Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ True Feelings of a Saiya-Jin Prince ❯ One-Shot

[ A - All Readers ]
Author's Note: Hey Hey Everybody!!! Liz here, or better known to all of you guys as "Hisaki"!! Okay, here's the deal, up until a little while ago, I didn't like Vegeta very much. But lately, I've realized that he really can't help himself and the way he acts, and besides, deep down inside, as much as the Prince of all Saiyans himself would hate to admit, he has a pure heart of gold.
Vegeta has truely changed over the years he has spent on Earth, has a wife now, and two beautiful children (especially that lavander-haired one...*drools* LoL...). This is just a little fic I thought would be cool to write, about what Vegeta was probably going through before he confessed his love and bonded with Bulma. This happens around a time when Mirai Trunks had appeared, destroyed Frieza with incredable ease, had a private conversation with Goku, then left as quickly as he had came. While time passed and all the Z-Senshi were training together to prepare for the Androids, as expected, Vegeta went off to train by himself, trying to get stronger and, of course, turn Super Saiyan. During this time, he was probably trying to figure out exactly who's side he's on, and trying to sort his feelings out.
The song is My December by Linkin Park, (I LOVE LINKIN PARK!!!) I happen to have a little obsession over the song right at the moment, it's one of my favorites, and you suck if you don't like it!!! *slaps you over the head with a sock* O_o;; Um...heh...^^;; *sweatdrops* (Take my advice, even if you don't like Linkin Park all that much, or perhaps never heard of them and their music, or just don't know what type of music to download, download that song. It's a really, truely, plain and simple, a great song. Oh, and just a little fact to add in here, it's kinda cool to listen to the song as you read the story, at least, that's what a few of my friends told me, and I personally think that too.)
Oh yeah, quick note to all those out there...Chi is not actually pronounced as "chi" when I use it in a sentence, it's actually pronounced as "ki", you know, the energy force within all of our DBZ characters? Okay...just making sure you don't confuse yourself...
Well anyway, please review and tell me what you think...it's my first song fic. Arigatou!! *bows and blows kisses* ^.~ Sayonara!!
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

~This is My December
This is my time of the year
This is My December
This is all so clear...~

Vegeta stood there in the clearing. There was snow and wind blowing all around him, large mountains surrounding the snowy valley he was in. Further up ahead of him was a snowy forest, tall dark green pine trees standing up proudly, white blankets of snow covering their fine, long, slender branches. He had been training so hard all across the snowy area, cutting his fists and feet through the fast, whipping wind. Vegeta had to have at least put in about seven hours of training straight through, no breaks. He was tiring himself out. He flew over to the thick, vast, frosty forest.

~This is My December
This is my snow covered home
This is My December
This is me alone~

The Saiyajin prince soon found himself to be resting comfortably against the trunk of a large tree. He closed his eyes, trying to concentrate on thoughts about reaching his goal. His ultimate goal: Turning Super Saiyan. What would he do after that? Defeat his enemy: Kakarrot. He'll show that lower-class Saiyan warrior! Vegeta soon found his famous sly smile spreading across his face. He let out a relaxing sigh. Slowly he opened his eyes, looking up into the soft, grayish-blue sky. The wind had died down, and now snow was gently falling around him. He gazed across the open fields. The white blanket shimmered and sparkled with beauty. It was so...peaceful. This Earth...it wasn't so bad after all. Quite nice in fact. Vegeta's eyes widened. What had he just said to himself? Had he said the Earth was "quite nice"? Just then a thought occured. The cold-hearted prince's emotions then took control over Vegeta's mind as he slowly fell into deep thought.

That woman...Bulma was it? She was...well, different. She had been rather kind to Vegeta since he had returned from space, searching for Kakarrot and training. There were certain moments when she had even...dare he say, shown a certain love towards him? Love...This was an emotion that he did not know very well. Oh yes, he had pretty much written the book on anger, and was as cruel as they came...but, somewhere along the line, between when he was on planet Namek and when all of the Earthlings had wished him back from the dead...well, had he grown....softer? Suddenly Vegeta felt something strange. It kinda...well, pained him. That feeling suddenly appeared as he thought of how he treated Bulma. She was kind, and he was as arrogant as ever. No matter how much she tried to be kind and show affection, he turned his back to her. Even when she was concerned when he had that accident in the gravity room, he had only argued and yelled at her. As Vegeta thought of it more, the pain grew stronger. Was this...guilt?

~And I just wish that I didn't feel like there was something I missed
And I take back all the things I said to make you feel like that
And I just wish that I didn't feel like there was something I missed
And I take back all the things that I said to you~

Vegeta thought of what he knew about that emotion...about love. He had always looked up to his father back on his home planet, but could you call that love? He hadn't shed a tear when Frieza had killed him, but then again, his pride had won that battle over his feelings towards his father. But he did remember, deep down inside, there was an incredible pain that he just couldn't even describe. Perhaps it was love. After all, his father was his only family. His only company. His only...friend. Nappa, well, he didn't really count. He was just there, sucking up to Vegeta, for he knew that if he disobeyed or displeased the Prince of all Saiyajins in anyway, he'd be dead in less than a second. In fact, that's just what happened to that bald warrior, wasn't it? And Vegeta really never felt anything towards Nappa. He was just...there. Nothing like his father. Nothing.

He let out a heavy sigh. With his father gone, he had nobody. When his heart took over his mind, as it was doing right at this moment, he had nobody to talk to to ask about the questions and ideas that had popped into his head. No way in hell he'd show his softer side to Nappa! And back then, he barely did have certain moments such as this occur. They only happened when he was still a mere child, but as he became older into his teenage years, they had vanished. In fact, this was the first time this was happening to him since...since he was, what? Around the age of ten? Yes...around there. Vegeta's thoughts went back onto the paining feeling in his heart. This wasn't the same type of pain he had felt when he had thought about how cruel he had treated Bulma...it was different. That last pain was guilt, but what was this? Vegeta went back to his last thoughts. His father. Yes, without his father he had nobody. Nobody at all. The pain grew stronger. Realization had sunk in just then; this pain was what was known as loneliness...

~And I'd give it all away
Just to have somewhere to go to
Give it all away
To have someone to come home to~

The lonely Saiyan warrior got up from his resting place against the tree and started wandering around the forest. So quiet. So peaceful. The snow continued falling gently from the sky. It was, Vegeta thought, as much as his dark side told him not to admit it, beautiful. It really, truely was. He held out his gloved hand and caught a snowflake, then examined it closely. It glittered and sparkled with the light like a diamond would when touched by the rays of the sun. Just then Vegeta thought of that woman again. This snowflake...the way it shimmered and sparkled. It was just as her eyes did when the light touched those delicate orbs of deep blue. Vegeta flew up into the sky, brushing past the trees and floating just above the tops of them. He rested on his back, staring up into the sky, still afloat above the forest. Now there was one image in his mind. That woman...Bulma.

~This is My December
These are my snow covered dreams
This is me pretending
This is all I need~

He cursed himself in his head. Why in the name of Kami had he been so cruel to her? He could have in the least bit shown her SOME kindness. But no, not him, not Vegeta, the Prince of all Saiyans. He couldn't possibly do that! Damn him and his arrogance, damn him and his pride! And then there was that human...that weak Earthling, Yamcha. He and her were a couple. Vegeta felt more pain flowing around his heart, and then suddenly without warning, his blood boiled and that pain soon turned into rage. Here came yet another emotion...jealousy. Vegeta felt his chi raise as a hot, blue aura surrounded him. His blood boiled and the feeling surged throughout his whole body. Then suddenly, as soon as it had raised, it went back down. Vegeta's eyes narrowed down sadly. This is his fault. Maybe he could've actually had a chance with that blue-haired beauty if he had at least been kind to her. It's not fair. Vegeta looked back up into the sky.

~And I just wish that I didn't feel like there was something I missed
And I take back all the things I said to make you feel like that
And I just wish that I didn't feel like there was something I missed
And I take back all the things that I said to you~

"It's not fair," he found himself saying. This is the only person, besides his father, he ever felt this feeling for, and this feeling was even stronger than that for which he held for his father. This was...well, a great amount times millions! Vegeta, the cruelest, most cold-hearted person on the face of the planet, had finally realized what was happening to him. He was in love. He was in love...with somebody who he couldn't have. Would never have. Suddenly Vegeta felt a tear roll down his cheek.

~And I'd give it all away
Just to have somewhere to go to
Give it all away
To have someone to come home to~

He needed her. Vegeta knew he did. Even with all his arrogance, all of his hatred, all of his pride! He needed her. This was a need, a strong feeling, a longing. He yearned for this woman! After all, he was only Saiyan...and every Saiyan eventually found himself a mate...of course, then again, Vegeta thought he would never find feelings towards another but himself. But it had happened. It had actually happened. Normally, Vegeta would find this as a weakness, and it would have normally made him disgusted with himself...but his emotions had won this battle. He wasn't thinking of that. He was only had one thought, one thing, one PERSON, to be exact, on his mind. Bulma.

~This is My December
This is my time of the year
This is My December
This is all so clear...~

Vegeta turned and looked towards the horizon, where he saw the sun setting over the vast, snowy land. It turned the sky a deep, orangey-pink color, and had turned the clouds of snow to a light shade of purple, and the rays of light that shown over the dimming sky reflected against all of the snowflakes falling down all around him, making them shine different colors of the rainbow. Never had he seen anything so beautiful in his life, or rather had he ever noticed anything like this. His heart felt warm. A soft smile spread across Vegeta's face, this time, not his usual evil grin. It was a smile of happiness. The beauty surrounding him had gave him hope. "Maybe, just maybe," Vegeta thought to himself, "I can still win her heart. Maybe she can find some feelings towards a Saiyan prince. Just maybe..."

~Give it all away
Just to have somewhere to go to
Give it all away
To have someone to come home to~

With great speed, Vegeta flew towards the setting sun, leaving the now darkening, frosty land behind. He wanted to get back as fast as he could. Back to where all of them were, training hard, awaiting the androids arrival in a couple more years that that strange boy from the future had warned them about. Besides, he could use a good sparring partner, in a word, Kakarrot. But that wasn't important at the moment. All he could think about was her. What he would do for her. What he would do to win her over that stupid Earthling. He would show that he wasn't just a cruel hearted man with a heart of stone. He'd show her that he could love, and love only her. Just before he blasted off and vanished over the horizon, four final words escaped from his mouth as a mixture of a warm smile and his famous Vegeta smirk spread across his face...

~Give it all away
Just to have somewhere to go to
Give it all away
To have someone to come home to...~

"I love you, woman..."

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Hey, what did you think? I thought the idea of putting this song with Vegeta and his true thoughts and feelings together in a song fic was pretty cool. Anyway, please give me your honest opinion and review! Flames are accepted, but be nice about it please...