Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Vegeta's hatred! ❯ The Destruction of a Planet ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters used in this story nor do I own Dragonball Z.

The Destruction of a Planet

*BOOM!* The planet explodes as Freeza looks upon the doomed saiyans faces. Particularly Bardock's fearful and deep gaze had caught Freeza's attention. The sight had lastest only moments when a bright light had emerged from the planet and everyone had died except Freeza!

"Vegeta! Vegita!" Nappa said in a worried tone.
"What is it Nappa?" Vegeta said not even turning.
Vegeta was eating a fruit that was fairly common on this planet. He sat on a fallen tree in the aftermath of the destruction he and Nappa had just bestowed on the planet that lay before them. Dead aliens everywhere and the two saiyans hadn't even gotten a scratch on their armor.
"Planet Vegeta!" Nappa had begun to sweat pondering his fate as he told the Prince of all saiyans the news he had just heard, "It has just been destroyed!"
At this Vegeta looks over in a half-scared, worried glance at Nappa. Then anger consumed his entire demeener. "What are you talking about?!!!"
"The planet was hit by a comet!" They hadn't known of the REAL truth yet and this was the popular theory of the time.
Vegeta had stood up and dropped the fruit he was eating and grabbed Nappa's armor with one arm and held the massively larger saiyan off the ground and asked "What about my father?"
Nappa's face looked increasingly worried as this was not the person he would want to be messing with at this time, "They had said that no one had made it off the planet alive."
Vegeta's anger turned to sorrow even though he did not show it physically! He threw Nappa down without hurting the other saiyan. Vegeta was much different back in those days as opposed to the Vegeta people see when he grows up. He is only a boy of 16. He is a prince and stronger than all the saiyans. He is elite and all this had come easy to him! He had nothing to fear and had grown up thinking destruction was fun and needful. This was how he had fun and grew up. It was not uncommon to see an unmistakeable smile on his face when he destroys an entire species on a planet with his father. But now things have changed and his father is gone! Vegeta had sat back down on the log and contimplated while looking up at the nightsky of this planet. Nappa backed away quietly knowing that Vegeta needed his space.
The next morning Vegeta woke up and tried to forget about the whole thing. Nappa had returned and tried to reconcile with Vegeta for breaking such news to him earlier. But Vegeta stopped him half-way through and said "Forget about it! What is done is done!"
It was not unusual for Vegeta to forgive in those days as that is how he grew up! They both were getting ready to leave the planet when a massive ship landed in a clearing near them. "Nappa stay here I will close this deal." They were about to sell the planet as they have done so many times before to this buyer.
Nappa knew that Vegeta could handle selling this planet for a good price so he had stayed behind. Vegeta made his way through the forest to the clearing where the ship had landed. 'Judging by the size of the ship I could probably get a nice price out of them!' Vegeta thought with a smirk. Steam began to roll out of the ship through the crevaces in the doorway and slowly it opened and an alien came flying out in some sort of device. The alien had a small and evil face and horns. With and eerie voice he said "Saiyan! What do you want for this planet!"
Vegeta thought about it for a second and said "100,000,000 vadi" Vadi was the currency used on most of the planets on the extremeties of the universe!
"HMMM! How about we just take the planet and call it even?" The alien had said.
Vegeta smiled as he knew there would be a fight coming and thought that he was the strongest being in the universe. "No! The price is set at 100,000,000 vadi!"
The alien had climbed out of the smaller craft and stood on the ground. A laugh emerged through his lips "Do you really think you can take me?"
"I'll have you know I am the Prince of all saiyans and the strongest in the universe!" he said now crossing his arms in a superior manner.
Before he knew it the alien was up in his face and smiled grimly. Vegeta threw a punch but hit nothing as the image had faded from in front of him. He felt an excruciating pain in his back and flew about 10 feet before hitting the ground and rolling. He coughed up a little blood but still stood. He turned and looked bewildered and found the the alien had kicked him in the back. At this he knew the alien was much stronger than he had appeared to be. However, he still thought he was the strongest and that the previous blow was only luck.
He charged at the alien and when he thought he was close enough he threw a massive punch that leveled a good sized clearing of trees from the forest when he missed yet again. He turned and this time took a knee to the stomach. His eyes grew wide in a realization the this being was much stronger and faster. Pain had set in and blood still emerged as he refused to give up and stood again. The eyes of the alien opened briefly in suprise as the saiyan rose to his feet not giving in. Again Vegeta charged while he through the hardest punch he had ever dealt in his life only to have it caught with on hand. The alien smiled in amusement. He backed away and said "You win!"
Vegeta looked suprised as he knew the alien had the upper-hand and knew that he couldn't win! "My name is Freeza and I would like for you to join us as the strongest in the universe!" and then he walked in the ship.
Vegeta had still been confused but couldn't stop his curiosity so he had gotten on the ship. The door closed and took off!

I know this is a short chapter and that Vegeta is out of character a bit. But this is the way he was when he was 16 and this story will show you why his temper had changed and why Vegeta is the way he is later in the series!
^_^ Hope you enjoy this much. More chapters will come. So write reviews!