Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Times of Our Lives ❯ The Face ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: I've only seen the German version, so I'm using the German names and spellings of them. This takes place two years after the Cell Games, and Gohan is 11. It's not important, but I see him as having the same haircut he did then.

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball. I wish I did, but there are a lot of things I want but can't have.

Chapter 1: The face

"Crunch, crunch." His feet crunched through the gravel path, on the way through the part to the woods that Satan City Park housed. It was a well worn path by him, he came here almost everyday. He reached the edge of the trees, and slipped in, turning in and out of bushes and trees, just thinking.

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Today had been a fairly normal day. He had been woken up at seven by his mother. Chichi had come in, holding a sniffling one year-old, and had shoved Goten into his arms. "Mind your brother! I'm trying to cook, and he's into everything. If you want breakfast, just watch him for an hour, then I should be done. Now, go, scoot!" Chichi waved Gohan out of his bed, out of his room.

Gohan, who had just woken up was still a bit sleepy. He yawned, clutching his brother to his pyjama shirt, which happened to be blue and green plaid flannel. "But, Mom, can't I get dressed first?" He scratched the back of his neck, and yawned again.

Chichi frowned. "I certainly hope you can get dressed by yourself at eleven years, young man. It would be very awful if you couldn't manage that, after you defeated that horrible Cell."

Gohan blushed at his mistake. "I'm sorry, Mother, may I please get dressed first?"

Chichi nodded. "Yes. But first repeat to me the difference between 'can' and 'may'."

Gohan sighed, clutching Goten. "Can is the ability to do something, may is the allowance to do something."

Chichi nodded. "Correct." She then looked at her youngest son. "Now get out of here, so I can get breakfast!"

* * *

Gohan and Goten played with a ball outside, until Chichi called them inside for breakfast. Breakfast was the normal affair, Goten eating more than Chichi, and Gohan eating the most. Not much was said, Chichi had learned early on that Saiya-jins don't like to talk when eating. After breakfast Gohan received his allotted work for the day, and went to work on it. Chichi cleaned the house, while Goten watched some show on TV that he liked, Chichi thought it was Telebubbies, or something like that. The point was that it lasted for half an hour, and then Chichi had cleverly taped it on several different occasions, making it possible for the one year-old to be busy until Chichi had finished cooking and cleaning.

Gohan finished his work at eleven, and, because lunch wasn't for another hour, started to draw. He enjoyed drawing, it was a way to express what ever he was feeling, without taking it out on Vegeta during their normal daily spars. He began to draw what he had dreamed that night, the first time he had seen the dragon balls. The people all gathered around, the red balls, the dragon Shenlong. He worked hard on it. Drawing gave him a piece of mind. It was almost like a diary, an extension of his soul. His drawings were private. He had only a few posted on his walls, and the ones he did have were like the one he was working on today, a memory, one that he didn't have to hide.

He was almost done. He sketched, pulling up the memory of the time. He was four then, and he still remembered it clearly. There were some things that just imprinted themselves in your mind.

"Gohan, Lunch!" He heard his mother's call. He hurriedly put away his materials, and came jumping down the stairs.

"I'm here, Mom!" He held out his hands to her inspection, and handed her his homework. "I finished it all."

Chichi nodded, flipping through it. "well, I'll correct it. And go wash your hands. I see you were using charcoal. It really makes a horrible mess. I hope you didn't get any on the rug."

Gohan shook his head. "No, Mom, I didn't." He went off to wash his hands, and then joined his mother and Goten at the table. "Mom, thanks for fixing lunch."

Chichi smiled. "No problem. Here, you may start." She dished him up some rice and chicken.

* * *

Lunch was over in half an hour, and Chichi went to correct Gohan's homework, while he gathered up his gi, and the remote control he was helping Bulma fix. He was preparing for his daily trip to Capsule Corps. It was a deal his mother worked out, a few months after the Cell Games. Vegeta had wanted to spar with him, because he wanted to become stronger. Gohan didn't mind either, he also liked sparring, when it wasn't over life and death. It was only Chichi who stood in the way. Chichi had refused to let her son spar, she wanted him to study. Bulma had offered to teach him about running Capsule Corps, and have him help her with her inventions. Chichi was a little more happier, and it took a lot of convincing before Chichi had made the final touches. Gohan would go to Capsule Corps after lunch, and all his school work for the day was done, and there Bulma would work with him for an hour, until Vegeta came, and took things over. After their sparing match, Gohan would return home for dinner. Of course, they didn't spar the entire time.

Vegeta had come up with the idea, or maybe it had just hit him suddenly, to teach Gohan about the Saiya-jin ways and language. When they took a break from sparring, or sometimes before they even began, Vegeta would just talk out loud to Gohan, and he was expected to take notes, and remember everything. Gohan still remembered the first time, when Vegeta had started talking about the Saiya-jin Class system, and the next day, Gohan was expected to repeat everything back to Vegeta he had said, perfectly.

It was actually interesting. Bulma still had Radditz's scouter, and Vegeta naturally had kept his own. There were also books that Vegeta still had in his old space ship, not to mention the fact that Vegeta had his own memories. Gohan was learning everything about Vegeta-sei, and could speak the language fairly well now. Vegeta even refused to talk English to Gohan. Of course, if Chichi knew that, she'd throw a fit. So it was a well kept secret.

Gohan finished gathering up all his supplies, and raced out of his bedroom. "Mom, I'm going now. If I'm not there at one on the dot, Vegeta throws a fit."

Chichi, nodded. She was busy washing dishes, and nodded silently to Gohan. "I don't suppose you could take Goten with, could you?"

Gohan shook his head. "Not really. Plus, just put on that purple dinosaur. Or that show, what is it, the Tweenies." He grabbed an apple. "That channel, KIKA, that's what to put on."

Chichi raised her eyebrows at her son. "I do believe I am the mother in this house. I certainly hope I'd know what television programs my sons watch." She finished drying the dish, and set it in the rack to dry. "And, I don't think you need to eat now. You certainly had enough lunch."

Gohan blushed. "Omne Saiya-jins essig semper." He muttered, before adjusting his bag. "I'm going now!" He started to walk out of the kitchen.

Chichi stared after him. "Wait, young man, what does that mean, this 'omne Saiya-jins essig semper'?"

Gohan scratched the back of his neck, blushing. He had almost let on to his mother that he was learning Saiya-jin. "Umm, Vegeta says that a lot. It means 'All Saiya-jins eat always."

Chichi frowned. "All right. Just go, and make sure you're back before dinner!"

"Right, Mom, I know!" He jumped up, and began to fly his way towards Capsule Corps.

* * *

He landed on the lawn of Capsule Corps a few minutes later, and ran to the main gates. He pushed in the security code, and then ran to the back door, where he pushed in the other security code, where he got to the inner courtyard of Capsule Corps, and to the front door of where the living quarters were. He knocked on the door, and smiled when it opened, showing Trunks.

"Hiya, Trunks." Gohan said, bending down to tousle the two year-old's hair. "Are you allowed to open the door by yourself?"

Bulma walked in then. "No, he isn't. I'm surprised he can reach that door. Anyway, do you have the remote control?"

Gohan nodded, and pulled it out of his bag. "Yes. All that was wrong was that the resistance was being blocked by the red wire, and the green wire had become unattached. Thus making the resistance stronger, and not allowing the electrons to m=pass through to the battery pack. Also, the-" Gohan was cut off, when he saw a short shadow standing in the door way.

"Hic est. Cur nemo mihi dixit?" Here he is. Why has no one told me? Vegeta stood lounging in the door way, arms crossed, his normal scowl on his face.

"Eure Hohheit, explicem. Accedi nunc. Keine Zeit habebam." Your Highness, let me explain. I just arrived. I had no time. Gohan bowed, which was only an inclination of the head. He then turned to Bulma, who was watching the scene, with a look of confusement on her face.

"I think I really need to learn Saiya-jin." Bulma said shaking her head.

Vegeta humphed. "Only a Saiya-jin can learn to speak the language, and the aliens who were their slaves. An Earthling couldn't possibly learn."

Bulma narrowed her eyes. "Does that mean you think I'm stupid?" Well, you can go sleep on the couch for that remark, Mister. I'm the genius in this family."

"Genius? Ha. You're no genius. A genius has to be actually smart, and have a brain. You're lacking in that department." Vegeta glared at her, waiting for her come back.

"You fat, short, f***** a**hole, you wouldn't recognise a brain if it ran into you on the street." Bulma scooped up Trunks. "I hate you. I'm going into the lab to work on something only a genius as myself could possible begin to understand the fathoms of thought behind it." She stormed out of the room, stopping in the TV room next door, and dropping Trunks into, grabbing the remote control, and putting on Sesame Street.

Gohan stared after her. "Uh, Bulma, what about my lessons?" But she was already gone.

Vegeta smirked. "Ne causa non putandi." No reason not to fight. "Iamus" Let's go. He led the way to the Gravity room, and Gohan hurriedly slipped off his normal clothes, changing into his gi.

* * *

They began to fight, hard, as they warmed up. Vegeta was working on going Ultra, and always wanted Gohan to spar with him in Ultra Saiya-jin form. There was a ban on ki blasts until they were all warmed up. Gohan didn't even really need to go Ultra to fight Vegeta. He didn't really need to go that much than Super. It helped that every night he meditated for an hour before going to bed, something Piccolo had insisted on. His power reserves were incredibly high, and Piccolo admitted a few moths ago that he really doubted that Gohan had to go above Super to push around a perfect Cell. Of course, after he said that, Gohan had immediately disappeared, Cell still was an open wound, but it was nice to know that if he somehow managed to come back, it would be no problem.

After a few hours, when Vegeta was tired, though he'd never admit it, he started on the lessons. (I'm not doing this in Saiya-jin, because I don't feel like translating the entire thing into a mixture of Latin and German.)

"At one, a child was often sent off on it's first mission. It was a test. Those who came back alive then were fit, and strong enough to begin making their way into Saiya-jin society. Schools started at 5, and were to make sure a child could perform simple maths, and read and write. Those who were good with schooling continued, and became scientists. Those who weren't stopped at age eight, and began training to go into the military, or to go out on missions. They were often given a team, the leader was a veteran, and the second in command was also a veteran. The rest of the team was made up of new ones, or those who weren't that old. Scientists were also able to fight, and they were also often sent off to purge, and to bring new technology back. Your grandfather was one.

I don't remember much about him, I only met him a few times. He was brilliant in strategy, and science. I remember from my mother that they were never sure what to do with him. He was an excellent scientist, but he also had a high power level, and was brilliant in battle. Not to mention that he had visions, visions that caused problems. He worked as a scientist, and then was given a crew, and sent off to purge, which he also did well. He brought back the alien technologies, and adapted them for us.

He was born with a low class, and then raised up many classes, because of his brilliancy. Then he had the visions, and because he went around, telling people what Freezer really was, he got into a lot of trouble, one might say. He was practically stripped of all his power, and labelled a traitor. His team stayed by him, though.

Anyway, that was what happened to those in the lower classes. When one was a First Class, or a First Class Elite, they were a bit different. For example, my mother was the daughter of the Head Royal Adviser. When her brother was born two years after she was, he was not sent away to purge. He grew up with his father, receiving a private education from tutors, and learning about the position he was to take when his father died. At sixteen, a boy was no longer a boy, but a man. At sixteen a boy could accept his father's duties. He could do anything. He could sit on the King's Council, take his father's position, be the head of his family.

Girls were different. Lowly born girls did the same that their male counter part did. They studied, or fought. But High born girls received the education, and learned how to manage a household full of slaves. They learned what to do about bonding, and were coursed only to form a bond with the mate that was offered to them. If they formed a natural with someone else, it was to be repelled, and they were to bond with the suitor prescribed. At sixteen, a girl was considered a woman, and a bonding Ceremony was performed. They bonded that night with their future mate, and began running their new household. If she was lucky, and a pregnancy occurred, she had the baby, and rested, then continuing to run her household."

Gohan looked up at Vegeta who was sitting there, catching his breath. "Quid tam faciam?" Then what would I do?

Vegeta stood up. "Sis Elite. Es stark." You'd be Elite. You're powerful.

" Et Pater?" Also Father?

Vegeta glared, and then sighed. "Yi, et tuus Pater." Yes, also your father.

"Nunc non iam 'Kakarotto, you third class baka'." Gohan smirked.

Vegeta glared at the floor, clutching his fists. "Scis." You are right.

As Gohan was going to reply, the Gravity Room door opened, cancelling the gravity, and giving Gohan a slight head ache from the sudden decrease of 500jules. Bulma stepped in. "Gohan, I need your help. And you do know that it's getting late. It's almost four thirty."

Gohan jumped up. If he wanted to make his daily stop at the park, he had to hurry. "All right, Bulma, what do you need?"

Vegeta wasn't going to let him go that easily, though. "Wait a second, woman, we were busy."

Bulma threw him a look. "Look, Vegeta, if he isn't home by six, when Chichi serves dinner, he won't be allowed to come back.. And the reason he's here in the first place is to learn science, not fighting. You had your workout, now he actually has to do something productive, or Chichi won't let him come over. You know how she is."

Vegeta mumbled something about Kakarotto's harpy, and Bulma, even though she couldn't understand it, glared at him. She had gotten the gist of the remark, and even though Chichi could be a pain, she was Bulma's best friend. Gohan had also understood the entire remark with his Saiya-jin hearing, but didn't really care. Vegeta said that about everyone. He then shoved Gohan out of the way of the doors, and shut them, leaving Bulma and Gohan standing outside of the Gravity Room.

Bulma looked at Gohan. "All right, you might want to change." She said, looking at Gohan's ripped gi. And I think you might have to repair that one."

Gohan shrugged. "You could say Mom's used to it. And this one's practically too small, anyway."

Bulma chuckled. "Right. Now you change, and meet me in the main lab in a few minutes."

* * *

Gohan entered the main lab a few minutes later, wearing what he had been wearing before, a white button down shirt and tan pants. He typed in the security code, and then realised that he didn't need to, there wasn't a door. He saw Bulma leaning over an examination table. "Vegeta?" he said, motioning to the door.

She looked up. "Right. Last night he wanted some…um, yes, and he was supposed to be being punished. I had to lock myself in here, and that didn't even really work, he just blasted his way in."

Gohan smiled. "Sounds like Vegeta, all right."

Bulma stood up. "Right. I'm guessing that he didn't let you perform any powerful ki blasts, today. He knows that after last night I'm not going to be fixing the Gravity Room if he breaks it for awhile." She handed Gohan a disk.

"You have the laptop I gave you, right? Just load this disk. It's the System Saver. I've redone the System of the DIX3 model that you have. With this you get more memory, a faster system, and I also loaded the information from Vegeta's scouter, so this understands Saiya-jin, and has information about them. Just don't tell Vegeta I touched his scouter."

Gohan took the CD. "Okay. And I won't tell Vegeta." He looked at the CD in his hand. "So, I reprogram my computer with this. All right, that shouldn't be hard."

Bulma smiled. "I'm not sure if most people would say that, but I don't see you having a problem with it. And now, I need you to help me. Someone returned one of our XIP4s, they said that nothing happened when they threw the capsule. I think that the main control disconnected with the battery pack, but I'm not sure." They got to work.

* * *

At a quarter after five, Gohan was ready to go. He stood at the door, waiting to leave. He smiled. "Bye, Bulma, see you later."

Bulma nodded. "See you. Oh, I almost forgot!" She pulled out another disk. "THis is a back up copy of your CD, in case something happens." Gohan took it.

"Thanks. Bye, Trunks." He waved at Trunks, and then stopped, and looked at Trunks. Trunks was playing with a copy of the PIKA3, the remote that Gohan repaired last night. "Bulma, I didn't know you made a copy of the PIKA to play with."

Bulma frowned. "I didn't."

Gohan looked up at her innocently. "But then why is Trunks playing with one?"

"What? Trunks, you shouldn't be playing with that! Oh, man, and you just fixed it too." Bulma grabbed it away from him.

"Well, it seems as if the so called 'genius' isn't really a genius." Vegeta made his presence known, standing like he was earlier, arms crossed with his usual scowl.

"Oh, be quiet Vegeta. You're already sleeping on the couch tonight, and not getting the Gravity Room repaired. Anything else you want to lose?" Bulma glared at him, and picked up Trunks.

Gohan decided to cut in. "Well, I better be going. Salve Vegeta, bye Bulma, Trunks." He jumped up into the air, and flew off.

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He continued through the trees. He had been coming here ever since a few months after his father died, a few weeks after he started going to Capsule Corps. Vegeta had been furious, and had insulted Goku. Gohan had just fled, no paying any attention to where he was running to. He ran into Satan City Park, and into the woods. After awhile he had found the clearing, and came back every day since then.

The clearing was probably about ten feet in diameter, with a pond, a bench and a swing. Gohan set his book bag down near the pond by a tree, and sat on the swing. He swung gently, just thinking.

He had learned more about Saiya-jin culture, and had learned that he would be an Elite, and his father would be too. What was amazing is that Vegeta admitted it. Vegeta, the most prideful creature on the earth, possibly in the universe had admitted that his arch rival and his son were not the idiot third class warriors he had made them out to be, and were actually the highest Saiya-jin class there was.

But then Gohan realised it didn't really matter. There was no more Vegeta-sei, and of course Goku was also dead. Of course Vegeta could say that about a dead warrior. A warrior dead on his own son's hands. He had died because of a mistake Gohan had made. And the first time was also very similar. If Radditz hadn't attempted to kidnap Gohan, Goku wouldn't have had to die. Gohan swung harder, grabbing a hand full of rocks and skipping them into the pond. It was his own stupid fault.

He started to skip rocks harder now, thinking about how stupid he had been. He had the chance right there, to end it all, and what had happened? He blew it. He blew it and had also killed his own father. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts, that he didn't realise a face was watching him through the trees.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

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A/N: All right, done. Hope everyone liked it. I might get the next chapter out next weekend. I just don't know. It depends if I have time.

Oh, can anyone beta read it for me? For the most part I'm good at fixing my own mistakes, and not making errors, but, well, everyone's not perfect, and spell check doesn't pick up them all.

Also, KIKA is a channel where I live, which pretty much shows kid shows until seven at night. It shows mostly little kid stuff, like Sesame Street, Teletubbies, the Tweenies, stuff that my two year-old brother spends the entire day watching. It's constantly on in my house. So, I don't own that either, nor Teletubbies, Barney, Tweenies, Sesame Street, and any other shows I mentioned.

For Saiya-jin I used a mixture of German and Latin, with more Latin, and mostly Latin grammar. I know the grammar isn't totally correct, but because I'm combining the two languages, I don't think it's a problem.

Anyway, I guess that's it. Oh, I've got a question. I just saw Movie 13, where Tabion gives Trunks his sword. But how does Mirai Trunks get it then? Does Tabion appear in the Mirai timeline? And then why didn't Mirai Trunks say anything about it?

All right, I'm done. Hey, should I do an Advertisement section? I read a lot of stuff here, from all sorts of genres, so I could probably do one.

Good bye, and please remember to review. Constructive critism is always welcomed, and for flames I've got lots of fire and water pokemon. Right, Squirt? Squirt's my level 93 Blastoise. I really should get my brother to work on him on the Game Boy.