Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Why Us? :The CampOut ❯ A Prince's Family ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not, nor ever will own Dragon Ball Z, or any of it's characters. Jen and Christine are based on the author of this FanFic and her best friend.

"Dad! Hurry up already! I wanna get there fast!" Trunks yelled back to his spiky haired father, who was currently flying at a less then quick speed to compensate for his wife held in his arms. Bulma wasn't able to take the neck breaking speeds the two males were able to handle without a second thought and it was annoying both of them to no end. Trunks wanted to see Goten as quickly as possible to see what sort of mischief they could get into. His purple hued hair whipped backward in the wind and he furrowed his eyebrows, blue eyes watching his parents behind him.

Vegeta was frowning with annoyance, black eyes glaring at his wife that he cradled in his arms. It was so irritating to have to take care of her all the time, yet it did give him something to do. Her blue hair fluttered in the wind as she kept her cerulean eyes closed tightly, burying her cheek against his chest for protection against the wind. He enjoyed holding her, yes, but not in front of the boy, who impatiently was watching them from up ahead, his father's temper showing in his expression, as well as his power. Positively bursting with energy. He just needed an outlet. And that was fighting. Glancing up toward his son, Vegeta snarled and rolled his eyes.

"Do not blame me boy! It is your weakling human mother! Go ahead if you are so bent on seeing the twerp," he shouted over the roar of his own Ki. He watched his son grin boldly, rush over and punch him, hard in the shoulder and almost made him jerk to the side with the hit. Trunks had just pulled back his fist, energy flaring around his small fingers as he slammed his hand forcefully into his own father's upper arm making Bulma cry out in shock as she was nearly dropped.

It stung madly, but not even a grimace slipped to the father's face. Instead, an almost proudly evil smirk split across his lips. Vegeta laughed wickedly, blazing out his energy and sharply turning, ramming his muscled shoulder into the boy's gut with the force able to knock out a normal man. A solid shoulder check from the large man to the small boy sent the child spinning in the air away from him and off toward the direction they were headed. Instead of looking as if he was in pain, Trunks smiled at the hit and pulled out of the mid-air flips to blast off, waving.

"Thanks Dad! You rock!" he cried happily and blasted off. Call it their only means of communication, but any good hit was a show of emotion between them. Bulma opened her eyes and frowned at Vegeta, narrowing her eyes threateningly.

"I told you not to hurt him anymore!" she said, keeping her voice even. Vegeta would be able to hear her perfectly fine with his Saiyan senses, and he simply grinned and eyed her curiously. He rarely spoke with her unless in private and this was even a treat for Bulma to have him carry her to the Son's. She was going to stay with ChiChi for the weekend, and both Trunks and Vegeta felt the need to burn energy by flying. So, why not.

"Have I ever done a single thing that you have asked me to, Onna?" he asked plainly. It was pretty true. He was a very disobedient husband. This had been one of the first times in months that he had actually agreed to do much of anything for her. Well at least in public and in front of Trunks. He always seemed embarrassed to show any attachment toward her when in front of people. Embarrassed wasn't the word actually… How about Opposed to the idea of show weakling human emotions? It was like it hurt him to show he loved her, even if he did show it sometimes, but again, it only happened in private and when she was inches from kicking him out of her life entirely. Bulma sighed heavily and rolled her eyes, snuggling against him for warmth as the cold air forced itself against her as they flew on a steady course toward the Son's home.

" No… I guess you don't. Still, you're going to really hurt him one of these days with all of that. Every time I turn around you two are at each others throats!" she said despairingly, truly hating to see her family fight. Guess this is what she earned, for falling in love with and marrying a Saiyan.

"As I have told you hundreds of times before this, it is Saiyan Blood Onna! It is communication, and no I will not brutal maim and injure my own flesh and blood. He can take far worse than a puny hit of the shoulder. The boy is already a Super Saiyan." He stated plainly, eyes focussed forward as he talked, always keeping his vision on the destination. The gathering of Ki's could already be found. Trunks was there with Goku's runt, most likely fooling around. The two females were there as well; the one he was currently training and the other blonde one. Krillen's pupil.

"I guess the only way I'd ever figure you out is if I became a Saiyan, and like that's going to happen anytime soon," Bulma said solemnly, if not huffily, as if she were upset about this fact. A deep rumbling chuckle was the only reply she got, before there was a very, very hasty and awkward kiss to her forehead from the Saiyan Prince.

"You will do for now Onna. We are here," Vegeta said, dropping down to the ground sharply where he set his wife down and frowned classically, his good mood gone the instant he was surrounded by more than just Bulma. They all glanced over, Goku smiling grandly and the others grinning lightly. Greetings were made, from the entire group. Goten rushed over, Trunks following to give Bulma a hug, and glance curiously at Vegeta. Krillen hugged Bulma, so did Christine, Jen, Gohan, Goku and ChiChi. For Vegeta, they only gave a small nod or embarrassed chuckle like Krillen.

"Saiyan No Ouji," said Jen courteously, bowing before him briefly. It seemed her biologically engineered Saiyan obedience had surfaced in her mind. It did time to time, changing her to be more like a Saiyan than the human she was raised to act like. It had been programmed into her, as it had been for all Saiyan children even before birth to follow a certain code. Saiyan Royalty was Saiyan Royalty, and fighting was fighting. Any other time, she would have seemed as casual as anyone would. It was like she switched from human to Saiyan, back and forth, spontaneously.

Vegeta smirked cruelly, eyeing her oddly. He hated it sometimes how she would change from personality to personality. It was as if she had two egos. It confused him how sometimes she was so respectful to her Prince, and then at other times brushed him off like a teenager would. He merely huffed in annoyance in return to this, and well, click she shifted egos.

"Oh, yea, nice seeing you too, Sukebei. Humph" she said, turning on a heel and marching away with nose held high and tail twitching agitatedly. At least she had a tail… Gohan rubbed the back of his neck at this, and waved at Vegeta, chuckling.

"Guess she sort of switched on us again," he said dumbly. Vegeta scowled at him. "She does that a lot lately. I dunno what to do about it. Last time, she tried to slit my throat with a pen for telling her to cover her tail at school. You're the only Saiyan who was actually on Vegetsei. Is that normal?"

"Yes, it is baka. Her protection for her tail when in one of those phases is normal. For now, it is all that is separating her from humans and your kind," Vegeta spat sharply. Shaking his head, the Prince walked away from Gohan, leaving him blinking curiously. It was odd how he got so mad with just talking to people. Gohan didn't dwell on it long as Christine passed and grinned.

"Hey, go get Ms. Grumpy Tail over there, we're heading out now," Christine laughed, nodding toward her best Saiyan tailed friend, frowning angrily from just the smallest confrontation with Vegeta's indifference. Gohan nodded quickly and walked over, catching Jen's hand in his and pulling her gently toward the house while walking backward and smiling at her comfortingly.

"Come on Jen! Time to get going. And don't worry about Vegeta, you, me and Christine can go camp off on our own so we don't ever have to see him this whole weekend! Ok?" he asked hopefully, watching her stern gaze flick off like a light to turn happy. Good thing she switched over or the trek would have been hell. She nodded and walked along with him toward the spot where all their gear was packed up. Each hefted their bag and caught up with Christine who waited patiently for them to come along. Of course, Krillen marched up along side Christine and Goku moved up in front of them. Jen started to laugh as suddenly, the weight of two beings fell on her broad shoulder pads.

Goten and Trunks hung on either side of Jen's training suit while laughing as she walked in an odd fashion. She purposefully dipped one then the other to the side, nearly letting their feet touch the ground. Goku smiled and snatched up Goten while the young purple haired Saiyan crawled up onto Jen's shoulder. It was odd, they looked more like brother and sister than Gohan could ever pass for, with both having purple hair and blue eyes. Jen and Trunks were close, and both had the…privilege of training with Vegeta, who watched this scene from the back of the group as he walked, arms crossed over his chest stubbornly. He was here for the training. That was it.

"This is going to be great. You and me can train and just enjoy the out doors," Krillen commented to Christine with a happy grin. He liked training with her; it got to be a challenge sometimes. She was quick, had a mean kick and once she had a grip on whatever part of you, be it a shirt, leg or arm, it was like being in a vice grip. But, her hair was a problem. Long, slightly wavy and a beautiful blonde. Gorgeous to look at, and Krillen should know, but not practical for a fighter.

"I know it is! I'm so excited, sleeping under the stars, training, marshmallows, oh, this is awesome Krillen! And you're gonna teach me the move right? Please? Please - please - please?! I'm really good at the discus throw, I'm sure I could do it!" she pleaded, leaning down as they walked, clasping her hand together in front of her chest in a praying way. Krillen laughed and rubbed the back of his head in thought.

"Hmm, I dunno Christine, you sure you're ready? I mean you didn't come to many training sessions these last few weeks. I'm not sure you'll be able to handle a Distructo Disk," he said slowly, jokingly and she kissed his cheek hurriedly, making him melt. Batting her eyelashes prettily at him, she attempted the wide puppy eyes, the blue colour of them wavering with fake tears. He nodded his answer that he would teach her, staring fascinated at the girl.

"Awe thanks Krillen, you're the best!" she squealed, rubbing his bald head affectionately as she decided for him, his answer would be yes. Dumbly, Krillen nodded his head in a mechanical fashion. Darn, she had a way with words.

"Hey, Krillen, you look like you just ate a pepper or something. Your face is all red and you're drooling," Goku observed, Goten up on his shoulders as he glanced at his friend, hurriedly Krillen wiped his mouth and looked down with embarrassment, muttering that he was fine. Christine laughed lightly, adopting his pose of hand behind his head while she giggled uncontrollably.

Guess what people? R&R!!! Wow, wasn't that a change from the regular?