Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ You Ask The Z Gang Answers ❯ Chapter 8

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

SayinAngelPrincess: Hah they thought they could get rid of me. Well they may have the power to remove my story but they will NEVER get rid of the great SayinAngelPrincess! Hahahahahaha!

Mirai Trunks: Um are you feeling okay?

SayinAngelPrincess: I feel fine I'm just on a sugar rush at the moment cause I had a frappacino and a donut today.

Mirai Trunks: Oh boy *turns to audience* don't worry if she makes no sense she's just on a sugar rush so she may just act a little strange

SayinAngelPrincess: *Laughs for no reason*

Mirai Trunks: See what I mean? Well since she's not really with it yet I'll read the first letter, which comes from GuseBat


1. (For Shin) I had my head examined and the results are negative ;-;

2. (For Kaiobit) aRe YoU sCaReD yEt?

3. (For Vegeta) Ever tempted to shove something in Goku's pie hole?

4. (For Goku) Gootchy, gootchy gai yai, yai?

5. (For Kid Buu) Can you please eat this one guy at my school?

That's it for now! Boo yah!

Shin: I guess that could be a good sign

Kaiobit: Yes

Vegeta: When would I get the chance every time you turn around there he is stuffing his face.

Goku: Hey I'm a Saiyan I can't help it if I have a huge appetite. *Turns to GuseBat* Um is that a food?

SayinAngelPrincess: *Smacks her forehead* Goku, Goku, Goku you are so naïve *turns to Chichi* I think you need to have a talk with him

Kid Buu: Chocolate? Turn boy to chocolate? K!

SayinAngelPrincess: Ok the next letter comes from Pyrovegeta, but before I read it I just have to say that I love your stories.

Ok I have some Q's


Remember when you told Goku that Yamcha found someone else? Well, you lied because the only happy couple I see standing here is Bulma and Vegeta… and all these other people *waves them off because they're not all that important, right now that is*


Vegeta stole Bulma from you and Bulma stole Vegeta from me… so… want to date me? I think we're meant for each other don't you?

Chibi Trunks

Did you know one time when you and Goten were asleep at the look out he grabbed your foot and started licking it and you were giggling about it? Ever since then… well, I don't think you want to know what I think *runs away screaming so she doesn't get blown up*

Mirai Trunks: Hey I said he found someone else I never said they would stay together

Yamcha: Um sure why not. How does Saturday at six sound?

Chibi Trunks: *Scrunches face up* Eww that's gross *turns to Goten* how could you do that?

Chibi Goten: I'm sorry I was dreaming of food

Bulma: Ok the next letter comes from Cutipie 55 and she writes

LOL! I LOVE THIS STORY! It's so funny and original! Well I don't have any questions sorry guys!

SayinAngelPrincess: I'm glad you enjoy it *turns to group* ok who wants to read the next letter?

Tien: I'll do it *picks up letter* wow this sure is a long one. It comes from Ruler of all evil ()

Muahahahahahaha it's the end for all *coughs* oops sorry well lets get down to it.

Vegeta: What were you thinking when Recoom was kicking your ass?

Recoom: What did it feel like to beat Vegeta's ass?

Zarbon-Frieza-King Cold: How can you be gay and fight well too?

Frieza: Why didn't you just make your second from your full power one you looked much UN gayer in that form.

Cell: Why are you acting so gay now go back to your EVIL! *Laughs out loud and says sorry* side you were indestructible

(Small) Kid Buu: You mush be kidding your afraid of a frying pan you're the second strongest out of the whole series. I mean you even did what was impossible you shut Chichi up by eating her and you were the first villain in the whole thing to ever succeed in destroying the earth and were once the strongest being in the universe until Goku lost his power and got it back from the dragon that was stronger than you so I have one thing to say EAT THEM ALL! *Laughs then hurries to stop* and who cares if you get hit with a frying pan you can regenerate mwahahahahahah!

To all the villains: When Bull is killing everyone join with him to jump Shin and Kibito for their earrings then all of you keep fusing until you are all in one body then it's bad guys pay back time but leave Goten, Bra, Vegeta, and Goku out of this the end is here hahahahahah!

*Sorry if I talk too much* hahahahahahahah!

*Message cut off*

SayinAngelPrincess: You're right that was long wow

Vegeta: How can someone so pathetic be so strong?

Recoom: It felt really good

Zarbon: It's a gift

Frieza and King Cold: We're NOT gay!

Frieza: I don't know why not ask my creator

Cell: What are you talking about I do not act gay

Kid Buu: Hahahaha! You right *runs around and starts to raise havoc*

SayinAngelPrincess: Great now I have a really big mess to clean up. Why me? *Turns to Ruler of all evil* you know it's your fault he's doing this I should have you come here and clean the mess up

Villains: What's the point in doing that Buu would have already killed everyone so what would we do?

SayinAngelPrincess: All rightey then the next letter comes from Moon Blossom 2

Hey all, sup

1) Hey Crispy get used to your new name it fits you


P.S. SayinAngelPrincess, can I use this idea for another anime I like?? I was just going to do it but I figured I'd ask first

Cell: *Growls*

SayinAngelPrincess: Hey Chichi, I think you should start charging people for frying pans I bet ya you'd make a lot

Chichi: You know you're right. This is the last one I'm giving, the next person who wants one is going to have to pay.

SayinAngelPrincess: Sure I have no problem with you using my idea I'm just glad you asked. Time for the next letter and this one comes from Mirai Trunks Love. Hey is there something I should know about huh M. T. *shoots Mirai Trunks an accusing glare*

Mirai Trunks: *Holds hands up in defense* No, honest, you have nothing to worry about.

Chibi Trunks: *Whispers to Chibi Goten* looks like someone might be sleeping in the doghouse tonight.

I have questions for Mirai Trunks…

1. Why don't you have a girlfriend?

2. When is your birthday?

3. Are the rumors true about you and Goku?

Mirai Trunks: Yes I do have a girlfriend

SayinAngelPrincess: yeah me *possessively hangs on to Mirai Trunks

Mirai Trunks: o_o+ Um yeah. My birthday is March 15 and no the rumors are not true

SayinAngelPrincess: How many times do I have to tell you people Mirai is MINE! *Calms down* Anyway the last letter comes from Ari-veggies chick

I have a question for all the fighters: why don't you guys just send the girls with their frying pans… they could take out all of those losers like Frieza and Cell and for Bulma: How are you lucky enough to be the smartest and richest person in the world and have the hottest guys in the universe? And just to let you know you are my mentor!



Krillen: *speaks for all fighters* we could but you see we fight the villains as an excuse just to get out of the house

Bulma: I'm really flattered you think that highly of me and I really don't know how I became so lucky but I'm glad I did

Vegeta: Crazy onna

SayinAngelPrincess: Well that's it for now hope to see you all again

All: Adios