Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Xsians ❯ New Faces ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Disclaimer: I don't own n-e DBZ characters. I own the characters I made up… So don't sue…K?

A/N: He! He!! My first fic on DBZ. It's a fantasy thing. Please R+R. Be nice to me.. I haven't seen n-e of the episode after the last Battle wit Buu…. Beside it's my fic so I think I could write whatever I like rite???? Thanx….

~*Ch 1: The New Faces*~

It has been ten years after the battle wit Buu… It's was once again time for the World Martial Arts Tournament… Trunks who is now eighteen decided to enter the competition to test his skills. Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo (sorry if I spelled that wrong), and the rest of the heroes have decided to retire from fighting. Trunks met up with Goten and Pan then headed for the tournament. They all signed up except for Goten. Now at the tournament, they have female and male categories. The male champion could fight with the female champion in the final round to win an extra 10,000 Zenies. (I forgot how much Zenies you could win was it 50,000?)

"Goten! Why didn't you register to fight?"

"*sigh* My mother forbids me to fight in this tournament." Goten said sadly

"It's not fair they put the females separate, I'm sure I'm better than most of the men in this tournament," Pan said with a pout.

"Well that's the new rule they have, so just deal with it ok." Trunk said walking toward his friends, just then he noticed two people walking past him to the sign up area. They don't look like they're normal people. There's a girl and a boy who looked younger than the girl. He didn't really see the girl's face since she covered herself with a pale blue scarf. She has ocean blue hair color and that's all he could see of her. She wore a white tube top with a jean jacket covering her. She had on blue jean short, it came up a little above her mid-thigh and she has on fighting sneakers. (I don't know what kinds of shoes a girl should wear for fighting.) The boy looked about Pan's age around 14 or so. (I know Pan is not 14 but it's better if she were a little older) His hair color is amber red. He has on a red loosely t-shirt, black loosely pants (looked like the future Trunk's pants) and fighting shoes. He forgot that he was staring at them until a pair of light brown eyes stared back at him. He snapped out of it and looked away. It was the boy who was staring at him. He didn't really care all he could think about was the girl. He wonders how she looked like.
'She could be really beautiful but then if she was, she wouldn't cover her face like that.' Trunk ponders and didn't hear that someone was calling him.
"Trunk! Trunk! Trunk!" Goten called out but Trunk kept walking and didn't even seem to notice that they had reached their hotel. Goten was fed up with calling his name and receiving no respond from Trunks.
'How does she look like? Where did she come from? Is sh……..' *whack* Trunks snapped out of his thought and felt pain on his head.

"Ow! What you do that for!" Trunk was angry at Goten for doing that.

"Well, that was the only way to get your attention. We're here Trunk!" Goten replied. "What were thinking about that you couldn't even hear me calling you?" Goten asked the annoyed Trunk.

"Did you see the two people that signed up after us? Well I was just wonderin….." He was cut off by Goten

"Oh! I see you were wondering how the girl looked like." He grinned at Trunks. Trunks blush a little and nodded.

"No wonder you were so deep in thoughts," Goten shook his head and laughed lightly. He should've known, Trunks was a babe magnet at their high school. Not that he weren't one himself. Trunks never paid any attention to them though. He had always wondered why Trunks broke up with every single girl he went with after two months or so.

"So what's going on with you and Mika?"

"I broke up with her"


"She complaint too much. Beside my little sister didn't like her" Trunks explained to Goten but was still thinking about that girl. Goten admired Trunks' ability to get over things fast. Goten and his girlfriend had been together for about a year. She was bossy and acted quiet like his own mother. He guessed that he inherit his taste from his father like Gohan did. He smiled and headed to his bed.

"I'm going to turn in for tonight" Goten said yawning and went to bed.

Trunks couldn't get that girl out of his head so he decided to go for a stroll in the forest. As he was walking he seem to get the feeling that someone is following him. Trunks turned around but didn't see any one. So he turned back around and was startle to see the same light brown eyes looking at him.

"Why were you stating at us?" the boy asked.

"I was just curious, I didn't mean anything by it" Trunks replied. " You guys don't look like normal human beings."

"Curious about what? My sister?" The boy laughs at Trunks

"Well, I was curious about that, but I was really wondering about your origin." Trunks replied nicely.

"True! We're not normal people. I'm looking forward to see you fight my sister in the Champ Vs. Champ fight." the boy turned and faded away in darkness. Before he completely vanished he yelled out a name "Blade,' and disappeared…. Trunks started to walk back to his hotel. He heard a splashing sound nearby and went to check it out. He reached a place with crystal clear water like a lake of some sort. He didn't see anyone there.

"Must be hearing things" he said and headed off into the trees. He heard it again and turned back to see. He hid in the bushes, he was amazed at what he saw. The girl had noting but her bikini on and was swimming in the lake. The best part was she is……….

¤ ~TBC~ ¤

A/N ~ Okay. I'll stop here. You could probably guessed who the girl is… *smile* Well whatcha think of my story. Good? Bad? *frowned*(hope not) Please review this story to let me know if I should continue it or not. Arigatougouzaimasu (Thank-you very much) Sorry for any misspelling in this story…
