Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Two Halves of a Medallion ❯ The Two Halves of a Medallion ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Two Halves of a Medallion

Chapter 2

by: lyons

Vegeta waist and he put his arm around Bulma the same with his tail as they walked to the thrown room when they made it to the door Vegeta nodded to the guard to open the door so he wouldn't feel the prince's wrath. Princes Vegeta escorted Bulma in with his arms around her waist; Bulma looked up to the throne, and there sat King Vegeta. Bulma politely bowed and Vegeta said, " father" king Vegeta nodded son, and he looked over at Bulma and smirked you must be Dr. Brief daughter, Bulma nodded yes I'm nice to meet you king Vegeta.

King Vegeta asked her how old she is, I'm sixteen years old but I will be turning seventeen years old in a couple of months, King Vegeta said," the same age as my son Prince Vegeta" Vegeta his father he would like to get married right away, Bulma spakes up I would like to invite my parents and my friends to our wedding my prince, they will be invited don't wurrey well send invitations out for three months from now, Bulma asked if Nappa could be sent to give the invitations to my parents and friends and also ware would the wedding be,

Prince Vegeta said, " haw about here on planet Vegeta, Bulma said, " how about on one of my biggest space ships I have one in a capsule and have are wedding out in outer space and have it in both saiyon and human how about that ha as she looked at Prince Vegeta and King Vegeta it would be different both of the men nodded".

Bulma said, "Ok then lets get started giving the invitations out to how e won't to invited and send Nappa to planet Earth then too. Prince Vegeta asked his father king Vegeta how they would invite to the wedding, king Vegeta said, " Everyone on the planet same with our allies like Frieza and king Cooled and his men, same with our other allies to planet Vegeta.

Prince Vegeta asked, "What about our private worlds with our armies on them?" Bulma spoke up, "We can have my father video our wedding and send it to them when the transport leaves to give them supplies."

Vegeta asked, "Where will our honeymoon be?"

Bulma answered, "I have a secret planet I wished for a long time ago. I have the coordinates on a piece of paper; I have it one of my capsules. Bulma asked prince Vegeta if they could go and find the planet, Vegeta said, " we will go and find the planet and get it ready for our home."

King Vegeta sent for Nappa, so they could get him started on the indentations, Bulma gave him a list of people to invite, Vegeta and Bulma left the thrown room and went back to there room, Bulma brat a big box of capsules with three empty capsules to prince Vegeta for his battle uniforms and asked him what space ship they should use.

Bulma shows prince Vegeta the entire capsules that are space ships except one that she built for her prince witch was a royalty class space ship they would use to go on there honeymoon to there secrete planet.

Prince Vegeta picked up one of the bigger capsules and asked Bulma what is this ship? Bulma owe that won is my armada it's a big space ship and I think it would work for the wedding, Bulma was still going throw her capsules and came to one she made personality for her and prince Vegeta, Bulma suddenly stood up and asked to com and walk with her, prince Vegeta said, " sure I will take a walk with you before I go train.

Bulma said, "I got something for you to train in to become a Super Saiyon", Vegeta put out his hand, Bulma held up a capsule ware do you wont me to open it out side it's a gravity machine. Vegeta toke Bulma by the waist and blasted out of the window of their room, and a short ways away from the place, and told her here were he wonted it. Bulma popped the top of the capsule and throw it to the ground when the smoke cleared there stood a dome shaped building an the building there were letters that read Capsule Corp on the side building above the door read to: Prince Vegeta from Bulma Brief, but in little cold letters it read. I love you my prince.

Vegeta was amazed and graved Bulma's arm pulled her around to face him, and then pulled her into a passioned kiss and having a both of there tugs in To escher mouth, Bulma hands started roming over rock hard crest and then down his back to the bass of his tail. Vegeta growled, and began to pure like a big cat, Vegeta's hands started wondering down her neck from her neck to her brests, Vegeta heard Bulma moaning and panting. Vegeta's manhood is getting titer and harder, Bulma raped her arms around Vegeta's neck, Vegeta put his hands on her butte and lifted her up, Bulma raped her lags around his waist Bulma moaned lets go in the gravity room. The gravity door was opened so Vegeta carried Bulma in and shut the door with his foot and walked over to be it said, " Rest Area", and there was a bed for about two people could fit on. Vegeta lad Bulma down and caroled on top of her after removing his armor and body suite, Bulma was undressed and naked on the bed he caroled right on to the bed and on top of Bulma the heat and sweat turned Bulma on she put her arm's around his neck and spread her thyies apart Vegeta put his knees between her lags and started kissing her lips then her neck in the soft part of it.

He sank his cyanine teeth in and drew blood in to his mouth witch he swallow and started lap at the bit mark, Bulma felt a little pain but started turning to pleasure. Vegeta brat his head up to looked into Bulma face, Vegeta looked hungry for more, Bulma looked the same and brat her lags up and around Vegeta's waist to tell him to go on. Vegeta kissing down to her lips to her breasts taking one in his mouth and sucking on it then he did the same to other, and then he left the blest to her flat tummy sending hot kiss past it, to betweening her thyies and her womenhood drink up her juice that going into his mouth. Bulma moned into his ear that I wont to have a kid Vegeta. Vegeta stopped what was he doing and looked her in the face really asked Vegeta, Bulma said," yes really want to have a baby you better not deny me this Vegeta as she was starting to get made " Vegeta said, " yes maim I will give you a baby a boy or girl " Bulma said," a boy " Vegeta and Bulma started making love like there was no tomorrow when they were tired out Vegeta pulled out and laid beside her an snuggled up close to her and put his hand on her tummy felt a little ki flaring in it, we are going to have a baby Bulma he whispered in her ear a baby boy thank you my prince. They both thought about the wedding and said lets have the it two months from now and they fell a sleep smiling in each other's arms.

The next morning they woke up in the gravity room, Bulma snuggled into Vegeta's chest he brat his arm up and around Bulma's waist, and pulled her more into him. Vegeta told Bulma that they needed to go to her secret planet tonight to make a place for them and the saiyon people, Bulma asked if there are going to be other people coming with us well, yes we are going to take all the people of planet Vegeta with us because we herd Frieza is going to destroy the entire planet of Vegeta so we need to get my people moved off of this planet the same with your planet and also I wont to get you and are baby to safety as Vegeta put his hand on her tummy, Bulma asked were going to have a child, Vegeta nodded yes a son and a strong one at that, that why I wont to get married and you in a safe place before Frieza finds out. Bulma asked who's is Frieza? Vegeta told her he is a tyrant how is forcing my people to purge planets for him, I hat him so mush that I wont my father to stop working for him.

Then Bulma told Vegeta let take the armada to the new planet, Vegeta asked Bulma if she had the capsule with her, Bulma nodded yes so they got out of bed and dressed and went out side and recasulelized the gravity room and put it in her bag of capsules, then she brat out another capsule wish was the armada. Bulma asked Vegeta if they should get started Vegeta nodded yes so Bulma pushed the plunger on the capsule and throw it to the ground and when the smoke settled a space ship appeared big as planet Vegeta's biggest space ship and long as five of Frieze main battle ships after seeing the space ship, Bulma told Vegeta it was voice activated, Vegeta was shocked to hear I'll show you as Bulma went up to the door and put the poem of her hand on the screen wish activated the space ship, "Bulma Brief it nice to se you again the space ships computer said." Bulma told the computer to let her in the, door opened to let her in, Bulma walked and the door shut right behind her before Vegeta could come in. Bulma told the computer to let-to-let prince Vegeta in, so the door opened for him and said, " sorry my prince" Vegeta walked in. Bulma told Vegeta that she was sorry for the door shutting on him, and ran into his arms and put her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips. They stayed there for some time in each other arms kissing, when they broke the kiss and started walking to the main bridge of the space ship, Bulma told the computer to add prince Vegeta to the operating all systems and a panel slid out to put his hand on it.

Bulma told Vegeta to put his hand on the pad so it could scan his hand prints and it would give him a little bit to get a sample of DNA it went into the ships sensors, Vegeta had his hand Scand and the little bit of DNA an now a voice recon shine needed so the complete, Bulma told Vegeta to say his title to the computer, " I 'am the Prince Vegeta of the saiyon's of planet Vegeta. Prince Vegeta you are added to the computer, Bulma asked the computer about their supplies the computer told them they are ready to go if there are no more people then you two, what computer there are many more people.

Bulma told Vegeta to go get his people and father the king, and to please send Nappa hear before he leaves, Vegeta asked what own just a faster space pod for him. Vegeta went to get his father and the his people, Vegeta told the computer to auto add each saiyon as a grow member at the door the computer said," Will do." Will Prince Vegeta got his people ready to leave planet Vegeta, Bulma had the computer assign saiyon couples and there family rooms when that was done, Bulma went and opened rest of the ships still in capsules five of the same size as the main ship connected to the five other ships after she was done, Nappa showed up and asked what princess Bulma wonted, Bulma told Nappa that she had a bigger and faster space ship for him and she showed him how to work it and told him it would take him to earth and also gave the cornets to the planet all the others were going to and ware the main ship would be for the wedding that was coming up in a few months and also gave the him the list o people to invite and also the indentations too. Nappa took off shortly after.

Meanwhile Bulma and the main ship was ready to take off of Planet Vegeta all the saiyon people were on board prince Vegeta and his father came to the bridge but only Prince Vegeta came and put his arms around Bulma waist and told her they were ready to go she pushed the launch button and the space ship started lifting up of the ground then Bulma gust thought of something of her Dogs but her mind rest easy when Prince Vegeta said their in are quitter on the ship.