Dragon Knights Fan Fiction ❯ Dragon Knights: The Dark Dragon Sword ❯ Riddling ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Dragon Knights: The Dark Dragon Sword, Part Three

By Master_Of_Red_Eyes

OK, next chappie… These riddles (Or most of them) were taken from either `The Hobbit' by J.R.R. Tolkien, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, or Dr. Ernest Drake's Guide to Dragonology.

Let the tale commence!!

Magician_Valkyrie- Yes I did love your picture and I'm glad I made your day! It was very well drawn, plus it's the first time I've seen that picture. Dragons rule!

Part three- Riddling

"So, you know how the Riddle Game works, I suppose?" Minora queried. Darkness nodded. It was one of the few things he remembered. "So…Challenger goes first" he said, sitting down and staring at his adversary. Minora cleared her throat.

"In marble walls as white as milk

Lined with skin as soft as silk,

In a fountain crystal clear,

A golden apple does appear.

No doors are there to this stronghold,

Yet thieves break in and steal the gold."

Darkness laughed. "All too easy! An EGG!!" Minora was shocked, not many had gotten that riddle at first. They all tended to over think it and mess up. "Ah well, your turn."

Darkness began;

"Black are we, and much admired,

Men seek for us if they're tired,

We tire the horse but comfort man,

Tell me this riddle if you can."

Minora really had no clue on this one… Until she looked at Darkness's color, that is. Goodness, he's blacker than coal… Wait, that's it! Coal! "Coal." Was all she said.

Minora started again;

"What goes on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?"

Darkness sneered. "The Riddle of the Sphinx. All too easy! Man!" He hissed. "Man! Crawls when child, walks upright when adult, and uses a cane when old in age. If that is all you have, you're dead."

"Only one color, but not one size,

Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies,

Present in sun, but not in rain,

Doing no harm, feeling no pain."

It was lucky for Minora that she had heard this riddle before, from her brother… "A shadow."

"As I was going to St.Ives,

I met a man with seven wives,

Each wife had seven sacks,

Each sack had seven cats,

Each cat had seven kits,

Kits, cats, sacks, wives,

How many were going to St.Ives?"

Darkness had trouble with this one. "Seven….Cats…Wives…." Then his eyes snapped. "ONE!"

Minora was crestfallen, she was sure she had beaten the Dragon that time. But she still took a shot at Darkness's next riddle.

"A hill-full, a hole-full,

You cannot catch a bowl-full"

"What can you not catch in a bowl? Ummm… Air? No, wait, that's not my answer! Errrrr… Wind, Uhhh… Mist?" Darkness growled angrily. "You are too clever for your own good. Take your riddle and go already…"

So she did;

"What force and strength cannot get through,

I with a gentle touch can do.

And many in the street would stand,

Were I not a friend at hand."

Darkness scowled, she was better at this game than he had guessed. This was an old riddle, and few had guessed right on the first try. He knew the answer, but it was something that had been wiped clean out of his memories. "Errrrr… a key?" From the look on Minora's face, he knew he was right. So now it was his turn.

"What has roots that nobody sees,

Is taller than trees,

Up, up it goes,

And yet never grows?"

At this Minora laughed. "That's easy! A mountain, I suppose." [A/N: Quoting Bilbo of `The Hobbit', now, isn't she?]

Her next riddle was this:

"Voiceless it cries,

Wingless it flutters,

Toothless bites,

Mouthless mutters"

Darkness snorted, this one was easy. "Wind! Now for something more challenging…"

"It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,

Cannot be heard, cannot be felt,

It lies behind stars and under hills,

And empty holes it fills.

It comes first, follows after,

Ends life kills laughter."

Minora suspected that whatever the answer to this riddle was, it was right in front of her face. Little did she know how right she was. Then she just took a guess.

"…Darkness?" From the Dragon who bore that name's downcast expression, she knew she was right. "Alright" she said. "My turn"

"Alive without breath,

As cold as death,

Never thirsty, ever drinking,

Always in mail, never clinking"

Darkness snarled, he was tired of hearing this one. It bored him; especially since he had never had had a taste for-


Minora cursed, that was one of her best riddles. Darkness prepared his assault.

"This thing all things devours,

Birds, beasts, trees, flowers,

Gnaws iron, bites steel,

Grinds hard stones to meal,

Slays kings, ruins towns,

And beats high mountains down"

Minora was lost here. Devours everything? Umm… a really big lion? No, that wouldn't be it… Darkness looked as though he was getting bored. "Give me some more time, will you?" Then it hit her.


Darkness cursed as she started again.

"First think of a person who lives in disguise,

Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies,

Next, tell me what's always the last thing to mend,

The middle of middle and the end of end?

And finally give me the sound often heard

During the search for a hard-to-find word.

Now string them together, and answer me this,

Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?"

Darkness was stumped. Ok, person who lives in disguise… Fake king? [4] No… Spy? Maybe. Last thing to mend the middle of middle and the end of end… That would be`d'… And…The search for a hard to find word… Ummm… Errrrr…. That's it! `Errrrr!'


That was it- Minora's last riddle. Without it… She gulped. Please let Darkness's next riddle be easy… Suddenly a noise could be heard from the underbrush, along with voices.

"Rath! There aren't any Demons here! Chill!" a voice (not dissimilar to that of YGO!'s Joey Wheeler. [5]) yelled, and more crashing was heard. Darkness shot a glance at Minora. Bringing friends to help you, are we?

Two more voices, one soft and with a hint of a British (OK so they might not have British in wherever Dragon Knights takes place, so sue me! Lawyers: OK!! Me: Kidding!) Accent. "RATH! SLOW DOWN!!!" And the last voice, one that sounded strikingly familiar…

"THERE ARE TOO DEMONS HERE I SENSE THEM!!!!!!!" And with that, the bushes parted, revealing a tall, black-haired being- Race could not be identified at the moment, as there wasn't enough light- Holding up a long sword with a red gem set in the handle. "SEE? YOKAI, RIGHT THERE!!!!" He pointed the sword at Minora's chest. She didn't panic, however, until she saw Darkness disappearing. "Darkness! You're disappearing!" Indeed, most of the black Dragon was gone, save his eyes, gleaming like two red-hot coals. "I'm not leaving, I'm still trapped inside that accursed sword, you fool". And with that the two red eyes were gone too, leaving only the remains of the Yokai-hunter and a black sword to justify his reality. Minora shrugged, thinking it may be normal for a Dragon to disappear when others were present. The being in front of her still had his sword, and Minora took note that it looked like hers, only with an orange-red tint, like fire. She also noted his companions, who were clearly an Elf and a Human, carried similar swords. The Elf's was blue-green, the color always rippling like water does when you throw a stone in it, and the Human's was green-brown, much like that earth beneath their feet. Suddenly, something clicked. `These must be the legendary Dragon Knights' she thought, gasping. Their fame and proweress (Is that a word? It sounds like one) had spread far through out the land, the travelers passing on their tales of bravery and nobility to others as they passed through wayside inns. Indeed, the Elf must be Rune, the Knight of Water, that Human must be Thatz, guardian of the Earth, and the one with the drawn sword- He must be Rath, keeper of Flame. Then a thought crossed her mind. If they have swords holding the spirit of a Dragon- Like me- And they are Dragon Knights…

Does that make me one of them?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~

[4]: A `fake king' was used to confuse assassins. Who was the REAL king, and who was the duplicate?

[5]: If you watch Yu-Gi-Oh! You will know of whom I speak. I always pictured Thatz sounding like Joey and Rune sounding like Ryou. Rath… Has no voice yet.

I hoped you guys liked it, whoever all of you people reading this are!! Seee yaaaa!!