Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Uncertain Future ❯ The Beginning of an Era, and the End of a Story ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters you see in the show, movies, manga, etc. The rest of the characters in this fic are mine though, so BLAH! Anyways…I'm not making any money off of this story so please don't sue me.

Author's Note: Well, here we go everybody! This is the very last chapter of this series. And when I say last chapter, I mean it. Not to be rude, but I definitely do not plan on doing any sequels or anything. I know a lot of you were hoping to see a T/P continuation of this fic, but if you recall, along with the rest of the z senshi, Goku and Chi Chi died in the fight against the Yranians so Gohan was never born. Therefore, Pan will never be born either. I do realize that I could do one of those things where they gather the Namek dragonballs and wish everyone back, but I really don't want to. Besides, I'm not against them or anything, but I'm not really a big T/P fan. Sorry to disappoint you.

Also, I do not endorse any particular religion, so please do not be offended by the wedding vows used in this fic. They are just commonly used in North America on TV and movies.

Anyway, I am really hoping that this chapter will live up to your expectations of this story, so please enjoy this last chapter. I really want to thank all of you readers for your great reviews and support. I still can't believe that so many people are still reading this fic after so long! I really enjoyed writing this series, and I'm glad you enjoyed reading it!

*Special super quasi mega thanks go out to Vegetababe and Bulma Peacecraft for beta-ing!*

Uncertain Future, Chapter 25: The Beginning of an Era, and the End of a Story

Hurriedly, the two walked down numerous marble corridors until coming to a door. "Corky," Bulma started. "Where are we going? The ship dock is on the other side of the palace."

Corky only smiled at her friend, and pushed open the huge door. Bulma stepped inside, gasping at what awaited her.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Bulma stood, shocked, in what appeared to be a huge chapel. Soft red carpet sank under her feet, and the smooth back of a polished wooden pew supported her. Colored shadows danced on the floor, a result of the sun shining through the huge stained glass windows. The air smelled of the fresh white blossoms placed around the room, the same scent that had been on Corky the other day.

Suddenly, Bulma felt an arm link through her own, and she whipped her head around to see none other than her father, dressed in a black tux with one of the little white blossoms tucked into the buttonhole. "D…Daddy?" Bulma gasped. "Daddy, is that you?"

"Shhh baby, we'll have time to talk later." he patted her arm reassuringly. "But we don't want to keep your groom waiting, do we now?"

"Groom?" Bulma whispered, looking towards the front of the chapel. There stood Vegeta, dressed in a stunning black tuxedo with one of the white flowers in the lapel. Beside him, there stood a minister, Bible in hand. To the side of the preacher, stood Bulma's mother, crying with joy into a silken handkerchief. "Oh my Kami…I'm getting married." Bulma murmured, looking down at her own dress, which she hadn't even noticed before.

The light from the room glinted off the tiny, clear glass beads sewn into the stiff white fabric of her bodice, which fit snugly, emphasizing her womanly curves. The low, circular neckline led up over her shoulders and down into fitted sleeves, which flared out at the elbow. The pure white skirt puffed out slightly, but not so much as to be overly noticeable, and was also bedecked with the tiny glass beads. It reached down to her feet, which were sporting a pair of dressy white sandals with a two-inch heel.

"You can't forget this." Corky smiled as she placed a delicate crown of white gold onto the Queen's head. Attached to the crown was a sheer veil, which she pulled down and over Bulma's face.

Bulma moved forward with her father as the wedding march began to play. Vegeta met them nearly halfway, eager to see his bride. "Surprise." he whispered with a smirk as he looped his arm through hers.

"Vegeta…" Bulma murmured, unable to take her eyes off of him.

They ascended up towards the raised platform upon which the minister stood and turned to face each other, joining hands as they did so…

"…Do you, Vegeta, take Bulma to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward until death do us part.

"I do." Vegeta nodded, never taking his eyes off of the beautiful woman before him. The minister then turned to Bulma.

"Do you, Bulma, take Vegeta to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward until death do us part.

"I do." Bulma murmured, blushing softly as she shyly met Vegeta's intense gaze.

"Then by the Holy power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." The minister announced.

Vegeta smirked at his mate as he lifted her veil and drew her into his arms. Gently, he placed his lips upon her own and she wrapped her arms around his muscular neck. Bulma flushed as they pulled away from each other, and let out a surprised little squeak as he swung her up into his arms. After making sure she was comfortable, he carried her out of the chapel and blasted off down winding marble corridors, towards their chambers.

Kicking open their bedroom door, Vegeta carried his new bride in. He was anxious for what Bardock's mate had told him usually happens on one's 'wedding night.' He would have to remember to thank her for all her help with this.

Gently, he lay his precious cargo carefully on the bed and crawled over her, eagerly kissing any skin her gown left exposed. "Vegeta! Quit teasing!" Bulma cried out, trying to squirm out of her clothing. It had been almost two weeks since she had last seen him, and on top of that, he had left in the middle of their mating period.

Smirking, Vegeta pulled her into his lap, so she was straddling his hips, and reached around her back. Agonizingly slow, he began to undo the first of many buttons that kept the gown in place. Meanwhile, Bulma busied herself with kissing at her mate's neck and ears.

As he popped the last button open, Vegeta pushed his mate back down onto the bed and gently began to tug her gown off, carefully so as not to damage it. Tossing it to the side, he began kissing the newly exposed skin of her belly and legs, sending her into a fit of giggles. "V…Vegeta! Stop that! It tickles!" Bulma cried out, desperately trying to get away from him.

Vegeta allowed her to slip out of his grasp, only so he could begin removing his own clothing though. He found this human 'tuxedo' very uncomfortable. Bulma sat up on the bed to watch him as he kicked off his shoes, then shrugged out of his jacket. She scooted forward though, and unbuttoned his shirt for him, running her tongue across the smooth skin of his chest and stomach as she pushed it off of him.

Rewarded by a feral growl of pleasure, she reached for his belt buckle and undid it, allowing his pants to slide down his muscular legs. His boxers soon followed. Once he stood naked, Vegeta took over again. He crawled over his mate, forcing her to lie on her back, and reached a hand under her to unhook the clasp of her bra. He then took the silky fabric lightly in his teeth, and pulled the garment over her arms and off her body. His mouth soon took the place of it though, nipping and licking gently at one breast, while his hand skillfully kneaded the other. Bulma moaned and arched her back up, cradling his head to her chest.

Bulma let out a cry of surprise as she felt Vegeta's tail snaking it's way upwards into her panties, and she squirmed about as it flicked gently against her slick womanhood. "Vegeta!" she cried out suddenly as he stopped his skillful ministrations. The Saiyan King smirked down at her as his tail curled around the crotch of her panties, and began to pull them off. A trail of kisses followed the trail of the wayward undergarment, then looped back up the other leg.

Vegeta kissed his way up to Bulma's face, and pressed his lips to her own, in an attempt to sate a deep hunger that had been growing within him these past few weeks. "Bulma…" he murmured, nudging her legs apart with his knee. He nuzzled her cheek gently with his own and moved to position himself as she arched up towards him. Slowly, Vegeta eased himself into her warm, wet passage, grunting softly with pleasure as he filled her completely.

Their lovemaking that night was slow and gentle, filled with passionate caresses and murmured words of love. Vegeta's thrusts were deliberate and powerful, never failing to make his mate cry out in ecstasy as she pushed her hips up to meet his. Continuing late into the night, until both were completely exhausted, they collapsed against each other in a sweaty, yet sated, heap.

With barely enough energy to pull the blankets up over them, Vegeta wrapped his arms tightly around his mate and held her as they drifted off into a blissful slumber.

***Nine Months Later***

"Congratulations, my King." The doctor said, carefully handing Vegeta a screaming little bundle. "It's a boy."

Vegeta looked down upon his newborn son, with his chubby cheeks and tuft of downy, violet hair, and scowled. "What's wrong with him?"

"Vegeta!" Bulma screeched. "That is your SON you are talking about! There is nothing wrong with him!"

The King glared at his Queen, and continued his inspection of their newborn son. Upon flipping the infant over, and earning a few protective cries from his mate, Vegeta found what he was looking for. A little brown nub of a tail was waving frantically about in the air. Carefully, Vegeta gave a little tug on it, causing the baby to wail even louder.

"What the HELL are you doing to my son!" Bulma screamed, hearing the awful noise the child was making.

"I'm simply making sure he's not broken Woman!" Vegeta snarled. "It's done with all Saiyan newborns!"

"Not broken?!? What is he now, a toaster?!?" Bulma crossed her arms over her chest in a huff, a trait she had picked up from her mate.

"Calm down, would you?" Vegeta sighed, taking a seat in the chair next to Bulma's bed. Gently, he flipped the baby on his belly and began to rub the base of his tail, causing the child to stop screaming and gurgle with happiness. Vegeta looked up to see his mate blushing furiously, obviously remembering the effect Vegeta's tail had on him. "Silly woman." he chuckled softly, still kneading the tiny brown appendage with his fingers. "It won't cause a sexual reaction until he hits puberty. Until then, it's just like getting a back rub or something."

Bulma nodded, still blushing slightly though. "So…I suppose you'll want to call him Vegeta?" she murmured, looking at the chubby little bundle in her mate's arms.

"He really doesn't look anything like a Vegeta…"

"Yes he does! Look at those cheekbones!" Bulma giggled. "He's got your mouth too, and if his eyes were black they'd look just like yours."

"I suppose…but he still doesn't look like a Vegeta."

"So what do we name him?" Bulma asked. Vegeta appeared to be deep in thought.


"Trunks? Why?" Bulma puzzled, picturing a pair of swimming shorts.

"It's an old Saiyan word." Vegeta began. "Meaning 'the end of tradition.'"

*** Ten Years Later ***

"Trunks, honey." Bulma called softly. "You can come in now." She smiled as her son walked into the room and peeked his head over the side of the bed where she and Vegeta sat. "Would you like to hold your new baby sister?" The boy nodded and crawled up, snuggling in between his parents.

"She's so little." He marveled quietly as his mother handed him a little bundle wrapped in cloth. "Was I this little?" He turned towards his father, who shook his head.

"You were a fat little brat." Vegeta smirked.

"I'm not fat!" Trunks protested, almost forgetting he was holding a baby in his arms.

"Well of course you aren't now that I've whipped you into shape." Vegeta chuckled quietly and ruffled his son's hair as Bulma looked on, smiling. It was rare that Vegeta acted like a regular father towards their son, but she knew he tried. It couldn't have been easy being raised by servants and only seeing your own father for training and diplomatic reasons.

"Mommy," Trunks murmured, "What's her name?"

"Her name is Bra, sweetie." Bulma replied.

*** Thirty Years Later ***

Vegeta cleared his throat as he stepped up to the podium, motioning for silence from the huge crowd. To one side stood his Queen and his daughter, and to the other stood his son, now forty years old. "As it has been decided," he began. "Today, I will step down from the thrown, and the Prince Trunks will ascend. In the tradition of breaking traditions, it has also been decided that I will live and act as a guide to my son, so that he may rule this planet well, and so we all may prosper."

A cheer went up from the crowd as Trunks stepped forward and dropped to one knee before his father. Bulma stepped forward as well, holding in her hands a carved wooden box. Vegeta opened it and drew out a simple blue pendant. He placed it about his son's neck and stepped back slightly.

"Rise." he commanded. "Rise, and be a good King to the people of Vegetasei, and to the people of your Empire."


That's it! There ya go, the last chapter of Uncertain Future. I really hope you enjoyed reading this series, cause I really enjoyed writing it! Remember to review, and if there are any question/comments, feel free to email me!