Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Fate Opposes Me ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: This is the first fanfiction that I post on MediaMiner so if something is wrong with the feature or the layout of the story, please tell me. This is a Goten/Paresu story, so for Goten/Bra lovers, I'm sorry. If you like angst, you probably will like this story.

When Fate Opposes Me- CHAPTER ONE

It's Saturday. Trunks is sitting on his bed in his bedroom in Goten and his new apartment (Yes, they're on their own in this ff. I'm tired of a 28 and 27 years old people still living with their parents). Meanwhile, Goten is sitting in the living room with his mind somewhere else. Suddenly, he jumps up and running into Trunks's room.

"Hey Trunks!!!!" Goten hoots loudly as he busts into Trunks room candidly.

With the surprise ambush, Trunks leaps of the bed and hit his head on the ground, while his paperwork flies into the air. "Didn't your mom teach you how to knock the door before coming into someone's room? If my head hurts today, it's gonna be all your fault," Trunks barks back while rubbing at the lump on his head.

"Sheesh. Don't get all frantic at me. It's just a lump. Besides, no one can really see it." Goten says while snickering sheepishly.

"If you say that, then you wouldn't mind if I punch at that head of yours now, would you?" Trunks replies indifferently as he starts picking up the papers.

"I need to get an advice from you before I see Paresu tonight."

"What do you want? I thought you said you WILL never need love advice from anyone. Only others will come to you."

"I didn't remember saying that. Anyway, do you want to help your best friend or what?"

"Okay. Fine. What do you need an advice for." Trunks says as he climbs back on his bed and lays down with a grin on his face.

"You know how Paresu and I have been dating for four months now. I really love her and everything. I'm thinking of proposing. Do you think I should you know......ask her?" Goten mutters as he takes a seat on the floor next to Trunks's bed.

"What? Are you kidding? Don't you think you're gonna scare her away or something? She's probably going to freak out and think you're some kind of weirdo." Trunks again jumps up and talks even faster than lightning and overreacts (Of course, he has been known for overreacting since he's become the CEO of CC.)

"Thanks a lot, pal. Your reassurance sure makes me feel so much better." Goten said with a tone that sounds like he's hurt from what Trunks said.

"I'm sorry, Goten. But I really think you're going a little bit too fast even if you guys are in love and everything. I could be wrong since I don't date a lot with CC and all. Of course, every time I bring a girl home, she gets scared away by the weirdness of my special and insane family." Trunks says while recalling all of the events that happened each time he brought a girl home.

Goten starts a paroxysm of laughter which made Trunks's face ten shades of red.

"Hush up. It's not like every introduction of your girlfriend to your family is successful." Trunks says with a confident voice.

"So back to main problem. What do you think?" Goten questions and hoping for a better reaction and answer.

"I say you go for it if you feel it is time. Time doesn't really matter if your talking about love."

"Wow. You think so. Then how do you think I should pop the question. I need to think of something romantic." Goten puts his hand to his chin and lower his brows.

Trunks breaks the moment of silence with an advice. "How about taking her to a romantic place and ask her? That shouldn't be too sappy, right?"

"No. That's too common. I want it to be special. Hey, how about I cook her a dinner tonight and then ask her."

"YOU COOK?" Trunks starts bursting into laughter. He rolls off the bed again with his hands holding his stomach tightly. Now, Trunks's face is even redder then before. His laughs start getting louder and harder.

"What's so funny?" Goten demands confusingly.

"Goten, you can't even boil...hahahaha.. water without setting...hahahaha.... the kitchen on fire!! And I'm...hahahaha.. not about to let destroy ...hahahahahah...our apartment." Trunks tries to say between laughter.

"Well, I will just have to be careful this time and please do stop laughing before I try to hurt you."

"OK. Calm down."

"If I ask her tonight, I'm gonna need the apartment to myself, and you'll have to...." Goten starts to say with a 'please do it for your best friend' kind of tone.

"What? Leave the place. But I want to see what is going to happen. Come on. I will be really quiet, and she won't even know that I'm there." Trunks pleads.

"No way. You're just gonna have to find a place to go to tonight."

"Fine. If you need help with anything, just tell me."

"Since we're on the topic of helping me, I do need you to do something."

"Anything but money."

Goten starts snickering. "Yep. Definitely money. I already bought the ring, but the bill for the ring won't come until Tuesday, so I won't need the money until then."

"How much, Goten." Trunks asks already knowing that the amount won't be small.

"Only ten thousands zeni. That's not too much for you, right?"

"And you're going to pay me when exactly?" Trunks queries suspiciously.

"When I have the money."

"Like in a million years. You owe me one then." Trunks says with a deep voice.

"Thanks. You're a real friend." Goten runs out of the room and calls Paresu immediately.

Ring, ring, ring.

"This is Paresu talking."

"Hi, sweetheart."

"Oh, hey. So are we still on for tonight."

"Of course we are. You know I would never cancel a date on you."

"Of course you won't. If you do, I'll make your life miserable." Paresu said sarcastically.

"We have a change in the plan though. I will make you dinner tonight."

"You. I don't know if I really want to torment my stomach. No offense though."

"Come one. I'm not that bad."

Paresu laughs. "I'm just kidding. It's very sweet of you. Even if the food doesn't taste right, it'll still be the best. But are you sure you feel OK? I thought you hate cooking."

"Oh. I'm fine." Goten answers happily.

"I guess I will have to trust you until then. When I get there, I will definitely find out why you're acting so weirdly."

"Oh, you will all right." Goten mutters into the phone.

"Did you say something, Goten."

"No. No. Nothing."

"What time should I come over?"

"How about sevenish?" Goten says as he pulls out more pots.

"All right. I'll be there. Bye, honey."

"Bye, love ya."

"Right back at you."

Goten hangs up and walks into the messy kitchen. He begins to pull out pots and pans and opens up the cook book. He reaches into his pants' pockets to find the box still there. Goten pulls it out to see how beautiful it looks again and makes sure it is ready for the proposal tonight. It is and gold ring with a blue, clear sapphire in between the two sparkling diamonds.

"Yep. Paresu will definitely like this one." Goten places the box safely back into his pocket and hums Paresu and his favorite song to himself. He's ready for tonight.

A/N: Okay, this is the first chapter, a little short. Sorry. Please don't send me a review saying it's not that interesting b/c this is only the first chapter. The following chapters will definitely be more interesting. If you want to know how the proposal goes, tuned in for more. Bye!!! Oh yeah, please remember to review.