Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Battles ❯ Sionay ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Breakfast was finished and now Vegeta was finding it hard to concentrate; he had to tell her somehow… but how? He could always take her to Vegetasei and show her. No, that would confuse the poor girl. She was very intelligent but she knew nothing of her past and her destiny.


That was a word he had long since forgotten.

"One's destiny depends on the stars but mostly it depends on our God, Sionay," his mother said as she smoothed out Vegeta's hair away from his face.

"What's my destiny, kaa-san?"

"To be the best king that this planet has ever seen."

"That won't be hard! I'll make you proud, kaa-san."

"I know you will, my son. I know you will."

The one sad thing about those last words he had said to his mother before she died was that he actually wanted to make her proud and now he was unable to. That very thought threatened to bring tears to his eyes after all these years.

VEGETA! FOCUS! You have a story to tell, remember?

"I suppose you can't delay the inevitable," Vegeta breathed out loud as he turned to his blue haired daughter. Bra looked up and sweetly smiled at her Papa but then frowned, cocking her head in vexation.

Why is he looking at me like that? Bra asked herself silently.

He has something on his mind, baka! Ask him, for Kami-sakes.

"Papa, what's wrong?"

A deep sigh escaped his lungs as he stepped towards his daughter and for the second time that day, he beckoned for her to follow him. And follow him she did.

Father and daughter walked a good long while before Vegeta stopped and sat down on a rock near a quickening stream.

"Papa?" Bra whispered reluctantly. "What are we doing here?"

But no answer came for several moments; the moving fish in the stream entranced him. As they bobbed and darted this way and that way, Vegeta's eyes followed. It was soothing to watch the tiny aquatic life forms swim around and before he knew it, he was in an almost hypnotic state. If it weren't for his daughter shaking him soundly, he would have remained there for a long time, just gazing into the pool of tranquility.

"PAPA! I wanna know why we walked so far and why we're here of all places. Please, Papa. Tell me." Bra's high-pitched voice was full of anxiety as she became more worried about her Papa. Maybe he'd lost his mind…

"I wanted to tell you a story, princess…-"

Princess? Bra thought.

"-a story about Sionay: the god of Vegetasei."


A young prince lay in his silken sheets, twisting and turning, dreaming dreams he never thought possible. So much had happened to him in the past few weeks and now that he was letting it all sink in, his dreams had become more frantic and frightened. The boy was still young but he had already been commanding the royal army under the protective wing of his mother and father. They insisted that it would prepare him for the times to come when one day they would not return from battle. Inevitably, his mother hadn't returned from the glorious battle in which they had won. The saiyan warriors had taken many casualties during those days of hardship. Most of their best warriors had fallen to the technology that this species had possessed. How could they have known that one press of a button would result in the slaughtering of thousands?

The prince moved again and something beside him compensated for the sudden movement. His arm short arm reached out and wrapped itself around the second figure, hugging it close to him. That same figure turned towards the window that illuminated Vegetasei's moonlight.

At first, its face was not visible, as the moonlight slipped from the window for a short amount of time. But then, after several minutes, a young girl's face was visible in the faint light. Small breaths escaped her mouth as she slept next to the prince, completely content and utterly at peace with herself. She was young, the same age as the prince, but she looked much older. On closer inspection of the way the sleeping pair was positioned, one might have thought them to be young lovers. It was neither uncommon nor unheard of in those days. Yet the prince and the girl bore a striking resemblance to one another. Indeed, they had to be brother and sister for no two non-related people looked so alike. Beneath the comforter in which the two slept, the girl's tail twitched nervously. She too slept uneasily. But why would two young children be dreaming so feverishly? The reason was unknown.

Dawn approached and the kingdom of Vegetasei awoke to greet the day. Prince Vegeta and his sister, however, were reluctant to leave the sanctity of the quilt that nurtured their sleepy bodies. Before long, a resounding knock woke the two and, unfortunately, it was time to begin the day. The girl moaned sleepily before turning over and attempting to dream once more. A hard shake awakened her permanently.

"Yliah," came the voice of her brother, "come on. Otou-san will be furious if we don't get training."

Growling softly, Yliah threw off the beddings, revealing a soft lavender nightgown. Daintily and carefully, she smoothed her long black hair away from her face and sighed heavily.

"I miss kaa-san," she said mournfully.

An amusingly childish growl escaped Vegeta's throat as he turned away from her disgusted. He too missed his mother but grieving was not an option at this point in time.

"Just get moving," Vegeta barked.

Yliah cleared her throat haughtily before turning on her heel and departing her brother's chambers. Oh brother, she thought to herself, your bark is worse than your bite. Much worse.

His eyes caught sight of the sun as it rose to warm the planet and the kingdom, his kingdom.

"Another day another battle," said the young Vegeta. "Hopefully this one will go better than the last. I just hope otou-san will let me go along with him this time, instead of worrying that I'd end up like kaa-san."

His mother had died less than a week ago in a battle against the same race that had killed so many of Vegetasei's fine warriors. Obviously, they had underestimated their power and had made a grave mistake in the process. This, however, was a mistake that would take decades to recover from. Not only had this race taken the life of Vegetasei's queen but also it had taken the lives of his father's closest friends and best warriors. But Vegeta didn't blame the enemy for defending themselves. No. He had another being that he blamed for the death of his mother.

There was a god that Vegetasei believed in but did not worship. A saiyan did not worship. Sionay, the saiyan god of war, was only called upon during battle. Warriors prayed that they would fight virtuously and die honorably. They prayed to Sionay bless their families when and if they did die and most of all, the warriors prayed that the battle would be glorious and that the enemy would fall. He himself often prayed to Sionay to bring his mother and father back to Vegetasei safe and sound. But one day, his mother didn't return… and instead of blaming it on the enemy, he blamed it on his God: Sionay.

"I can't believe that you let her die! She was everything to me! One of the only women, besides my twin, that I actually cared about! How could you betray the Royal Family, Sionay?! How could you?!" Vegeta had screamed in his room, as he stared at the speckled ceiling, hoping for a sign that Sionay had heard him. Unfortunately, Sionay had heard him and he decided he would "reward" Vegeta's screams with disturbing dreams that would repeat unremittingly for the next few months. In these dreams that Vegeta had, there was a great cataclysm that sent his people running for salvation from the fireballs and other rudiments of mass destruction. In the midst of it all, Sionay glittered and glowed iridescently above, laughing maniacally. And when Prince Vegeta stood up to him and told him off in the ancient Saiyan language, he was compensated with a nice, cold, and swift death.

His deep brown eyes searched his bedroom for some origin of Sionay. Perhaps he had planted something in his bedroom that made him dream all these bad things that he'd been dreaming lately. Well, he hadn't actually been dreaming them lately. He'd actually been dreaming these things for a while. Prince Vegeta was beginning to wonder if this was normal for a Prince to have these dreams of his God. But every time that he was going to ask his father if these dreams were normal, he'd become reluctant and then forget to ask.

But Prince Vegeta figured that he'd better get into his training gi before King Vegeta would make training ten times harder, making things ten times worse.


When finally Vegeta arrived in the gravity room, directly adjacent to his throne room, he found his sister, Yliah, already training. Oh how she reminded him of their mother. Just in the way she moved was pure poetry in motion. Yliah's flips were smooth and precise, much like his own. Considering that they were twins, it was no wonder why they shared even the way that they moved.

Suddenly and out of nowhere, several attack bots revealed themselves from the walls and began attacking Yliah. Under different circumstances, Vegeta would have gladly made his way over to the center and begin to force these bots into non-existence. However, this morning was different and Vegeta felt compelled to let his sister deal with the bots in her own discreet manner. Vegeta watched in awe as she delivered blow after devastating blow to the bots, disabling them one by one. Unluckily for Yliah, three more bots came through the openings in the wall. One flew directly at her, forcing her to cower on the ground.

Still, Vegeta didn't move.

A small smile crept across Yliah's face as the bots came flying at her again and again. And every time that they did, Yliah would duck or flip over them, landing softly on her feet. Finally, after dancing around for a little under ten minutes, Yliah began to pick off the bots with agonizing speed and agility, not to mention sheer aggressive strength. Her eyes glittered in utter amusement as the bots fell to her feet, disabled and beyond repair. When she was finished, Yliah walked - almost strutted - over to Vegeta, grinning the entire way.

"What did you think, brother? Did I do well?"

Vegeta half-smirked, "You did well. But not in the way that otou-san would have liked. Playing with the bots like that could have been hurtful to your well-being. Sure, it looked interesting from a spectator's point of view, but it could have been deadly to you. Next time, finish them off quicker."

Yliah placed her hands defiantly on her hips and glowered at her twin, "I figured that instead of killing them quickly, I could wear them down as if they were animate, and then kill them. Killing isn't everything, Vegeta. Kaa-san taught you better than that."

The smirk on Vegeta's face disappeared and he glowered back, "Yliah… you know better than to talk about kaa-san at this time. Otou-san wishes not to hear about her for he misses her as well and with everything that has been happening lately, he wishes not to think about her. You know that."

"But it's just us, Vegeta. Otou-san is not here. He cannot tell us when to grieve and when not to grieve… as much as he'd like to. Quit acting like he owns you."

His hand reached across and grabbed her shoulder aggressively and said, "He does own us, Yliah! He is our father and he is our king, thus he is our owner until he dies and I take over the kingdom."

Waving her hand aside, seemingly brushing Vegeta aside, Yliah sighed heavily, "Say what you will, my brother, but he will never completely own you and I. We are far too strong-willed to be owned by anyone, including our father. But enough of that… shall we train?"

With his famous half-smirk, Vegeta nodded and the training session began between the twins.


That night, as Vegeta crawled into his bed next to his sister, he moaned, hoping that the dreams would not return tonight. Yliah sensed her brother's discontent and placed a loving hand around him, bringing him closer to her. As far as saiyans go, Yliah was perhaps the most affectionate, caring, and sensitive in the kingdom. And Vegeta blessed himself for having such a sister by his side everyday of his life for as long as he'd been alive. She seemed to be his only savior from his anger and violence. It wasn't to say that Yliah didn't have her outbursts of anger - because Kami knows that she did - it's just to say that she knew how to shut up and just be nice to him once and a while. Oh how he loved that in her.

Yliah smiled and snuggled in closer, attempting to allay her brother's fears. She knew what he was frightened of… she knew all too well. Sionay had invaded her unconscious as well and she knew the destruction and destitution that underwent in those dreams. Wrapping her soft tail around her brother's leg, she asked him, "Vegeta, do you fear the unconscious?"

She felt his heartbeat quicken.

"I can feel your fear," Yliah whispered, staring blankly at the ceiling. "Let me take away your fear for one eve. Let me take what you're frightened of and place it into me."

Yliah placed a hand over Vegeta's forehead and forced his eyelids closed; this was the first time that she had actually revealed her telepathic nature to anyone. She had first discovered her telepathic powers when she was little over an eighth of a moon cycle old. Her father had sent her to command her first army and when she was that old… when she had approached the planet that she was to go to war with, she sensed things. She sensed things that she never had sensed before. Yliah heard the desperate screams of an already dying race.

That day was her first taste at telepathy.

She had learned to develop her powers through many days of peering into the various minds of the saiyans: listening to their desires, examining their fears, and understanding their thoughts. And now, several partial moon cycles later, she had intensely heightened telepathic abilities. Tonight she was determined to dispel her brother's fears so that they could sleep peacefully until the morning came again.

All at once, her twin's thoughts began to overthrow her own. His fears of a tortured city filled her mind and her head began to swim in his thoughts of their mother and their God: Sionay. Sionay's visage was etched in her mind thanks to her brother's thoughts. Why did he feel so strongly about their God? What was frightening him so?

Vegeta's breath became softer and deeper as he fell into a deep sleep… a deep dreamless sleep. Tonight he would rest easier knowing that Sionay would not storm his unconscious.