that he wasn't an ordinary little boy. He had amazing strength and he could do things that numerous other small children could not do. When he was just about two years old, he went straight through a tree and didn't even get hurt!

"'scuse me. 'scuse me. Did the...did the boy hatch from an egg?" one of the young Nameks asked and the Elder shook his head.

"No. Now do you remember that the Saiyen underneath Frieza sent some of his men to investigate the dragonballs?" the Elder inquired.

"Yes," the group said and the Elder yawned. A few of the younger Nameks yawned as well and lay down on the ground, some tightly holding their toys just in case the story got too scary. A few of the older Nameks readjusted themselves so that they could hear better.

"What was the Saiyen's name?" one asked and the Elder looked at him.

"Which one?" he inquired and the Namek considered his question for a moment.

"The one that was sent to Earth to destroy it."

"Well that one had two names. His Saiyen name was Kakarrot but his Earth name was Goku."

There was a murmur of recognition in the group of Nameks and the toddlers glanced around in confusion, not sure what all the fuss was all about. They then nodded their heads too, with no idea of what they were agreeing to.

"Now there's an important thing to know about Goku. He didn't know he was a Saiyen until his brother Radditz came to enlist his help in the crisis with Frieza."

"I thought Radditz was going after the dragonballs," a Namek asked and a younger one jumped up and down to gain attention.

"What about Freezer?" he asked and looked at the older Nameks that had been laughing. "What? What's so funny?"

"It's Frieza, young one and Frieza knew nothing about the visit to Earth," the Elder said.

"So that other Saiyen, Vejita was going against Frieza?" another Namek asked.

"Yes. Remember. Vejita hated Frieza but he was not in a position to come right out and attack him. He also did not have the strength which is why he wanted the dragonballs. His goal was to destroy Frieza and become ruler of the universe."

"Why would anyone want that?" a light-skinned Named asked.

"Was Vejita really bad?" another one asked.

"Well he wanted to rule the universe," another said.

"But did he want Radditz to destroy the Death?"

"Radditz was never sent to destroy the Earth. He was sent to enlist the surviving Saiyens in the defeat of the dragonballs but he also wanted to know why his brother had not destroy the Earth like he was told to," the Elder said as some more of the younger Nameks laid down and closed their eyes. Some took their shirts off and placed them underneath their heads for pillows.

"So what about the other Saiyens? Wasn't there two that Vejita sent down?" a Namek in bright blue robes asked and the Elder closed his eyes as he tried to collect his thoughts. So many things he had to say and yet there was so many interruptions. He picked up a glass of water and took a sip. Gentle snores came from some of the younger Nameks, the ones who could not stay awake any longer and some of the other Nameks sighed.

"This is getting boring," one said and some other ones glared at him.

"What do you expect? He's old," another said.

"He's already put the little ones to sleep," a third said.

"Think about what we could be doing though. Studying," another said and the first three looked at him.

"You've got a point there. Let's wait for him to start talking again."