Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Torn Warrior ❯ Torn Warrior ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Torn Warrior

by: Kyra Briefs


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Nothing could compare to the pain Vegita felt that day. Nothing. One minute, there she was, beautiful, happy, and so . . . full of life. And now, there she was. Breathless, motionless . . . yet still the most beautiful creature ever to cross the Earth. Vegita's whole world began to spin. There she was, his mate, his queen, her heart moniter going on forever in one long, deathly tone. He knew there was nothing he could do to save her, there was nothing even the doctors could do. And worst of all, he knew that it was impossible to bring her back. She was, finally, gone forever.

Vegita could not except that. He would not let his mate die like that, he loved her too much! Quickly he grasped her dead body in hopes of reviving her, tears streaming down his cheeks. "BUMLA!" he cried out, his haunting plea ringnig throughout the night. "BULMAAAAA!!!!!"

"BULMAAAA!!!!" When Goku heard this cry from the waiting room, he knew it was over. Slowly, he looked at his wife, ChiChi, who was now sobbing silently. Goku shed a tear, and clutched his wife tight, allowing her a crying shoulder. Soon, he released her, smiled slightly as if to keep everything still going, and walked into Bulma's room.

When Goku entered, he was very shocked at the sight. Vegita was holding with dear life onto Bulma's body, his sobs getting louder every minute.

Goku could not bear to see Vegita like this. Carefully, he tried to usher his friend away, but he would not budge. "Vegita, stop this, this isn't helping. Please, come with me," Goku tried to coax.

Vegita ignored the mindless chatter of Goku, or he did not even realize he was there. All he knew was Bulma . . . his Bulma . . . was gone, and there was nothing he could do about it. As if trying to hold onto false hope, he clutched her tighter, all the while shaking violently from his sobs. "Bulma, I love you," he called out, choking on his own words. "I love you, god damnit! Don't leave me . . ."

"Vegita, stop this!" Goku called. He quickly grabbed onto Vegita's shoulders, and yanked him away from Bulma's corps.

As Vegita was forced away from his beloved, his one, his only, he noticed her lips. They were pale, blue, and frozen in time. Slowly, as if in a trance, Vegita reached out to touch those lips, but he could not make the grab. Goku pulled him away, and forced him to look at him.

"Vegita," Goku said calmly, "this is not helping."

"The hell with you, Kakorott," Vegita growled, his voice raspy with hate, loss, and hurt. "The hell with you . . . Kakorott." Vegita shut his eyes tight then. He could feel tears comming on. For a moment he thought to turn away, crying is for the weak . . . but that thought faded as soon as it had come, and the tears emerged from his eyes.

"Vegita . . ." Goku tried. He lifted his arm to Vegita's shoulder to comfort him, but Vegita jumped back as this gesture came into his knowledge. "I don't need your sympathy," Vegita spat, the evil glowering in his eyes. With that, he turned and shot off out the window.

Night fell, engulfing the planet Earth once again. However, no crickets chirped, no lightening bugs lit up the sky, not even a moon shone. It was the darkest of the night where nothing moved, nothing shone, and nothing breathed. Atop a lonesome hill stood Vegita, once a proud and menacing Prince, and now, a broken and torn warrior. With the last beat of Bulma's heart, he felt as though he himself had lost his, both of their souls departing into the afterlife . . . like it should be. However, it was only Vegita's soul that had left, his body was here to stay, to weep and mourn the lost of his love. His Queen. His mate . . . his life. Things didn't seem worth living now that she was gone, and he began to arrive at the possibility of his own death as one small interference in meetinbg up with his mate once again.

Slowly, he began to power up. Then, with a sudden burst of energy, he was almost at his maximum. Power surging throughout his body, he knew what he had to do. Sure, it wasn't very prideful to do such a cowerdess thing, but Vegita felt as though it was the only way out. "I LOVE YOU BULMA!!!!!!!" he screamed as he closed his eyes, ready to release his final energy to do away with himself.


Vegita opened his eyes, slowly, to see the worried look of his son. Tears were begginning to form in his eyes.

Slowly, Vegita powered down until he was back in his original form, his face solemn and placid.

"Papa . . ." came the young man's voice, shriveled and full of hurt and confusion. His mouth opened to form words, but nothing came out. Vegita knew what he was trying to say, it was as plain as day. He had just lost his mother, and he was hurting enough. He didn't want to loose his father, too.

Vegita smiled slighty, and then embraced his son, allowing the tears to flow freely from both warriors. No, Vegita realized. Not two warriors. Father and son.