Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Uncertain Future ❯ A Long Awaited Union ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own dbz or any of the characters featured in the show or manga… blah blah blah… I'm not making any money on this story so please don't sue me…

Author's note: WHOA!!! Thank you so much to all the readers who reviewed my last story! I'm so glad that so many people support me and enjoy my fics! Take that flamers!!!!

* Special thanks to Vegetababe for beta-ing this for me!!!!!! *

Uncertain Future, Chapter 12: A Long Awaited Union

Vegeta stood absolutely still, watching Bulma. 'Why is the woman curled up on the floor like that?' he wondered. 'What happened? Why does my hand hurt?' There was no movement in the room for at least 10 minutes and the only sounds were of soft breathing.

Bulma was stunned. What had she done to deserve this? She had not meant to lose track of time, and she had not meant to refer to Vegeta in a degrading way. Over the past week, the name 'Geta had taken on an affectionate tone to it. She only referred to him as 'Geta-chan when she wanted to embarrass him, but she hadn't called him that, something was wrong.

Vegeta dropped to his knees with a thud as realization dawned on him. He had hit her. He had hit her and he didn't even know exactly why. Surely it hadn't been her fault that negotiations with the Yranians weren't going well and that he was in a bad mood. It was entirely his fault, yet he had taken his anger out on her. He was a monster, just like Frieza and his father.

Bulma heard the loud thud as Vegeta's body hit the floor. She looked over at him, still cradling her injured cheek. He was just sitting there, staring at his hand. He didn't blink, barely even breathed as he continued to stare. 'Could he regret it?' she thought to herself. Her hopes were confirmed as she saw a single shining tear roll down his cheek.

'I've surely killed her.' he thought. 'No more Woman. No more stubborn arguments. No more grilled cheese sandwiches…' Vegeta had grown rather fond of their little fights. He craved the challenge she provided. There was no challenge from any of the Saiyans. Even if they had dared to speak back to their king, they were all to dimwitted to come up with a good retort to his goading. Vegeta had also learned to appreciate her little quirks, and had even come to accept the fact that the only decent food she could make was grilled cheese. A chikyuu food. He would miss the spunky little female. He saw her move in the corner of his eye, but paid no head to it. He didn't care if the woman was still physically alive; he had killed her spirit. He was sure of it. The flame in her soul had been extinguished by one careless act on his behalf, all because he couldn't control his temper.

Vegeta ignored the blurring of his eyes, as his vision was clouded by unshed tears. He marveled at the foreign feeling as the tears were finally released. He had cried only once in his lifetime, in his childhood, when his father had killed Tyrecan, but never again. He would never forget the pain of the beating his father had inflicted upon him, nor the phrase pounding through his brain 'crying is for the weak…crying is for the weak…crying is for the weak' Over and over, he heard his father's voice screaming at him.

A soft hand touched his cheek, wiping away the sparkling tears. Vegeta did not know how long he had sat there or how long he had cried, nor did he care. He raised his head slowly, to see a pair of bright blue eyes. Concerned, caring eyes, looking into his own troubled ones. Bulma lifted the gloved hands out of her way and crawled into his lap. She rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his waist.

Vegeta sat still, unsure of what to do. He looked down as he felt the tiny female snuggle deeper into his chest, pressing herself against him. She sat straddling his muscular upper legs with her legs folded at the knee alongside his, her thighs applying a gentle pressure. Carefully, he wrapped his arms around the frail little human and heard her sigh quietly with pleasure. This confused him even more. He could see an ugly purple bruise beginning to form on her cheek, yet she was sitting here hugging him. How could she have forgiven him already? Maybe the blow had damaged her brain somehow. He shuddered slightly at the thought of his little woman becoming a mindless shell of her former self.

Bulma looked up as she felt Vegeta shudder. He was looking right at her and she hesitantly made eye contact. He looked upset, concerned, and just plain miserable. She felt the warm pressure of one of his arms leave her waist, and she watched as his hand gently swept over her bruised cheek. His expression changed to a sad sort of frown as he watched her flinch at the slightest touch. Vegeta leaned his head down and gently kissed the bruise. Again and again, he trailed little butterfly kisses across her face. He rubbed his cheek gently against hers and then she felt his tongue being drawn across it. She smiled slightly as she realized what he was doing. Vegeta was licking her wounds, like an animal helping another after a nasty fight. He was following his instincts, as she learned most Saiyans do. It was his own little way of apologizing.

As Vegeta was about to begin kissing her cheek again, Bulma turned her head, catching his lips with her own. Vegeta jerked back in surprise, but she persisted, pressing her lips harder against his, her tongue slipping out to plead for entrance to his mouth. She traced his bottom lip and nibbled gently at it with her teeth, then slipped her tongue inside his mouth as he opened it to let out a soft moan.

Vegeta was now kissing her with all the unexpressed passions he had yearned to release before, and Bulma was returning the kiss with equal enthusiasm. Her arms had moved up around his neck, and one of her hands was playing in his hair as the other kept him pressed against her. One of Vegeta's arms was secured tightly around her waist while the other gently cradled her injured cheek.

Bulma moaned against Vegeta's mouth as one of his hands began undoing the many buttons on the back of her dress, being careful not to rip any off. She removed her hands from around her King's neck and reached around her back to help him. Once all the buttons had been undone, Vegeta lifted her slightly, just enough to pull the garment off completely. He put her back down again, wearing only her bra and panties.

"This isn't fair." Bulma pouted, tugging at the heavy armor he wore. Vegeta helped her remove it, along with the tight blue shirt of his battle suit. He then got busy working at the clasp of her bra. He fumbled with it for a few minutes before he finally felt it pop open and Bulma made enough room between them so that she could pull it off. The silky undergarment was then thrown over her shoulder, the motion causing her breasts to bounce around, unrestrained.

Vegeta didn't waste any time in toying with the supple mounds of flesh. He took one hardened pink nipple into his mouth, gently sucking at it and sometimes nipping, drawing little moans and yelps of pleasure from Bulma as she held his head to her chest. She opened her eyes slightly, to see his tail waving back and forth excitedly behind his back. With an evil smirk, she reached out with her hand and caught the furry appendage, drawing it into her mouth. Vegeta moaned loudly as she began sucking the end of his tail, her hands rubbing up and down against the soft brown fur. Vegeta fought hard against the pleasurable sensations coursing throughout his body. He would not be the one to give in.

Bulma cried out in surprise as she was suddenly flipped onto her back, losing her hold on the Saiyan's tail. Vegeta crawled over her on all fours, with a hand and leg on each side of her body. Starting at her forehead, he began a trail of kisses along her body. On her nose, her mouth, her chin, down her neck, across her chest and then down her belly. He kept kissing until he reached the seam of her panties, where he suddenly stopped. "Vegeta?" Bulma murmured questioningly as he smirked up at her. Hooking the edge of her panties with his teeth, he ripped the silky material clean off her body and dropped it beside her hips. He leaned down again and buried his nose in the mound of aqua curls, inhaling her womanly scent before moving on. His kiss trail continued, down over the hardened little nub, which he rubbed gently with his tongue, making her cry out. He moved down further still, over the velvety folds of skin towards his goal. Gently, he parted the skin folds, his tongue entering her womanhood. Bulma wrapped her legs around Vegeta's neck and buried her hands in his hair as she felt his wet tongue darting in and out of her, though never daring to go very deep. She cried out sharply as he stopped suddenly, denying her release.

He pulled her back up on to his lap and crushed his lips against hers, allowing her to taste herself. He could feel her juices dripping out of her still aroused womanhood and onto his pants. His hardened manhood was throbbing with the need for release and the wetness seeping through the material wasn't helping. Bulma seemed to realize this too, because she began to tug urgently at the waistline of his pants, trying to pull them off. He growled at her to wait as he picked her up. There was no way he was going to finish this on the kitchen floor. He quickly climbed the small flight of stairs to his room, kicking off his boots along the way.

Vegeta pushed the door to his room open with his hip then kicked it closed behind him as he walked through. He set his precious cargo on the huge bed and hurriedly pulled off his pants before climbing on top of her once more. He rubbed himself against her, as if asking for permission for entrance. She pushed her hips up against his and spread her legs as he positioned himself. He began pushing himself in slightly and then retreating; getting her used to his immense size.

Bulma shrieked in pain as he entered her fully, her barrier ripped apart by the massive thrust. Vegeta's eyes widened in horror as he realized that she had never been taken before now.

"Wo…. Woman…Why didn't you tell me?"

"I…I didn't really know." she murmured, hiding her face in the hollow of his neck.

"Do you…Do you want me to stop?" he sounded concerned. She shook her head slightly, and pushed her hips against his. "Are you sure?" Bulma nodded. "All right, but this will hurt for a while." he warned her.

"I know." she whispered, squeezing her eyes shut.

Vegeta began to thrust slowly in and out of her, trying his best to be gentle. Soon the tiny squeaks of pain transformed into tiny grunts of pleasure, and then to loud cries and moans. Bulma was gasping for breath, trying to keep up with Vegeta's quick pace. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he wrapped his tail tightly around her thigh. Both were sweating rivers and were almost ready to collapse. Vegeta could feel that both he and Bulma were nearing climax so he began to pump harder and faster, desperately trying for the sweet ecstasy of release. Bulma cried out first, as the waves of pleasure hit her body hard, Vegeta joining her soon after. The couple rocked against each other, and Vegeta collapsed after a few desperate last thrusts. He rolled off of her, carefully so as not to hurt her, and pulled her with him so that she was on top.

Bulma began to yawn as she snuggled against her King, pulling the blankets over them both. "Goodnight, 'Geta." she murmured sleepily.

"Hnnn." he mumbled, wrapping his arms around the female. He let out a large yawn and let himself fall asleep, completely forgetting about dinner.

Well, that's all for now! The next chapter should be out sometime next weekend or maybe later this week if I don't have too much homework. I hope you all liked this chapter and please review, or send me an e-mail if you want to!